The brutal honest truth about Transgender MTF dating. I could have predicted this ...anyone could have. The trans cult will never tell kids about the downsides. by Cacator in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 78 insightful - 1 fun78 insightful - 0 fun79 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Here he is discussing his experience "stealth dating." The delusion, entitlement, hostility to "cisgender women" & men, sense of victimization, resentment & superficiality in this shallow person are strong.

On his stealth date, he was "feminine & flirty," "fun" & "romantic" - and he gave his straight male date "the full experience of me as a woman, an emotional sensitive woman who is in touch with her feelings" and "super feminine" and "touchy feely"... Yet for all that, the straight guy still ended up rejecting him once he found out that this "emotional sensitive" & "feminine & flirty" so-called woman is a male with male genitals.

Like all TIMs who ID as trans during or after puberty, the principal reason gay chaps like this bloke transition is always sexual: they think pretending to be a woman will enable them to bed straight men, and this will lead to their own sexual fulfillment. But whilst they are driven by their own sexual needs, they are so narcissistic that they have no fucking clue about how human sexuality actually works for the vast majority of our species! When their relationships don't work out as they fantasize & wish, the fault is never with the unrealistic nature of their fantasies & wishes - it's always the other guy & his "hangups" that are at fault.

After being rejected by the straight guy, this bloke asks in his video "what is the problem here?" But not even for a fleeting nanosecond does it occur to him that the problem might be him; his phoniness; his lack of understanding of straight male sexuality; his incredibly offensive, sexist, superficial view of what being a woman means (long hair, tons of makeup, lip injections, acting feminine & looking hot & sexy in a "girly" way); and his equally sexist & utterly daft, dead-wrong belief that a plastic Barbie doll woman-facsimile who spends most of his day in front of a mirror slathering on makeup with a trowel & practicing pouty-lipped "come hither" looks is what most heterosexual men dream of falling in love with and bringing home to their mothers one day.

Instead, he immediately waves his hands with his long fake acrylic nails in the air & says, "I can't figure it out. It's not for me to figure out. It's an issue he's got." And that's the entire extent of his in-depth analysis: I'm not the one with the problem here, all the problems belong the other guy. In the minds of most trans people, this is how it always goes: all their problems are the fault of others - "terves," "cis girls," transphobes, straight men. In their own eyes, most trans believe they can never do any wrong - and unlike the rest of us, trans people are never, ever prone to faulty thinking.

But the fact that TIMs like this fail to see is: most people are looking for partners, not performers, and most of us want to have authentic relationships with real people not waste with time people who spend every minute of every day playing dress up & pretending to be what they are not. If most people did want all this pretending & costuming, then Halloween would be every other day & the new fads of "cosplay" & LARPing wouldn't be so new & confined to narrow segments of the population - they would've been the norm for centuries & everybody would be doing them all the time.

Anybody else encountered TRAs and their allies claiming no one sees anyone naked in a locker room? by NDG in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 61 insightful - 24 fun61 insightful - 23 fun62 insightful - 24 fun -  (0 children)

My guess is a large number of TRAs have never been involved in any athletic or recreational activity that would involve using a locker room. The only "sport" many seem to do is video gaming. And Olympics-level porn watching, anime consumption and wanking.

Or is LARPing now considered a sport?

The professionals that recognize the reality of autogynephilia are getting one thing very wrong by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 62 insightful - 1 fun62 insightful - 0 fun63 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for making this point, OP.

Many men with AGP also have wives and children, and their AGP is directly, actively and massively harmful to their spouses and kids as well. As the trans widows threads on mumsnet and the sites like the new show.

AGP men get off on invading their adolescent daughters' privacy and boundaries to "borrow" and wear the girls' underwear cuz doing so makes their daddy dicks hard. Jenner brags about having done this to his two youngest daughters when they were pubescent. One of his stepdaughters - I think it was Khloe - caught him and was sworn to secrecy; if she told anyone, it would destroy her mother and ruin her mother's marriage to Bruce, he warned - making the whole issue not about his creepy transgressions but about her being a dutiful daughter.

AGP men often destroy and bankrupt their entire families as they devote more and more of their energy, time and the family's money to trying to live out their sick sexual fantasies. Many of them are envious and covetous of the female people in their lives to the point of scary rage, including their small pre-pubescent daughters.

Then there's the ones who insist on trying to "breastfeed" their newborn babies cuz it gets them off - showing no concern whatsoever for the nutritional, immunological, psychological needs of infants. These are very disturbed men who do a great deal of damage.

I’m confused by these stories of post-op TIMs going to gynecologists??? by catawampus in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 59 insightful - 4 fun59 insightful - 3 fun60 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

My impression is that TIMs almost always seek out female gynecologists, and that their demands that these women provide them with medical care for their genital wounds & general wellbeing is an especially twisted form of extremely aggressive sexual harassment.

Creepy male cousin steeling teen's menstrual pads - but get those pronouns right before you dare raise it by Chunkeeguy in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 53 insightful - 2 fun53 insightful - 1 fun54 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Adolescent boy is continually going into his female cousin's underwear drawer to steal her pads. And he's in the habit of using a new pad every two hours. TO JERK OFF WITH AND IN!

This is classic autogynephilia. It's how it always starts. Boy in puberty violates personal boundaries of female relatives or household members by sneakily invading their privacy & stealing their underwear or other intimate items in order to use them as masturbatory aids.

These boys do this not coz they're "gender confused" or "exploring their feminine side" or were "born in the wrong body" or "might be trans." They do it coz rubbing their dicks & balls on "girly" items - particularly ones that belong to girls/women close to them that the boys know possess real vulvas, vaginas & breasts - gives them a massive hard-on. And coz when they finally cum, it provides them with an extra special, super-duper, gigantic, explosive erotic charge that these guys call "gender euphoria."

The whole "transgender" story line is just a cover for this classic AGP behavior. This boy isn't some new breed of girl, nor will he grow up to be any kind of woman. He's a con man whose whole focus is on his dick & getting off, as is the case with all these guys.

Living with trans ideology by themiserychick in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 51 insightful - 1 fun51 insightful - 0 fun52 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So sorry to hear what you're going through, OP. I'm supplying some links of places you can find support, and some articles and threads on Mumsnet by other women in your position. Though it's located in the UK, women from all over post on Mumsnet - and there are lots of "trans widows" there.

Hearing the stories of other "trans widows" will show you that it's very common for men to decide to "come out" as trans when their wives/partners are pregnant (or their teen daughters are in the full flower of adolescence like Jenner did), that they all lie and sneak around behind their partner's backs, and that these men are not "wanting to experiment with gender roles" - they're wanting to devote their entire lives to pursuit of their own fetishistic sexual fantasies about becoming "feminized" and "sissified" and "forced into bimboification" coz they find it to be incredibly sexually arousing, it really gets them off and they are addicted to their own onanistic sexual pleasure, which they call "gender euphoria."

Why is it that they all want to look cute, have long hair, wear makeup, and sexy feminine clothing? Their "goals" are anime girls, pinups, and models.

Why did he suddenly decide at 37 that he wanted to be a woman? I wonder if he would have made that realisation if he wasn't depressed and on Reddit looking at fetish subs. The subs like transtimelines, manmadepussy, and postoptrans make it seem like fantasy becoming reality.

Cozi it's a sick, selfish, self-centered male sexual obsession that is both a fetish and an expression of narcissism called autgynephilia or AGP.

Some links to learn a bit more about AGP:

A number of trans widows have told their stories on videotape. Here's a TED talk from 2017 by Shannon Trace, whose husband and partner of more than 15 years decided he was "trans" at age 40, in which she debunks a lot of the pro-trans ideology and tells hard truths:

I'll post links other links later if I can find them.

Best of luck. You are NOT alone.

Caster Semenya losses appeal against the restriction of testosterone levels in female runners by greenish in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 50 insightful - 1 fun50 insightful - 0 fun51 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It galls and ENRAGES me that all the press is reporting this story as though the issue at hand is "testosterone levels in female runners."

The issue at hand is testosterone levels in male runners (and other athletes) who ID as female because they have DSDs that caused them to be born with malformed external male genitals, and who have used their atypical-looking male genitals an an excuse to compete in female sports.

The whole Semenya saga is a long con and a total insult to female humans. Girls and women are not simply men with missing or malformed dicks!

Ellen Page is claiming to be transgender. What is going on?! by socialistrobot in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 46 insightful - 8 fun46 insightful - 7 fun47 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

You're whole career is based on your pretty look and cute face!

Also, so many people (particularly those of us who don't watch movies like "X-Men" or TV series like all the ones she's been in) know Page principally or exclusively for playing a pregnant teenager in "Juno." Everyone back when "Juno" came out thought the pregnant teen was a girl, and Page was a young woman. Now are we supposed to believe it was a man or someone without a sex who played that role, and the girl was the first pregnant transman? Amazing what a huge leap human evolution has made in just a few short years. /s

This pathetic jockeying for the limelight has gotten to the point that celebrities should start getting annual awards for the most attention-seeking ways of making use of gender identity idiocy. Sams Smiths would win the 2020 "AMAB" at birth prize, and Page would be a contender for the "AFAB" award. Just imagine the get-ups and all the posturing and preening on the red carpet. And the droning, ponderous, self-important speeches - they'd be priceless (in a hilarious way).

Giggle app moves to become female only after feedback. If TiMs are reported they will be removed. by jet199 in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 49 insightful - 2 fun49 insightful - 1 fun50 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for this. Also, when Sall came back to GC, she still took the position that she was far superior to the rest of us cuz, she explained, she doesn't hate anyone and just wants to be fair and kind and not see anyone mistreated. Implying that we're all a bunch of unkind, unfair haters who want to mistreat trans people.

Re the name "Giggle" and calling women "girls," she told me she wanted it to be a site that's all about being fun, flirty and feminine.

It honestly depresses me that more and more women are opting out of being women. by questioningtw in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 48 insightful - 3 fun48 insightful - 2 fun49 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

The reality is, they only think they are opting out of being women. Time and age will show them they can't escape their biology.

Anyone else notice a highly irregular amount of anime in trans communities? by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 49 insightful - 1 fun49 insightful - 0 fun50 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, others have noticed.

An article about the links between anime and trans, especially amongst young males, was published on Medium in 2017. In November 2018 sexologist and expert on male transsexualism Ray Blanchard brought attention to it on Twitter.

The TRA Twitter mob and woke media slammed the idea of a trans-anime connection, and decried Blanchard as a transphobe for bringing attention to it. This to my mind gives the connection between anime and trans even more credence, as it seems the young male TRAs doth protest too much:

Of course, Medium removed the article, and banned the author. But it can be found here:

And here:

Thread on r/asktransgender titled "What is it with trans people and anime?" from 2016:

4th wave now thread about anime and trans teen craze from 2017:

Women's Voices Twitter thread from 2019 about anime, AGP and trans craze:

So it appears there are people on twitter who think biology is a white colonial notion imposed upon the rest of the world to make us believe in the "European" notion of male and female. We were all stupid and ignorant before whitey came along. A thread. by Susiesmum in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 48 insightful - 3 fun48 insightful - 2 fun49 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

The racism and myopia of those who make this claim never ceases to amaze me. They are saying that over the course of tens of thousands of years of human evolution and development, none of the myriad diverse peoples on planet earth ever once noticed a difference between male and female in any plant or animal species - and none of them had the slightest clue about how reproduction works.

Also, don't the people who make these racist, Eurocentric claims realize that all of the world's religions - both the traditional indigenous ones that have been wiped out over time, as well as the ones that remain extant and dominant today - center biology and reproduction, and emphasize the differences between males and females? The creation myths of pretty much every culture known to have ever existed highlight the importance of sex and sex differences.

Do these numpties who bang on today about "European colonialists" introducing the notion of sex to the rest of the world really think that Hinduism, Jainism, Shintoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc all somehow originated in Europe? Do they not realize that these religions - and the beliefs of tons of other ancient civilizations - all predated the era of European colonization by many centuries - in most cases, by thousands of years?

Transphobes baffled, enraged by Elliot Page’s coming out as trans by questioningtw in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 42 insightful - 14 fun42 insightful - 13 fun43 insightful - 14 fun -  (0 children)

People in the comments are saying that GC feminists object to El Page's announcement coz we can't stand anyone who doesn't conform to rigid sex stereotypes, that our main goal is "gender conformity." Oof.

My last straw for being a progressive trans-supportive gay man by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 48 insightful - 1 fun48 insightful - 0 fun49 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The sexologists who've studied TIMs and TIFs closely say that whilst some report of a change in sexual orientation after "transition," these are merely reports and don't necessarily correspond with reality.

What's more, these reports of a change in sexual orientation are much more common amongst straight men and straight women who get on the trans train than amongst gay men who do so.

Finally, the research has not shown that these reported changes are caused by taking cross-sex hormones, androgen blockers, getting surgeries or any other trans-related treatment or events (like changing documents, going public with the new gender identity, changing type of clothing worn, etc).

We investigated changes in self-reported sexual orientation and the relation to important life events in a large cohort of transsexual persons in Germany by means of qualitative and quantitative data. We could show that self-reported changes in sexual orientation are frequent in transsexual persons especially in originally gynephilic (straight) MtF as well as androphilic (straight) FtM. It was hypothesized before that change of sexual orientation might be influenced by hormonal therapy or SRS.

But these researchers found that

reported changes of sexual orientation are not particularly associated with any transition event. Thus our data challenge the view that either hormonal therapy or SRS or any other event has a direct influence on self-reported sexual orientation.

Ray Blanchard calls the reported change in sexual orientation that some TIMs claim to experience "pseudobisexuality."

The Oxford dictionary definition of "pseudo" is: "(adjective) not genuine; spurious or sham."

The Oxford Thesaurus says the synonyms for "pseudo" are "bogus, sham, phony, imitation, artificial, mock, ersatz, quasi-, fake, feigned, pretended, false, faux, spurious, counterfeit, fraudulent, deceptive, misleading, assumed, contrived, affected, insincere; informal pretend, put-on, fakey; and British informal cod."

TL;DR version: people who base their entire identity on denying reality, pretending to be what they are not and bullshitting aren't the most trustworthy group, so their every utterance shouldn't be taken as the gospel truth. And guys of the lady dick variety are especially likely to tell cock and bull stories - IRL and on anonymous social media like reddit.

Teaching women to be afraid hurts women by squintypreyeyes in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 47 insightful - 3 fun47 insightful - 2 fun48 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Wow. You seem to have absolutely no idea whatsoever of the sky high rates of sexual violence and other forms of predation and abuse - ranging from verbal abuse to theft to assault and battery, rape and voyeurism (with or without the use of hidden spy cams) - that women with disabilities and serious health problems routinely experience.

Women who live alone and have health problems that confine us to our homes a good deal of time, or render us entirely homebound, are extremely vulnerable to abuse from anyone we let into our homes, be it a home health aide, grocery delivery person, plumber or police officer.

Not all men are predators, but some are. The fact is, males are far, far more likely to be sexual predators, pervs and criminal-minded types who pose a real danger than women are. Statistically, women are unlikely to commit acts on strangers like home invasion, armed robbery, assault and battery, sexual assault, voyeurism, planting of spy cams, flashing of genitals, groping, publicly masturbating, etc. But there are tons of men who do this sort of stuff every day.

Predators are always on the hunt for easy pickings - and are well-known to choose certain lines of work, including work that entails going into people's private homes, because it gives them access to potential victims. Once predatory men realize that a woman with physical frailties and vulnerabilities lives alone, they are very likely to target her - not necessarily at the moment, but later on when they come back.

Women who are vulnerable due to disabilities, serious life-limiting health problems as well as the frailties that come with advanced age have very good reason and every right to be wary of the strangers we let into our homes. If a woman doesn't feel comfortable and safe within her own home, where do you suggest she go?

Ellen Page is claiming to be transgender. What is going on?! by socialistrobot in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 46 insightful - 3 fun46 insightful - 2 fun47 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

You're telling me that after 33 years you discovered you're a mAn iNSiDe?

It's interesting that you mentioned that Page is 33 - she'll be 34 in February. Wonder if her epiphany and new identity has anything to do with the widely-held belief in Hollywood that 35 is when a female actor is washed up and beyond her "sell-by date"?

From what I can see, the woke and especially people who are TRAs tend not just to be incredibly misogynistic, but they're extremely and blatantly ageist too - and the worst of their ageism is directed squarely and solely at women. This cult is all about "girls" and hates women beyond a certain age.

Even Meryl Streep went through a very rough period in middle-age when the roles dried up and she felt she had to glam and sex herself up to make herself more marketable. It was only when Streep started playing roles of older women that her career caught fire again.

I think I just peaked again. by guttersunflower in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 47 insightful - 1 fun47 insightful - 0 fun48 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This person doesn't seem to understand how pregnancies, particularly unwanted ones, occur. And he is clearly clueless about the complex series of tasks a woman's body must undertake, and succeed at, in order to get and stay pregnant. All these TRAs think the uterus is an easy-bake oven; they have no idea about all the complicated, myriad functions a woman's body has to perform to sustain a pregnancy from the get-go.

Even if it ever were to become possible for TIMs to get uterus transplants, a TIM still could not pregnant by natural means. He could try to have an IVF embryo from a donor egg implanted into the borrowed uterus - though that probably wouldn't be possible through a surgically-created fauxgina since those are by definition dead-ended.

Also, since a TIM wouldn't have female DNA or biochemistry, there's no way the IVF embryo would successfully be implanted into the uterine lining. And since a male body doesn't have the genetic code to instruct it to begin producing the cells and hormones that will cause a woman to begin growing a placenta, an embryo implanted in the endometrium of a uterus put in a male body would not receive adequate blood supply, nutrients, antibodies etc to remain viable.

In other words, a uterus placed in the body of a man wouldn't be able to sustain embryonic life long enough for an abortion to be required. The embryo would die on its own.

''Women's genitals come in all shapes, sizes and colours'' by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 40 insightful - 15 fun40 insightful - 14 fun41 insightful - 15 fun -  (0 children)

"All shapes, sizes and colours" - really? I think they mean "come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours" LOL.

Seems to me women's vulvas are usually shaped sorta like a rhombus, not like a cube, sphere, giraffe, coffee-maker or firehose. And none is the size of Texas, the Indian subcontinent, Russia, or a refrigerator, skyscraper, 18-wheel truck or even my left leg. Similarly, I've never heard of any women whose genitals are lime green, bright yellow, lavender or sky blue...

Laura Jane Grace: "JK Rowling has no grounds to speak on the transgender experience because she knows nothing about it" | NME by alttrawl in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 43 insightful - 8 fun43 insightful - 7 fun44 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

"Laura Jane Grace has no grounds to speak on females' experience or being a woman because he knows nothing about it"

Fixed it for ya, NME!

You're welcome.

Ellen Page is claiming to be transgender. What is going on?! by socialistrobot in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 45 insightful - 1 fun45 insightful - 0 fun46 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Back in the day you had to actually live as a mazn or a woman for like 6 months

But how does one "live as a man or a woman"? When people explain what that means, it's always just superficial things like clothing, hairstyles, grooming, voice, silly stereotypes - and of course trans persons' unwarranted belief that coz they dress or alter their body in certain ways, they are entitled to ride roughshod over other people's sex-based boundaries and rights, and "deserve" to use the toilets, changing rooms and other facilities and services and programs meant for the opposite sex.

I'm a retirement-age woman whose attire, grooming and affect are like most women past middle-age - which is to say, we are absolutely nothing at all like Blaire White, Contrapoints, Gigi Gorgeous or Ru Paul when in full drag in our appearance or affect. But by the regressively sexist standards of trans ideology, those males count more as women than we do - even though we're the the only ones who because of our female sex and our female bodies in a male-supremacist, misogynistic world have spent our entire lives dealing with a ton of issues and barriers that males - no matter how they "present" and how "girly" they think they look and act - have never faced, and never will face.

The whole ideology is sexist tosh based on cosplay, stereotypes, superficiality, fantasy and denial of material reality.

Elliot Page Says 'I Knew I Was a Boy When I Was a Toddler': 'Absolutely, 100%' by Femaleisnthateful in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 38 insightful - 14 fun38 insightful - 13 fun39 insightful - 14 fun -  (0 children)

"I knew I was a boy when I was a toddler. I was writing fake love letters and signing them 'Jason.' Every little aspect of my life, that is who I was, who I am, and who I knew myself to be."

Oxford dictionary defines a toddler as

a young child who is just beginning to walk.

All these trans children were so advanced way beyond their years! Instead of babbling nonsense like most toddlers do, Jazz Jennings as a bairn supposedly spoke in full, grammatically-correct sentences and asked when the good fairy was coming to turn his penis into a vagina. And now El Page tops Jazz by saying that when she was just learning to stand upright and toddle around, she not only could read and write already - she could write love letters!

Ellen Page is claiming to be transgender. What is going on?! by socialistrobot in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 43 insightful - 4 fun43 insightful - 3 fun44 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

She came out at an event hosted by the Human Rights Campaign

The Scrotum Rights Campaign is increasingly coming across like the gender ideology equivalent of the Church of Scientology. Perhaps it should be called the Church of Genderology.

We've reached peak crazy. by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 41 insightful - 8 fun41 insightful - 7 fun42 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

The look of one's body does not imbibe it with identity

Imbibe? Imbibe means to drink. Does he mean imbue or endow? What a moron.

Having a vagina that appears and functions more similar to a strap-on sex toy is not a valid and substantiated reasoning for being body shamed.

I'll skip over the author's further misuse of words and just go to my basic reaction: WTF? Yeah, there are strap-on dicks and fake vulvas because dicks and vulvas are both external organs... but what the hell is a strap-on vagina?

How does one strap on an internal organ? Clearly this idiot is clueless about the defining properties and core functions of a vagina.

As to the rest: no one is "shaming" or "discriminating against" men for not having vaginas. Women and men with a grasp of reality are simply saying that males who have fantasies, fetishes and wishes about having female bodies do not actually have or acquire female bodies no matter how much mental gymnastics they do.

My last straw for being a progressive trans-supportive gay man by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 43 insightful - 1 fun43 insightful - 0 fun44 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Here's Susie Green, CEO of the UK charity Mermaids talking about knowing that her son Jack was probably gay before he was two, and how this was unacceptable to her homophobic husband.

Susie's actions show she is a major homophobe herself. She socially transitioned Jack into Jackie as a little kid, took him to the US to get put on puberty blockers when he was 12, then flew him to Thailand when he was 15 so he could get his balls cut off and his penis reconfigured on his 16th birthday. She later went on to become head of Mermaids, which promotes medical transition for kids likely to be gay, despite the fact that the means used - puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries - will cause these children to be sterile; to have diminished libido and sexual function, or none at all; to be at risk for a number of serious health problems like brittle bones, blood clots, heart attacks, stroke and diabetes; and to suffer a drop in IQ of 8-9 points.

J.K. Rowling's new book Troubled Blood has caused quite the controversy by socialistrobot in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 42 insightful - 2 fun42 insightful - 1 fun43 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Many male serial killers and other sex criminals have "paraphilias" aka deviant sexual interests that used to be called perversions. And the paraphilia they most commonly have is transvestism/transsexualism.

If this info were so offensive to TRAs, you'd think they would've been out picketing the long-running TV show "Criminal Minds" years ago. And that they also would've gone on the warpath about the recent Netflix series "Mindhunter."

But no, it's only JKRowling's new novel they object to. Now why on earth could that be?

“Gender Critical” might be the reason behind major DDOS attacks on Saidit. by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 41 insightful - 3 fun41 insightful - 2 fun42 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

The fella who made that attack threat (against the Bullring shopping center in the UK) is Ashton Challenor, who now goes by Aimee. Ashton/Aimee is a trans-identified furry and fetishist TRA who likes to post pics on social media of himself in diapers/nappies, both clean ones and ones he's crapped in.

Aimee was a big deal for while in the UK Green party, even running for elected office. For a while, the UK press and especially the BBC gave Ashton/Aimee a huge platform from which to prattle on about his being a woman and to advocate for ending the sex-based rights of actual girls and women in the UK. Though Ashton/Aimee is none too bright, not very articulate and does not have any educational credentials, he nonetheless got invited to speak at Oxford based solely on his status as a high priest of the sacred caste of trans.

But Aimee left the Green party under a cloud after Aimee was criticized for hiring his dad to be his election agent whilst the dad was awaiting trial for the kidnapping, rape and torture of a little girl (the dad was convicted and given a long sentence by UK standards).

After accusing the Greens of "transphobia," Ashton/Aimee moved on to the Lib Dems, but ended up leaving them on bad terms as well - again crying "transphobia."

Since Aimee's dad in his capacity as Aimee's election agent was able to attend public events where he had access to kids, the UK Green party had to hire an outside firm to investigate the party's handling of Aimee and the child safeguarding breaches Aimee and Aimee's dad caused. The report, which was quite damning, concluded that Aimee is fundamentally incapable of understanding even the most rudimentary aspects of safeguarding.

Aimee used to be heavily involved in Stonewall and Pride. As a Stonewall ambassador, Aimee would go into UK schools as a rep of the LGBTQ-WTF? to tell kids about his life as trans and as a supposed lesbian. Aimee was also involved in leading youth groups for a local LGBTQ-WTF? charity, and apparently tried to become involved in girl guiding.

Aimee is now married to an American man who writes pornography featuring pedophilia and seems to live part time in Michigan and part time in the UK. Aimee's married name is Aimee Knight.

Sonia Poulton did a video about Ashton/Aimee that's worth watching called "UK Politics: did a paedophile influence children's policies?"

Trans women drop-kicked and stamped on man, 19, outside Tube station by alttrawl in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 41 insightful - 1 fun41 insightful - 0 fun42 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think the headline here is that these furiously violent men all got off with hardly a slap on their wrists for a committing a brutal physical gang attack on a lone man who verbally insulted them. The judge suggested that the attack was essentially justified coz the victim made remarks that were transphobic and racist.

Donning a frock, wig, makeup and a trans identity really is the new "get out of jail free" card for violent male thugs.

Women are subjected to the most vile verbal abuse out in public all the time. Does this judge think we should be allowed to drop kick and kerb stomp all the men who harass and insult us?

"The vaginal cavity is plenty of necrosis... I regret having gone through SRS." • Neovagina Disasters by sosososhocking in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 41 insightful - 1 fun41 insightful - 0 fun42 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Actually, in the USA lots of pressure has been placed on gynecologists for many years now to provide care for both TIMs and TIFs, and to "educate themselves" about how how to do this.

I believe part of the reason for this is that most gynecologists nowadays are women - and women are seen as having a duty to take care of everyone, even those whose issues are clearly outside their practice area and training. Moreover, I believe that many TIMs insist on being seen by female gynecologists coz it's "validating" and arousing for them and gives them that extra special erotic thrill known as "gender euphoria," coz forcing female health providers who trained specifically to treat female patients exclusively to have to treat males - and deal with male genitals in an up close and personal way - is the ultimate male power and dominance play, and coz invading and marking off obstetrics-gynecology clinics and practices as territory that must accept and accommodate male patients is a major victory in the colonization project that is male transgenderism.

Significantly, no similar or correspending pressure is being placed on male urologists and proctologists to expand their areas of knowledge and their medical practices to be inclusive of and take care of the health care needs of TIMs and TIFs. [edit: I was trying to say that urologists and proctologists are not being pressured to "educate themselves" to provide additional medical services to TIMs and TIFs that are outside what they and other specialists in their fields normally do and were trained to do.]

From "Care of the transgender patient: the role of the gynecologist" in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, published January 1, 2014:

Male-to-female transsexuals sometimes prefer to see a gynecologist for their annual health care as this helps them to affirm their gender and also gives them the opportunity to share any gynecologic concerns such as recurrent neovaginal and urinary tract infections, problems with voiding, and pain with intercourse. Neovaginal prolapse as well as anatomic urinary tract dysfunction, while rare, does exist.Patients may initially seek the care of a gynecologist to address the problem and to determine the need for referral to a subspecialist. Additionally, some male to female patients prefer to have their annual breast examination with a gynecologist.

Transgender men sometimes seek gynecologic care as many of these patients do not fully transition with sex reassignment and do not have their pelvic organs removed and need routine screening such as Pap smears and bimanual pelvic examinations. In addition, some patients may receive their hormonal treatments and surveillance through reproductive endocrinology specialists who may prefer to refer patients to gynecologists in their practice for routine health management to facilitate good continuity of care.

For all the reasons above, gynecologists need to be familiar with the health care needs of these patients. Care should be rendered according to standard guidelines based on level-1 evidence for the general population, but then some alterations should be made with important considerations in mind including biological sex, surgical status, declared gender, and past or current use of hormonal therapy.

Additionally, gynecologists should be aware of the most commonly used hormonal therapies, which ones are given preoperatively and then postoperatively, and how they can be changed if there are metabolic concerns. Although trained endocrinologists usually make adjustments to regimens, providers caring for these patients should have general knowledge to help guide their management in other aspects of their care.

Gynecologists may play an important role in counseling (trans-identified male as well as female) patients about fertility or referring them to reproductive endocrinologists for care. The initial discussion may take place in the gynecologist's office. Feminizing and virilizing hormonal regimens have been shown to diminish fertility in patients. The significant challenge is that these discussions should take place prior to the initiation of hormonal therapy. If patients disclose that they are transgender during a routine office visit, they may require counseling regarding their transition options. During that initial discussion, options about fertility can also be addressed. Although there are no data on the rates of infertility among transsexual patients treated with hormones, data can be extrapolated from patients who have experienced damage to their gonads as a result of cancer treatments.

Male-to-female patients should be given (by gynecologists) the option of sperm preservation in sperm banks prior to initiating hormones. If patients have already initiated hormones, there are data that report eventual recuperation of sperm count after a hormone-free period and so, these patients can be given the option to stop hormonal therapy temporarily to bank their sperm.

There are also limited data on female-to-male preservation of fertility. These patients can consider oocyte or embryo cryopreservation prior to starting therapy, while those who have already initiated hormones have the option of interrupting their treatment to undergo ovarian stimulation with subsequent oocyte retrieval and freezing. Studies have shown that there has been some success in ovarian recovery after cessation of testosterone with subsequent successful pregnancies.

Lastly, gynecologists should be aware of the barriers that transpatients face with regards to accessing care as well as feeling comfortable once they have found a provider. Simple things can be done within the office setting to ensure that patients understand that they are in a safe space and that they will receive the same care as other patients. Most importantly, they should feel safe disclosing their gender identity as well as their sex preferences so that the provider may take care of them and identify all possible risk factors for disease. This can be accomplished with an open-minded approach to patient care, use of screening questions that do not discriminate against any individual or group, and demonstration of knowledge of the general principles of transgender health.

Note how the above is all about all the extra things that gynecologists must to do accommodate these patients because seeing a usually female gynecologist is what trans males and females prefer. Not coz it's what's medically best or even appropriate - it's coz it's what the trans patients prefer and want.

Note that there is no mention of the fact that the extra duties usually female gynecologists are now expected to take up to make trans males and females happy are not what they were trained for, are clearly outside their standard practice area, and probably would not be covered under their malpractice insurance policies.

Note as well that there is also no mention of how mostly female gynecologists feel about this, whether they have been consulted on this expansion of their duties, or whether female gynecologists should have the right to refuse to treat male patients and having to touch male genitals coz of the consent issues and coz that's clearly not what any gynecologist signed up to do. Many women go into gynecology to avoid having to deal with male patients, in fact. But now the thought leaders in their field are telling them tough shit, as a gynecologist it is your duty to treat a specific class of male patients who are very likely to be narcissistic sexual fetishists, misogynists and male supremacists with a host of mental health and anger problems. And who are likely to cry "bigot" and "hate" crime and to file human rights complaints and lawsuits if gynecologists or their staffs don't do what these male patients want, and if the gynecologists or their staffs perhaps commit a heinous offense like mentioning these patients' biological sex.

Is there anything we can do to build on J K Rowling going public? by spinningIntelligence in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 39 insightful - 3 fun39 insightful - 2 fun40 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Also, please take a moment to drop JKR a letter of appreciation and support at

JKR seems to have real people - not a computer program or other AI - reading and responding to her emails - and the people handling her incoming communications appear to be passing along the contents/sentiments to her in a very timely manner. I've gotten prompt and kind, gracious replies from persons at the above address who seem to "get it."

“Basic trans etiquette” sounds like a cult by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 34 insightful - 11 fun34 insightful - 10 fun35 insightful - 11 fun -  (0 children)

I think it's time to go back to when Prince changed his name to a bunch of symbols that were unfamiliar and unpronounceable, so everyone just referred to him as "the artist formerly known as Prince."

I'm going to start referring to all these attention-seekers similarly: "the actor formerly known as Ellen Page," "the Olympic athlete and father of many formerly known as Bruce Jenner," "the filmmakers formerly known as the Wachowski brothers," "the misogynist dickhead formerly known as Charles Clymer"... and so on.

Muhammed Ali and Yusuf Islam never had any problem with people referring to them as the boxer formerly known as Cassius Clay and the singer-songwriter formerly known as Cat Stevens. Why do today's narcissists get such special treatment? Why do they alone get to memory-hole their own pasts?

Saidit is hosted on a pro-transgender host. Ovarit is run by women, for women. I highly recommend it. Getting DDOSed, it could be a matter of time this place gets the boot too. by AshleyBackwoods in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 38 insightful - 3 fun38 insightful - 2 fun39 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I agree that we need to post on places that are open to the public. Also, I've no interest in places that are by invite only; seems like a clique.

Ellen Page is claiming to be transgender. What is going on?! by socialistrobot in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 36 insightful - 6 fun36 insightful - 5 fun37 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Also, the gender identity crowd think seem to think they are the first people who ever used different names to the ones given at birth. When people have been doing this for eons for various reasons. Archibald Leach became Cary Grant. Ralph Lifschitz became Ralph Lauren. The Bronte sisters published as Currer (Charlotte), Ellis (Emily) and Acton (Anne) Bell. And so on.

This is not new! What is new is thinking that by uttering the magic words "I am trans," a person's whole past is erased in a puff of woke and it's now a faux pas, indeed in some jurisdictions a criminal act, for anyone else to mention it and your previous name.

Charlotte Clymer: "This is the first time a presidential election victory speech has specifically mentioned the word "transgender" and made a commitment to us. Joe Biden has got our back." by purrvana in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 38 insightful - 1 fun38 insightful - 0 fun39 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think Biden might calm the trans issue.

Biden, his family, and their foundation have been big backers and major funders of the trans movement and gender ideology for years.

Biden and his foundation have put a great deal of effort into the campaign to lump together the LGB with the TQ-WTF? and to make all the other letters subordinate to the T and Q.

In 2018, Biden exploited popular interest in stopping bullying and being accepting to to launch a public service campaign that promoted trans lobby propaganda. The campaign was kicked off with a video claiming that "40% of trans and gender non-conforming adults" have attempted suicide - "most of them before age 25."

The Biden Foundation created a video series celebrating the transing of kids and teens. Since Biden became the Dem POTUS nominee, the foundation has been shut down and much of the content on it has been scrubbed, but some of the videos celebrating of transing of children and teens can be seen on FB:

When trump banned trans people from the military it became 'cool' and anti establishment to be trans

Trans was considered cool and anti-establishment many, many years before Trump announced the military exclusion in 2017. If you think transgenderism and queer theory are recent phenomena, you are mistaken.

Trump's election in 2016 was a response to a vast number of things that had long been going on in the US. One of the things, albeit not a major one, was the rise of transgenderism.

The Obama administration (of which Biden was a part) issued its infamous letter informing schools in the US that take federal funds that the adminstration had re-interpreted Title IX to mean that students must be allowed to participate in school sports and use facilities such as locker rooms, toilets, showers and dorms based on their "gender identify" rather than their biological sex in May of 2016. With this executive move, the Obama Biden admin put an end to female-only school athletics in the US, and took away the rights of female as well as male students to have any sex-segregated facilities like locker rooms and showers too.

At that point, Trump wasn't even the Republican nominee yet.

The controversy over TIM MMA fighter and former Marine Fallon Fox being allowed to beat the crap out of women took place in early 2013. Back then, the mainstream press still allowed people like like Joe Rogan and Rhonda Rousey to voice criticism of Fox, but the media were already laying the grounds to paint anyone critical of Fox as old-fashioned, intolerant and "anti-LGBT." What's more, the mainstream media were also printing preposterous statements like this without questioning either the extraordinary claims ("no natural physical advantages") or the untruthful language (referring to Fox as female):

According to Drs. Marci Bowers, MD and Sherman Leis—two transgender health experts interviewed by Bloody Elbow's Stephanie Daniels—Fox should biologically have no natural physical advantages over her fellow female opponents due to her years of gender reassignment and horomone [sic] therapy.

SOURCE WARNING (conservative): Antifa anarchist brags about his "female penis" on Reddit by WrongToy in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 38 insightful - 1 fun38 insightful - 0 fun39 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This story is about one of the Antifa members arrested in Portland. As the story says, many of the males being arrested are claiming a female gender identity - and thus their arrests and charges are being recorded in the crime stats as female. If they are convicted, these male crimes will be counted as female crimes in the official statistics. This will make it more difficult to rely on crime stats to justify why girls and women need female only spaces - which is one of the reasons these creepy men are doing this.

Suddenly it’s like their lesbianism never existed :( by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 37 insightful - 2 fun37 insightful - 1 fun38 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

And entirely like a miserable and depressed woman in her mid 30s.

"The vaginal cavity is plenty of necrosis... I regret having gone through SRS." • Neovagina Disasters by sosososhocking in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 37 insightful - 1 fun37 insightful - 0 fun38 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Worse, they are harming confused, vulnerable, mentally unwell people by promoting the idea that the pretty recently invented form of human unhappiness called "gender dysphoria" is a clear-cut, stand-alone condition entirely separate from the host of other mental health issues and other factors that "gender dysphoria" is usually an expression of and cover for. Slapping the label or "diagnosis" of "gender dysphoria" on people means they will not explore or get help with the real issues that are the source of their suffering, such as depression, sexual abuse, loss, trauma, anxiety, PTSD, internalized homophobia, neuroatypical conditions like autism and ADHD, rigid sex stereotypes, widespread misogyny in contemporary society, body dysmorphia, disassociation, and so on.

Also, the medical community is going along with trans ideologues' attempts to pathologize and prevent a normal, incredibly important part of human development that is uncomfortable for everyone to go through but still is necessary to go through all the same: puberty.

Can someone tell me if this is true that they are making real penises and vaginas using tissues? by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 36 insightful - 3 fun36 insightful - 2 fun37 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

This is a very male, penis-centric POV. Coz all the talk about these surgically-created fauxginas being "functional" only considers whether they are fuckable. And all the claims that these surgical creations "feel like" the real thing come from the POV of males who want a fauxgina, or want to stick their dicks in one.

But the human vagina is not merely a fuck hole. It's the birth canal by which women bring new human beings into the world; it's the organ that enables most conceptions of new life to occur; it's the outlet for menses; it's an organ that plays crucial roles in maintaining the health and wellbeing of the female reproductive tract.

The vagina is a muscular organ that can push real live babies into the world, and it has to expand many, many times its normal diameter to do this. This is a far cry from being merely a little bit stretchy to receive a penis or dilator like peritoneal skin used in fauxgina surgeries is said to be. The very fact that guys with fauxginas made of any material need to regularly dilate is proof that their surgically constructed pelvic sleeves are nothing like actual vaginas.

The vagina is lined with unique tissues/mucous membranes containing tens of millions of proton pumps that make it not only self-lubricating, but continually self-cleaning. The vagina has unique biochemistry and flora. Regardless of what tissues are used, surgically constructed fauxginas have none of these characteristics. On the contrary, they have been found to have flora and biochemistry that are consistent with chronic bacterial infections rather than with actual vaginas.

SNL just called out JKR for a 2nd time and more undercutting of white women - 3rd week in a row by Anon123 in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 37 insightful - 1 fun37 insightful - 0 fun38 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And in many of the cases we're seeing today, the misogyny and anti-white animus is combined with, and fortified by, ageism too. It's no accident that JKR is what sexist, ageist people would consider "past her sell date" - in her 50s, post menopause, no longer in her reproductive years or sexual prime. As the whole "Karen" thing shows, white women who are no longer dewy, nubile lasses in the bloom of youth/early adulthood are the ones getting routinely slagged off nowadays.

The actual lesbians appear to have left the building. And who can blame them? by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 36 insightful - 3 fun36 insightful - 2 fun37 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Just want to add that it's not necessary to be an "adult female" to be a lesbian, nor is it necessary to be engaged in "loving another adult female" either. A lesbian is a girl or woman sexually attracted exclusively to other female humans.

Many girls realize they are sexually attracted solely to members of their own sex long before adulthood. Also, whether one is an adult or still a minor, it's possible to be a lesbian and to be celibate, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.

Marsha P. Johnson Probably Didn't Start Stonewall, and Might Not Have Been Trans. Does It Matter? by Skipdip in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 37 insightful - 1 fun37 insightful - 0 fun38 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Marsha P. Johnson definitely did not start the Stonewall riots, as he wasn't even in the neighborhood when they started.

Johnson also was a gay male transvestite - not "trans" as it's meant today. Back when Stonewall happened, the term "transgender" wasn't used coz the propagandists for unbridled male libertinism known as queer theory who eventually invented the term for nefarious political purposes hadn't come up with it yet.

In 1969, the men who got surgeries to reconfigure their genitals to vaguely mimic female genitals were known as transsexuals. Gay men who impersonated women as personal expression, because they had internalized homophobia, because it got them off, or because they were prostitutes serving a niche clientele with particular proclivities were known as transvestites. Gay men who mockingly impersonated women to put on an outré form of male dominance display intended as entertainment mainly for other misogynistic gay men were known as drag queens. Straight men who impersonated women because of their sexual fetish were known simply as cross-dressers. Everyone back then - psychologists, sexologists, people involved in sexual liberation movements, and the general public - knew that these different types of men existed, and knew the distinctions between them. It's only very recently that they became all lumped in together under the one unifying umbrella labelled "trans."

The holes that TERFs exploit by Chunkeeguy in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 36 insightful - 1 fun36 insightful - 0 fun37 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

From some quarters, yes it's surely homophobia. But many out & proud gay males display the same or similar revulsion to males who pretend to be women, so it's a bit more complicated.

Many males, gay, straight and bi, feel deep disgust and animus towards other men they see as "unmanly," whether or not such men are pretending to be women.

But at the same time, many males - especially nowadays - of all sexual orientations, feel enormous sympathy for males who are pretending to be women. In response to their brethrens' plight, these males take the position that girls & women are duty-bound to open up our spaces, services & sports to anyone of their sex who claims/desires to be a girl/woman.

Caster Semenya losses appeal against the restriction of testosterone levels in female runners by greenish in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 36 insightful - 1 fun36 insightful - 0 fun37 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

How is Semenya an intersex woman? Semenya has a male-only DSD, 5-ARD, and this has been known by Semenya and South African sports authorities since before Semenya was introduced to the world in 2009 as SA's "golden girl" runner.

5-ARD in males is a well-documented and well-understood condition. In the Dominican Republic, where it occurs at an unusually high rate because of consanguinity, it's known as "penis at twelve."

Semenya and the other males with DSDs who've been subjected to the IAAF/World Athletics new rules (as of 2019) for testosterone reduction in order to participate in female sports all have to meet very specific conditions. They have to have all of the following characteristics:

XY male sex chromosomes, not XX female sex chromosomes:

functioning testes - no ovaries, or other internal female reproductive organs;

testosterone in the healthy, normal male range for male people of their age, not testosterone in the much, much lower female range;

sensitivity to testosterone that enables their bodies to use the T their testes make in male-typical ways, meaning they have the athletic advantages of bodies that have gone through and been shaped by male puberty.

Semenya is a woman only in the legal sense, and that's only coz at age 16 Semenya was issued a birth certificate saying Semenya's sex is "F," and now has a passport that says "F" as well. BTW, at the time Semenya first got a BC, SA officials had already decided to use Semenya and Semenya's DSD as a test case in an effort to challenge and perhaps take down international sports bodies such as the IAAF/World Athletics that the ANC in SA see as Eurocentric, white supremacists who epitomize the colonialist attitudes of the Global North and who long have used Eurocentric standards to keep down the "black and brown" people of the Global South.

Pray tell, how other than this is Semenya a woman?

When it comes to the Bathroom thing, what do you say about the Women who claim they have no problem with TIMs being in the restroom? by Kai_Decadence in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 34 insightful - 4 fun34 insightful - 3 fun35 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

I will usually get some women snap back at me saying that they personally don't mind or care if Trans-identified men use the women's restrooms and that it's not a big deal.

I tell them that shared facilities such as public, school, workplace and club toilets and changing rooms are not their personal property, so their personal feelings are immaterial. These spaces do not belong to them, so they don't get to rewrite the rules about who can access them.

Sex-segregated spaces are meant to benefit female and male people on the whole, and shared toilet facilities in particular are tailored to the very different urinary and genital anatomy and biological needs of the two sexes.

Hence, in the men's, there's both a toilet or two in an enclosure and urinals out in the open. Urinals are tailored exclusively to males, and only males, coz only they stand to pee. Urinals typically don't have privacy screens between them coz male anatomy and clothing design mean males can pee standing up without dropping their trousers and exposing their backsides and balls to all the other males who are there.

By contrast, in the women's loo there are stalls with toilets and toilet paper dispensers, coz female people have to sit to pee and we need to wipe our urethras and vulvas after peeing - we can't just give a shake the way males can with their dicks. In the ladies, the toilets are also enclosed in stalls that provide a degree of visual privacy, coz females have to bare our genitals and backsides in order to urinate.

What's more, for girls and women "using the ladies" isn't just about peeing. It's also about dealing with menstruation - and unforeseen events like miscarriages and menopausal flooding. As a result, in addition to providing some visual privacy, the stalls in women's loos are equipped with specials bins for used tampons and pads.

Due to our different anatomy and biological needs, hand-washing facilities in communal loos are more an issue for females than males. Research has shown that most males don't wash their hands after urinating in shared facilities. However, most girls and women do, coz after peeing we use our hand to wipe our "privates."

What's more, girls and women often need to wash blood off our hands after using the toilet. And sometimes, we need to use toilet washing facilities to wash blood stains - and milk stains from leaking breasts - from our clothing. This often requires removing an item of clothing - such as a skirt, school uniform, or blouse or top - and standing there at the sink and under the dryer in our undergarments. Maybe some girls and women would be perfectly fine doing all this under the watchful, perhaps prurient and leering eyes of their male schoolmates, work colleagues and/or any strange Tom, Dick or Harry off the street. But most girls and women are not fine with it; most would find it embarrassing and discomforting.

Another issue that many women face in dealing with communal toilets, particularly public ones, is how to pee when you've got a child or several in tow. Most stalls can't fit a pram or stroller, so often a mother with a baby in one - and perhaps a toddler running around too - has no choice but to drop her pants and pee with the stall door open so she can keep her eye on the kid(s).

Since the vast majority of males (88% in 2015, probably more like 98% today) who identify as trans do not alter their urinary anatomy and genitals, there's no reason why facilities designed for female anatomy would somehow be appropriate for them. Even most TIMs who are most "passable" - Blaire White, Gigi Gorgeous, Munroe Bergdorf etc - all have their dicks and balls.

What's more, whether they keep their dicks and balls or not, for males, the motivation for going trans is always sexual: most TIMs are heterosexuals with autogynephilia who desire to be women coz it brings them erotic pleasure, but they still want to have sex with women too. If what they say on social media is any indication, quite a large number of TIM TRAs are rapey. Moreover, some are convicted rapists and sex abusers; and many - Jess Bradley, Yaniv, the ones who send/sent dick pics to women like JKRowling - are flashers, voyeurs and pervs. And even most gay guys who identify as the opposite sex usually fetishize being female and have an unseemly, prurient interest in the bodies and bodily functions of female people.

In addition, most TIMs are selfish, highly narcissistic fellas who not only have little or no empathy for actual girls and women, and no understanding of our "lived experience" - they also are intent on violating the boundaries of female people, establishing their superiority to "cis girls" and demanding that we "validate" their identities. This is true even of the very small number who've had surgeries to remove their balls and reconfigure their dicks. Coz having genital surgeries and taking cross-sex hormones does not alter the mentality of these guys or make them any less male.

If some women are A-okay having males like this around when they unclothe their genitals and backsides in order to deal with private bodily matters of female anatomy, that's their choice. But most girls and women are not comfortable having to put up with men's selfishness, sexual fetishes, prying eyes, keenly listening ears and distinctly male dominance displays in spaces where we are most exposed and vulnerable. Coz most of us have an innate sense of modesty, a desire for dignity and ease of mind, and we want a few spaces where we can deal with our own bodily needs without being forced to be cheek-to-jowl with males and their sexual proclivities.

Female-only spaces designed to accommodate female biology and to provide safety, dignity and privacy are used by girls and women of all ages, and with vastly different views, needs and sensibilities. It doesn't matter if some individual women are okay with opening up these spaces to men and older boys. Lots of girls and women are not okay with it, and their rights are not for the women you speak of to give - or wave - away. It's not the place of any of us to give away the rights of others!

Laws, safeguarding policies and social customs aren't based on what any one individual person wants, and we as individuals don't get to dictate or change the norms and conditions for all of society based on our own personal feelings.

Also, I'd ask these women why is it that sex-separate toilets, change rooms and similar facilities were established in the first place. And I'd further ask them if they know the history of how these facilities came into existence as well.

I'd also ask them if they are aware of the considerable amount of thought and discussion that parents, educators, developmental psychologists and safeguarding experts have put in over the generations about such issues as: At what age is it no longer appropriate for young boys to use ladies loos and changing rooms with their moms or female carers? What is the age when most school policies say girls and boys need separate toilets and changing/locker rooms?

LBGDropTheT crosspost: Disturbing misogynoir among trans women and their allies by marmorsymphata in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 35 insightful - 2 fun35 insightful - 1 fun36 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Gross. They see black people the same way they see LGB people. That is, not as real people at all...

I think it's more that they don't see women as real people... and they see black women as even lesser non-people than white and Asian women because they are racists who subscribe to misogynoir as much as they are sexist male supremacists who ascribe to misogyny.

The repulsive views of these men (and the women who go along with this BS) are a good example of intersectionality as Crenshaw originally meant the term.

Also, a good number of the men who say this shit about black women are gay and bi themselves - and unfortunately some lesbians and bi women spout these views too. So it's not accurate to say that they see "LGB people" as not real people.

Suddenly it’s like their lesbianism never existed :( by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 34 insightful - 3 fun34 insightful - 2 fun35 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Being able to publish selfies is one of the worst things about social media. All this posing and posturing for no other purpose than attention-seeking and "validation" is really bad for people's mental health and the wellbeing of society.

I bet El spent hours taking, filtering, photoshopping and poring over dozens, perhaps hundreds, of shots before she came up with the one that she felt conveyed just the right image. I'm sure her publicity agent, talent agent and management team were all in on it too. This is all a rebranding campaign intended to give El's public profile and career a boost.

Transphobes baffled, enraged by Elliot Page’s coming out as trans by questioningtw in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 35 insightful - 1 fun35 insightful - 0 fun36 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Of course it is. But this is one of the new lies about GC feminists that trans propaganda central has come up with that's now being widely promoted by the pro-trans lobby and repeated by idiots who can't think for themselves. The recent article in the Atlantic said exactly the same thing. None of this is happening by accident - it's part of a planned-out strategy.

My last straw for being a progressive trans-supportive gay man by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 35 insightful - 1 fun35 insightful - 0 fun36 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No don't update the text! Your post made it very clear what these guys are claiming.

BTW, transgenderism is indeed functioning as a gay conversion therapy. A lot of people - including clinicians in trans health care and therapy - have pointed it out. Experts in the UK have said the NHS youth gender clinic there is in the business of, in effect "transing away the gay" and expressed fear that "in another generation or two there will be no gay people left."

I'll post some other links.

tif files pregnancy suit against amazon by WrongToy in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 32 insightful - 5 fun32 insightful - 4 fun33 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

When he returned from leave, Simmons says he was demoted to item picker, which required him to lift “large bags of dog food and other heavy items,” the New Jersey Law Journal reports.

Simmons told human resources lifting such weight in his condition was causing abdominal pain.

But I thought TIFs have nothing in common with us lowly women. So why can't "he" just man up and muscle and power his way through pregnancy like a real man would?

Also, I think it's telling that the actual weight of the items Simmons complained about isn't mentioned - it's just "large bags" and "other heavy items."

Given that most TIFs want to distance themselves entirely from us inferior women they label as "cis," I have a hunch this person has no clue how common abdominal pains are during pregnancy - nor any idea about how strong and capable most previously fit women are during pregnancy.

Also, if this person isn't up to any heavy lifting, being a parent is gonna be a rude awakening. As I recall it, being a parent involved a whole lot of lugging of kids who weighed 20-32 lbs* plus a stroller laden with gear as well as shopping bags up and down the stairs in subway stations, getting on and off a bus, walking down the street... and so on.

*Average baby weights in the USA are: 20+ lbs at 12 months and 27 pounds at 24 months. Depending on the model and brand, most strollers (push chairs in UK parlance) weigh 15 lbs to close to or more than 30 lbs.

If Simpson were to have twins, she find herself doubly burdened.

JK Rowling Doubles Down in Her Support of Women & Children & Her Wariness of Trans Agenda In New Statement Explaining Why She Has Returned Her Robert F Kennedy Award for Humanitarianism by MarkTwainiac in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac[S] 34 insightful - 1 fun34 insightful - 0 fun35 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's no evidence that trans people have greater rates of suicide attempts, completed suicides, homelessness, or mental and bodily harm. These are all simply claims and assertions made by people who ID as trans & their advocates.

People who ID as trans are not reliable sources of this sort of info cuz a) self-reporting about mental health conditions & suicide ideation & attempts by anyone is never reliable; b) everybody lies, as Dr House often pointed out; c) people who ID as trans are already basing their lives on a lie, so telling more lies comes easily to them; d) the vast majority of people who ID as trans have other "co-morbid" mental health issues; e) amongst people who ID as trans, an unusually high % have personality disorders.

Ellen Page is claiming to be transgender. What is going on?! by socialistrobot in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 33 insightful - 1 fun33 insightful - 0 fun34 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I wonder if this announcement was timed to take attention away from the announcement today of the UK court's unanimous ruling that kids under 16 can't consent to puberty blockers to treat "gender dysphoria," and that from now on UK clinicians will have to go to court for permission to prescribe them to any minor 16 and over. This puts a big crimp in the international kiddie-transing juggernaut.

Ellen Page is claiming to be transgender. What is going on?! by socialistrobot in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 33 insightful - 1 fun33 insightful - 0 fun34 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

She always struck me as a young woman who looked and sounded pretty much like a zillion other women of all sexual orientations. Beyond her being an out lesbian, for which I wholeheartedly supported her, there was nothing that ever seemed particularly "gender non-conforming" about her look or affect that I noticed. But then I'm of the Annie Lennox generation, so I confess I don't really get all this current hyper-focus on gender presentation.

Charlotte Clymer: "This is the first time a presidential election victory speech has specifically mentioned the word "transgender" and made a commitment to us. Joe Biden has got our back." by purrvana in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 33 insightful - 1 fun33 insightful - 0 fun34 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

BTW, Biden has already said that on his first day in office he will

reinstate the Obama-Biden (Title IX) guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence administration, which will restore transgender students' access to sports, bathrooms and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity.

What's more, he's gonna crack down on everyone who doesn't think this policy is fair too:

He will direct his Department of Education to vigorously enforce and investigate violations of transgender students' civil rights.

(Note the worrying way the Dept of Ed is called "his" rather than "the")

No mention of the civil rights of any other students, and the way transgenderism tramples on them. Trans students don't just come first - they are the only ones who appear in Biden's field of vision and register on his radar. To him, female students are invisible.

Does anyone here know how to counter these people saying sex is not binary because of hermaphrodites and intersex, that binary sexes are "flawed human made taxonomies" and that "you can't see someone's chromosomes and genitals so sex does not matter"? by EverydayIsSad in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 33 insightful - 1 fun33 insightful - 0 fun34 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's no such thing as hermaphroditism in humans; there's never been a single documented case of a human being capable of producing both sperm and egg.

In the medical literature, the term that used to be employed for some very rare types of DSDs was pseudohermaphroditism.

The term hermaphrodite comes from a story in ancient Greek mythology concerning Hermaphroditus, a son of the gods Hermes and Aphrodite who was remarkably handsome and very sexually attractive. The female adult nymph Salmacis fell in love with him when he was a youth, tried to seduce/molest him and was rebuffed. So Salmacis prayed to the gods to be forever united with the boy she lusted after. The gods granted her wish, and as a result, Hermaphroditus and Salmacis became joined in a single body, which was said to have the characteristics of both sexes. But if you look at ancient Greek statues and pictorial descriptions of Hermaphroditus, he always has breast buds (gynecomastia?) and very prominent male genitalia. Often, in fact, he has an erect penis of quit pronounced size.

People with DSDs, the doctors who study and treat them, and organizations advocating on their behalf have long asked the world not to use the term "hermaphrodite" coz it's not just wholly inaccurate, it's a stigmatizing slur that has been used to "other" people with DSDs for too long a time.

Sex is binary coz for sexual reproduction to occur two kinds of gametes are required: egg and sperm. And an egg and sperm are required each and very time, no exceptions. Human and mammalian reproduction can't occur, and never has occurred, with only one type of gamete.

Whilst there are wide variations in human sex characteristics - big dicks, micro penises; large breasts, tiny breasts; people who are very fertile and people who are infertile; men with low T compared to others of their sex, women with high T compared to others of their sex; etc - none of these variations changes the fact that there is/are no additional gametes beyond egg and sperm.

Similarly, in humans there are only two kinds of sex chromosomes - X and Y. In humans, there are no Q,R, S,T, U, V, W or Z sex chromosomes - just X and Y. And the key in determining sex is the presence of the SRY gene that's usually located on the Y chromosome. If an SRY gene is present and active, an embryo will almost always develop as male.

Most female humans are XX and most male humans are XY, but on occasion anomalies in sex chromosomes occur - resulting in conditions like X0 and XXY. But all these people are still clearly male or female.

On very rare occasions, an XX person is conceived with an SRY gene mislocated on one of the X chromosomes. Hence, XX males.

Also on rare occasion, XY humans with a functioning SRY gene on the Y chromosome have a condition that reduces or entirely eliminates their sensitivity to testosterone, so they develop in ways that cause them to appear to be female, and to be raised as such. But such people are infertile; they cannot create either egg or sperm, so they are not a third sex nor are they an "in between" sex.

Similarly, there are individuals with rare medical conditions that have "ovotesticular disorders" in which they have gonads containing both ovarian and testicular tissues. But most of these people are sterile, incapable of producing either egg or sperm. Those who can produce gametes usually can produce only ova, and it's not clear whether the ova is always or usually viable.

There are people with XX chromosomes with sperm.

Uh, no. People with "XX male syndrome" aka De la Chapelle, which usually comes about due to the SRY gene being mislocated on an X chromosome, are sterile - they produce neither sperm nor egg.

There are people with XY chromosomes with ovaries and can give birth.

Again, no. There have been a couple of cases of mosaicism, where most of the body has been found to have XY chromosomes but select reproductive organs have been found to have XX chromosomes.

Also, anyone who equates having ovaries with the ability to conceive, implant an embryo/get pregnant, grow a fetus and give birth is just showing their ignorance of the myriad female roles in human/mammalian reproduction.

In humans, the key organ in getting pregnant, gestating a fetus and giving birth is the uterus - not the ovaries. An XX female person can have healthy, fully functioning ovaries - but if she doesn't have a uterus due to a DSD like MRKH or coz she had to have her uterus surgically removed for medical reasons - she won't be able to get pregnant, grow a child or "give birth."

At the same time, an XY male person with a groin injury or a DSD like Caster Semenya's can be missing a penis, or have a penis so small or malformed that penetrative PIV sex is impossible - but if said person still has functioning testes, even if they are internal, chances are good he can father a child with medical assistance.

Mermaids organisation suggests J K Rowling caused suicides by turtleduck23 in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 33 insightful - 1 fun33 insightful - 0 fun34 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Trans people are far from being accepted by society and suffer real life discrimination, including physical violence, employment discrimination and everyday harassment on the street.

No group suffers - and long has suffered - real life discrimination, physical violence, employment discrimination and everyday harassment on the street to the extent or as unrelentingly as girls & women - all just for being of the female sex.

The situation is better or worse depending on which society & which historical period we're speaking of, but basically girls & women across the board in all countries & eras have been subjected to the most sustained campaign of discrimination, physical violence, employment injustice & street harassment.

Yes, black men in the US are targeted & subject to brutality by the police, & they are discriminated against, as they were in South Africa under apartheid. But black men in the US & in SA now and in the past have targeted black women and subjected black women to violence, brutality & discrimination as well as street harassment.

Jesus, look at what Ike Turner did to Tina & the attitudes that male black civil rights activists like Stokely Carmichael had towards women of all colors. From the accounts of Nelson Mandela's life I've read & seen on film, even he appears to have subjected the two women who eventually became his wives to sexual harassment on the street before they agreed to date him.

Jews in various time periods & different countries/cultures have been enslaved, discriminated against, demonized, harassed on the streets & subjected to torture & genocide just for being Jews. But Orthodox Judaism privileges boys & men and allows them to subjugate, oppress, stigmatize, demonize & discriminate against girls & women.

And so on. I could give many other examples...

But never, ever have women's rights advocates of any era taken to public platforms to threaten that unless male-supremacist societies mend their ways and start being nice to us, girls & women are going to start committing suicide in droves... and when that happens, it will be male supremacists' fault!

In actuality, in response to misogyny, patriarchy & the bleak, narrow realities of their lives, female people around the world probably commit more acts of self harm than any other group - from EDs & cutting in the affluent West to women in Afghanistan setting themselves on fire to escape arranged marriages & male sex abuse & violence.

But it wouldn't occur to women's rights advocates anywhere to try weaponizing all this self-harm in the way that Mermaids & the the genderists do in the case of the sacred caste of trans. Coz adopting such crybully tactics would require women to be convinced that the world sees us as worth listening to, believing we possess the power to induce guilt & compliance in others & the world at large, being utterly convinced we have inherent rights that entitle us to get far better treatment on demand, having considerable or enormous self-esteem, & believing that the world at large gives a shit about our pain & whether we're dead or alive.

Huh this is a whole.... hole..... (woman raped by TIM says being raped by a TIM is no different than being raped by a woman - SO SHUT TF UP) by divingrightintowork in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 32 insightful - 3 fun32 insightful - 2 fun33 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

What if she had used a carrot? A bamboo plant? A fist, a dildo, or ANY OTHER BODY PART OR OBJECT?

Semen only comes out of penises. Semen contains sperm, and as a result a good number of female victims of penile vaginal rape end up pregnant and thus have to deal with the additional difficulties of either going ahead with the pregnancy, or terminating it. That means that in addition to dealing with the emotional and physical trauma of being raped, a woman could be in for a great deal of other emotional and physical suffering, some of lasting a very long time.

If a woman ends up pregnant as a result of rape and she goes ahead with the pregnancy, she runs the risk of developing a host of health problems - such as high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, serious childbirth injuries - that can have long-lasting implications and affect her health negatively for the rest of her life. Also, she can die giving birth.

Even if a woman is not impregnated during a penile vaginal rape, if she is in her "childbearing years" and is capable of ovulating (eg not on hormonal BC or so underweight that her cycles have stopped), the possibility that her rapist might have impregnated her will be a huge worry very much on her mind until she gets her next period. That's a lot of anxiety and dread heaped on top of the trauma of rape.

If the other named objects, a fist or "any other body part"* are used to vaginally rape a woman, they can still cause injury to her vagina, labia, clit, urethra and urinary tract, perianal area, pudendal nerve, etc - and can cause bruising and skin tears to her thighs and genital area more generally.

If these other objects, a fist or "any other body part"* used to commit a vaginal rape happen to be contaminated with pathogens, they can expose the woman to various dangerous diseases too.

Some of these pathogens - regular staph, fungi, MRSA, E. coli, enterobacter, klebsiella for example - cause infections that aren't specifically sexual in nature. However, if a fist or "any other body part" is used to vaginally rape a woman, it can lead to certain sexually transmitted diseases that are spread by skin-to-skin contact: these include genital herpes, syphilis, and human papillomavirus (HPV), which in turn can lead to cervical cancer.

Using a penis to rape a woman can also lead her to contract HIV, chlamydia and gonorrhea because those are infectious diseases that are spread by semen or blood.

Finally, although it's not known yet whether the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can be spread by semen or fecal matter, Chinese scientists have reported that the virus has been found in male sperm as well as in fecal matter many months after COVID-19 patients have recovered.

*Note: I keep putting quotes around "any other body part" because I am curious about which body parts belonging to adults other than a fist/hand/lower arm can be used to rape a woman. An elbow? A knee? A foot or big toe? A clitoris? A breast?

This woman wants us to believe that the sex of the man who raped her doesn't matter because "any other body part" belonging to males or females is just as likely to be used to commit vaginal rape as a penis is. Yeah, right. She just comes off as desperate, dumb and totally in denial. Sounds like folie à deux.

TRAs support school shooter because he was targeting transaphobes by BrokenEarth in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 33 insightful - 1 fun33 insightful - 0 fun34 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I've seen TRAs explicitly calling not just for violence against those who don't go along with their cult, but for a campaign of terror and mass killing against us all too. It's very much reminiscent of Robespierre's view that a society must aim to achieve "virtue through terror" that he articulated in 1794 amidst the mass-executions stage of the French revolution known as the Reign of Terror:

The attribute of popular government in a revolution is at one and the same time virtue and terror. Terror without virtue is fatal; virtue without terror is impotent. The terror is nothing but justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is thus an emanation of virtue.

Anybody else encountered TRAs and their allies claiming no one sees anyone naked in a locker room? by NDG in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 32 insightful - 3 fun32 insightful - 2 fun33 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I've been in many, many locker rooms in clubs, schools, community recreation centers, gyms, stadiums, spas, etc since I was a wee girl first learning to swim in the early 1960s. Saw an untold number of naked girls and women - and many saw naked me.

Personality Disorders and Personality Profiles in a Sample of Transgender Individuals Requesting Gender-Affirming Treatments by _UngodlyFruit_ in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 33 insightful - 1 fun33 insightful - 0 fun34 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, 50% of the trans population had "at least one PD diagnosis" whereas the paper says 15% of the entire population have PDs. Makes me wonder if you subtracted all the attention-seekers now claiming to be trans and gender speshul from the rest of the population who don't believe in gender identity and ideology, what the % of PDs amongst the "non-trans" population would turn out to be.

My own sense is that gender ideology is a magnet for - and an invention, social engineering project of and political movement of - people of both sexes with Cluster B PDs who want to remake the entire world in their own image and force the rest of the population not just to meet their demands and proclivities, but to center them. However, there do seem to be sex differences.

Amongst males, cross-sex identity often seems to be an expression and outgrowth of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or aspects of it, combined with a whole lot of unbridled male sexual fetishism. However, I think NPD traits and the full-blown disorder are actually under-diagnosed in males cuz a lot of traits that would be considered indicative of clinical narcissism and NPD in female people are seen as normal aspects of boys men with a healthy, well-developed sense of masculinity and males "rightful place" as superior beings meant to enjoy highest status in the world.

By contrast, my impression is that amongst females Borderline Personality Disorder is way over-diagnosed. The characteristics that clinicians often perceive as indicative of BPD in women are commonly tied up with coping responses to sex abuse and other traumas as well as being constantly subjected to misogyny, second-class status and belittlement. When females adopt a trans identity, it's often as a response to these same factors, along with confusion about sexuality and internalized homophobia. Which is one of the reasons a lot of us think the entire concept of Bordlerline Personality Disorder is sexist and suspect.

They are not even hiding that they are MRA anymore: "Remove women-centric language when speaking about abortions and reproductive rights" by VioletRemi in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 29 insightful - 7 fun29 insightful - 6 fun30 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

So according to Planned Parenthood MA

acknowledging that the use of woman-centric language in reproductive & abortion advocacy is erasure of trans health care.

By this logic, using teeth- and mouth-centric language in advocacy for better dental care and oral health is erasure of health care for people with medical needs involving other parts of the body.

Using oncology-centric language in cancer advocacy is erasure of diabetes health care.

Heart disease charities are erasing health care for people with arthritis.

Gay Men's Health Crisis by its very name and founding aims erased health care for straight and bi men, boys, all girls and women, and everyone without HIV or AIDS.

In the late 1950s and 60s, my parents helped found a charity for children with cystic fibrosis in the US. By so doing, their real aim must've been to erase health care for all the kids back then who had polio, measles, rubella, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough, cerebral palsy and Downs syndrome.

Can you explain why gender identity does not exist? Don't cisgender people identify as/feel like they are the sex they were assigned at birth? Don't other animals identify as their sex assigned at birth due to lack of cognitive ability to identify as anything but their own sex? by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 32 insightful - 1 fun32 insightful - 0 fun33 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

2) Why do you say sex is not assigned at birth? If sex is not assigned at birth then what is it?

Sex is determined at conception. The sex of human fetuses can be ascertained at 8/9 weeks in utero via the NIPT or CVS, and at circa 20 weeks by scans and or amniocentesis. Prenatal testing has been a thing for many, many decades.

Sex is observed and recorded at birth. Not assigned.

The people who make these claims always seem to be those who have never given birth, or been closely involved with a human pregnancy even as a witness. They seem utterly unfamiliar with the basics of human reproduction and fetal development.

3) Why do you say people can't be born in the wrong body?

Because we understand conception and fetal development, life and death. Women's uteri aren't filled with assembly lines of empty bodies or "meat sacks" waiting to be filled by or matched to a gendered brain. It's not like the Mattel factory where there's a lineup of a million Barbie bodies that are all the same, but some get a blonde head stuck on them and some get a brunette one.

Please look into how embryos come into being and grow. You'll quickly see this "wrong body" stuff is nonsense.

Human brains and psyches don't develop separately from our bodies; we are our bodies, and our brains are part of our bodies. Each one of us is and exists within our own body. Most people dislike parts or aspects of their bodies to one degree or another.

Disliking, loathing, hating and feeling extremely uncomfortable in one's body is a common experience for members of the female sex during and after puberty. Doesn't mean any of us were born in the wrong body, though.

People with a vast number of inherited and acquired medical conditions that are disabling and painful, as well as physical anomalies called "deformities," struggle with issues of body image and bodily acceptance, too. Doesn't mean any of us were born in the wrong body, though.

When our bodies can no longer perform vital functions such as breathing or pumping blood, we die. When we are facing death, moving our minds into another body/bodies isn't an option. This is the case whether we face death in utero, infancy, adulthood or old age.

4) Can you explain why gender identity does not exist? Don't cisgender people identify as/feel like they are the sex they were assigned at birth?

Gender identity exists for the people who believe in it and who think they have gender identities. People who believe in and have gender identities tend to be people who wish they were the opposite sex or to be of neither sex.

Most people do not have a gender identity. We are aware of our sex, but it is not the linchpin of our sense of self.

If you read the psychological literature on how humans form a sense of self, you'll see that there's no mention of "gender identity" until very recently. The entire concept is new, and entirely made-up; it's not innate or organic.

5) Is it okay to invalidate someone's gender identity? Wouldn't invalidating someone's gender identity be lgbtphobic? If no, can you explain why?

I do not believe in the religion my parents held dear, and which they indoctrinated me into. They never took my failure to embrace their beliefs as "invalidating" them or their identity. They were peeved I did not follow their faith, but they did not feel I was invalidating them or denying their existence and so on.

Don't other animals identify as their sex assigned at birth due to lack of cognitive ability to identify as anything but their own sex?

I learned that attributing human feelings/ideas/intentions/issues to animals was not cool back in the 1960s. How is it that anthropomorphism is now okay?

Feminity is... Wearing a fluffy robe that's pink by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 30 insightful - 5 fun30 insightful - 4 fun31 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

"Do you know anything I can do to feel more female?"

Do the dishes, clean the house, run a half dozen loads of wash. Make the grocery list, do the shopping, make breakfast, cook dinner, prepare and pack everyone's lunches. Change baby's nappies, clean up vomit, buy and change your elderly relatives diapers, give them a bath. Work in a nursing home, or go live in one for the rest of your life. Wet yourself a little every time you sneeze. Remember when everyone's birthday is, and always take care to send a card, and be roundly criticized if you forget. Swallow your anger, bite your tongue about all the misogyny you're subjected to on the daily. Take it as your lot in life that you and your needs and desires will never come first. Get unsolicited dic picks on your phone, and PMs on FaceBook asking how old you are and whether you like to suck cock. Receive threats of rape, murder, disemboweling and dismemberment on social media from angry young men who also tell you to choke to death on their lady dicks. Be talked down to by young women and men who call you a "TERF," "SWERF," an "old bag," "trash" and "a garbage person," then tell you to "be kind."

Riddle me this - where are all the women in their 40's and 50's who suddenly become trans? by Cacator in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 32 insightful - 1 fun32 insightful - 0 fun33 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Since as you say, the trans phenom is not evenly distributed but occurs only within specific demographic groups, I think it's important not to lump them all together under the heading of "social contagion."

For the girls and teen girls and young women who are coming out in droves as trans and non-binary and gender queer, yes it seems to be driven by social contagion - and an entirely new social contagion at that. Hence, in teen girls' friend groups, a whole bunch of girls will "come out" as trans (or whatever) at the same time. They are encouraging each other to be trans, and teaching and coaching each other on exactly how to go about it, just the way girls used to teach each other how to be anorectic and bulimic.

For the kids being transed by their parents and other adults, the parents seem to be involved in a social contagion, but the parents' underlying motives are narcissism and attention-seeking, sexism, rigid beliefs in and adherence to strict sex role stereotypes, a desire to control their kids, and homophobia.

For the homosexual men who want to bed straight men, the fad of going trans seems to be partly due to social contagion, but mostly it's driven by their own internalized homophobia, extreme narcissism, their total immersion in their own fantasy lives, and a weird combo of their own overwhelming sexual needs and compulsions that drive them exclusively to desire straight men alongside their total inability to grasp and accept the basic truth of straight male sexuality - which is that straight men want females, not males pretending to be the opposite sex. But most of gay guys who become trans develop their sexual tastes and compulsions on their own and in secrecy at a very young age; they're not picking this stuff up from other boys the way all the girls/young women with ROGD are. Though nowadays these boys are of course being heavily influenced by new trends in online porn and the fact that being trans has become a powerful new sociopolitical movement that provides trans-identified people with all sorts power, privileges and benefits.

As for the huge number of heterosexual boys, young men and full grown men going trans, they are driven by male sexual compulsion and narcissism of autogynephilia. AGP is of course now been spurred heavily by online porn, LARPing, the internet etc, and that's why it's becoming more widespread and visible. But the condition existed in a significant % of men long before the current era and the new technologies of modern telecommunications and social media.

The AGP impulse originates within the psyches of individual boys themselves during early puberty, and it's in early puberty that their lifelong AGP tendencies and habits get cemented. However, when AGP youths start imagining themselves as females and using items of "female" clothing & intimate care as masturbation aids - and they find it gives them massive boners and the super-orgasms they call "gender euphoria" - they almost always do so entirely on their own and in total secrecy. And as adolescents, these boys' AGP usually causes them to feel a great deal of isolation and shame - and bad as the shame makes them feel, their shame also enhances the erotic pleasure they get from their AGP. Only after these guys have been stealing women's undies and intimate products to jerk off in and to and this has become their fixed pattern do they find other males with the same proclivities to egg each other on and bolster each other's entitlement and power.

Creepy male cousin steeling teen's menstrual pads - but get those pronouns right before you dare raise it by Chunkeeguy in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 31 insightful - 3 fun31 insightful - 2 fun32 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Trust me, this boy is using those pads to give himself the most pleasant sensations a human male can experience - orgasm. He's not getting diaper rash, he's getting off.

He has what is by far the most common kind of "gender dysphoria" - the official name of which is, according to the clinical literature, "autogynephilic gender dysphoria."

Well, well, well... by fijupanda in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 25 insightful - 15 fun25 insightful - 14 fun26 insightful - 15 fun -  (0 children)

Classroom scene in 2020:

Q: Students, how do you spell homophobia?

A: T-R-A-N-S!

The pussy hats by wecandobetter in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 31 insightful - 2 fun31 insightful - 1 fun32 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Almost immediately after the big march, the hats became deemed offensive. Why? Because 'not all women have vaginas omg' and also brown people don't have pink pussys (never mind that the color was symbolic of femininity, not literal vulvas).

One of the confounding things about this is that the meaning of "pussy" in this context was never clear. "Pussy" seems like an all-purpose slur for female genitals, and is used to mean either vulva or vagina, or both at once.

I always thought "pussy" meant a post-pubescent vulva, coz vulvas are soft and furry and many liked to stroke and nuzzle them the way we're naturally drawn to do with kittens and cats. But then I'm from an older generation to whom the idea of women removing our pubic hair so our mons and vulvas would look pre-pubescent was and is anathema. So I'm clearly way out of date! I realize that in popular imagination and common presentation nowadays, post-pubescent vulvas are no longer customarily furry.

Also, it seems that in recent years, the way even women talk about our own anatomy has become less precise. Nowadays, it's become common for younger generations to use the word vagina when they mean vulva alone, or when they mean women's genitals generally. For many people, "vagina" has been divorced from meaning a specific part of female anatomy and instead has become a vague catchall term akin to terms like "privates" or "the down there" used in the past.

To make matters worse, many of the TIMs who took over the women's march and have appropriated and redefined "feminism" clearly have absolutely no clue that the vagina is an internal organ separate from the vulva. Nor are they aware that the vulva has many separate parts including the labia, clitoris and urethra.

Prior to the second women's march in 2018, famous UK TRA Munroe Bergdorf, who was a London leader of the second women's march, famously tweeted to tell women not to "center reproductive systems," and particularly not female repro systems, in feminism coz that's "exclusionary" and not "intersectional." Then he informed the world that "not all vaginas are pink" - showing he had no idea all girls & women's vaginas are inside our bodies and they indeed all are the same pinkish color, no matter what our race, skin pigmentation, ethnicity, age etc.

Similarly, after Jazz Jennings had his first genital surgery he kept talking on his TV show about "peeing from my vagina," clearly showing that he'd never bothered to learn the basics of the female anatomy he supposedly spent his whole life from age two dreaming about and wishing for - and which he went to such painful lengths at age 18 to try to simulate through surgery.

Remember you guys? Everyone and their dog was frantically knitting them two years ago.

BTW, not to nitpick - coz in pandemic and lockdown days everyone's sense of time seems to be off - but in point of fact, it was more like four years ago.

The big pussy hat march was on January 21, 2017, the day after Trump was inaugurated. The original design/pattern was done in November 2016. And the release of the video and audio tape in which Trump was heard and shown in 2005 making his infamous "grab 'em by the pussy" remarks was in early October of 2016.

By the time the second march rolled in early 2018, the pussy hats were, dare I say it, old hat.

J.K. Rowling's new book Troubled Blood has caused quite the controversy by socialistrobot in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 31 insightful - 2 fun31 insightful - 1 fun32 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

BTW, I rewatched Silence of the Lambs the other night, and was really struck at how informed it was by 1970s and 80s-era feminism and what criminologists back then had learnt about male sex predators like Gein, Speck and Bundy.

So many scenes were framed in a way that really played up the often vast size differences between males and females, the extent to which males predominate in most fields, the sexism and creepiness of so many males in all sorts of professions and positions, the vestiges of sexism displayed by even well-meaning males like Crawford who truly was trying to "do better" and respectfully mentor his young female colleague whom he recognized was brighter and more intuitive than he, the bravery and kindness of the female characters and the way they all had to continually strike a delicate balance between being forthright badasses and protecting the "fragile male egos" around them whilst thinking fast on their feet how to outsmart so many evil men like Buffalo Bill and Lecter.

Director Jonathan Demme, screenwriter Ted Tally, the DP and all the actors did an incredible job.

Wisconsin Judge Orders "gender confirmation surgery" & transfer to women's prison for convicted child sex offender by MarkTwainiac in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac[S] 31 insightful - 1 fun31 insightful - 0 fun32 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Only this convicted sex offender's welfare seems to have been considered by the judge here, coz the judge sees only the man in this case. Woman is just an idea, a costume, a fantasy in men's minds - and female prison is merely a playground or theme park whose main purpose is to give this man the opportunity to "live as a woman" whatever the fuck that means. No consideration has been given to the impact on female prisoners; they and their welfare don't come into the equation at all.

Ellen Page is claiming to be transgender. What is going on?! by socialistrobot in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 31 insightful - 1 fun31 insightful - 0 fun32 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Over 1600 women are killed a year in the US

Uh, no - you're undercounting by half. According to the FBI, the number of people who die of homicide in the US each is usually around 3,200.

In 2016, the number of female homicide victims in the US was 3,208.

In 2017, 3,222 female people died of homicide in the US.

In 2018, 3,180 female people died in the US by homicide.

In 2019, 2,991 females died of homicide in the US. (However, this is a preliminary number; the FBI's final reports on 2019 stats are not out yet.)

About the idea that playing along with trans fantasies is the polite thing to do by BiologyIsReal in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 30 insightful - 3 fun30 insightful - 2 fun31 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I agree with your points.

But I have special problems with the pro-coddling reasoning that, as you aptly put it, goes like this:

"What is the damage in playing along with trans, especially when not doing so cause them so much distress?", they may ask.

My question is, why is there so much focus on the psychological distress of the small segment of the population who calls themselves trans?

Why is transpain the only pain that matters to the point where the whole world is expected to bend over backwards to ameliorate it?

Why is transpain made out to be the worst suffering that human beings have ever experienced?

Why is transpain of such paramount importance that huge swathes of the rest of the population - girls & women; lesbians and gays; believers in biology; people who value free speech, and many more - are expected to give up our rights and suck it up in order to try to make people with "gender dysphoria" and sexual fetishes feel better?

More than one in four adults (26%) in the US have a serious, life-limiting disability, and approximately eight percent of children are seriously disabled too. Many disabilities cause huge psychic pain as well as enormous, excruciating physical suffering.

But in the popular culture and press there's no constant hue and cry about the distress and difficulties of being disabled the way there is about the distress and difficulties supposedly experienced by the small segment of the population that, for one reason or the other, would prefer to be the opposite sex - or of no sex.

Talk about double standards. The prioritizing of transpain is the new and penultimate "privilege." People who ID as trans are the new sacred, superior caste we're all supposed to bow down before. Fuck that.,is%20highest%20in%20the%20South.

Joe Biden endorses child transing by WrongToy in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 31 insightful - 1 fun31 insightful - 0 fun32 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In recent years, an average 8-9 female people are killed by homicide every day in the US. Annual total in recent years has hovered around 3,200.

In 2016, the number of female homicide victims was 3,208.

In 2017, the number was 3,222.

In 2018, the number was 3,180.

In 2019, the number was 2,991. (However, this is a preliminary number; the FBI's final reports on 2019 stats are not out yet.)

A List Of 66 Crossdressing Serial Killers and Murderers. Cross-dressing is one of the most common paraphilias among convicted sexual predators. by yishengqingwa666 in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 29 insightful - 5 fun29 insightful - 4 fun30 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

The TRA's OTT temper tantrum over JKR's new book, which none of 'em have read, is now causing light to be shone on just how many serial killers sex offenders practice cross-dressing and fetishistic transvestism. Own goal, guys.

Posie Parker's "I lost my daughter to this cult" video has been removed from YouTube for "hate speech" by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 30 insightful - 3 fun30 insightful - 2 fun31 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Also: mother of several kids & SAHM. Heterosexual. Married to a man. Outspoken. Forceful. Fearless. Won't genuflect to gender ideology. Won't use "preferred pronouns" or say that some men are a type of women. And perhaps worst of all: openly & derisively laughs at men like Harrop & all the ones claiming to be women.

My physics teacher just announced he’s transgender. by LoganBlade in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 30 insightful - 3 fun30 insightful - 2 fun31 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

It's not either or. In males, AGP is the most common source/cause of "gender dysphoria."

Blanchard, 1989: "the major types of non-homosexual gender dysphoria (in males) constitute variant forms of one underlying disorder, which may be characterized as autogynephilic gender dysphoria."

Blanchard and other sexologists say that males with AGP, particularly AGP focused on female sexual anatomy and female sexual functions (menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, breastfeeding, etc) and what they believe to be female sexual behaviors (submissiveness, getting fucked) actually have the most intense form of "gender dysphoria."

Homeless women to have protection of single sex shelters by dandeliondynasty in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 30 insightful - 2 fun30 insightful - 1 fun31 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

But even after the Fair Housing Act was passed in 1968, women in the USA still experienced huge discrimination in housing because we could not get a mortgage or home improvement loan. (Or an auto loan or credit card, either.) Until the passage of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act in 1974, even women with high paid jobs or wealth from other sources could only get a mortgage or any other kind of credit if we had a male guarantor.

As you might imagine, this discrimination hit single, widowed and divorced women and lesbian couples particularly hard. As it did households consisting of several employed female relatives and/or female friends/roommates who because of circumstance or choice were lived housing with no grown men.

Until the passage of the federal Women’s Business Ownership Act of 1988, women with their own firms and professional practices in most states also could not get any kind business loan without a male co-signer and guarantor.

Richard Dawkins Says He Didn't Mean to "Disparage Trans People" By Asking How Identifying As Opposite Sex Is Different To Identifying As Another Race. Then He Disparages Gender Critical People As "Republican Bigots" In The Next Sentence by MarkTwainiac in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac[S] 28 insightful - 5 fun28 insightful - 4 fun29 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

Took him two days to do a turnaround. Appears that the Church of Genderology is the one religion he's too scared to take on.

JK Rowling's essay about sex based rights wins BBC Russell prize for best writing, MRAs having a meltdown on twitter over it by MinisterOfTerfery in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 29 insightful - 3 fun29 insightful - 2 fun30 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

To clarify, the Russell prize is the personal creation and pet project of a writer for the BBC. It's not a prize sponsored by the BBC. The Russell prize was introduced in 2017, when the creator revealed:

Let me also add that the recipients of these awards have been through a rigorous selection process: they were submitted, by me, to a discerning and impartial selection panel comprised of one member, also me, where I am honoured to hold the title of founder, convenor, president and chair.

Also, JK Rowling's essay did not win the prize this year. It was one of five finalists.

Comments from "Gender-Experts" and transwomen on a post about a teenage girl who found her little brother wearing her underwears and wanking on her panties defending the brother's creepy actions as "experimenting with his gender fluidity and sexuality" by FineIWillDoItMyself in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 30 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 0 fun31 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And it wasn't just that Jenner "admitted" sneaking into his daughters' room and trying on/stealing their undergarments - he bragged about doing so publicly in a speech he gave when being honored once again for being a stunning and brave trailblazer for the "LGTBQ-WTF."

We’re Raising Our Daughter Gender-Neutral, but She Only Wants Pink Dresses. Where did we mess up? by turtleduck23 in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 30 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 0 fun31 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

For the first two years of her life, she was constantly mistaken for a boy because she wore gender-neutral clothes. We direct her towards books and other media that do not represent traditional gender roles (no sparkle princesses!). We ask friends and family to refrain from commenting on her appearance and clothing, if they can help it, and to instead focus on skills or interests.

However, our daughter adores the color pink, insists on wearing dresses, and is currently obsessed with accessories.

After a few battles about wearing her sole pink dress when it was dirty, my daughter and I did some online shopping together and she chose a few more dresses to order (all of them were pink, obviously).

I feel like if we push back too hard on her love for dresses and jewelry, it will backfire, and she will only become more obsessed!

It's as though this woman - and all the other parents like her - have never heard of the concept of the forbidden fruit: something that is made desirable because it is not allowed, and which becomes ever more ineluctably appealing the more it is decreed unacceptable, off-limits and taboo.

This is a concept that is central to the Book of Genesis, the Old Testament origin story that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are based on - religions that more than half the world's population nowadays believes in. In North America, where presumably this woman lives coz she's writing to Slate, the Bible and Judeo-Christian narratives are pretty fundamental to the entire dominant popular culture, regardless of whether we as individuals buy into them.

Beyond the OT, the concept of forbidden fruit is also a known trope in many religious traditions, cultures and stories coz it's a basic fact of human psychology that the act of forbidding something automatically piques humans' curiosity about it and desire for it.

How can such a simple, obvious concept that contains such a large grain of truth be so hard for people to grasp?

Transgender woman cannot be child's 'mother': French court by Tovasshi in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 30 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 0 fun31 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

People like this seem to be intent on taking every possible step to make other people and the world at large bend to their will in order to "validate" their chosen identity.

In this case, the father is on a power trip over both the government and his child. He's trying to make the state body that operates the official registry of births recognize/record him as the child's mother. Worse, he's trying to create situation where his own child will have to go through his/her entire life using an identity document that states and perpetuates the lie that his or her father is really his/her mother.

It's a real mind-fuck for the kid, coz a BC is the most important ID document of one's life, as it establishes citizenship and all the rights that flow from citizenship. And coz it's the ID document that other ID documents and official records and papers like passports, school registration and records, social security cards, voter registration/rolls, government benefits, health care system ID, conscription, pensions are all based on.

Dunno if France requires marriage licenses, but the child's BC could affect that too - in some places you have to provide your BC to get a marriage license. In some places, like the UK, you have to put your father's name and occupation on the marriage registry too. (A tidbit I know from when Jerry Hall married Rupert Murdoch.)

Per usual, the narcissism of the trans person is off the charts in this case: registering a child's birth is supposed to be principally for the benefit of the child, not the parents, and for the benefit of the government so it can do long-range planning. A birth certificate is supposed to belong to the child to establish the facts of the child's birth and parentage; it's not meant as a parental identity document or validation device.

My 60 y.o. aunt has a TIM at her golf club. He's using the women's change rooms and registering in the women's tournament. by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 30 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 0 fun31 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why almost always when I am reading about transwomen - they are attacking some vulnureable group of people or minors?

Coz men using the con of trans identity to horn in on and stomp all over women's spaces, sports and rights - and to dismantle and ride roughshod over safeguarding of children and people with a wide range of vulnerabilities and disabilities - is the new form of colonization.

Most men nowadays aren't as interested in invading each other's countries and trying to take over the world as so many men customarily were for most of human history. Humans have already been there, done that too many times over the course of millennia for men to get the thrill out of it they once did. And a main lesson of the modern age is that military conquests and colonization usually work out badly for the colonizers in the end.

Also, there are no new lands and cultures to "discover" any more - all the far corners of the earth have been explored, mapped and are now connected. Males can no longer entertain fantasies of finding Shangri-la over the next mountain, or beauties on that island on the far horizon. Nor can they even prove their manliness by scaling mountain ranges like the Himalayas; Everest base camp has become a trash dump teeming with people - and on days that it's possible to summit, people stand for hours in a single-file line coz there's a massive traffic jam to get to the top.

At the same time, there's no longer big enthusiasm for space travel the way there once was back in the 1950s and early 1960s. Elon Musk aside, the idea of doing things like colonizing Mars and exploring the moon lost their appeal amongst the general public quite a long time ago. By the time of the first moon landing in 1969, many earthlings - even many patriotic Americans - were no longer thrilled and wowed by the feat as most everyone was just a decade earlier. When the moon landing occurred, many people didn't even bother to watch it on TV...

So men whose lives once would've been all about seeking adventure, power and glory by taking up arms and using technology to try to take over other people's territories nowadays have little or no desire to participate in that kind of warfare IRL any more. They'd rather put on wigs, lipstick, fishnets and heels to invade and take over female spaces and sports. Much easier - & much more sexually arousing too. Nowadays, the exotic foreign lands "modern males" fantasize about and seek to enter and mark as their territory are ladies loos, female changing rooms, rape refuges, women's shelters, female prisons, girls and women's sports, etc.

But the core impulse is the same as the one that drove colonization throughout history. And that impulse, in turn, is very much related to the nature of male sexual functioning, which evolution unfortunately has arranged to be invasive, penetrative, piercing, overbearing and domineering.

My 60 y.o. aunt has a TIM at her golf club. He's using the women's change rooms and registering in the women's tournament. by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 30 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 0 fun31 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I just wanted to share that it's not just teenagers and young women who are having their sports taken away from them. This is a retired woman who just wants to get amazing at golf and now knows that this guy will likely take a top three spot by the end of the season.

Actually, a lot of the male incursion into female sports under the guise of "trans rights" has been occurring at the masters and senior levels all along. Ragehell McKinnon, for example, competes in masters track cycling.

In fact, since the majority of males have transitioned and continue to transition when they are already well into adulthood - many during or well beyond middle-age like Jenner - they don't have the option of trying to horn in on girls' and young women's sports the way Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood have done in HS track in CT, and CeCe Telfer and June Eastwood have done at the college/university and NCAA level.

Fencer Greg Kocab began competing in women's events as Elizabeth in 2010 at age 58. A lackluster fencer in the male division, in the female division Kocab immediately started cleaning up. Kocab won the gold medal in 2010 at the North American Cup (veteran’s, 50-59), numerous US and international gold medals in 2011 and 2012, and took the world gold medal for veteran women in 2011, the bronze in 2012, and gold again in 2013.

Kirsti Miller, Caroline Layt, Lana Lawless, Lauren Jeska, Janet Furman Bowman, Joanna Harper are just some of the males into or well past middle-age who have been competing in adult and senior level women's sports for many years.

Here's Caroline Layt, a once "totally macho" male built like a proverbial brick outhouse, who now in his mid-50s is competing in at the most elite level for his age group - the World Masters - in women's track/athletics, after successfully playing women's rugby in Australia & being a finalist for "woman player of the year."

"Survivors Must Fight For Trans Women Too" (as an aforementioned survivor, this made me so angry!) by greenish in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 29 insightful - 3 fun29 insightful - 2 fun30 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

TL;DR goes like this:

"Female survivors of male abuse have a moral obligation to put their own needs aside to take care of men who've also been abused by men. Women's failure to center men in everything we do = abuse towards men. Women who do not prioritize men and do whatever men tell us we must do are committing violence against men."

Moving to France doesn't make you French by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]MarkTwainiac 22 insightful - 16 fun22 insightful - 15 fun23 insightful - 16 fun -  (0 children)

Enjoyed this a lot, OP. Thanks for the chuckles.

Others get mad at you and call you an ugly American. These people you label haters.

You further accuse them of having a fauxbia - thereby putting a whole new spin on the linguistic concept of faux amis.

More and more Americans start coming over to France and saying they are French. Their tourist visas expire and the French government tries to send them home but they refuse to go, saying that inside they are French, and must be accepted as citizens.

In loud, rude, aggressive voices typical of "ugly Americans," these Yank interlopers constantly repeat the catchphrase, "But we just want to oui!"