The creepy GenderCynical dudes are on saidit now... by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 125 insightful - 4 fun125 insightful - 3 fun126 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

I mean, TRAs hound women that don't give TiMs validation. The women are harder to hound if they're all hanging out somewhere else. Both in real life and online, the TiMs will always find their way to wherever women are at.

Well, well, well... by fijupanda in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 110 insightful - 17 fun110 insightful - 16 fun111 insightful - 17 fun -  (0 children)

That vaguely reminds me of a post that I think was on /r/GenderCritical a while ago. It was some screenshots of a thread from a trans group asked something along the lines of "Has anyone else had problems where once there's another [TiM] in a girl's group, the group tends to fall apart?"

The GC thread was about how none of them seemed to realize that even if normal woman say they're supportive, they can really only take so much of it before they decide to just fade.

One of the top comments in the screenshots suggested maybe starting a trans girl group instead, and the top reply was something like "I don't want to hang out and talk about dysphoria and stuff like that, I just want to be one of the girls".

And I remember thinking "oh, so you don't want to hang out with TiMs, yet can't seem to realize that same reasoning would also apply to you".

TERF apparently doesn't know what HRT or SRS do by theachan in GenderCynical

[–]FediNetizen 48 insightful - 5 fun48 insightful - 4 fun49 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

I'm gonna say that you don't know what HRT or SRS do. HRT changes your hormone levels and develops some of the secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex. SRS surgically alters your genitals to mimic the appearance of the opposite sex. Neither actually changes your sex.

The Elephant In The Room - An introduction to Autogynephilia and its impact on the LGBT community by FediNetizen in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen[S] 40 insightful - 2 fun40 insightful - 1 fun41 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The problem is the general populace isn't aware of the fetishistic motivations some men have for transitioning. And you have TRAs that actively deny that those people exist. And other people believe them.

That's the problem. This stuff needs to be exposed so people have a more realistic understanding of what they're really supporting.

Well, well, well... by fijupanda in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 39 insightful - 16 fun39 insightful - 15 fun40 insightful - 16 fun -  (0 children)

The entitlement also reminds me of this comic

Cancel Culture VS. Ellen by Anon123 in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 37 insightful - 1 fun37 insightful - 0 fun38 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Where is this narrative coming from? The sexual assaults are only part of the issue. Ellen has been known for being abusive towards her staff (and just generally unpleasant when you meet her in person when the cameras aren't rolling) for years, and it's finally catching up with her.

Uh... Is any sub on reddit free from this shit? by powpowpowpow in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 36 insightful - 2 fun36 insightful - 1 fun37 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The weird thing is I swear I remember some TwoX post that got super upvoted several years ago (like 2014 if I had to guess) asking if trans women were allowed. I'm trying to imagine how insane someone would have sounded saying if you tolerated them they would eventually take over. Yet they would have been completely right.

There was a really insightful comment I read somewhere recently explaining why they tend to take over online groups for women and lesbians: because they tend to become community moderators, because they make the time for it, because whether they want to admit it or not, it's a fetish.

When you're an actual woman or lesbian, being such is just one aspect of your life, and just what you happen to be. You tend to have other things that need tending to, like your hobbies, your kids, etc.

But when you're male participating in these groups, being a woman or lesbian is your hobby. You enjoy it, so you make the time for it. And because you put time on, you end up moderating the community, policing women, bringing in more like-minded people that engage in more policing, and because so many of these men indulge themselves online, the communities get overrun.

"Is it okay for me to be a lesbian and not like penises" (Actuallesbians) by oofreesouloo in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 33 insightful - 1 fun33 insightful - 0 fun34 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Honestly just being told to get therapy is plenty. That is literal advocacy for conversion therapy because of your sexuality.

Well, well, well... by fijupanda in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 33 insightful - 4 fun33 insightful - 3 fun34 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Are you familiar with the concept of autogynephilia?

JK Rowling claims society is on brink of 'medical scandal' over transgender issues by [deleted] in politics

[–]FediNetizen 33 insightful - 3 fun33 insightful - 2 fun34 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Because at the time when she was retconning the H.P. universe, it was mostly about gay issues and people, including her, didn't realize that young children were being pushed into medical transitions that left permanent damage.

It has only been in the last few years that this extreme form of trans activism went mainstream, and probably only in the last couple of years she realized there was a real threat here.

Apparently not stripping in front of TIMs is "transphobic". I never thought that they'd come up with something more rapey than the "cotton ceiling", but here we are. by justradfemthings in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 33 insightful - 1 fun33 insightful - 0 fun34 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Same with trying to shame them into having sex with you. Starting a defamation campaign because someone doesn't want to get naked with you so the two of you can enjoy each other's bodies is the creepiest and most entitled thing that these people actually fucking support.

It's crazy because if I were just some average progressive that didn't know much about the issue and someone told me that they were trying to pressure people (particularly men pressuring lesbians) into having sex with them I would probably dismiss that as a transphobic lie, because I heard plenty of homophobic lies about how it was a choice, or how a lot of them became that way because they were molested as kids.

But you can actually confirm this from the horses mouth. It's fucked up.

TERF apparently doesn't know what HRT or SRS do by theachan in GenderCynical

[–]FediNetizen 31 insightful - 3 fun31 insightful - 2 fun32 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

And they only make up a small portion of the listed items on said table, which was the point. The fact that the changes often aren't entirely convincing aside, even with the full spectrum of HRT, SRS, etc, you're still not the opposite sex, but the same sex mimicking the appearance of the opposite sex.

Bruce Jenner. by Aquadog in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 31 insightful - 7 fun31 insightful - 6 fun32 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

Lol Bruce Jenner is a garbage human being. Mark Normand has a great clip from his recent comedy special that mentions Bruce

"Is it okay for me to be a lesbian and not like penises" (Actuallesbians) by oofreesouloo in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 30 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 0 fun31 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


This is like the reverse of when that MTF was on some trans subreddit talking about how happy he was that he was able to walk around a woman's locker room naked and no one confronted him about his penis. He even specifically mentioned that he got dirty looks "but no one said anything".

There were actually comments from trans people saying this wasn't OK and would hurt trans acceptance, but they were being deleted. This was a couple years ago when the Gender Critical movement wasn't nearly as big, and they still apparently felt like they were unquestionable.

Now the backlash is growing, and they know it, and they know that people are watching these subs, so now mods are trying to hide that entitled trans perverts are a thing.

If you ever thought that they weren't hateful... by theachan in GenderCynical

[–]FediNetizen 30 insightful - 3 fun30 insightful - 2 fun31 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

No, it doesn't. Saidit doesn't have any kind of protection against bots, or TRAs aiming for a false-flag style attack. Why are barely any of the dozens of comments supportive if this is actually a reflection of the community? Seems more likely that the ones upvoting aren't part of the community.

Irreversible Damage: the trans threat to girls - Abigail Shrier's new book is a must-read on the harm trans ideology is doing to young girls by [deleted] in books

[–]FediNetizen 29 insightful - 1 fun29 insightful - 0 fun30 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Munchausen's by Proxy in 2020 is parents transing their 7-year-olds.

Reddit bans anyone for mentioning their new admin Ashton "Aimee" Challenor's name by TurtleFuzz in WatchRedditDie

[–]FediNetizen 28 insightful - 4 fun28 insightful - 3 fun29 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Which makes you wonder if all three share the same...tastes.

Not just those three. "Aimee's" story has been well-known for a couple years now. The reddit admins that pushed to get him hired knew what happened when they were making that push. My guess is that if you arrested the reddit staff that advocated for "Aimee" and examined their hard drives, it wouldn't just be "Aimee" that would be going to prison.

A blue check saying that WOC are masculine so it is RACIST to believe transwomen are not women and only RACISTS feel that way... This makes me feel amazing as a black woman! by throwawayfuckreddit in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 28 insightful - 1 fun28 insightful - 0 fun29 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I can't believe they get away with this shit

Well, he's getting ratioed hard for this tweet, [and the quote tweets are almost universally dunks too], so I wouldn't say he's really getting away with it at least.

Gay Rights... Trans Rights... by Happy_Blueberry3910 in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 27 insightful - 1 fun27 insightful - 0 fun28 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The slippery slope fallacy isn't really even a fallacy for exactly that reason. Sometimes the slope really is slippery.

One of the main reasons TRAs have gotten as far as they have, is that people that haven't looked into it still assume that this is a continuation of the gay rights movement and that, like the gay rights movement, this is fundamentally about equality. In some cases, like not being fired for being trans, it is. But obviously in a lot of other cases, like sports, it isn't.

OP wants a genuine discussion about trans people. It ends like it always does. by lazy-summer-god in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 27 insightful - 1 fun27 insightful - 0 fun28 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So you can't question "droptheT" dogam, only submit to it.

This sub isn't AskLGBDropTheT. What makes the other guy's ban obnoxious and amusing is that they were banned for asking a good-faith question in a sub that was ostensibly intended to be a place where people could ask good-faith questions about trans issues. Show me an LGBDropTheT sub for questions where they ban peopl for asking genuine questions and you'll have an actual point here.

"Is it okay for me to be a lesbian and not like penises" (Actuallesbians) by oofreesouloo in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 27 insightful - 1 fun27 insightful - 0 fun28 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's like the old days when straight men would try to sleep with lesbians, except even worse because somehow they've convinced the lesbians that not wanting to sleep with them means they're bad people.

Well, well, well... by fijupanda in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 27 insightful - 11 fun27 insightful - 10 fun28 insightful - 11 fun -  (0 children)

It's just as confusing when you listen to the rationale of a trans woman trying to explain how they're a lesbian that isn't interested in trans women.

TRA article in MEN'S HEALTH, "Rogan has a history of platforming divisive voices. Now he's actively fanning the flames of hate." They're coming for Joe now because of the Abigail Shrier interview! Tweets are ripping the TRA and Men's Health to pieces. by xxPhoenixRising in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 27 insightful - 13 fun27 insightful - 12 fun28 insightful - 13 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, if any of these clowns think Steven Molyneux is less hateful than Abigail Shrier, then I'd bet the number of panties they've snatched out of someone's drawers and worn is not zero.

TERF apparently doesn't know what HRT or SRS do by theachan in GenderCynical

[–]FediNetizen 26 insightful - 3 fun26 insightful - 2 fun27 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Because genetic and physical abnormalities exist. But any deviations from the norm in this case just mean you potentially end up with non-functional reproductive parts. If you were born capable of reproduction, then it won't be ambiguous which sex you are.

Challenor is no longer employed by reddit. I'm surprised reddit actually did something. by TurtleFuzz in WatchRedditDie

[–]FediNetizen 25 insightful - 8 fun25 insightful - 7 fun26 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

Accusing other people of being obsessed, when you're a TiM that created a Saidit account after the GC ban, that initially lied and claimed to be an actual woman, but that couldn't even pass as one through text is...well it's certainly something.

The support for LGBT is dropping for the first time in ages thanks to TRA's and nonbinaries. by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 25 insightful - 3 fun25 insightful - 2 fun26 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

They should poll separately for SSA people, and the TQ+ crowd trying to jump on the oppression train.

Challenor is no longer employed by reddit. I'm surprised reddit actually did something. by TurtleFuzz in WatchRedditDie

[–]FediNetizen 24 insightful - 2 fun24 insightful - 1 fun25 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Learning about autogynephilia was such a lightbulb moment because it explained so much of the behavior of the guys that I've known that transitioned. And it also explains yours. Wanting desperately to be a lesbian when you are in fact just a straight man. Taking medication to induce lactation so you can "experience motherhood", and so on.

Frankly, it's all really creepy and gross. I feel bad for the actual lesbians that have been having to deal with guys like you for the past few years.

The cis fag and the neuroqueer gigadyke by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 24 insightful - 19 fun24 insightful - 18 fun25 insightful - 19 fun -  (0 children)

"Stealth trans girl here...."

Just moved to a college campus— there are literally more “queer” and trans students than there are gay students. by nbailey73 in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 24 insightful - 1 fun24 insightful - 0 fun25 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And getting expelled for starting a gay club would be excellent grounds for a discrimination lawsuit.

A blue check saying that WOC are masculine so it is RACIST to believe transwomen are not women and only RACISTS feel that way... This makes me feel amazing as a black woman! by throwawayfuckreddit in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 24 insightful - 2 fun24 insightful - 1 fun25 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, that dude has a hell of a ratio going. Like 1.5k comments to 500 likes.

How to deal with superphobic religious parents? by jet199 in SuperStraight

[–]FediNetizen 23 insightful - 2 fun23 insightful - 1 fun24 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

This is quality satire

LGB orgs in several countries are dropping the T; LBG Alliance mentions forming a US group by wafflegaff in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 23 insightful - 11 fun23 insightful - 10 fun24 insightful - 11 fun -  (0 children)

Lol, I love that WERM (Women-Erasing Reactionary Misogynists) acronym. Now Has a Libelous Definition of "TERF" on Their Site. I just complained to them, since it's a slur and the definition is based on LIES. Please complain also and share widely. by yishengqingwa666 in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 23 insightful - 1 fun23 insightful - 0 fun24 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Give it time and I'm sure that they'll update it to say the term can't be defined.

Saidit is currently undergoing the largest DDOS attack we've ever had by magnora7 in SaidIt

[–]FediNetizen 23 insightful - 2 fun23 insightful - 1 fun24 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I was one of the people in the comments of those threads and for the record my concerns are entirely genuine. It's just really tiring to interact with people that have obsessive racial worldviews (whether they're right-wing or left-wing). Their views usually come from a place of ignorance and it's just tedious because they often get hostile when you tell them they're wrong

Also, even though I've been on the internet a long time and have a tolerance for extremism personally, that stuff scares away the normies, which will make it harder for the site to grow. I'd really love to be a part of a site like the reddit I knew 10 years ago.

Hi, I used to run "anti-trans" subs by loxicom in Introductions

[–]FediNetizen 23 insightful - 2 fun23 insightful - 1 fun24 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

He is definitely a troll.

Wikipedia's brain is running on coal guys. by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 22 insightful - 1 fun22 insightful - 0 fun23 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"is generally considered a more inclusive term than bisexual"

And what if you generally don't find yourself attracted to trans people? More of this "not wanting to have sex with trans people is transphobic" nonsense.

Male rapper: ‘I broke women’s weightlifting record & you’ve no proof I didn’t identify as such’ by dandeliondynasty in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 22 insightful - 3 fun22 insightful - 2 fun23 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, it was in response to a recent controversy where a TiM entered a woman's weightlifting competition and won like 4 world records.

A clown world. by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 21 insightful - 1 fun21 insightful - 0 fun22 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Eh it's more like the OK sign where the original usage wasn't at all racist. Whenever someone says something retarded on twitter people always reply with clown gifs and make references to clowns like that. Nothing anti-semitic about that.

It does seem like racists have their own take on it, but the original meaning (you are a clown = you are a fucking moron, clown world = the world is being run by morons) is still widely used.

Another 'pre op transgirl' not feeling welcome in /actuallesbians because it is 'super cis centric' by winterwillow in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 20 insightful - 10 fun20 insightful - 9 fun21 insightful - 10 fun -  (0 children)

You mean almost as if lesbians and fetishistic straight men should have their own subs

Incel transbian gets dumped by girlfriend for being "too masculine" in bed by gendercritfem in itsafetish

[–]FediNetizen 20 insightful - 2 fun20 insightful - 1 fun21 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

"What a messed up thing to say to a trans woman", "You're better off without her"

Interesting that these guys seem to have this belief that a relationship is this thing where you partners only bends themselves to your needs while ignoring their own.

Kyle Rittenhouse's mother by ImPiqued1111111 in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 19 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think the premise of your discussion, that the shootings were "perpetrated" by Rittenhouse, is not quite accurate.

I've spent a lot of time reviewing the Rittenhouse footage and reading the relevant laws, with findings detailed in this comment, and what it seems like so far is his actions were reasonable self-defense.

Specifically, Rittenhouse was being chased by an angry mob, one of whom had just pulled out a gun and fired it into the air. To Rittenhouse, this would be indistinguishable from one of the mob actually shooting at him. When you're being chased by an angry armed mob that isn't breaking off despite your attempts to flee, at that point it's reasonable to believe you are going to be gravely injured or killed, and the only way to prevent it is to shoot back.

The only things that could undermine his self-defense claim would be:

1) If the prosecution could show Rittenhouse did something to provoke the mob to attack him. I haven't found footage of what happened that caused the mob to start chasing Rittenhouse, so I can't say for sure that he didn't do something that would reasonably provoke them here he could use that as an excuse to shoot them.

However, based on some other information I would guess not. Specifically, the people chasing him that he shot all had notable criminal records (one was a convicted sex offender, another had been convicted on at least 2 separate counts of (serious) domestic abuse that included strangulation and false imprisonment, and the 3rd had been charged with felony burglary and a few other crimes, and at least one of them looked really agitated already when filmed earlier in the night confronting the militia Rittenhouse was a part of. It seems more likely that they were just aggressive men that started chasing him because he was separated from the group or something along those lines.

It could turn out I'm entirely wrong and Rittenhouse did do something to reasonably provoke them. Under Wisconsin state law, since he was fleeing he would have regained the privilege of self-defense, unless it can be shown that he provoked them with the intention of creating the situation where he could legally use lethal force.

2) The less likely reason his self-defense claim could be undermined is if the prosecution can convince a jury that either his belief that he was under the threat of serious bodily harm/death wasn't reasonable under the circumstances, or that his belief that lethal force was reasonably necessary to prevent the harm wasn't reasonable.

I don't see this one being the way they get him, because Rittenhouse was being chased by an angry mob, and right before the first shooting one of his pursuers pulled out a gun and fired it into the air, which to Rittenhouse wouldn't be distinguishable from being fired at.

Aaron Swartz meme (was removed by mods) by zyxzevn in MeanwhileOnReddit

[–]FediNetizen 19 insightful - 4 fun19 insightful - 3 fun20 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Helped design the RSS standard (as a teenager, mind you), actually stood for free speech, co-founded reddit, which was actually pretty good about free speech in the first several years. Published a fuckton of studies that were previously locked behind a paywall because he believed information wants to be free, and was investigated by the FBI for it. Killed himself at 26, after which reddit went to shit.

But sure, if he was Jewish that's really what's important here. You people are so obsessed with this shit.

Magnora7 is a lying drama queen riding my ass with his tiny pricks and jabs to avoid the real issues. Am I right or wrong? View the evidence... by JasonCarswell in AskSaidIt

[–]FediNetizen 18 insightful - 4 fun18 insightful - 3 fun19 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Yet again, I'm being the bigger person and stepping away from the futile nonsense

Nah, you're just narc raging because someone is telling you your behavior isn't acceptable, and you don't want to hear it. There are a ton of parallels here between you and that guy that ran the nazi subreddit who kept making new accounts to try to "appeal" the decision.

Woman Who Killed Her Baby Has Conviction Overturned, Court Says Six-Day-Old Baby Isn’t a Person by WarmPotato in politics

[–]FediNetizen 18 insightful - 2 fun18 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

"Court Says Six-Day-Old Baby Isn’t a Person"

God I hate these shitty editorialized titles.

"In an eight-page decision issued Thursday, a five-member majority of the Court of Appeals said in a decision written by Judge Eugene Pigott that the central question in the case was whether the state Legislature intended "to hold pregnant women criminally responsible for engaging in reckless conduct against themselves and their unborn fetuses, such that they should be subject to criminal liability for prenatal conduct that results in postnatal death? Under the current statutory scheme, the answer to this question is no."

The court said that Suffolk County prosecutors "concede that, had defendant not consented to the cesarean section with the result that the child be born alive, she would not have been prosecuted for manslaughter in the second degree." Ruling against Jorgensen, then, "would create a perverse incentive for a pregnant woman to refuse a cesarean section out of fear that if her baby is born alive she would face criminal charges for her alleged reckless conduct, jeopardizing the health of the woman and the unborn fetus."

Such an imposition of criminal liability, the majority found, "should be clearly defined by the legislature, not the courts. It should also not be left to the whim of the prosecutor."

Just look at these poor sweet little ladies expressing their distress at being bullied by people with cervixes by Chunkeeguy in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 18 insightful - 2 fun18 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

It's Twitter. Twitter is almost the new Tumblr at this point.

Everything learned in 12 years of school can be learned online in less than a year... by iraelmossadreddit in whatever

[–]FediNetizen 18 insightful - 5 fun18 insightful - 4 fun19 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

If you're an adult you can learn it in a year or two, maybe. Not as a child.

SOCKS IS BANNED. by JasonCarswell in news

[–]FediNetizen 17 insightful - 6 fun17 insightful - 5 fun18 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

JC calling someone else a snowflake 🙄

LGBS just went down by 79malibu350 in SuperStraight

[–]FediNetizen 17 insightful - 2 fun17 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Superstraight isn't an alternative to "transphobic". What made it blow up was that in describing it as a "new" class of sexuality, they fall under the LGBT+ umbrella. Denying the validity of a super's sexuality is superphobic, in the same way denying that people are really gay is homophobic.

In super parlance, straight = attracted to women and trans women, super straight = attracted only to women. Gay = attracted to men and trans men, and Super Gay = attracted only to men. In describing their sexuality in this way (acknowledging people as still straight or gay if they're attracted to trans people), you are also giving trans activists what they said they wanted: classification as the men or women they say they are. But you are also asserting your sexuality in the process.

Trans nuts that try to shame and marginalize supers and question the validity of their sexuality are being just as intolerant as the transphobes they complain about. While the movement was satirical in origin, they're actually entirely serious about what they're saying. "I acknowledge trans people as the gender they identify as, but I'm still not attracted to them".

When your toddler is already smarter than you. by jet199 in MeanwhileOnReddit

[–]FediNetizen 17 insightful - 9 fun17 insightful - 8 fun18 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

It wouldn't be Saidit without at least one person blaming whatever the problem is on the jews.

AGP male self aware and critical of Trans Ideology (WORTH reading) by oofreesouloo in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"I can't help being a perv, but I can damn well make sure I'm not a creep."

God this problem would just go away if other AGPs shared his outlook.

JK Rowling book sales unaffected by transgender views row by RadioSilence in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 17 insightful - 2 fun17 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I wouldn't personally. I love Harry Potter, finished the last four books within a week of their release dates, and also appreciate Rowling for speaking out knowing how vicious the response would be, but the only reason she's not a billionaire is she gave away so much money. Plus so many copies have already been sold that you can find them everywhere. Printing more seems almost wasteful, and the royalties would make no difference to her.

A researcher has found that of the 16 moderators of Reddit's sub for lesbians, 11 of them were biologically male transwomen. The forum has now been closed down because too many women on there only wanted to date other biological women, and this was considered 'transphobic' by Tarrock in MeanwhileOnReddit

[–]FediNetizen 17 insightful - 8 fun17 insightful - 7 fun18 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

stfu only a misogynist would criticize a woman like that /s

But seriously I agree this person needs to have their markup privileges taken away at this point this is ridiculous.

Supreme Court: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has Died by UnexpectedTransmissi in news

[–]FediNetizen 16 insightful - 6 fun16 insightful - 5 fun17 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Well that's huge. I'm betting money Republicans rush a candidate through before January even though it makes them massive hypocrites when you consider how they treated this situation during 2016.

Well, well, well... by fijupanda in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 16 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 0 fun17 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Actually there was a "study" that tried to prove this, but what the guy did is took one of Blanchard's surveys used to gauge AGP and changed the wording around so it applied to females. Except in doing that it also changed the meaning of a lot of the questions, which invalidates the results.

Taken from here

Moser (2009) reported the responses of 29 female hospital employees to his Female Autogynephilia Scale, which used items modified from scales originally devised by Blanchard (1985, 1989b) to measure autogynephilia and related traits (Lawrence, 2010b). About half of respondents reported at least occasional "autogynephilic" arousal. But Moser modified Blanchard's original language on the advice of female colleagues and friends, to better investigate the specifics of their self-reported arousal or to provide "needed context" (Moser, 2010a, p. 694). Consequently, Moser's modified items arguably did not adequately distinguish between being aroused by wearing sexy clothing or by imagining that a potential romantic partner finds one attractive — which natal women apparently do experience — and being aroused simply by the idea that one is wearing women's clothing or has a woman's body — which natal women probably rarely if ever experience (Lawrence, 2010b). Moser (2009) conceded that "It is possible that autogynephilia among MTFs and natal women are different phenomena and the present inventories lack the sophistication to distinguish these differences" (p. 544). Lawrence (2010b) argued that this was probable, on the grounds that Moser's items "fail[ed] to adequately assess the essential element of autogynephilia — sexual arousal simply to the thought of being a female" (p. 3).

JK Rowling claims society is on brink of 'medical scandal' over transgender issues by [deleted] in politics

[–]FediNetizen 16 insightful - 2 fun16 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

How did this happen

A couple things:

  • As gays started gaining mainstream acceptance, and particularly in the last few years when they've gained widespread support and legal protections, the focus of lobbying efforts started to shift to the T, because these established orgs needed to be "doing activism" to keep bringing in the donations and keep their jobs.
  • A lot of people realized that in hindsight gay people should have had these rights all along, so people didn't speak up earlier because they were afraid of being seen as hateful in the way we see homophobes now.

So the result was you had this modern trans activism pushing for self-id as a legal standard, and "affirmation only" approaches to adolescent gender dysphoria cases. Also they started telling kids that GNC behavior meant you were trans, and again you didn't have people shutting that down because they were afraid of being called bigots.

You can see it now even in 2020. Rowling has done nothing but explain her reservations about men who haven't really transitioned, and GNC and autistic girls being pushed into transitioning despite basically every study that exists showing the vast majority will eventually grow out of it, and she is still getting called a bigot that wants trans people to die because of it. She's too rich and established to be cancelled, but other more vulnerable people are probably afraid to speak out still for this reason.

Hi, I used to run "anti-trans" subs by loxicom in Introductions

[–]FediNetizen 16 insightful - 2 fun16 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Don't feed the troll.

SOCKS IS BANNED. by JasonCarswell in news

[–]FediNetizen 15 insightful - 2 fun15 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

You've stirred up a lot more shit on this site than socks has. Amazing that he's banned instead of you.

Always Remember: Reddit hired who they did because they thought the overton window had shifted enough where a Pedo Tranny would be accepted. by Tarrock in MeanwhileOnReddit

[–]FediNetizen 15 insightful - 2 fun15 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Remember that this is the same reddit that hosted the /r/jailbait subreddit for years, until they were forced to address it when CNN's biggest news anchor called them out on his show.

They're perfectly fine with how much power "these people" have, because they are "these people". At reddit, it's pedos all the way down. They only dismiss people like this when they're forced to.

Johnathan Yaniv accused of harassing emergency first responders with ‘lewd conduct’ by Scruffy_Nerf_Herder in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

A lot of people in the thread had the same reaction. However, some have pointed out the hands holding the wound open definitely look like his from other photos, and Tineye returns zero results on said wound photos.

TheDonald has been taken down by TheJamesRocket in news

[–]FediNetizen 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What kind of future does "" have when Trump left office having done almost none of what he promised? That's not even getting into Q shit, where surely there are a bunch of disappointed supporters, but their disappointment is on them.

Best-Looking Girl by Tarrock in MeanwhileOnReddit

[–]FediNetizen 15 insightful - 9 fun15 insightful - 8 fun16 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

I would be puking on the floor before I would mistake that for a woman.

The cis fag and the neuroqueer gigadyke by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 15 insightful - 4 fun15 insightful - 3 fun16 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

I really wanna hear the voice

Just moved to a college campus— there are literally more “queer” and trans students than there are gay students. by nbailey73 in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is a good way to get involved. Start a local LGB alliance chapter, or maybe just a club for same-sex-attracted people.

Cancel Culture VS. Ellen by Anon123 in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 15 insightful - 2 fun15 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Exactly there is a smear campaign against her and the worst they found about her was that she was sometimes rude lmao

No smear campaign, she just actually sucks. This goes beyond mere rudeness; she's been known to be abusive to her staff and random service workers for years. I first heard about this stuff years ago as well, but here's a Twitter thread of stories about Degeneres being mean. There a quite a few of them.

JK Rowling claims society is on brink of 'medical scandal' over transgender issues by [deleted] in politics

[–]FediNetizen 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

and trans people get executed

For what, exactly? Even if they've got mental health issues that doesn't make it OK to kill them.

I just wanted to say bye by SemiAquaticMammal in Introductions

[–]FediNetizen 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

With how small the userbase on this site is, it's kind of a big deal. Especially because it's musk, one of the most affable guys on this site. And it isn't like Jason where the guy was being a jackass and constantly trying to create drama, either. All musk did is share a fake screenshot purporting to be of a DM from M7 telling someone they were banned for transphobia.

"Vaginas and MTF vaginas are indistinguishable": This level of cringe is beyond unbearable! by LeoneOkada in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 14 insightful - 6 fun14 insightful - 5 fun15 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Imagine the owner of a bad Ferrari replica telling you that because there are so many different Ferrari models that you can't say what a real one is supposed to look like.

Reddit Shuts Down WallStreetBets Subgroup -- Blames Racism and Hate Speech -- After Rookie Investors in General Public Make Money Causing Hedge Funds to Go Bust by scrubking in WatchRedditDie

[–]FediNetizen 14 insightful - 2 fun14 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The subreddit went private briefly, but it never went down. More fake news from The Gateway Pundit, what a shock.

Kyle Rittenhouse's mother by ImPiqued1111111 in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I read today that the first man he killed was shot in the back.

Yes, as this is an emotionally charged incident, there are a lot of people on the internet spreading misinformation. The first man Rittenhouse shot (Rosenbaum, 36) had been chasing Rittenhouse, and was lunging at Rittenhouse when he was shot in the head. There's some decent-quality video of that here, where you can see Rittenhouse being chased and what's happening when he shoots, although if you have a weak stomach you should probably turn it off once the cameraman starts approaching Rosenbaum, as he does get close enough to where you can clearly see the head wound.

Rittenhouse fired four times in rapid succession, but it does look like Rosenbaum dropped from one of the first ones, so giving as much benefit of the doubt to your source it's possible he was shot "in the back" from one of the later rounds (you don't get a view of his back from the video after he's been shot), but it's not the "in the back" in the sense one would typically take that to mean.

Also, I'm not really giving the benefit of the doubt that a man ideologically opposed to the protests showed up there with an assault weapon. Was he really there not looking to start some shit?

While it was largely a protest, there was also a lot of looting and rioting going on at the time. Around the time Rittenhouse had showed up, about 20 buildings had been burned down, and many stores looted. Earlier in the day he had been cleaning graffiti off of a building. When he was chased down he was part of a militia group that was trying to protect a different building.

To be clear, what Rittenhouse did was still idiotic. He was a pudgy 5'3" 17-year-old that shouldn't have been part of that group.

If you want a more detailed rundown of what led to the shooting, I recommend this article. My one gripe is the author repeatedly claims Rittenhouse's possession of the rifle was illegal, but that claim is factually incorrect. The statute on minors possessing weapons makes specific exemptions for rifles and shotguns provided the minor is in compliance with other codes related to firearm possession. If Rittenhouse were 15 then the possession without a guardian present would have been illegal, but for those 16 and up it's legal. Even so, it's a good article overall.

Two TIMs discuss whether taking progesterone up their ass will give them "bigger titties" by gendercritfem in itsafetish

[–]FediNetizen 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Lol, just like Jonathan Yaniv, who happens to be a perfect rebuttal to this nonsense dismissing the idea that there are men that use the trans shield so they can be predators.

The right wing to left wing ratio on this site seems to be pretty skewed and it'd be nice if it wasnt by TheSeventhSense in whatever

[–]FediNetizen 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I suggest submitting more of the content you want to see. Find a good thinkpiece about one of the political issues you care about and submit it.

The cis fag and the neuroqueer gigadyke by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 13 insightful - 4 fun13 insightful - 3 fun14 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Was this tweet deleted? Because I checked this user's profile and can't seem to find it?

Whoever reported it, you did us all a disservice. The comments on some non-passing trans dude's homophobic tweet had to have been good.

Edit: Turns out I should have looked at the photo more closely. I assumed the tweet was recent, but it's from July and it's in fact still there

The cis fag and the neuroqueer gigadyke by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 13 insightful - 7 fun13 insightful - 6 fun14 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

When you see the small twitter pfp and it still trips up your casual browsing you know it's gonna be good when you enlarge

UK Court of Appeal overturns misgendering conviction: "free speech encompasses the right to offend" by catoboros in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Now if only they were consistent on that front. Isn't the UK still having issues with "non-crime hate incidents"?

I’m honored to cosponsor a bill to repeal the Patriot Act with my friend across the aisle @TulsiGabbard by [deleted] in politics

[–]FediNetizen 13 insightful - 5 fun13 insightful - 4 fun14 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

I don't think you know Gabbard very well if you're surprised by this. Gabbard is an independent thinker with a lot of views that go against the DNC orthodoxy. She resigned from her position as DNC vice-president when she found out how the DNC was trying to rig the 2016 primaries against Bernie, and she publicly called them out about it. She's against needless war and against most "deep state shit", surveillance included.

GC: Why isn't a vagina/clitoris a small penis and why isn't a penis a big vagina/clitoris? by Nohope in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 13 insightful - 4 fun13 insightful - 3 fun14 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

This is like asking "why is a car not an airplane?" since the structure for both of them typically starts out as sheet metal, and asserting the question is more valid because you know someone who has a car and insists it's just an airplane without wings.

Actually, even that analogy doesn't go far enough, because someone with enough money to waste could take the materials from a car and make a shitty airplane out of them, while with sex reassignment surgery you can only make one sort of look like the other, but you can't replicate the functionality.

Edit: I just realized who wrote this article. I remember this clown. On Twitter he once tweeted something so obnoxious that's it's burned into my memory as an example of the mental gymnastics these people engage in to avoid acknowledging sex.

The creepy GenderCynical dudes are on saidit now... by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Oh, I just made a post about this but then I checked /new and realized you had me beat by over 20 minutes. Deleting mine.

I know this site is for free speech and all but please cut the antisemitism and conspiracy theory bs from the front page. It's not a good look and is going to drive people away from trying the site. by Locke in SaidIt

[–]FediNetizen 13 insightful - 4 fun13 insightful - 3 fun14 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Even if I get annoyed at the occasional racist post on Reddit, it's tolerable because it makes up such a small percentage of the content. On Saidit it's a lot more prevalent, and a lot harder to brush aside.

SOCKS IS BANNED. by JasonCarswell in news

[–]FediNetizen 12 insightful - 5 fun12 insightful - 4 fun13 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

"You've stirred up a lot more shit than socks"

"Yes, but when I stir up shit, it's almost always justified" 🙄

What do transbians have to do with gay history? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Bruce Jenner was stealing his daughters clothes to wear and watching them fight with each other and not saying anything

As I recall it was actually worse. He denied it and called the daughter a liar when the daughter told the rest of the family about it.

Best-Looking Girl by Tarrock in MeanwhileOnReddit

[–]FediNetizen 12 insightful - 3 fun12 insightful - 2 fun13 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Actually, nowadays it's more likely that he's straight. A few decades ago transitioners were usually gay, but now that it's more widely accepted it's mostly straight people transitioning. And these straight men identify as "lesbians", but are really still just straight guys with a fetish (really more of a sexual orientation) called autogynephilia.

Fire destroys the second largest hydroxychloroquine raw material supplier in the World. According to a fifteen year old study by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), Hydroxychloroquine is proven 100% effective at "obliterating" coronaviruses, within as little as six hours. by christnmusicreleases in conspiracy

[–]FediNetizen 12 insightful - 2 fun12 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

This is so stupid. If HCQ were actually effective at fighting COVID-19, we'd still be using it. We've mostly stopped using it, because it wasn't effective. And still some of you cling to this, because it's what Trump told you.

Repeat after me: sexuality has nothing to do with sex by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]FediNetizen 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There was a good Reddit comment from a Psych PhD who specializes in NPD that isn't convinced that it's meaningfully different from "vulnerable narcissism". She thinks the fact that the authors never mention vulnerable narcissism means this research isn't as original as the authors would have you believe.

TIM complains to DC Metro about JKR billboard; Public agency says too bad, because freedom of speech! by alttrawl in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 12 insightful - 7 fun12 insightful - 6 fun13 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

Citing your own blog to support your argument

Me neither by Chunkeeguy in GenderCritical

[–]FediNetizen 12 insightful - 2 fun12 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Probably worth crossposting to /s/itsafetish