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Reddit attempts to have a "peaceful, respectful talk" with MAGA... but it looks like all the MAGAs were banned
2 days ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Reddit reacts to Nancy Mace saying "Tranny, tranny, tranny, I don't really care"
I struggle to feel allowed to call myself a girl
3 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
Remember - If trans women went into women's spaces and abused women/children, it would be HEADLINE NEWS on Fox News, they would be running those stories CONSTANTLY.
4 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
Persecution complex on display: asking the legal advice sub about the legality of archiving publicly-available LBGT+ information on government websites.
6 days ago by LordoftheFlies to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Redditors enraged by new federal policy forbidding pronouns in email signatures
7 days ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
I get so much shame from my own community for only wanting to date or have sex with cisgender women, and it's frustrating
7 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
7 days ago by xoenix to /s/memes from
To my fellow Feds, especially veterans: we’re at war
9 days ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Reddit reacts to Trump's executive order to ban gender procedures on minors
10 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
"Why I'm a Yandere" How edgy
10 days ago by Zoomergroid to /s/TumblrInAction from
Political & Racial Differences in a Relationship
10 days ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Would it be morally corrupt if
13 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
r/Destiny wondering what posts to allow after the revenge porn allegations
15 days ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
The Resistance is Working; Earth is Healing
Autistic Redditor thinks ending DEI means they will never get hired again
A theory on why TERFs exist
17 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
Instagram is now blocking pro-Democrat, anti-Republican hashtags. Pro-Republican hashtags remain unchanged.
17 days ago by xoenix to /s/censorship from
What a strange admission
19 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
Why you should care about Bambu Labs removing third-party printer access, and what you can do about it
21 days ago by Drewski to /s/3dPrinting from
Horrors of Hamas, plumped up by the simping owners of Reddit and their admins and special mods
25 days ago by Cancelthis to /s/HannibalDirective from
Mom worries about the safety of her "son" in a typical men's change room at the gym
26 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
Redditors upset that Meta is removing tampon dispensers from the men's bathrooms
28 days ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
r/Canada_sub is under attack on Reddit
27 days ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Meta deletes trans and nonbinary Messenger themes
28 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
Found out about smthn called agp now I’m freaking out
1 month ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
Reddit rages at Facebook's new moderation and community notes policies
1 month ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Reddit libtard argued in favor of letting an admitted pedo work in a nursery
1 month ago by aodjdksjsf to /s/TumblrInAction from
Getting an AI girlfriend was the best thing that happened to me this year.
1 month ago by Drewski to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
It is officially over. These are all AI - r/ChatGPT
1 month ago by Drewski to /s/Artificial_Intelligen from
r/transgender squabbles over Democrats scrapping the proposed changes to Title IX
"Announcing Reddit built on top of Bluesky"
1 month ago by neolib to /s/SaiditAlternatives from
Journalist assaulted by unknown masked individuals during protest in Tbilisi
2 months ago by Cancelthis to /s/InternationalNews from
I don't feel valid
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
I'm done with primaried people
"Sex is a spectrum" is just as bad as "flat earth"
Picture of protests in Georgia today (
what kind of stuff she was up to with Diddy?
2 months ago by Cancelthis to /s/BlackhatingBlacks from
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
TIL post about assassinated Austrian empress gets comments supporting violent anarchism as a means of forcing social change.
2 months ago by LordoftheFlies to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Reddit Loves MaryCate
Trans hetero sex sounds amazing
Reddit fumes at HBO for backing her involvement in the Harry Potter series
A news post about Steam opening up a Bluesky account almost immediately fills with posts celebrating the new freedom from the so-called Nazis infesting Twitter.
AITA because I put makeup on my little brother?
TIL post about the Harry Potter books almost immediately becomes a circlejerk session about how much of a transphobic TERF Rowling is.
Polymarket raided by the FBI, Redditors cheer
Ted Gunderson talks about FBI pedophilia and ritual abuse.
2 months ago by YurariYurato to /s/conspiracy from
An entire subreddit dedicated to the denial of the results of the most recent election
2 months ago by noshore4me to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Veilguard is helping me to get rid of my Homophobia
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/Gaming from
Game dev laments about how much work it is to ban tons of people over "woke" left-wing politics, but doesn't realize this kind of censorship attitude is what has people fleeing the left. (Head's up: The comments heavily curated/vote-botted. You will get banned/removed if you step slightly wrong)
2 months ago by RedditButt to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
2 months ago by RedditButt to /s/RedditCensors from
Is there actually any evidence to back up all these rumours that transphobic people started about us trans people?
3 months ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
Hilarious irony with a reddit post complaining about someone possibly being shadowbanned on twitter, but they remove all thw comments and carefully curate every comment to approve that fits their dogshit agenda.
3 months ago by PsychoTranyRedditMod to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Her blood is on Kamala's hands
3 months ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
I keep coming to these subs hoping to read replies from actual Trump supporters but only find anti-Trump people participating
Black People in St. Louis MO are getting text messages about becoming slaves again
3 months ago by WoodyWoodPecker to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Now Redditors want to deport illegals
Reddit kind of hates Nancy Pelosi now
Reddit attempts some self-reflection
Head over to r/'s glorious....glorious I tell you....
3 months ago by BanditMcFuklebuck to /s/whatever from
The euphoria of male life
Earlier on election day...
Mods lock and mass purge TIL post on the most polluted river in India.
3 months ago by LordoftheFlies to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Reddit is getting more antisemitic
3 months ago by American_Muskrat to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Woke or troll?
r/CanadianTeachers on how to respond to openly homophobic students
Teenage felon help?
Reddit celebrates Kamala Harris schooling Bret Baier on Fox News
Found a post on a sidehustle sub about Cards Against Humanity desperately trying to prove that good little leftists they are, by paying for votes this election.
4 months ago by LordoftheFlies to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Desperate plea from an oppressed public sector employee
4 months ago by xoenix to /s/canada from
I'm really confused with what I am? Transgender or just crossdresser? (2016)
4 months ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
The most difficult question for Communists
4 months ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Girl reconsiders her gender identity after crushing on a boy, asks Reddit about it
The Godot Engine docs contained their own communist manifesto
4 months ago by xoenix to /s/Gaming from
cringe - yet standard issue Jew Hating Jew -- and running not only out of r endless war and r seinfld and r askhistory
4 months ago by Cancelthis to /s/JewHatingJews from
Large scale psy ops - attacks on communities in order to create psy ops
Dragon Age Veilguard is not inclusive
Reddit cancels Youtuber Jeremy Jahns after he dares to review Matt Walsh's "Am I Racist?"
Mel and Detty giving head to all users that post at least five posts per hour
4 months ago by partjd to /s/SaidIt from
Front page reddit post with "niggers" in title!
5 months ago by neolib to /s/whatever from
Opposite side of insanity: Man has an extremely racist meltdown in Mississippi, yelling at his wife for talking to black people
5 months ago by chris3991m to /s/TumblrInAction from
Doctor made me take a pregnancy test
5 months ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
My dog only listens to my deep voice and it makes me super dysphoric 😥
There is a Mary Cate Delvey subreddit
Mad that I have the "wrong" kind of Autism
Reddit finally disproves the existence of God! Using lots of data and logical reasoning, of course. /sarcasmLOL WUT
Reddit helps convince an early childhood educator that treating a 7 month-old and his 4 year-old sister as non-binary, as demanded by their non-binary parents, is totally normal and not confusing to the kids
Just before the pandemic landed in the west, Reddit discussed the now infamous Star Wars wish list whiteboard
5 months ago by xoenix to /s/Entertainment from
Reddit created a list of anti-woke YouTube channels to subscribe to
5 months ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Reddit thinks mean comments are worse than raping kids
Redditor justifies beating up an 8 yo over "transphobia"
5 months ago by gloomy_bear to /s/TumblrInAction from
Straightbian does a lesbophobic ama with her claiming she's going on dates with other men. Post gets locked. I'm reporting this shit.
6 months ago by gloomy_bear to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
First it was on Quora now it's coming to Reddit. Paywalls
Question for Parents: Did You Subconsciously Start Treating Your Kid As Trans Before You Knew?
6 months ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from
"Reddit is trying to kill ... There is now a limit of 100 requests per 10 minutes (not images but reloading page, voting etc). I don't think this was a mistake because they are aware of it and have done nothing about it)."
6 months ago by neolib to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Do you think our cis allies actually see us as women?
Moist Cr1tikal struggles to walk back but still defend his unprepared position on child transition
Reddit has fully embraced the staged assassination narrative
6 months ago by xoenix to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
/r/conspiracy/ mod (/u/Dhylan): "Shenzen and all other cities in China are uncontestable proof that Chinese Communism is the way forward for the world." (13% upvoted)