"Help, my girlfriend's dick is bigger than mine"AGP/GAMP
submitted by reluctant_commenter from old.reddit.com
Teenage snart steals his mother's bra, wears it to school for fetish purposesClothing Theft
submitted by CleverFoolOfEarth from i.redd.it
Hair brushing fetish memes, that one's new."Euphoria" Boners
submitted by CleverFoolOfEarth from i.redd.it
How can someone not see anything wrong with this?Voyeurism
submitted by CleverFoolOfEarth from i.redd.it
Rape Fetishist Sitting on Trans Media Advisory Committee
submitted by CleverFoolOfEarth from 4w.pub
The toughest thing about being a woman is hiding your erection
submitted by jet199 from twitter.com
AGP, GAMP, and "cis trans chasers" - an example in the wild (found on r/actuallesbians)AGP and GAMP
submitted by reluctant_commenter from archive.is
Users on r/FtM talking about how many of them were straight girls into yaoi (media that fetishizes gay men) before transitionYaoi (flair suggestions?)
submitted by reluctant_commenter from archive.is