TRANS Intends to Actively Destroy Our LGB Movement. They started with the most vulnerable and are now working their way up. Here's the archived blueprint, so as to not give them clicks. by lairacunda in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 38 insightful - 2 fun38 insightful - 1 fun39 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

"TERF’s have a history of being brazen in their confrontations and hide very little about their identities, so gathering most of this info [edit to clarify: identifying info] is not hard. When the fascist database comes online, submit everything you have. That will give the global coalition against hate as complete a picture as possible of who needs re-education."

This is horrifying.

Queer collective WOOF are here to dismantle your boring cis sex life by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 35 insightful - 2 fun35 insightful - 1 fun36 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

LGB people fought so we wouldn't be seen as deviants and perverts, not so a bunch of people taking over our language and our community could show up decades later like "actually, being a deviant and pervert is subversive and progressive and a good thing" 🙄

"It's transphobic to say you wouldn't date trans people" by blackrainbow in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 34 insightful - 10 fun34 insightful - 9 fun35 insightful - 10 fun -  (0 children)

When's the last time you met a "trans man" who was biologically male with a functioning penis?

Let alone an ear of corn or a tentacle, lmfao

r/askgaybros discusses the problem of non-binary people and their activism by lazy-summer-god in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 32 insightful - 1 fun32 insightful - 0 fun33 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

OP is correct. I've never gone on AGB except to lurk (not being a gay bro myself) but I'm getting so grateful to see the guys there noticing and reacting to the same things that I used to find horrible and insensitive. There's a few comments there where they discuss the treatment of "cis white gays" and treating gay men like a plague on the community and compare them to the violence and oppression they've faced as gay men, so many times I've just been amazed by how willfully blind transactivists are to how badly homosexual men are treated even in "progressive" countries. "cis white gays are the straights of the community" my ass

Ellen Page comes out as a trans man named Elliot by LeoneOkada in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 29 insightful - 2 fun29 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The "list of transgender serial killers" page was recently wiped from the site.

This can’t be real, I really hope it’s a joke by letal_22 in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 26 insightful - 1 fun26 insightful - 0 fun27 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"Cutie-pal" feels like such an infantilizing way to refer to a community. Even ignoring everything else about this, I'm just insulted.

Am I, a man, a lesbian? Wherein everyone says yes. by millionssomething in GenderCritical

[–]les4les 25 insightful - 5 fun25 insightful - 4 fun26 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

Love to see males telling other males what womanhood and lesbianism is like. peak comedy

"If lesbians can learn to accept trans women, why are gay men being so shitty to trans men?" by lazy-summer-god in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 22 insightful - 2 fun22 insightful - 1 fun23 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Members of these subreddits are getting more aggressive because they're being brigaded with these kinds of baiting, bad-faith posts. This is their own damn fault

"vaginas aren't inherently female" by Beth-BR in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 20 insightful - 9 fun20 insightful - 8 fun21 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

lmfao this is the woman going for mr. gay england 2020 or whatever the fuck

Lesbian on /r/offmychest tries to find conversion therapy because she thinks her lack of attraction to girldicks is "toxic" by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 20 insightful - 1 fun20 insightful - 0 fun21 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Agreed! I'm so glad that normies of reddit are coming through for this poor woman

Why are you so obsessed with... by hailthegambler in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 19 insightful - 4 fun19 insightful - 3 fun20 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

"Why do you keep making valid arguments that I can't combat without pretending you're a rabid freak frothing at the mouth?"

TRA trys to police AGB, Gays fight back by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 19 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If the label gay wasn't so important to me maybe I'd have let myself feel something for her. Makes sense?

This was so funny to me. LMFAO maybe you're not a gay man if you think that identifying with a label is more important than being actually gay

TRA trys to police AGB, Gays fight back by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 19 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah. While dropthet and gendercritical could conceivably be "hate subs" (even though both were pretty well moderated and often respectful) because they were both focussed on gender theory/transgender people, but rightwinglgbt was just... conservative gay people. I don't agree with the right wing but there was really nothing unique about them compared to other right wing communities other than that they were gay lmao... telling which communities got shut up fastest

This man is upset that he cant become accidentally pregnant....because thats what all women hope for, obviously. by Twobigdogs in GenderCritical

[–]les4les 19 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"we wanna be bred" outright disgosting

If (according to the trans movement, I'm not an idiot) lesbians are attracted to penises and gay men can be attracted to vaginas... by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 19 insightful - 13 fun19 insightful - 12 fun20 insightful - 13 fun -  (0 children)

you're a lesbian? well i have a girl cock! it has erectile dysfunction. are you attracted to me now

The things my acquaintances send to each other on twitter made me realize how little I mean in their eyes... by lazy-summer-god in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 18 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 0 fun19 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

wow this is a moronic take

AGP male self aware and critical of Trans Ideology (WORTH reading) by oofreesouloo in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 18 insightful - 2 fun18 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I know many women see this whole thing as an orchestrated plot to destroy feminism and put females back in their boxes. You might be right. (That Everyday Feminism site disturbs me.) But my gut feeling at the moment is that it's something more selfish and unconscious. Something typically male, in other words. I don't think a lot of us even notice the damage we're doing as we rampage around in the china shop.

Also a good snippet. Appreciate this introspection/self-awareness a lot, it's (obviously) very rare on Reddit

How do you feel about non-binary people being attached to the lgbt community? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I actually struggle to wrap my head around non binary as a concept.

Yeah, this was eventually what peaked me. I had female friends who identified as nonbinary as a teenager but whenever I asked them to explain or describe gender to me, it always struck me as the universal experience of being uncomfortable with femininity and misogyny

Am I, a man, a lesbian? Wherein everyone says yes. by millionssomething in GenderCritical

[–]les4les 17 insightful - 4 fun17 insightful - 3 fun18 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

cis gal with a deep voice and broad shoulders

as we all know it's the deep voice and broad shoulders that make the man, not the cock did an update on their website, and now the meaning of homosexuality is changed to something "Often Disparaging and Offensive" by cutenoobies in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 17 insightful - 2 fun17 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I'm gonna lose my mind lmao. They wanna take the sex out of homosexuality so bad

edit: pg-13 version

Serious question.Could the LGB community get free from harassment from trans people by asserting their "cis" attractions to be fetishes? by SanityIsGC in GenderCritical

[–]les4les 17 insightful - 4 fun17 insightful - 3 fun18 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Would they respect us if we said this? Maybe, but should we do it? honestly I'd rather just be seen as a transphobe lmao

JK Rowling: Hormones are conversion therapy for young gay people by dandeliondynasty in GenderCritical

[–]les4les 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Some parents probably find it easier to deal with there being something wrong with their child (i.e., "born in the wrong body" and so on) than to admit that their child is gay. Homophobes have always treated same-sex attraction as a personal fault

This is how TQ is redefining language in books for youth. by julesburm1891 in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 16 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 0 fun17 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I cannot stand this ridiculous idea that it's an extremely good thing to encourage young people to disavow or lie to their biological parents, it happens with trans organizations too and that's why you see gender clinics meeting children without telling their families first. I understand the impulse to tell children that they aren't defined by what their potentially abusive parents think of them but trans people will call anything less than full acceptance "abuse" and a lot of parents of gender-confused children really do have their children's best interests at heart when they want to put off things like surgery and hormone treatment.

As opposed to the homophobic parents of "trans" toddlers that are subjecting their gnc children to a lifetime of medical abuse and oppression lmao. Some of the fundamentalist Christians will admit outright to spanking their kids for not filling sex stereotypes

I think what really sets us apart from the TRAs and TQ+ is our lack of hate. by annatheginguh in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 16 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 0 fun17 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

By packaging themselves as the progressive, open-minded, woke side, TRAs have made it extremely difficult for women (especially young women!) to speak out against them for fear of seeming bigoted. I'm holding out hope that the time will come, though -- our voices are finally starting to be heard by people outside these bubbles. People are peaking every day

Losing respect for content creators who support the trans narrative by Depressed in GenderCritical

[–]les4les 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I wonder if the creator, who is a lesbian, had to cave to fan pressure after the fan base was trying to "trans" another character.

The creator (Noelle Stevenson) has recently come out as nonbinary (in a stupid way lmao, "all genders and pronouns fine" or something like that) so... unfortunately, no

Just moved to a college campus— there are literally more “queer” and trans students than there are gay students. by nbailey73 in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

this is exactly my experience, lmfao. i'm clinging to hope that the actual gay people are just also fed up with the on-campus "lgbt" community and no longer going to the events

Actuallesbians: Does anyone else feel attraction toward gay men? by millionssomething in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 14 insightful - 7 fun14 insightful - 6 fun15 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

No, it's a pretty common AL experience. 😂


Creepy "friend" of mine... by caitl in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And OP describing them as "sissy clothes" is giving me a good idea of what the dresses are like, too... I assume we've all seen the ridiculous anime schoolgirl getups some transwomen dress up in

NEW TRANSING MEDICAL DANGER for CHILDREN -- Early Hormone Blocker use Disallows later creation of pseudo-vagina. by GayNotQueer in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Young trans people being pushed into surgeries and medical treatments by their parents just make me so sad. So many of these children will grow up to be miserable as a result of these experiments. Especially when you consider these are most likely HSTS and gender non-conforming children being sold lies, not the fetishists and homophobes we usually deal with.

I'm waiting for a "reckoning" about this, and people to wake up to the dangers of sacrificing GNC children to this ideology, but I'm not hopeful it will happen fast enough.

"Straight Gays are valid"... what? by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 13 insightful - 6 fun13 insightful - 5 fun14 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)


Are you kidding me?! by LasagnaRossa in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 13 insightful - 2 fun13 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Het-partnered women whose partners came out as trans are going to skew how actual lesbians (lol) are perceived in the same way that their husbands have. It drives me insane

GC: If biological sex is just about roles in reproduction, does that mean someone doesn't have a biological sex and isn't a man or a woman if they don't reproduce? And that in the times they do things that don't lead to reproduction, they have no biological sex? by Nohope in GCdebatesQT

[–]les4les 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Even if you have your genitals surgically modified or you are a homosexual or celibate, you still have a sex at birth or a "would-be" role in reproduction. The vast majority of people are born with the capability to either ovulate or produce sperm, and nobody has the ability to do both

Every. Single. Time. by TarshishJupiter in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 12 insightful - 7 fun12 insightful - 6 fun13 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)


Opinion: It’s time to derail the Pride train by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 12 insightful - 4 fun12 insightful - 3 fun13 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Came here to quote just that line! lmao

Is your Pride event inclusive of everyone within LGBTQ+? A survey focusing on the inclusion of Pups, Furries & Kinksters... by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Conservatives hate us for our supposed sexual deviance, we've tried so hard for so long to prove that we're by and large normal people, and now leftists and kinksters are dragging us back down because they love our supposed sexual deviance and think it's fun and cool. I hate the sex positivity movement so much. We're being used and it's going to hurt not only us, but children and young adults

Differences between the transgender ideological movement and the gay rights movement. by notdelusional in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

One of the more irritating tenets of transactivism/"queer" activism is its response to old-school gay activism as homonormativity ie. they looked at gay men and women who were sick of persecution and wanted to be allowed to live their lives as normally as possible and said "but WE want to be treated DIFFERENTLY because we're special and queer" and then built their personalities up around their superqueer microidentities. I do think this is because of social media and internet activism these days though, to answer your question somewhat (sorry, this is more of a rant than a response.)

Yeah, check your privilege, cis gays! by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

it doesn't fit in with their uwu view of how oppressed they are for having gender identities

'Brokeback Mountain' - the queer story of a trans romance by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Now I know it seems a tad small but this has me genuinely fucking mad.

No, this is genuinely fucking infuriating. This is not only a landmark story about gay love but I think it's just intrinsically about being a gay man. Making a gay transman rewrite with heterosexual women is so fucking insulting

Were the "slippery slope" homophobes right? by HelloMomo in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think that we've been taken advantage of. Because early LGBT included homosexual transsexuals, as in people who are actually LGB, we definitely greased the slope for these people to come in and slide down it. But queer theorists and heterosexuals were the ones who showed up, appropriated our language and experiences, and are now trying to force their beliefs on the rest of the world.

I think it could be argued that LGB people have enabled this in some sense, I know even in this sub a lot of us used to be trans allies. But honestly at a certain point we can't really point too many fingers. No one person did this, and neither did any one group of people, I think conservatives are just as culpable for the rise of trans as queer theorists when you think about how many trans people were raised with strict gender norms

More using intersex as an excuse: "Many transgender people have penises or vulvas that look exactly like genitals you are attracted to" by Constantine in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Also, I like how at the end they say something about "purposefully excluding transgender people from your idea of attraction." Yes, because my attraction is totally something I'm doing willfully, at random.

It's the same old bullshit calling homosexuality a choice!

Has anyone here EVER thought this? by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yep this is me as well

The fallback of growing up gay with this new-age "gay is an aesthetic" bullshit

What do you think of Becky Albertalli's 'coming out'? by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Frankly I don't give a damn if she's straight, it reminds me of the "straight actors shouldn't gay roles :/" stuff. The entire point of art is to explore the world of possibilities, why not let straight people do whatever they want? If they do it wrong, we can call them out on it, but we shouldn't stop them.

Also, it does create a culture of "you have to come out" for possibly closeted artists/authors who were interested in exploring something they maybe don't want the entire world to know. I hate woke culture for focusing so much on minor shit like "a straight woman wrote a book about a gay teenager" instead of actual gay teenagers and what affects them

What do you think of Becky Albertalli's 'coming out'? by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I know a lot of bi women like this unfortunately, het-partnered or often not even interested in same-sex partners except for in-between serious relationships. I wouldn't mind it if they didn't think that gave them the right to step on gay and lesbian toes and speak about our issues, particularly when we keep saying that certain things are homophobic

"bIsExuALiTy iS ExCLusIOnaRy" Shame. I liked the colours. by Clockwork in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 11 insightful - 5 fun11 insightful - 4 fun12 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

They're really running out of colors to slap into horizontally striped flags. eventually these flags are gonna get really ugly

"If lesbians can learn to accept trans women, why are gay men being so shitty to trans men?" by lazy-summer-god in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

It's gone the other way as well. There are women married to men who come out as lesbians, and their husbands then come out as "trans lesbians" to keep their wives

TL is No More by [deleted] in Lesbians

[–]les4les 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

and then there were none

What happens next after the T is dropped? by PeakingPeachEater in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm concerned about sex ed for children, and how LGB & fetish is apparently being taught to younger and younger kids in Western countries.

This, so much. I don't have any opposition to children being taught that homo/bisexuality exists but they should absolutely NOT be pushed into "exploring sexuality" or thinking about who they're attracted to (like on those Mermaids genderbread handouts)

There was an article on Quillette about sex education starting to include S&M and fetish stuff too which is just sickening to think about particularly. Overall there needs to be a pushback against liberal politics pushing these ideas that anything subversive is good

I also can't see us ever dropping the T. Even if normies start pushing back against medical malpractice and manipulative activism, transactivists aren't going anywhere. They want to be oppressed so badly I think they'd honestly be emboldened by the backlash and of course homosexual and bisexual people are going to get caught in it too, so I doubt LGB will disperse either. We've all really made a mess of things (not just liberals and kweers but LGB too)

Anyone else notice how they're trying to change the meaning of GNC? by Lesbianese in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

this exactly. not enough people bought into genderspecialfeels so they're pretending that regular men and women (especially LGB) are part of them

what are your thoughts on the t? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree with pretty much all of this, I have a lot of empathy for trans people and I can see most of the time that they're extremely distressed and I think they would largely benefit from psychiatric help for dysphoria. I have trans friends who I like very much. Unfortunately (as usual) an aggressive, harmful vocal minority is setting the tone for the entire community.

More using intersex as an excuse: "Many transgender people have penises or vulvas that look exactly like genitals you are attracted to" by Constantine in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think most trans people are clockable in person even if they can "pass" well enough online

And most trans people don't have the benefit of surgeries, hormones, et cetera that help them "pass" anyway

Does anyone else feel like bisexuals are kinda just left out? by N0b00dy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah it's pretty tough to be the "in between" (I'm mixed-race so I would have a slightly different experience than bisexuals would but I think there might be some commonality there)

I think bisexuals also don't network with each other, there aren't bisexual bars or clubs or groups in the same way that there are gay bars and clubs so they do end up having to choose between straight and gay spaces a lot of the time, I imagine that must feel alienating as hell

Does anyone else feel like bisexuals are kinda just left out? by N0b00dy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i feel like this is conflating our feelings about the (generally more sane) bisexuals on lgbdropthet for our feelings about ~queer community~ bisexuals (or "bisexuals")

i see more complaining in lesbian spaces than i do here fwiw

Trump is done for, we got anal lasers now by xandit in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 10 insightful - 4 fun10 insightful - 3 fun11 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)


Sucks to be a lesbian sometimes by coliemelan in Lesbians

[–]les4les 10 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yea I mean I was one of those women on that thread and I guess everything is really up to interpretation but I do think that being like a pre-pubescent girl with a crush is different from being an adult woman who claims to be a lesbian and then marries a man

I don't know if I believe in comphet though, I think it's more probable that any feelings children have for the opposite sex are immediately treated like a crush, including things from actual crushes to friendship to outright dislike, like when boys bully or antagonize girls and adults pretend it's because they "like" them. I guess it's possible for little kids to get a grasp on their sexuality really early but I also think it's reasonable for them not to, lmao. When you're like eight and sheltered and nobody's hit puberty yet, the biggest differences between boys and girls are gonna be things like fashion and behavior and maybe how fast they run. I only started being repulsed by boys when I thought about them growing up into men

Adult women though are old enough to have a grasp of attraction, sex, and romance that's more nuanced than, like, a disney movie, and if they're still interested in men, they're not lesbians lmao

An Idea with Questions by julesburm1891 in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I've had a few bisexual people tell me they don't understand how people could be homosexual/heterosexual or that they don't believe that true homosexuality or heterosexuality exists. (They've been largely into the trans stuff as well tbf so i can see "but wahh you can't tell gender from looking at someone")

What you said about choosing an identity and a "group" to run with also rings very true. I think that's especially a problem with younger people, and especially on the internet where there's a pretty insular and echo-chambery view of most of those "communities"

Community Round-Up: goals, rules, and topics by [deleted] in LGB

[–]les4les 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree with pretty much the entire proposal of what this community should be lol. I think specifically I'd be most interested in advice topics and sharing things like art, book/game/media recommendations, and commisseration hahaha. Definitely agree that I'd like Drop The T stuff to stay on Drop The T

Also kind of would like LGB to be taken of s/all but I don't mind if it isn't, unless we do get brigaders or harassers lol

"Whew! Thank god homosexuality's definition is being changed so that gay people must be attracted to biological females to be gay! Definitely not homophobic, by the way! Nor do I have internalised biphobia!" by Smolders1 in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Same here. I imagine it's worse for gay men since "gay" is fast becoming an umbrella term for every hetero who thinks they're special but even "lesbian" is losing its meaning now with "bi lesbians" and poliles etc.

But homosexual, there's no redefining that, all they can do is claim it's a dirty word now

How do you deal with TRA friends? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I have both trans and TRA friends, it's a pretty tough line to walk. I only associate with women (so transmen or "afab enbies") so I'm sure my experience would be different from anybody who knows men that are TRAs, I get the sense that men are a lot more violent/pushy with it.

Generally speaking I play dumb, though. I'll say stuff like "I still don't know what gender means" and I'll just avoid bringing anything up. I'm pretty active in a few fandom groups so I have to steer pretty clear of discussing JK Rowling or Ellen Page lately.

I've had some success trying to say things like "as a cis lesbian i have a different perspective on this issue" too but generally that has the caveat of, because I'm not trans-identified, my perspective doesn't actually matter, and I'm too much of a pussy to suggest that it should lol

'Brokeback Mountain' adaptation to star all-transgender cast by BEB in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i can't believe the gall of them saying it "didn't feel queer" have some respect

First it's international lesbian day, then coming out day... Jesus fucking christ, you got a whole month! How many more fucking days do you need to celebrate?!?!?! by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 4 fun9 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

see the most upsetting thing for me is how many of these flags are lowkey kinda pretty smh

TRA trys to police AGB, Gays fight back by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Usually I wonder if these people are actually cis lol I think there are definitely at least some "cis gay/lesbian allies" that are actually trans people talking out of their asses

TRA trys to police AGB, Gays fight back by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah I came here to point that comment out hahah. All excellently said

This is how TQ is redefining language in books for youth. by julesburm1891 in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

This is garbage! the font for "Glossary" is nice though

edit: "limited... sexual attraction" literally everybody is asexual now, unless they have a raging boner for everything they see

There is no such thing as a hetero or bi lesbian. Please stop with this fucking nonsense. by Smolders1 in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Honestly I feel worse for gay men in this! At least there's a very slight inclination here to keep "lesbian" exclusive to women rather than letting it serve as an umbrella term for anybody who thinks they're too special and interesting to be a straightie lmao

Their homophobic rage always increases when they're call out for it by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"Cissy" as a derogative term for gendercrits drives me insane, especially when it's pointed at gnc or gay men lmao. jackasses

Community Round-Up: goals, rules, and topics by [deleted] in LGB

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Ah, seems I'm just misunderstanding the rules of Saidit. my bad

I think I would mind having opposite views on LGB (or being on s/all) more than I would on LGBDDT just because LGB strikes me more as a safe space to get away from all the rest of this crap, lol, that's my $0.02

I agree I wouldn't want to limit the ability of the community to grow though. I don't know if it'd be easier to open the group more in the future if things work out, as opposed to having to close it more if things go south quickly so I can't offer any input on that, but I personally tend to err on the cautious side, so that's my vote if this is a vote haha

Guys, didn't you know the term "same-sex attraction" was made my Christians to reduce our relationships to being all about fucking?? by RedditHatesLesbians in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 3 fun9 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Also if anyone can elaborate on "gay people who act straight" I would appreciate it because what does this even mean

feel like this is about "homonormatives" who just want to be able to marry and fuck in the privacy of our homes and not be fired from our jobs and lead normal lives, as opposed to those much more oppressed kweers who want to dress like clowns and wear diapers in public or whatever

Guys, didn't you know the term "same-sex attraction" was made my Christians to reduce our relationships to being all about fucking?? by RedditHatesLesbians in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

don't forget it's "now sometimes offensive" in the dictionary!

Not being attracted to transmen doesn’t make you transphobic. : askgaybros by windrunner in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's a new one of these every few days on r/AGB, I'm amazed they haven't been banned

Let this "gay man" transplain your offensive genital preferences to you by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 5 fun9 insightful - 4 fun10 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

I guess they found the word "genderqueer" hanging in a tree or something.

Right next to demisexuality

I'm really glad I wasn't manipulated into thinking I was trans by the online LBGT community when I was younger by spinalcentipede in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Same here, i remember asking a few older nonbinary friends for explanations when i was 16-17 because I truly did not get it at the time, and though I tried to be understanding I couldn't help feeling that their personal gender identities were probably more or less universal to women who grew up in misogynist homes or communities... they told me I might be nonbinary as well, so I'm grateful I never followed through

I'm still hoping for more people to recognize this too. With so many people out of work/working remotely/stuck at home and with all the drama coming up around JKR at first, and I think Mermaids now, a lot of people are peaking. I'm a little hopeful that'll keep happening

LGB? No way José. It's QTIPAL+ now. by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Remember MOGAI (marginalized orientations, genders, and intersex) ???

Too much truth in this r/books thread about Harry Potter, mods purge and lock by upcomingDaddy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This exactly -- gives me hope to see so many people standing up for her

Dating profile details that immediately make you swipe left by lovelyspearmint in Lesbians

[–]les4les 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

KINK. Immediate no. Also anybody who has their weed preference listed like it's a big deal

Anyway I used to be a bit (a lot) of a Harry Potter fan but I've gotten mostly over it by this age lol. Definitely wouldn't put it in a dating profile, I have no idea what any woman would try to accomplish by doing that

So, they often feel as predators but don't do nothing about it by blackrainbow in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I do have a fear of making women uncomfortable in the same way men have made me feel uncomfortable.

This is it exactly. I don't fear being predatory because I know I'm not a predator. But I do fear people seeing me as one because thats what they expect of lesbians.

It really is the new conversion therapy by Constantine in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Wow I rewatched that movie yesterday haha. small world

Anyway yeah. It's a good movie. I think a lot of people don't have any idea what conversion therapy is like or how it works, it was definitely eye-opening to me (and made me feel pretty sick to my stomach lol.) The book is good as well since it's more in depth. It's the business of making young gay people hate themselves dressed up as a Bible camp and it's taken a completely different face than the horror shows I think most people would imagine

Censorship Thursday - share your sub bans here! by NutterButterFlutter in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

LMAO so many terves are getting shadowbanned and deleted this week shit's wild

Other than defending against the T, what else do you think should be LGB priorities? by HelloMomo in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is so detailed and well thought out, thank you

Do children have the ability to have crushes? by [deleted] in Lesbians

[–]les4les 8 insightful - 7 fun8 insightful - 6 fun9 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

"No you" is as always the pinnacle of internet discourse

What do you think of Becky Albertalli's 'coming out'? by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Oh, she's a bi woman, so she also knows the experiences of gay guys by osmosis.

LMAO this is the most annoying thing. To harp on the original comment's Korean analogy it's like claiming that she understands Japanese or Vietnamese culture because she's familiar with Korean culture, and the original comment already discusses how she probably isn't

JK Rowling Doubles Down in Her Support of Women & Children & Her Wariness of Trans Agenda In New Statement Explaining Why She Has Returned Her Robert F Kennedy Award for Humanitarianism by MarkTwainiac in GenderCritical

[–]les4les 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

After hearing personally from some of these women, and from such a wide range of professionals, I’ve been forced to the unhappy conclusion that an ethical and medical scandal is brewing.

JKR is not the first person to express this view but if I'm not mistaken she's one of the more high-profile ones. I'm glad to see her say so, it's something I think a lot of people here have been expecting

LGB? No way José. It's QTIPAL+ now. by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 8 insightful - 6 fun8 insightful - 5 fun9 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Fell Down The Twitter Shit Hole Again by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]les4les 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Afterellen down? Instagram has no new posts since Nov by LeaveAmsgAfterBeep in Lesbians

[–]les4les 7 insightful - 10 fun7 insightful - 9 fun8 insightful - 10 fun -  (0 children)

they have to rename it to afterelliot

(im joking)

Jessica Yaniv files human rights complaint against beauty pageant for not letting “her” compete by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

this guy again? oh my god

'Brokeback Mountain' - the queer story of a trans romance by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The fact that they're 100% serious... I don't know whether to find it funny or devastating

Anyone else really hate drag? by [deleted] in Lesbians

[–]les4les 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I hate drag, yeah. In my experience it's a very male or heterosexual female thing to like. I think that there's a place in the community for camp due to historical context but I don't like that drag is forced down everybody's throats and made such a huge deal of all the time. It is offensive to women and it baffles me to see anybody argue that it isn't

Creepy "friend" of mine... by caitl in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

lmao I knew it. I'm amazed more women aren't offended by this shit, though I bet most "allies" are just suppressing that twanzmisogynist thought

Do children have the ability to have crushes? by [deleted] in Lesbians

[–]les4les 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah I think that children are super susceptible to thinking things are crushes when they're not. When I was 6-8 if I had strong feelings in some way about a boy I just figured it was the mythical "crush" but looking back on that, I was mostly jealous of them

Like how attuned to desire and personal relationships are little children supposed to be, when I was six I thought the definition of marriage was owning a house together

Polish children on Twitter jump on the bullshit bandwagon and boycott JK Rowling. It's just painful to see as a pole. by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I've often wondered what "nonbinary" people are doing for languages where literally every single word has a gender lmao. I wonder if they would think China is enlightened and gender-neutral and forward-thinking for not having gendered pronouns 🤔

"EVERYBODY's sexuality is fluid. You never know if you won't meet a person that will change it for you!" by lazy-summer-god in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I know hardly any actually homosexual lesbians irl, but a bunch of bisexual and "queer" women (most of them single or het-partnered, lol.)

It's sensible statistically, but somewhat frustrating. Not because they won't bed me or whatever, I'm a lesbian not an incel, but because in the community at my school these women become the representatives for all of us, when they often don't understand what it's like to be actually homosexual but think that being ssa gives them a right to speak on it. I don't know if this is accurate at all but it feels like lesbians are the smallest demographic in the community, either because bisexuals outnumber us or because we've been largely pushed out of it

This ain't a typo. It's called "Freudian slip". by Ossidiana in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Also an offensive way to describe gay men in Britain lmao


Sad watching so many lesbians and bi women rejecting womanhood by oofreesouloo in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I honestly don't know what I think about whether it'll hit the fan or not. A lot of people have sunk a lot of time and energy into it. I try to steer clear of "trans cult" accusations because I think they're extreme, but it does have a lot of parallels and the most notable one to me is how difficult it's going to be for people to wake up, whether they're trans-identified or just allies. I think any backlash that comes is going to be extremely homophobic and conservative and unfortunately that's going to push a lot of the trans lobby even further into queer theory bullshit

Penis News, get your Penis News here. by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is why I don't like drag lmao

Oscar Wilde - trans icon. Pronouns xe, them, posthumouself by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


This one will be offensive but I'll post anyway. by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah come on it's been a joke for decades now that lesbians can't take jokes... chill it's not that deep

So, they often feel as predators but don't do nothing about it by blackrainbow in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Love it when they claim "internalized homophobia" Like... you mean homophobia?

Hey, sorry if this doesn't belong here, but can someone explain to me what 'queer' is supposed to be? Why is it a letter in the alphabet club? by Smolders1 in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It did used to stand for Questioning once, like how A used to be for Ally. Both ways that closeted people could participate in the community without having to out themselves, now taken over by hetties who want to feel speshul

An 'LGBT' magazine that promotes conversion therapy is just a magazine for the T by ns_for_work in LGBDropTheT

[–]les4les 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

lol who woulda thought