Gay guys of Saidit, would you bang HIM? by LeoneOkada in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 35 insightful - 9 fun35 insightful - 8 fun36 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

so it's a girl, pretending to be a guy pretending to be a girl. great. someone help her fix her internalized misogyny.

Straight friend is on App and matches with women as well by oofreesouloo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 6 fun3 insightful - 5 fun4 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

gay spaces are invaded by everyone, including lesbians. Just because gay people dont complain about it to you doesnt mean it doesnt happen. we just assume no one outside of our kind cares and we're right. I met my husband on grindr and all my friends on there too (all gay). Now bisexuals and heterosexuals have flooded it and ruined it. They fulfill their homophobic projections: "grindr is for sex! all gay men do is have sex! surely they dont mind since it's a worthless sex whore house!" was an electornic gaydar for gay people just to find each other. It's loaded with straight women, straight women who THINK theyre gay men, grindr is actively opening itself up to everyone. The overwhelming majority of people on LGBdroptheT are lesbians and bi women. Just because you pretend you're bigger victims doesnt mean you are, especially when gay people did all the work when it comes to building the community and every other letter, including the "L", who demanded to be first in the 500 letter acronym, appropriate the word "gay", aligned themselves with bisexual and "queer" women to colonize gay clubs and gay spaces and push their "im a woman card" to harass gay men. I've had bisexual women call me the f-slur on there when they messaged me and i told them im gay and to go away. these are the "allies" lesbians use to attack gay men with. so good luck with that.

Holiday Inn Employee Breakdown: Apparently the kid is gay with mental illness, an the customer called him the F bomb as well. by xandit in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 6 insightful - 6 fun6 insightful - 5 fun7 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

....they spent 2000 years committing genocide against gays and theyre still mad we're recognized as human. pretty sure just because we dont like transexuals doesnt mean it's not our moral duty and job to sabotage christianity for the immoral, degenerate religion that it is. it's "meh" for you because you're an adult and no longer a gay kid committing suicide because every christian sneers at you in their church for being a worthless homosexual. grow up

orwellian terms regarding conversion therapy by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 3 insightful - 7 fun3 insightful - 6 fun4 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

...radical feminists? You mean the people known for their proper analysis of things such as: "that asteroid that's about to wipe all life on earth is sexist...because it's going to kill all women". THOSE people? The ones who have no idea what queer theory is and try to paint it as pedophilia but your jesus, your leader Andrew Dworkin, THE radical feminist was known for sex trafficking by feeding girls to satre? How about her quotes supporting pedophilia, incest and beastiality? And you people like to pretend radical feminism somehow even belongs in the same league as queer theory. Run along to ovarit and cry as you read these quotes with a: "i just got into an argument with a gay he right about dworkin!"

“The destruction of the incest taboo is essential to the development of cooperative human community based on the free-flow of natural androgynous eroticism” <--dad should fuck his kids.

“Beastiality is an erotic reality, one which clearly places proper nature, not above it” “the eroticism is life affirming and life enriching”

Also, her psychotic rants about lesbians lol. I think people like you tend to project your narcissism on to straight men and were never required to overcome the flaws of your characters because you were always seen as victims. I would have been nicer to you if you didnt reveal you're one of THOSE people. You have a lot to learn and need to do more listening than talking when it comes to gay/lesbian spaces. Bisexual women sort of like to skip 60 years of academia and just waltz in to things like a straight man and "bi-splain" everything to everyone with absolutely no idea whats going on. One of the massive benefits of getting to be a bisexual woman is that you dont have to imitate the toxicty of a highly gendered heterosexual woman in a "queer" environment.

How do you think you appear to others once you've disclosed that you're gay/lesbian/bi? by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 6 fun3 insightful - 5 fun4 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

LOL He loves me and it would deeply hurt him if i ever said anything like this to him. He's in the sciences, is very intelligent and can assimilate information at incredible speeds to the point where i sometimes find it intimidating but he and his friends hyper focused on their success and "moving up the ladder" and have no other experiences or worldly opinions outside of their fields. But his job is very demanding and time consuming. That's wonderful for them but it took me a while to understand and appreciate the incredible value of a degree in the humanities.

This stuff doesnt concern my husband. He's completely clueless and i had to explain what a "transbian" is to him. But i also remember in my "SJW" days lecturing him on what transexuality is and saying things like, "what do they even teach you in medical school" lol. I'm realizing just how patient he really was with me. But i hide this side of me from him. He's a boilerplate liberal and would assume this is borderline nazism. He thinks im "annoyed" by transexuality. He'd associate my disgust with nazism if he ever found out im on sites like this. All his friends are "proper" liberals as well. He's never even met a transexual. I once showed him that incredibly long list of homophobic tweets of raging psychotic straight women who identify as gay men wishing death and harm on normal gay people and i deeply regret doing so. The look on his face was more worry for me than anything else that i've been radicalized and i suspect on a deeper level, that i was going to humiliate and embarrass him in front of his friends and he would lose his networks or the respect of his friends because i was going to get drunk and start swearing about the evils of transexuality at some silly dinner party with all his friends there and it would smear him. So i had to step back from that and makes little jokes every now and then about whether im online arguing with trans people.

How do you think you appear to others once you've disclosed that you're gay/lesbian/bi? by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 5 insightful - 6 fun5 insightful - 5 fun6 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

many western atheists are beyond fucking stupid because, and yes im being a massive fucking snob here, atheism usually required actual intelligence. You needed to get passed through your barbaric and primitive culture and then go through the western enlightenment culture. There were always 2 elements that atheists were worried about and envied. They envied the barbaric, MASSIVE horde of church zombies; borderline subhuman unthinking religious zombies that could create social change by mindlessly adhering to whatever simple mantras their ant brains could recite and then other atheists begging and pleading with the other faction not to try to recruit these people or "transform" them because the zombies who converted to atheism would be teaching US about THEIR ways and it turned atheism into a shit show community of incels and ex christian monkey people who didnt have a real problem with christianity, patriarchy, homophobia and sexism. They might as well have left because of the cheap food or the parking at churches were annoying.

There's an element of stupidity, narcissism or naivety when it comes to hatred, danger and evil with people who think theyre intelligent enough to be liberals. It reminds me of the massive flood of muslims into norway and sweden. The swedish liberals had this attitude of "SUUUURE, theyre missing over 2000 years of cultural evolution and see gays/lesbians as people to laugh at as you publicly stab them in the streets and women are closer to cattle than human BUT LOOK AT OUR VALUES! They will absolutely look up to us and want to emulate us! The only difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives are poor and they all secretly believe what we do except theyre too stupid and poor to know it!".......and then the shock on their faces, resentment and anger when the muslims from these barbaric places flooded into their country and wanted to teach THEM about their ways because OBVIOUSLY the swedish are such degenerate losers that they CLEARLY lost their way and thats why they have gay marriage and women are seen as equals. What a bunch of fucking idiots so many of these people are. And any objections were met with "BIGOT!"

How do you think you appear to others once you've disclosed that you're gay/lesbian/bi? by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 6 insightful - 6 fun6 insightful - 5 fun7 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

thank you for bringing up and mentioning social power. My husband is white and a doctor. 2 of his friends are frequently called to the supreme court and have an hourly rate i didnt even think seems sane and their dinner parties include appellate court judges. I love my husband but him and his friends seem oblivious, naive and since this is anonymous, very stupid when it comes to homophobia. Maybe because they live in the power but they cant see that if they didnt have the power and respect from their positions and heterosexuals trying to kiss their ass, their homophobic claws would come out. As long as gay people are able to provide a service or socially benefit people, then their homosexuality can be overlooked. And you can tell that heterosexuals can wield power any way they want and it'll be rationalized as "he has the power and can do whatever he wants with it" but if it's a gay/lesbian person, then "there's something wrong with the system" or "it's not right" or that power has to be wielded incredibly lightly. Wealthy gays and lesbians need to be manipulated into ending homophobia by using their power to oppress homophobes. My partner and i had an intense argument when he wanted to send me to go to dubai with him for a vacation and secretly thinks im being an SJW for not being able to enjoy a country where they would gladly kill my kind with a smile if they could get away with it. And im middle eastern. Again, i think our gay culture (true gay culture, not the drag queen garbage) heavily relies on making sure we dont pass on our experiences, hatred and tribalism to guard against homophobes because my husband and his friends dont see the homophobic claws coming for them and when they do, they wont be powerful, successful or have people desperately looking to network with them. They'll just end up being pitiful, broken weak losers. To even suggest going to a place like that for vacation and not see the problem to me is like a wealthy jew suggesting to go to nazi germany as they gladly accept his money and laugh behind his back while there are innocent jews crying, being humiliated, degraded and killed someone in his neighbourhood but hey, "PROGRESS! THEY'LL EVENTUALLY GET THERE!". UGH.

White gays and lesbians not sabotaging, attacking and exposing muslims and other communities weaker than theirs basically shocked gay/lesbian middle eastern people. Even straight atheists in the middle east dropped their jaws when they saw straight white atheists obsessing over the feelings of muslims when the atheists in the middle east were dreaming of some magical army of atheists from america coming to destroy and humiliate muslims in the middle east. But the american atheists arent cosmopolitan or worldly so they hyper focused on their christian enemies and if christians hated muslims, then heterosexual atheists were going to lick the foot of every muslim in protest. So many "liberals" arent even liberal and just seem so blind, self destructive and stupid.

call for opinion: is pornography an LGB issue? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 6 fun3 insightful - 5 fun4 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

pretty sure the only imbecile here is you. yes, for NOW because people like you are completely useless at building a proper community since you squander your time with anti pornography rants, there is no other alternative now besides the church and what heterosexuals IMAGINE gay sex is like...which is horrible. Gay porn isnt an identity, it's a stepping stone. You dont need to adopt the false talking points radical feminists use in their squabbles with heterosexual males where they falsely lay the blame on pornography. And women have their own version of pornography: fetishization of gay men, just like how heterosexual males fetishize lesbians. Grow up. Act like an adult. Stop virtue signalling garbage. Shove your head out the window and touch some grass. Be practical and stop being so utterly useless. And i genuinely mean USELESS. Porn, despite all its problems is the number 1 mode of outreach to gay people discovering their sexuality. There is no other alternative for now until straight parents learn to start expecting gay children into their families and plan for it and completely integrate them into their lives..which they dont. So yes, now the only alternative to porn is church. You stupid or something? Go stroke your chin and "philosophize" elsewhere.

call for opinion: is pornography an LGB issue? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 6 insightful - 5 fun6 insightful - 4 fun7 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

no it isnt. and you're being naive and honestly pretty fucking stupid. the ONLY access gay kids have to homosexuality is usually gay porn. it doesnt affect us THAT much but the alternative to that is high depression or suicide because other than gay porn, our alternative is church homophobia. you make it seem like we have some luxurious alternative. And gay porn slowly spreads throughout the internet, "activating" bisexuals as well. I dont exactly like gay porn but it's important to young gay kids being brainwashed by heterosexual porn and propaganda. Your comment is out of context and speaks so foolishly as if we have power and porn is a nuisance to our perfect imaginary way of reaching out to gay kids. We cant. So the porn stays.

orwellian terms regarding conversion therapy by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 6 insightful - 5 fun6 insightful - 4 fun7 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

this isnt really liberalism. transexuality is the most fucked up form of conservatism. and christians and muslims do it too but better. Christianity, the most hateful religion is the religion of love. Islam, the most violent religion is the religion of peace. Im not familiar with judaism but im guessing it's the most deceitful religion but is the religion of wisdom and truth. Nice try saidit weirdo.. the conservatives have turned this into an art. I remember when christians said they loved gays the most. they loved us so much they wanted us all to go to heaven...early lol.

How do you think you appear to others once you've disclosed that you're gay/lesbian/bi? by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 4 fun4 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

im getting the sense we need to "gatekeep" what it means to be a liberal but we have such a large group of coalitions that dont even belong within the liberal community and are just there to exploit the liberal principals and not contribute to them that we would collapse without this coalition. But there are way, waaay to many people who just think liberal = being nice to people and if you're nice to a bunch of hateful bigots, then surely they'd change their ways. Funny how these hysterical idiots understand that being nice to nazis isnt effective but they tell gays and women to shut up when it comes to groups of people whose homophobia would make the nazis blush. I wonder what the difference is. Could it be that gays and lesbians and most women are pushovers and these white liberals who hush us are afraid of black people so submit to not offending them but the homosexual community is expected to be "enlightened" and make space for psychotic homophobia because its a sign of poverty and we should respect them because they dont know any better.

How do you think you appear to others once you've disclosed that you're gay/lesbian/bi? by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 4 insightful - 5 fun4 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

and in regards to your "we dont form a community but we come from every other community", you'd think we'd be able to turn that into some religion or something to organize ourselves around.

How do you think you appear to others once you've disclosed that you're gay/lesbian/bi? by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 4 insightful - 5 fun4 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

I only mentioned that my husband is white to make a point about his background and not understanding the horrible cultures that arent in the west. Gay people in the west shouldnt be helping out gays in other countries just for charity but for their own survival. The west is globalizing and the liberals are on a non stop rampage of pushing a form of multiculturalism so chaotic, degenerate and unstable as the infinite, unstable architecture of the 600 different letters within the "queer" community, which means these people from these horrificly barbaric countries are going to come into the west and demand their beliefs be respected and their requests are slowly being tolerated.

But im now starting to see gays and lesbians with power not as powerful respectable people but idiots that cant be relied on. It's not like they owe me anything but to see them go against their own interests collectively seems quite pathetic. You dont see other groups do this more frequently than gays/lesbians. Theyre no different than those billionaire imbeciles that cant understand the 19 year old bimbo is with you for your money and not your 85 year old body.

"god cis gay men exhaust me with their masc-obsessed superficiality" by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 15 insightful - 4 fun15 insightful - 3 fun16 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

this is too fucking funny. people like this..ESPECIALLY people like this are creepy degenerates OBSESSED with a hyper masculine man. He's like a fat activist who would never in a million years touch another fat person but claims discrimination that no skinny person would fuck him. "god, gay cis men are exhausting"...uh huh. So why are you exclusively pursuing them and not your own kind? Why are you pretending you're some sort of delicate bottom woman? Why are you so exhausting that you'd ignore all the bottom feminine ones with rainbow coloured wigs? And it's funny because in the homosexual world, you can throw this answer at them: "would YOU fuck someone like YOU? NO? Then shut up".

Why does this sub have 11.5x less subscribers than the old r/LGBDropTheT? by usehername in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 5 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

except we're liberal and considered highly valuable for colonization, especially gay and lesbian spaces and culture by transexuals. These alt right people are considered completely worthless. They have no legitimacy and validation to give to anyone. The "queer" people are banging on the doors of gays and lesbians like psychotic maniacs after they were done colonizing bisexual places. They want and need us and we dont need them. The "alt right" people dont exactly have people banging down on their door. And women in general are having their community doors banged on as well by maniacs desperately looking for validation. Most of the people on here are considered losers who give no validation so theyre unwanted. We're a VERY different community with a VERY different energy from the rest of the people on this site. There isnt exactly a "FUCK ME YOU FILTHY BIGOTS" campaign for the incels on the rest of this site.

Bisexual Falklands vet has medals returned 22 years after gay ban overturned by PatsyStone in Bisexuals

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 4 fun2 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

what in gods name is biphobia? He was discriminated against and seen as irredeemable because of his same sex attraction. There's no such thing as biphobia. Only homophobia. Thats like saying in a racist anti black society where white people lynched black people, whether white people lynched "bi racial people because of bi racism or because they were half black". What exactly do you think "biphobia" means? thats a new made up term.

"Do I sound gay?" documentary by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 4 fun2 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

not to flatter bisexual men but they seem to be about 1000X more masculine than gay guys but im not sure if thats conditioning but their brains do seem to be alien to gay males brains. Not that i can see their brains but we do have these studies of "gay male's brains seem structurally more similar to a heterosexual female's brain and chemically reacts the same to pheromones" but i highly doubt bisexual males are similar to gay men in a lot of ways. This might be incredibly stupid to say but i think a lot of gay guys see bisexual males as sexy stupid monkey people. Their psychology, their thoughts, even the way they think or emotionally react to things seems like theyre missing a gigantic chunk of their souls but again....very manly lol it just feels like that goes hand in hand and it's somehow intertwined. I think a lot of gay men used to fetishize masculinity and see it super attractive and manly and we still do but when we had bisexual men try to flood or interact with us, it just felt so, so off but you could see them trying. It felt no different than a straight man just walking in. We were glad they were there at first and thought they were one of us but their souls are different and im not really sure why. I guess it's more than just same sex attraction that maks gay people "gay". And i wonder if thats what straight women see in straight men..the stupid sexy monkey thing with some lack of humanity that some gay guys feel when seeing bi guys.

"Do I sound gay?" documentary by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 10 insightful - 4 fun10 insightful - 3 fun11 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

I very much doubt it's performative. I think it only seems performative when these gay men become proud of it and "own it" but it's considered highly, highly sexually repulsive and unattractive within the gay community. The "performative" part is just a theory made up by heterosexuals who think we're acting. Again, in 3rd world countries and not just in western ones, this type of voice is a dead give away and subject to such humiliation and torment to the point that you're psychologically tormented into suicide. Even in the most psychotic environments where it's heavily discouraged, and gay people go to voice therapists to get rid of this voice, it's still there. I was closer to my dad than my mom and i still have the gay voice (but try to hide it). And these gay men are usually brainwashed to parrot things like homophobic talking points. If you go on interviews with gay men in the past, they'll attribute their homosexuality to spending more time with their mothers and having an absent father. I highly doubt they learn femininity from women just like women dont learn femininity from other women (only the performative aspects like the sass, attitude and the diva-ness (hence, the aesthetic i was talking about). To me, it's similar to taking a woman and putting her in a group of men with no understanding of femininity or women. She'll still end up having feminine behaviours and traits but they wont be perverted by culture. i think people like them (and me) end up "performing" masculinity and not doing a very good job at it. Even when theyre not proud of it, you can clearly see them trying to hide it and doing a very bad job at it. If a bunch of nazis took over america and tried to wipe out all these gay men with effeminate voices, they wouldnt be able to hide it very well if their lives depended on it. And its obvious when theyre trying to suppress it even if its a lifelong project for them.

The CIA's gay recruitment ad is pinkwashing at its most egregious by PatsyStone in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

This comment thread seems incredibly suspicious and shows a lot of dangerous inconsistencies. The CIA is one of the world's most prestigious institutions and the nature of the criticisms just seems bitter. We're gays and lesbians. And i recognize so many of the names here who pretend to be assimilationists like the "redeyedwarrior" guy. Our job is just to normalize homosexuality, not demand conditions on how they accept it: "you can only accept me as a homosexual IF you accept communism!".

For the person here crying for the you think black people are going around saying, "i WONT allow black power and civil rights to advance and expand if you dont put gay rights first!". I dont get the bullshit from the people on here. These problems are global, especially within western civilization. Gays And lesbians werent allowed to join MI5 or MI6 because they were seen as untrustworthy to operate in the most sensitive institutions within britain.

You people sound as ridiculous as those "trans" people who say "gays dont need gay marriage! marriage is ridiculous!". You might not want to join the CIA but encouraging access to highly sensitive and powerful institutions is a sign of progress. I despise the catholic church but if they wanted to make their new pope gay, that would benefit all of us. Do ANY of you even understand how gay rights work?

Why does this sub have 11.5x less subscribers than the old r/LGBDropTheT? by usehername in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 8 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

our subs are filled with gay/lesbian/bisexual liberal atheists, cosmopolitan liberals. feminists, gender critical people. Are you so clueless you're not aware that right next door to us is heterosexual men who basically want to commit genocide against half the fucking planet? lol Have you SEEN who we're neighbours with? Gays, lesbians, bisexuals all bicker amongst one another and i guess we're too busy to browse outside our hyper niche problem to peek out and browse the other "subs", except i have. Their political views are that homosexuals and bisexuals should be cleansed of this earth as the evil degenerates we are and we were probably created by lizard/illuminati jews somewhere.

Straight friend is on App and matches with women as well by oofreesouloo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

how many people have called you out that you have these many critics?

Respecting the "Pronouns" of Horrible People v. the Sexuality of "Bad" People by fuck_reddit in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 20 insightful - 3 fun20 insightful - 2 fun21 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Because they know theyre straight people and they know we're a minority. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is still a straight man attracted to women. He's been raised with an intense disgust for gay people all his life. It's not like he's undone any indoctrination. He's also a straight man so it's not like he's magically removed all his misogyny when identifying as a woman. When he's provoked enough by a gay man, he just lets all his heterosexuality out. When he's provoked enough by a woman, he'll let all his maleness out. I know rape tweets are common on twitter but one that im reminded of when i went browsing through twitter on my own is some woman commenting on the logic of transexuality and it was pinned and retweeted (not sure what the proper term is) by a Trans Identified Male with the caption: "hold on. going outside for a sec. Where are my raping shoes". It just goes to show you they KNOW theyre not who they say they are. When 2 gay people disagree or deeply hate each other, they dont use the F-slur because theyre both gay and it cancels out so it makes no sense. But i've had "bisexual/pansexual men say it to me, straight women who "identify" as gay men. It's the first word out of their mouths when they get provoked. Any group who has the "can i say the f-slur...can i say slurs targeted towards lesbians!" would immediately use them against the intended target and they fully know it's almost always never them that it's targeted towards.

The Messy Realities of Bisexuality by PeakingPeachEater in Bisexuals

[–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

how so? the incongruence is usually what causes a lot of problems. i read the entire article and he's quoting patients using their own words. Usually bisexual men are tormented by the narcissism of the women they feel compelled to define their sexuality towards. You need to calm down and not feel like you're somehow competing against gay men for some bisexual man and help them deal with their internalized homophobia. Wasn't it gay men who taught you to diminish your homophobia to same sex attraction between men since bisexual women were infamous for the hypocrisy of demanding validation and acceptance from lesbians but refusing to go anywhere near bisexual men until gays and lesbians mad your introspection on your homophobia towards bisexual men a condition of acceptance? Learn not to project and hide your insecurities better. An overwhelming majority of bisexual men are also exclusively homosexual and struggling with that identity. You need to behave and act like a mature adult. You're not in "recruitment mode". The more you try to compete with "homosexuals', the more you screw yourself over. Instead of helping these men along, all you do is prove that bisexuality is a stepping stone to full blown exclusively gay. If you set up a community that teaches people to embrace their sexuality, you wouldnt have bisexuality as a rest stop for gays and lesbians you so desperately want to manipulate and hold on to for "numbers". It just ends up validating the stereotype that the majority of bisexuals are gays or lesbians. You dont need to fail this badly and damage yourself in the long run. It's like gays and lesbians always have to be the only adults in the room.

The Advocate: heterosexuality is the new homosexuality; resistance is transphobic by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

lol bio queen. a woman mimicking a gay man who mimics a woman. it's like some sort of inception to the point where a woman has to refer to herself as a woman in this context. and it's even funnier because she's a woman who believes she's a gay man trapped inside a woman's body mimicking gay men who mimic "bio women". Im a liberal but i can sympathize with how conservatives see this as the collapse of western civilization.

LGB Alliance is granted charitable status. by Movellon in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Notice how if gays and lesbians dont want to be walked over, then theyre a hate group? If narcissistic homophobic girls who identify as asexual, demi flux trash arent centered within the gay community, theyre being oppressed. if theyre not recognized, then it's hate? How about asexuals build a community and we invade it and demand they center us.

"Do I sound gay?" documentary by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

i think you're confusing "gay" as in every gay person but there are deeper divides within the gay community that arent really shared with the outside world. It's like saying "heterosexual" and then mixing, blending and confusing men and women together so you can never truly accurately pin things down. Gay men arent just homosexual but there are massive differences between 2 sets. It's usually seen as innate because there's no culture to pass this down and it's a new thing we pretend is cultural or an accent (we just called it an accent to put a fun positive spin on it) but having an effeminate, vulnerable "twink" guy with an effeminate voice standing next to some gay soldier with a voice so deep it travels through your bones when you hear it does show innate differences. There's also a deep split between the masculine and the more feminine gay men that's meant to be hidden or just not really talked about. Their flaws, deficiencies (the masculine ones) seem similar to a heterosexual males.

Femininity isnt passed down to gay men from women where its on loan to them and is being appropriated. What you see is them imitating the aesthetics and "sass" which is because they havent developed their own appreciation of gay male femininity but underneath it all, it's not really "learned" and i see an inconsistency in feminist thought over in ovarit where these men are being "performative" but then arent women being "performative" and imiitating masculinity because it's on loan to them by straight men like their love of math, or logic, honour or reason? This train of thought doesnt seem like it's practised or applied consistently

"Do I sound gay?" documentary by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

it really isnt an accent. it's universal and any human being can point to a gay person's voice throughout all cultures and walks of life. it really does seem biological and not something thats passed on. If a japanese gay person has the same voice even before he's never met any other types of gays to affect him then it's not a cultural thing and it ends up sounding the same as gay white people in the west and gays in latin america or europe. this gay voice was probably there in 14th century europe or 250 BC ancient japan. it's not being passed on and its highly undesirable in the gay population. If it was a learned behaviour then speech therapists would be successful in removing it but they cant. This voice is usually a target for humiliation to the point of suicide or murder in countries like saudi arabia and iran. I dont think they have a proper community there for anyone to imitate this voice.

"Do I sound gay?" documentary by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

but they dont have "the voice" i guess?

"Do I sound gay?" documentary by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 9 insightful - 3 fun9 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

there's clearly something biological going on. A lot of men with effeminate voices would take out a mortgage if they could get rid of it. They cant hide it. If they try to sound masculine, theyre not sounding masculine, they end up sounding like an effeminate person making fun of how a masculine person sounds (a caricature). But if it's biological, then why isnt there a "lesbian voice". I've never heard of such a thing. Although AGP straight men pretend to be feminine and they come off as monsters when they do since it's a masculine man "imitating femininity", these people are clearly feminine and it seems to be in their core since they were 3 and it's obvious. As a gay guy, i just dont know what this means. Some gay men "camp it up for fun" and it can be annoying, but underneath it theyre still like this and so am i. If you take away their diva attitudes, their "campy-ness, their "sass", underneath the aesthetic they still have that voice but all those layers of aesthetic is their attempt to try and "own it". I think gay people are always vulnerable to this whole trans thing because we dont have our own proper culture to channel our "femininity" in our own ways and it ends up perverting itself by being "inspired" by women's femininity...which is different. I try to hide my "femininity" but it slips out once in a while. It's not the superficial kind of femininity and i think this is controversial to say but i think "femininity" <-- this is so not the right word but i have no other word for it-- is when gay guys are being human. When im happy, excited or expressing compassion and my humanity, it just doesnt seem very "manly". i dont do it in a girly way but everytime my humanity is involved in something, my "true self" slips out and i accidently forget all my "conditioning". Im not repressing some 14 year old diva inside of me but i never see straight or bi men have this side of them when they act happy or compassionate (i've also never seen them be genuinely happy unless theyre laughing at someone's pain or humiliation lol).

Is the experience of a gay man different from that of a woman who pretends to be a gay man? by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

are we pretending gay people pushed this trans stuff and lesbians dont? Or that almost all of their power comes from straight women?

As a pansexual person on the Internet... by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

So many of these people dont understand these are biological realities and political identities, NOT personalities and character identities. Do they honestly think gays and lesbians arent as complicated or narcissistic? It's just that we dont make room for these things because theyre simply not allowed when dealing with serious issues. These people never bothered to see the difference between Gays/...Lesbians/.../Demi romantic, quadra-pex, 8th dimensional gender flux/.

And this is fun for her (it's almost always a girl) but the dangerous games they play. I've been on pansexual subreddits and if someone goes through their "community", you'd think theyre trying to forget a 1000 year war with their eternal enemies, the bisexuals and its something that shouldnt be brought up without the reverence and respect you'd usually reserve for a holocaust victim speaking of their time at aushwitz. It's funny but also would be incredibly dangerous if bisexuals were vulnerable.

And then you go on bisexual subreddits and they do the exact same thing to gays and lesbians, which gays and lesbians find unforgivable (the bi subreddits dont care and find it funny) but the perception of our community is intimately tied to our civil rights and they know it so going around the internet and speaking of "the bigoted gays and lesbians" as if we're the next nazis when straight people have nothing but our "brand" to rely on as open minded and progressive is a threat to our rights.

Asexuals are the same way as well. It's just fake victimhood where when you finish browsing through their subreddit, you'd think they need to be protected from gays and lesbians at all cost and are in more danger than jews are from neo nazis as tormented victims because they cant harass gays and lesbians into submission and hijack their civil rights movement. I think gays and lesbians in the end just think this is all "fun" for them and you can have fun....just outside the community meant for civil rights. They genuinely just think of it as clubs, rainbow stickers and alcohol and if any gay or lesbian pisses them off, they leverage homophobia and their "privilege" against them. And we're not supposed to take down notes and remember that.

These people are no different than transexuals having "fun" as women when they never would have identified with them when it was pretty bad and its STILL pretty bad. Theyre always 3 seconds away from being 2nd class citizens but the AGP people have different priorities and they demand you respect that and include their narcissism in abortion debates and 300 other incredibly serious issues. People remember you and your group when you act like this.

yaio and the false narrative of escapism by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

it's not that homosexuals are somehow magical angels or superior but they just lack the ability or the space to dehumanize their partners in the same way (although they certainly do try sometimes) because you see your own sex in theirs and if you're a degenerate, toxic homosexual spreading this stuff, it doesnt have the ability to be carried on culturally throughout your group since it can apply to everyone and anyone.

i think it's nice to have those desires and yearnings; to want to feel protected, small, safe and within the palm of someone's hand and look up to them but that also leads to selfishness, narcissism, entitlement and accidently turns you into an infantile, hateful and irresponsible human being. it turns into a dynamic where you dont have to acknowledge the humanity, vulnerability and beauty of your partner when all you see him as is a powerful sexy conquering titan. These highly gendered behaviours arent really a conspiracy of the heterosexual male. Removing them requires a complete, massive psychological transformation of the very core of heterosexual women to the point where they'd almost be unrecognizable and i highly doubt they'd want that. I dont think theyre irredeemable but you see how even bisexuals sometimes struggle to have same sex relations with gays/lesbians and even though gays and lesbians barely talk to one another, their complaints are the same word for word. Heterosexuals seem to sacrifice a lot of themselves but expect a lot back psychologically for doing so. Maybe it's biological? I dont think it's wrong or evil but it's just who they are and it's what nature requires of them? eroticizing power is normal but i guess straight women cant ever imagine themselves to be "sexy" or "powerful" like they see straight men as?

yaio and the false narrative of escapism by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

i dont think we're having an honest discussion here if we somehow manage to turn them all into victims for this. it's not trauma. it's just a standard part of their sexuality and seems to compliment and be a counterpart to heterosexual male sexuality. Saying it's "trauma" is a way of saying "look away from this very serious underlying problem within male/female dynamics since it's not their fault they eroticize it". It's also deeply tied to homophobia since heterosexual/bisexual women viciously regulate straight men with homophobia. It just goes unnoticed because it's inflicted on to heterosexual men and not homosexual ones. Some of the most homophobic people you'll meet are hetero/bi women and their deep disgust of any humanity within a heterosexual man.

Grindr has changed a lot... by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 18 insightful - 2 fun18 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

i've talked to someone like this on grindr before and called him out. This was after an "antifa" group came in and did the very brave thing to invade and hijack the pride parade in a very big city im in. they "saved the day". Their violent leader was a trans identified male. i talked to him and he was genuinely...genuinely shocked that a gay person would criticize him. theyre a very clueless people. he was an "anarchist" with 40 buttons, highly unattractive and giving terms and conditions on how to approach him. he only tolerated the back and forth because he thought we would probably be having sex in the end. he didnt get it. this is why gay history is important and why all these groups wants to hijack it. he thinks he's late to an anarchist battle and that gays are ready to build bombs and blow up the government. he wasnt even mentally ill. he thinks it's our responsibility to attack everyone for his socioeconomic needs.

From the closet to the catwalk - these straight kids being all queer and stuff will blow your mind by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

it's funny how they used to spit on gay men for this stuff and now it's "cool". Literally spitting. Their lives would be in danger for dressing this way. And once again, it's now cool and with no introspection at all. I used to be obsessed with fashion. The first women to wear pants were lesbians in "modern times" as well. In paris, they used to wear tuxedos in a special "lesbian cafe" just to be themselves. It was dangerous, violent and they got assaulted as well. It became a "trendy" abomination when gay fashion designers like yves saint laurent put it in their fashion shows and some "elite" straight women wore them. People were horrified. They couldnt be admitted into hotel rooms, wouldnt be served in restaurants. The police were constantly called on them for wearing pants. It's just funny. Heterosexuals are so highly regulated, viciously and hateful to one another and we're the ones who are supposed to suffer the consequences. They say it's the gays who have the agenda but we didnt turn our sexuality into a fucking ideology. We simply tried to examine theirs. Technically, a straight woman who likes the colour blue over pink is "queer" because they even assigned a gender to their sex and anything outside of that should be punished. Heterosexuals need to work things out but outside of our community. Technically, all of earth is "queer". Doesnt mean we have to accommodate their narcissism.

Gay guys of Saidit, would you bang HIM? by LeoneOkada in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

im not sure if you misunderstood but i meant that they dont tend to be as sympathetic to gay/lesbian problems and they were showing even more sympathy to the gay kids than he was which is exceptional since this is a community they can choose to leave if it burns up in flames.

Gay guys of Saidit, would you bang HIM? by LeoneOkada in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 14 insightful - 2 fun14 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

nice sympathy you got there for the young innocent gay teenagers she regularly calls "FGGT" for fun but hey, it's ok because she's "one of them". So she's allowed to harass, dehumanize and attack younger gay people for access to their own fucking community? You're as blind as the AGP men thinking this is all about you. Even the bisexuals here are showing more sympathy than you and you're a gay man? Grow some balls. and if you click on her profile, she's actively grooming younger straight girls to believe theyre gay men just like the other girl. These people arent "cute". Theyre here to harm even younger kids.

How do we feel about reclaiming slurs? by PatsyStone in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

" i was inspired by that straight girl using a word that never really applied to her teheheheh". you people are such a cancerous problem and are mostly responsible for this mess. thanks. It's obvious these words arent directed towards you, mean nothing and we all see bisexuals on twitter. their primary concern isn't homophobia and humanizing same sex attraction. they only came out of the dark AFTER...AFTER straight people accepted gays more than bisexuals ever would and the primary concern they have is: "im gonna say it! im gonna say it! teheheh im gonna say the word! teheheh...FGGT teheheh i said it! and im your best friend because im one of you and i said it!" <--- thats literally over 95% of what bisexuals "discuss" on twitter and all the bisexual subreddits. sorta tells you how seriously they take gay/lesbian civil rights. again, you're only here because you like fake outrage and bickering. when you get scared of the big bad scary heterosexual, you'll be the first one throwing rocks at gay and lesbian kids. we know your type. the whole "can i say it! tehehehe" is always the first ones to throw rocks at the gay kids but hey, we're supposed to recognize you as "one of us" lol sometimes bisexuals are almost exactly like AGP men claiming to be women. Appropriating struggles, relating to people in the most superficial ways imaginable and thinking you can consume their social identities as if it's a product or mask to put on or off...and just like AGP men, just suddenly show up and start dictating things to people you were never really with or there for.

Every fucking time by jet199 in Entertainment

[–]grammaroo 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

just a reminder over 95% of "trans" people are straight men such as yourselves who "identify" as lesbians. It's not "turbo gay" males. It's you.

call for opinion: is pornography an LGB issue? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

please just shut up. if you cant respond to whats being said... just hush.

call for opinion: is pornography an LGB issue? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

i browse ovarit and read almost every single comment on every single post. The dynamic is very interesting. They use lesbians as tokens to cry over but they always diminish the homophobia and downvote lesbians everytime they mention that as being the primary issue in some cases. So you can see the tensions there, the invidious comments, subtle homophobia and asking lesbians to "get along". As a gay male, i genuinely thought radical feminism was a lesbian thing but im starting to see that a lot of these lesbians are incredibly delusional and it's watching them figure out their homosexuality is an issue for them, especially if it somehow advances homosexual male rights as well. They try to paint an image of lesbians as super man hating beasts and greatly benefit by making lesbians the face of radical feminism to take all the scapegoating and punishment, then behind the scenes, they downvote, bully and gaslight the lesbians when they speak about homophobia.

Straight friend is on App and matches with women as well by oofreesouloo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

it's almost like you defined the very essence of radical feminism. Pee Pee Poo Poo indeed. Congrats on your doctorate.

call for opinion: is pornography an LGB issue? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

it's almost like you're a complete child and asshat arguing against points that werent even made because you're embarrassed. YES, congradulations. Thats the ideal goal. Except you need to built it FIRST before you remove the pornography. See how that works? Maybe try not being so submissive and obsequious to radical feminists when they have such a deep hatred of gay people and trying to advance their interests for no other reason than to think you're doing good. You're literally the perfect example of how we got transexuals flooding into our community in the first place. Just clueless people such as yourself smiling like an idiot and pushing other people's morals, even when theyre wrong.

AGB user goes on a date with a trans man, but learns the hard way that progressiveness has little to do with reality by lazy-summer-god in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 13 insightful - 2 fun13 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

gays and lesbians are susceptible to this brainwashing. its other gays and lesbians who teach us that it's ok to be gay and i dont mean that in a corny, cringey way. until then, he's just stuck on "non straight" mode where he constantly questions "well MAYBE if i do it THIS way then im not really gay". It's like the homophobia from these tran(sexuals) wont let us progress to become a more solidified community.

Bisexual Falklands vet has medals returned 22 years after gay ban overturned by PatsyStone in Bisexuals

[–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

yes it does. stay mad. go oppress someone else.

orwellian terms regarding conversion therapy by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

their dysphoria is being caused by conservatism and the reason for wanting to identify out of their sex is because of conservatism. All liberalism does is give them the space to express their trauama. Liberalism and queer theory just give them space. it doesnt induce the problem but lets them express it.

orwellian terms regarding conversion therapy by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

you misunderstood me. I'm saying they take the word, and the stigma of the word and completely inversed its meaning. I just needed to use women and blacks as specific examples. Conversion therapy is about helping gay kids "turn straight" (which doesnt happen and just leads to suicide) but now theyre trying an even older form of conversion therapy (transexualism).

And you're not aware of history. Transexualism is a very old method of "fixing" a problem, and the problem is homosexuality and "non traditional behaviour". Transexuality is a fix which is why in conservative societies that dont go full blown genocide against gays, transexuality is a "solution" for them. It's like a temporary problem until they can properly wipe out homosexuality for good. Liberals are just being kind, clueless and compassionate which means they let anybody into their community but it's not a liberal or progressive thing. It's just a conservative thing outside of jail or killing. I've seen plenty of tweets from transexuals saying, "my dad genuinely loves me now and would rather have a girl rather than a gay boy". When conservatives raise their IQ a bit, they'll adopt this as a proper "solution" to a problem. It gives them everything they want: acknowledgement that homosexuality is an inversion of some sort and that theyre assimilating into the preferred mold of human. the only problem is, when you try to target and destroy gay/lesbian kids with this ideology, for every 1 gay child you turn "transexual", you cant help but brainwash 9 other straight kids into this so the damage to what they think is "their kind" is massive and i suspect they never knew it would be like that. (even homosexuals didnt know straight people were susceptible to this stuff)

Bisexual Falklands vet has medals returned 22 years after gay ban overturned by PatsyStone in Bisexuals

[–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

you mean lik gatekeep the gay community from your narcissism and highly gendered self centred behaviour and push it away from the gay/lesbian community? Gay card trumps woman card if you're into playing those games.

The Advocate: heterosexuality is the new homosexuality; resistance is transphobic by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 12 insightful - 2 fun12 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

i tried to make a post here but it got deleted because of some mod rules but there was another "would you date a trans guy" post on a gay subreddit, this time a highly moderated one, and a bisexual woman was regulating it....yes, on a sub for gay men which i found incredibly strange but this is the amazing part to me: she put some sort of warning up saying, "the only acceptable non transphobic answer is genital preferences. Please report any transphobic answer. The trans person said she was "pre op and not on testosterone yet".

You would think this was a troll trying to make their group look bad but when you click on their profile, it's a 4 year old profile with lots of posts so it was an authentic genuine profile of a woman with breasts and a vagina asking gay men if they would date her. I gave the most obsequious, submissive, polite answer you could think of by saying "i dont think being gay is a social identity and i dont think they can fall in love with self identity" and my account got banned from that subreddit. So it's interesting how they DEMAND you say "genital preferences" because thats the only acceptable answer and then turn around and say we're gender fetishists. And when you read through all the responses, everyone is basically APOLOGIZING because their answer is "sorry, i have a genital preference" and there's a bisexual woman looking through all the responses making sure thats the only answer given. Jesus.

The Advocate: heterosexuality is the new homosexuality; resistance is transphobic by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 18 insightful - 2 fun18 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

have you noticed their rhetoric is changing? The criticism on some SJW gay/transexual subreddits is that, "they SECRETLY find these people attractive and thats why theyre overreacting to them!" the annoying rape rhetoric, the political implications, the carving out and hollowing of all meaning of the word gay/lesbian and homosexuality as if it means nothing. Pretty sure gay/lesbian sexual identity is made out of solid titanium since it's the last thing we're raised to want to be in a heterosexual culture. No, gay men are not secretly into vaginas and thats why we're telling them to leave us alone.

So relieved we're back! This is an LGB sane place. They need safe spaces? We need SANE spaces! by our_team_is_winning in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 10 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

this place is important but when i clicked on it and it referred me back to the reddit "said it" sub, jesus christ the people on this site are mentally ill and psychotic. someone wrote some jesus bible quote to "get us through the dark times of evil", im white but the most important thing they had up was explaining race theory and racial supremacy, the jews...they hate the catholics (i do too and probably more than them but it's not because theyre atheists, it's because apparently catholicism is too fucking liberal???)

i honestly thought most of this site was gays, lesbians, bisexuals and straight gender critical women bickering with one another but apparently we have batshit crazy psychotic neighbours.

Why do so many transbians want relationships with women who aren't attracted to them? by TheBitchinAccounting in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 37 insightful - 2 fun37 insightful - 1 fun38 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Transbians KNOW theyre straight men who "feel" like women and bisexuals use them and laugh behind their backs. The ULTIMATE test and seal of approval is being certified by a homosexual. Gays and Lesbians have basically been murdered for 2000 years and tormented for it because theyre incapable of being attracted to and having sex with the opposite sex. Theyre obsessed with lesbians because if a lesbian has sex with you and she's incapable of being attracted to a man, then CLEARLY you're not a man. This wasnt just a one off encounter with your lesbian friend, they've been doing this to all lesbians and destroying their communities. When straight women who support them say, "TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN!", theyre crazy enough to believe it so they try to isolate, dehumanize and stigmatize lesbians by either having sex with them or forcing them to admit they dont see them as true women, which basically means theyre open targets for violence as bigots.

How do you think you appear to others once you've disclosed that you're gay/lesbian/bi? by lovelyspearmint in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Most of my friends, not his, arent financially well off like his are but what i've noticed is that every single one of us genuinely felt like a girl inside a boy's body when we were younger. it was validated, affirmed and supported by people around us because all my gay friends were raised with and identified as girls. Our definition of gay was just "a girl trapped inside a boy's body" and i accepted that. These are 5 close friends of mine. When we met other gay people, we realized that it wasnt "wrong" to feel this way but that was the only way to conceptualize ourselves in homophobic environments. I thought this was a universal experience but apparently my husband and his friends never felt this way. So there is something going on here that has to do with your environment and how you perceive yourself. They also seem far more masculine than my friends in every way so i now understand that my psychology and personality isnt inherent to my homosexuality but my environment?

I think thats why my husband and his friends dont really seem to care even if theyre gay. This is an alien experience to them and surely if they felt like girls in boy's bodies then they must be what they say they are because they never felt that way...and on the other end you have gay people screaming on the internet saying "we thought this was a universal experience? That every single gay person has truly and genuinely felt like a girl inside a boy's body and experienced intense and suicidal levels of gender dysphoria and it's an inherent part of the gay experience!" and i was surprised to learn it wasnt. im not even that feminine but i remember the extreme anxiety and if these people were around when i was 13 i absolutely would have transformed that anxiety and disgust with myself into a transexual identity.

My partner and his friends come from liberal and well to do families by the way and my friends come from primitive, bigoted and backwards families and cultures. Im not saying money is somehow connected to gender dysphoria but the more primitive the environment, the more intense it seems to be.

Again, my definition of gay when i was younger is really shocking to me looking back. That to be gay was to be a girl trapped inside a boy's body and when i encountered gays who didnt feel this way, then they must have not been "true gays" but those feelings are so alien to me now and the "dysphoria" disappeared but i think it comes from how much heterosexism you're exposed to.

Apparently biology doesn't matter, because plenty of transwomen are indistinguishable from cis women & men fantasize about them, without knowing their trans status. by pacmanla in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

theyre not always wrong. sometimes the problem is gays and lesbians and mostly bisexuals. We're causing this perception by accepting their premise: "YES, I BELIEVE YOU ARE A WOMAN BUUUUUUUT I PREFER A CERTAIN TYPE OF GENITALS". We are literally 100000% lying to their faces and basically saying we're "genital fetishists". There isnt a single person who sees them that way but we're basically saying we see them as women BUT we're just sex freaks obsessed with genitals.

Finally, some sensibility from askgaybros by UselessThought in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 13 insightful - 2 fun13 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

the overwhelming majority of people on there who accept them are bisexuals. they have such a cavalier attitude about it because theyre mostly tourists having fun and who cares if gay rights burn up in flames since 99% of them end up with a woman and kids anyways. gay rights dont benefit them so it doesnt matter. to them, the gay community is just a fun sex themed carnival.

Bisexuals fantasizing outloud..again by UselessThought in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

where is this "king" title you speak of? Notice how whenever these bisexuals are called out for the massive problems they cause with gays and lesbians, they immediately try to leverage homophobia against gays and lesbians in any way they can instead of owning up to their failures? In multiple cutures across the world, bisexual men have institutionalized pedophilia that they throw on to gay men when it's what theyre most infamous for. The larger the presence of bisexual men into gay spaces, they end up grooming gay children in "cute" ways to the point where how women incessantly complain about pedophilia within straight men no longer seems crazy or how the "essence" of their sexuality secretly just wants children...which again, is thrown on gay men. 1. Gay men usually fetishize masculinity. They find femininity annoying, sexually repulsive and are deeply averse to it. They themselves can be feminine but dont find it sexually attractive in others. Bisexual men on the other hand, created an explosion of "fem boy" culture of encouraging gay kids and teens to cater to their sexual desires and validating deeply troubling insecurities within gay kids and teens. "fem boy" culture never existed before them. 2. Bacha Bazi: In afghanistan and many other asian/middle eastern backwards countries, bisexual men end up finding effeminate boys, grooming them and teaching them to be sex slaves to older men. look, this goes on and on and on to the point where it reveals gigantic psychological differences between gay and bisexual males. I'm not that handsome...or maybe i am but the types of kinks and desires bisexual men have compared to gay men are extremely different and i genuinely believe our cores are different from my experiences with them. and it's not just my experiences. they want extremely young, feminine and child like boys. Gay guys grow up fantasizing about men with 60 pack abs towering over them.

And notice how they cant be trusted as allies? "hey..i notice a lot of bisexuals chew loudly" "WELL YOU DONT SEE ME BRINGING UP HOW PEDOPHILIA IS SO COMMON WITH YOU GUYS!" lol. this is the type of coward who thinks he's an independent thinker when 20 years ago he would be throwing rocks at gay teenagers marching in pride parades for their rights. and now...he thinks he's with us and we just have to give him awkward smiles?

Bisexuals fantasizing outloud..again by UselessThought in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

the overwhelming majority of molesters are straight men and bisexual men. they get off on the power dynamics whereas the homosexuals like the inverse power dynamic of being submissive. it's mostly your community. dont think you have some sort of weapon to drop when leveraging homophobia if you're rightly called out for your bullshit. whatever happened to the fake solidarity everyone here was pointing too which i was supposedly disrupting with this bitch.

fetishization/contempt by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"tear down" meaning these people lashing out at homosexuals and homosexual rights?

fetishization/contempt by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

ok but if they see them as "weaker, sensitive and feminine men which they develop an attraction to"...then where does the contempt and homophobia come in?

fetishization/contempt by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i dont think theyre genuinely disgusted by women and it's "performative". i think it's just a reaction to growing up being forced, by almost suicidal levels of trauma to accept the female body as sexual or something that you're supposed to want. and it's not a society thing, it's a "your mom and dad will leave you and your entire family will abandon you if you dont like boobs and vaginas". It's not tied to the actual human beings but theyre reacting to their parents/family/society. and these type of men resent that lesbians can have a "ewww, dicks" party but gay men are stigmatized for doing the whole "eww boobs" party and just see it as a double standard.

i dont think they have any idea in their heads that it's even offensive or rude, they would just think you'd be like, "yes, i really dont like attraction to women either". there's a cluelessness in what theyre saying.

This poor man. He’s was ok with his date being trans and he still got homophobic abuse as a result. It really is never enough when it comes to The Validation. by Chipit in SuperStraight

[–]grammaroo 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

straight transexual men "transbians", straight women who think theyre gay guys trapped inside a straight woman's body and gay guys who think theyre women trapped inside a gay man's body....they cant stand bisexuals because because will willingly have sex with them and no one else can. so theyre enraged because when you go on their little subreddits, they slowly start realizing that bisexuals dont genuinely see them as the sex they imagine themselves to be. so now theyre all raging at bisexuals and want to go after the "pure" people...homosexuals and heterosexuals lol

and theyre fucking idiots and should be incredibly grateful that bisexuals would even entertain this bullshit.

'Princess Mom' by CANDYASSES in news

[–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

you're not being difficult and it's my fault for not being so articulate because i didnt want to type out an encyclopedia. It's just scientific research that has been built on over and over and over again. I just typed in "Ray Blanchard MRI" and the first thing that popped up is more experiments proving his theory from much later dates. here's one from 2011:

it's just that he "got the ball rolling". Homosexuals truly have "intersexual" brains and i guess scientists are fascinated by them. Theyre obviously not women inside a man's body but their brain shares far more similarities with heterosexual women than they do with heterosexual men. But when these new, magical type of "transexuals" started popping up, it piqued the curiosity of many researchers and they've shown absolutely no similarity to homosexuals in any way and no dissimilarity to heterosexual men. This is genuinely an extreme fetish and it "feels good".

There's also a more recent article from 4 years ago thats more definitive that i can try and find again but Ray Blanchard gets the credit for this stuff because most of his colleagues were laughing at him for believing these men as they said they were genuinely attracted to women and werent homosexual at all.

The CIA's gay recruitment ad is pinkwashing at its most egregious by PatsyStone in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

she's "problematic" and likes to cause a lot of trouble. she's received criticism here from multiple people and then runs off to the bisexual sub to misinterpret the problem and paint all gays/lesbians in a negative light. The bisexuals there tried to "help her" but showing her it was her toxicity that was the problem and were very gentle with her....then she turned against them as well. Look at her comment history. An incredibly kind bisexual woman was very diplomatic to her and she responds with, "you ridiculous BITCH". Just click on her profile. I dont know why people think their comment history is invisible.

The CIA's gay recruitment ad is pinkwashing at its most egregious by PatsyStone in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

they always engaged in politics and identitarianism. no one acknowledges it but they were basically proponents of "heterosexualism" if you had to give a name to it. they literally went out of their way to harass, fire and torment their gay/lesbian employees.

Gay men are more privileged than asexuals. by Criticallacitirc in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

it's amazing to me how she so casually dismissed the whole concern of "gender fluididty" and how it affects civil rights. Our entire lives, decade after decade after decade for not just centuries but for millenia, when we werent busy being killed, we were busy being "converted" which just lead to psychological torture and suicide and when that wasnt happening, we were told to "shut up and find the right woman". Our entire recent civil rights history (which apparently she doesnt care for even when she said she's much older than you and "knows more and is more experienced", she apparently forgot the entire culture and legal case was "no special rights for gays/lesbians because it's a lifestyle choice and not a sexual orientation.

Our civil rights victory was piling up a mountain of dead bodies so high that it drove enough guilt within heterosexuals to finally understand that we're homosexuals and cant be "fluid". They genuinely saw us as heterosexuals with a disgusting homosexual perversion that needed to be fixed. that we "CHOSE" to be gay, meaning we're "fluid" people. We only got our civil rights when they realized we couldnt choose and that we're born gay. And she's trying to condescend to you but admits she cant even see the connection between gays/lesbians being homosexual and the whole "fluidity" thing.

And she's american. So can you imagine where the overwhelming majority of the world looks to the western world and allowing this "fluidity" meme to take hold. The gays/lesbians in the middle east, africa, asia, latin america where their civil rights movement hasnt begun would be beyond, beyond fucked. And when she brought up Gays are going to punish her? She's not afraid of gays/lesbians. she just wants to win an argument and willing to burn the entire LGB movement to do it.

Gay men are more privileged than asexuals. by Criticallacitirc in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i saw her run to the bisexual sub for refuge and every other bisexual trying to explain how unreasonable she was being. She just has conflicts with gays/lesbians while trying to push lots of vulnerable bisexuals under the bus and destroy/gaslight them just out of pettiness to "win" an argument against gays/lesbians.

She's literally pushing the "theyre not REEEEAAALL BISEXUALS because they lean more homosexual" yet bisexuals who use the "im 5% or 10% homosexual" card are running around rampaging into every space they can causing chaos and pretending to be persecuted by gays/lesbians because they hear the "you're not REALLY bi because you're not perfectly 50/50" as if thats the worst thing to say to them yet here she is pushing the same exact rhetoric on her fellow bisexuals.

and she genuinely doesnt get it. Saudi arabia, iran, all of asia. Homosexuals are immune to heterosexual propaganda and "life experiences". You can remove all traces of homosexuality in our culture and they'd still be homosexuals. Conversion therapy PROVED no matter what you do you cant convert homosexuals, you can only break them into suicide. why do you think theyre always so concerned with conversion therapy rhetoric. she's immune to this because it's just an "annoying" ride for her. Conversion therapy to bisexuals is like a smack across the face. or maybe a baseball bat across the face. to homosexuals, it's more like a bullet to the head.

Gay men are more privileged than asexuals. by Criticallacitirc in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i saw your conversation with a bi woman i've been arguing with and holy christ. The bisexual community has a lot of power but also has the power to cause a lot of damage.and then trying to strategically deflect blame.

There are a lot of bisexuals who identify as gay/lesbian because they dont want to "leave" the community and their internalized homophobia lead them to believe they were tainted to never explore their opposite sex attraction since it's so scary leaving a community you identified with, and she doesnt want to accept them as "true bisexuals", whatever the fuck that means. These "gays" and "lesbians" are furiously masturbating to the opposite sex but because of the way they've been raised, their interest is "sparked" by typically gender non conforming "flavours" of the opposite sex, which is now so common to lust after even by heterosexuals (typical straight women now lusting after "fem boys", which confuses the shit out of gay males), theyre damaging gays and lesbians because it validates conversion therapy rhetoric and she's so f*cking petty that she's been arguing with gays/lesbians and thinks she's playing a strategy of not wanting to "lose" to gays/lesbians being frustrated by bisexuals that she would rather destroy these confused bisexuals, torment them and gaslight and harm them JUST to spite gays/lesbians. Holy CHRIST for her to even exist in bisexual spaces must be a huge problem.

And she thinks she's at war with gays/lesbians as if theyre taking all bisexuals to the Hague Court to be tried for crimes against humanity and she must engage in a cover up to not be "scapegoated" so she built a narrative in her head that gays/lesbians can sort of be attracted to the opposite sex so all these people arent bi? So she's willing to attack her own fellow bisexuals and harm them by gaslighting them and brainwashing them to think theyre really just homosexuals because she thinks she'll be personally blamed for this whole mess.

She really is alien to gays and lesbians and it shows. They wouldnt tell her this to her face but if they even have a 1% ability to be attracted to the same sex in hostile climates, they would absolutely take it. And it's too offensive to say but making a gay man have sex with a woman is like beastiality or making him have sex with a car but we cant say these things because it's highly offensive. So she's one of those "im bi and i cant imagine not being bi" type of destructive people.

Gay men are more privileged than asexuals. by Criticallacitirc in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

muslims over atheists. it seems you can easily ruin these people by just telling them they have a "privileged western perspective" since in all muslim majority countries, you're either imprisoned, killed or tortured for being an atheist. atheists are almost up there with gay men in the list of "most dangerous abominations" and this vile sasquatch put them up there with "christian" lol

Gay men are more privileged than asexuals. by Criticallacitirc in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"muslims are the most oppressed over atheists" FAWK OFF. Atheists are gleefully murdered in so many countries. you can tell who made this garbage.

The CIA's gay recruitment ad is pinkwashing at its most egregious by PatsyStone in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No. You have no compassion, no humanity, no empathy and it shows. If there was a genocide against gays/lesbians tomorrow you'd just roll your eyes and be like "ugh, does that mean the pride parade is cancelled?".

No one thinks theyre bad people. It's their narcissism that prevents them from being good. You dont hate gays/lesbians. You just couldnt give less of a fuck about them or their humanity. You dont see the lens in which gays/lesbians see you through. You are being judged for not caring about their humanity.

This is endemic to the overwhelming amount of bisexual women on twitter. There's some sort of strange character flaw that must be attached to your gender or something because it's not just you.

I went through your profile and I saw your criticism on "bisexual". Even other bisexuals were trying to help you out because you were making them look bad by proving my points. "there seems to be a correlation with gays/lesbians caring about civil rights and being angry with me but im not sure what it is but theyre probably jealous of me!". You're an awful person and it shows. And you lying and running back to the bisexual forums and lying about your experience and the criticism you received is a sign of unforgivable evil but you somehow give yourself permission to act this way because...... it's all a fun game to you?? or you're a woman and this is how most bisexual women act? No lesbian would usually act this way so it's not a woman thing, it must be a narcissistic "toxic princess" thing that heterosexual men enable? You're a problem and it shows.

You diminish gay/lesbian people's concern for their humanity and dignity to a fun game and i dont find that level of cruelty to be "cute" or "funny" so why would you expect them to empower someone like you? To help you make their lives worse for your ego?

It shouldnt be so rare to expect bisexual women to reciprocate the humanity and concern that gays/lebsians show bisexuals and it shouldn't always be a one way street. You're now just repeating a problem by not understanding the vulnerability gays/lesbians face, taking it lightly and your comments show you have other priorities. The fact that you see people expressing frustration towards your attacks as an attack shows an inability to empathize.

Gay men are more privileged than asexuals. by Criticallacitirc in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

this is a game that lesbians have to stop encouraging. and lesbians on here, judging by the comments dont support this stupidity but we need to start policing our own kind for pushing this shit. Gay men, for some ridiculous reason, are seen as the "gatekeepers" to the "homosexual" community. The legal organizations (lambda legal, responsible for gay marriage, fighting christian legal battles) are almost exclusively gay. the lobbying groups used to be exclusively gay men. almost everything used to be exclusively run by the most successful of gay men. Lesbians had to use their energy (even though gay men disagreed and caused it caused tensions) to help invest their time and money into women causes which gay men saw as something heterosexuals could do. They now claim theyre the "most oppressed group" by calling lesbians "cis" so you know theyre coming for you next. And the person who made this chart was a narcissistic "asexual" straight girl. I go on their subreddits all the time. The PSYCHOTIC level of hatred asexual straight women have for gay men is off the charts. But their hatred is for them being "the center" of the gay community as "homosexuals", not because theyre gay

. Im in a city where a lesbian woman had an instagram business selling "LGBT" merchandise. A group of asexuals asked her to be "inclusive" and put an "a" for asexual on there and she didnt understand because she was an "old" lesbian and didnt care. They harassed her, doxxed her, got her instagram page taken down for "bigotry", and she was so freightened she literally shut her business down because she thought she basically activated some sort of stigma so strong that this behaviour was allowed to happen to her. The "leader" who pointed her out for harassment was a straight "asexual" woman. And she gave the smuggest "im sorry this happened to you, i hope you learn your lesson, we'll try and be more merciful next time with our power as we crush you" type of apology. She's old, she's a lesbian and most likely needed this business but was branded a bigot. Im gay. I was infuriated but WE GIVE THEM THIS FUCKING POWER by our "radical inclusion" bullshit. And yes, i was enraged but i also get angry at lesbians because they help create these cracks all the time. We need lesbians to start attacking other lesbians for doing this like the lesbians on here are doing now. And gay people need to learn lesbian talking points as well to represent lesbians when homophobia is directed towards them. This isnt exclusive to the stupidity of gays and lesbians fighting one another but i see it happening with black women who sabotage womanhood with their shitting on white women and then pretending to be completely clueless as to why things like "karen" blow up in their faces and come back to bite them in the ass since they have to deal with the sexism they celebrate against their "enemy", the white woman and they've been dethroned as victims with that infighting and theyre dismissed as "cis" now. Or bisexual women trying to form some sort of "man hating alliance" with lesbians because they try to elbow their way into homosexual politics/power and using that as a pretext to try and split up gays/lesbians, which lesbians only temporarily allowed but it completely destroyed a lot of their spaces and now theyre having to pick up the pieces and rebuild what little they have. Just look at the amount of defending lesbians have to do on twitter with their constant fighting with bisexual women. This is a long rant but "cis gay WHITE men" are the top targets of these people for a reason. Because they want to "dethrone" them in some imagined hierarchy in their heads. Some lesbians were stupid enough to think that meant they could be the biggest "stars" in the community but it blew up in their faces and it was meant for the TQ crowd.

Go on asexual subreddits. Im a gay man and know more about their hatred for lesbians than actual lesbians do. It seems barely any of you go on their subreddits. They appropriate lesbian rape statistics everytime i get into an argument with them. A white, heterosexual narcissistic "asexual" woman will claim she's somehow oppressed because "asexuals" in south africa receive corrective rape. She didnt know that im fully aware of "corrective rape" in multiple african countries so i pressed her on it and showed her statistics that it was actually lesbians they believed needed corrective raping and her response was "you dont know that theyre not asexual lesbians!". Anytime you speak to these people, they bring up corrective rape and they appropriate it from lesbian suffering and trauma they couldnt give less of a fuck about from halfway around the world happening to "asexual lesbians" when she's a straight "asexual" woman. And this wasnt a teenager but a grown woman bullying lesbian teens on twitter.

The CIA's gay recruitment ad is pinkwashing at its most egregious by PatsyStone in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

just look at all your responses. everyone here is serious ad you're just so....typical of every bisexual narcissistic woman who isnt required to be an actual human being. It's like you're basically trans yourself: a 15 year old "girl boss" inside an adult's body. and what's incredibly sad is, you're probably over 30 and still like this. whats the point of being with gays/lesbians if this is how you act? you have nothing to offer but your cluelessness, especially when trying to comment on actual gay issues that dont involve you. At least you know you're mostly responsible for letting "trans" people flood our communities.

The CIA's gay recruitment ad is pinkwashing at its most egregious by PatsyStone in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

you openly admitted to being bisexual. you literally have no idea how human rights or progress work. you JUST dislike Trans people. and look at the cheap rebuttals you give. what exactly does foreign policy have to do with gay civil rights and workplace discrimination? It just really shows you have no real connection to gays and lesbians. The chinese are probably going to be our enemies but i still want gay/lesbian chinese people to succeed in their country. You're attaching your own personal politics to a gay man's progress and trying to sabotage him to make his progress conditional and made to benefit your own personal agenda? And you wonder why we dont take you people seriously. We're here to complain how "trans" people are ruining the gay civil rights movement. You're here just to be outraged at incredibly trivial stuff.

"the CIA hurt all these people!" SO? what does that have to do with gays/lesbians and their movement? I dont see you running around trying to sabotage women who are crying there arent enough female billionaires in a capitalist system. Go cry about that first. Gays/Lesbians arent here to push whatever strange agenda you might have. We're here to deheterosexualize all systems. Thats it. And your way doesnt work. You're either incredibly naive or malicious.

You want this boy pussy or not faggot? by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i looked throughout her entire twitter feed. this is offensive but not the stupidest thing she posted. im gay and still genuinely dont understand what she finds attractive in gay men. she's obsessed with them. Is it trauma? Protesting? Straight men tend to be way more masculine. Some of her quotes are, "straight men are disgusting. getting validation from gay men is hot". But WHY though.

A bi man and a bi woman in a relationship are more gay than a gay relationship. by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

there seems to be a constant pattern of people appropriating identities in such malicious ways; AGP straight men to women: "we're more women than normal women because we CHOOSE to be women and we can teach them a few things about being women" AGP men to Lesbians: "we're more lesbian than you and can give you a few pointers on what it means to be an ACTUAL lesbian. And bisexuals to gays (i've seen this too): "95% of us have no ability to form an emotional bond or romantic desires for the same sex but we're SO GAY and gayer than you!" and the delusional quote "bi relationships are NOTHING like hetero relationships.... theyre exactly the same because the psychological profile of bi women are 100% similar to that of straight women to the point where they're incompatible with dating the same sex because of their internalized homophobia that they've turned into an identity (hetero romantic).

These people were throwing rocks at gays and lesbians during the pride marches when they happened and expressing outrage and disgust that gays/lesbians wanted marriage equality but suddenly we're the bestest of friends now that after years of sabotage, they failed to prevent a successful community from forming to humanize ourselves to heterosexuals lol.

They'll just as easily be slandering gays/lesbians and do it with glee, forget their "same sex fetish" when global warming finally escalates and turns our political climate very toxic and the heterosexuals run to christianity and become more religious. Again, i dont know why we're "allies" with these people when they require heterosexual approval to even associate with us in the most superficial ways possible. You'll never meet a more homophobic group of people. it's like that bisexual girl who dyed her hair "blue" to feel queer. they dont see human rights/civil rights. they just see the rainbow stickers, alcohol and pride parades.

it's offensive but why do people of a higher socioeconomic class seem to be less "gendered" than poorer people? by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i dont know what people mean when they mentioned introspection. you're not the first one to bring it up. i doubt wealthy heterosexuals do this on purpose? it just seems accidental or that they dont even know what theyre doing? It's not like they have a secret ideology theyre hiding from the poorer heterosexuals where they become more "balanced" in their genders to the point where it just seems barely visible and you just end up seeing them as "human". im not proud that i see them that way but there seems to be a large difference in personalities when socioeconomic differences are involved.

it's offensive but why do people of a higher socioeconomic class seem to be less "gendered" than poorer people? by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

thats insightful. thanks.

yaio and the false narrative of escapism by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

it's very common if you go into bisexual subreddits for men. I think theyre "bisexual" in the most superficial parts of the identity. it's not like they make some complete transformation and psychologically distance themselves from heterosexual women. their understanding of bisexuality is some sort of superficial alliance with lesbian women while simultaneously being incredibly homophobic to their core when it comes to everything else, especially gay and bi men and somehow still think theyre "with" the gay community. They think lesbianism is some sort of "girl power" movement. Theyre as clueless as trans people about what the homosexual community is and how it works.

yaio and the false narrative of escapism by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

you're way out of your depth in this and it shows. especially when you feel like you've found a new nonexistent word and a nonexistent phenomenon: "biphobia" if that's supposed to impress people with your "insight". No. There's no such thing as biphobia within the gay community. What there is is a massive infestation of internalized homophobia within the bisexual community that they demand be validated by homosexuals. You complain that i keep bringing them up. Bisexuals have nothing to do with homosexuals and are almost exact copies of heterosexuals. so i dont know why you show surprise that i keep bringing them up when i just put them in the same category of heterosexuals so theyre not excluded. How am i obsessed with bisexuals by just grouping them in with heterosexuals since they come from the exact same culture and have the exact same psychological profile? Unless you're one of those incredibly silly "we're starting our own cult!" type of people.

Most of these sexual desires are innate but our culture just helps manifests them in different ways. You still have no idea what homophobia is, hence why you feel so comfortable just throwing made up words around such as biphobia, panphobia, transphobia, ace-a-phobia, nonbinary phobia and it's a reflection of your superficial "analysis".

As i've repeated before, we all know these women dont want to get beaten up or stabbed but they desire a man who can do those things and find his violence highly erotic. You've strayed so far from my post because you're too embarrassed to confront the point, hence the incessant deflections. The stories arent about being punched and killed but worshipping someone who does that to other people but protects them because theyre sphesual magical and delicate but he has a big sweaty hairy dick and everyone lives under his power because he's their big speshual violent man. And "rabid fujoshis" are not a new thing. their cultural identity might be but theyre merely displaying desires innate to all bisexual/heterosexual women. And with your "analysis" of literature...again, nothing you said makes sense since you have no understanding about the culture of the time. you're just trying to obfuscate as if the literature/fiction of that time was reflective of their the 1700's, where people would have been killed for even admitting they masturbate let alone write it down on a piece of paper. And you want to compare the literature of the 1700's to modern times as if it's an accurate reflection of their desires? So you mean Jane Austen could have written a book about some dominant man smashing her face with his feet and getting off on it? Yes, we all know it's fantasy because that physically hurts but it's a desire for something toxic that's innate to their sexuality that's a symptom of homophobia by the way.

The fact that you're trying to inform a gay man that straight men dont want a big penis but they want the power and sense of entitlement that comes with a big penis is pretty funny when these are things gay males have to teach straight men and straight/bi women. So thats a bit rich and the fact that you're impressed with yourself for even knowing something so basic like that again, shows how new all of this is to you.

You just keep focusing on the superficial manifestation of these innate desires and again, i believe you're some sort of post modernist. I dont think that view of the world is accurate but i highly doubt anyone here is going to change your mind.

it's offensive but why do people of a higher socioeconomic class seem to be less "gendered" than poorer people? by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i think you may have some form of autism and struggle to understand the context of certain things unless someone intimately and thoroughly explains them to you. i dont mean it as an insult but you genuinely do seem to struggle understanding how to respond to what people say and just talk past them and then make the task incredibly exhausting. You can just say you believe gender is a social construct and you seem to be some sort of post modernist. I dont agree with this.

You recite works and theories that cite rituals like make up but we're talking about personalities. And why are gay male's personalities/gender far more balanced and sane than a heterosexual man's? Why does a heterosexual male need to be from a very wealthy family to match and reflect the decent sensibilities of a gay man. Yes, there are exceptions and gay people are not perfect angels but they do seem to be more decent and "human" than their heterosexual male counterparts and the only heterosexual/bisexual males that can match them are from the wealthy upper classes. I like the other person's answer. It was a coupe of sentences and seems more accurate: they have the money to be able to afford to self actualize and are afforded the luxury to not have to succumb to their biological programming to "perform behaviours that are selected for via evolution" for breeding.

An important reminder - truth and history are as fluid as sexualities and genders by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 27 insightful - 1 fun27 insightful - 0 fun28 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

when you google pictures of the stonewall riots, 99.999999999999999999% of the people there were white. but ok.

yaio and the false narrative of escapism by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You literally just pulled the “how can they be homophobic If they’re not afraid of gay men” 12 year old response. it seems that your understanding of homophobia is incredibly superficial since you think it directly deals with gay men. Homophobia isn’t directed at gay people because some gay man stole a heterosexual’s sandwich 900 years ago and we’re learning to reconcile because of that conflict. You’re intentionally being dishonest and childish here.

Reading through your post, you seem to struggle to understand that the perversion of gender is intimately tied to homophobia.

I’ve read some of jane Austen’s works. Whats the point of bringing them up as if you’re some sort of scholar in women’s literature? What in god’s name was she going to write about during the 1700’s in polite society? A nude man with a gigantic dick and hairy balls smashing her face into the mud with his big sexy feet as she masturbates to his power? Lol more dishonesty. Her works don’t reflect her sexuality and her desires and had nothing to do with sex but finding a romantic partner. I didn’t read anything about giant sweaty huge dicks in her works or how hot and sexy men are when their abs accidentally flex when they breath.

You’re not doing a very good job obfuscating and deflecting the flaws within heterosexual/bisexual female sexuality and I find it fascinating that you think anyone is convinced when you feign confusion that bisexual women aren’t exactly like heterosexual women when it comes to these flaws, especially when homosexuals (both gays and lesbians) constantly complain bisexuals share the exact same flaws as highly gendered heterosexuals.

You can’t exactly hide the overwhelming majority of women’s underlying expectations of men since they’re regularly stated by women themselves and heterosexual men won’t stop complaining about them.

it's offensive but why do people of a higher socioeconomic class seem to be less "gendered" than poorer people? by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

thats very insightful. thank you.

yaio and the false narrative of escapism by grammaroo in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

thats just a form of gaslighting to dismiss the underlying homophobia straight women are responsible for perpetuating and inflicting. it's usually invisible to gay men because it's not directed at them but their target of desire. Heterosexual men are highly regulated by...heterosexual/bisexual women. And they do it through homophobia. They call their boyfriends/husbands FGGTS if they dont take out the trash, or do their "manly duties" or perform their gender roles and whatever their expectations are within the relationship. Their underlying expectations within the relationship include violence and they heavily eroticize it. Yes, they dont like the consequences of the oppression but they dont have the ability to not respect a non violent or non threatening man, hence "the bad boy". The bad boy isnt some ridiculous "twisted caricature" of masculinity. He IS masculinity. They cant conceive of any other kind. The violence, the rape, the killing. They yearn for that BUT they expect to be the exception. That he's a menace to society and can be used, manipulated and wielded against other people. How many youtube videos have we seen of women proudly instigating fights and then escalating them to the point where their "man" has to step in and physically fight people? The overwhelming majority of straight/bi women have these expectations of men. Let's not be inconsistent here and respect feminist screeds against porn and its underlying dynamics that are presented as erotic and "dangerous" and then consider those desires a perverted, unhealthy and toxic form of sexual dynamics revealing a fundamental core of someone's character that needs to be changed when it comes to heterosexual male porn and the abuse they enjoy but then close our eyes and ears when straight/bisexual women have an ocean's worth of yaoi/literature doing the exact same thing. Yes, we know they dont want to physically be stabbed but they sure do heavily desire someone capable of doing the stabbing over someone who doesnt. Thats a deep part of their sexuality that they need to focus on.

Gay Latvian man dies after 'homophobic attack', campaigners say; an example of what TQ+ is distracting us from in the name of coddling narcissist. by fuck_reddit in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 24 insightful - 1 fun24 insightful - 0 fun25 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i wonder where the women pretending to be gay men are in those communities. OH THATS RIGHT they dont exist yet because you have to get rid of serious homophobia THEN the roaches start flooding in. Remember the previous post where a girl was saying how "fun" it was that she finally got called a FGGT and now has the "f slur pass" and everyone was congratulating her like they were in some sort of happy satanic cult? And where are the AGP straight men in saudi arabia or the "gay men trapped inside a woman's body" in some african countries.

But hey, she's "reclaiming slurs" You guys! the last slurs this guy heard as he was set on fire! She's "totes" reclaiming them and you need to stop being bigoted!". Jesus fucking christ.

'Princess Mom' by CANDYASSES in news

[–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children) he started documenting how they identified back then and they identified as lesbians. Theyre straight men who "identified" as women but wanted to fuck women so they MUST be lesbians then. i dont even think there were MRI machines back then. but thats when his research started and he's the foremost expert in his field.

The hottest f*g in the men’s restroom <3 by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

whats the point of obsessing over gay relationships like that if theyre just going to translate the traditional heterosexual dynamics on to them? In so many animes written by these people, it's so typically filled with box toxic masculinity AND toxic masculinity that no gay person would allow. NOT because gay males are superior but because of the "what the fuck? no..YOU do that for me then" attitude of a reciprocal relationship. I've read some of these mangas and found them to be strange until someone explained to me that it was created by women. It seems the whole "women identify as trans gay men to run away from the world of the evil heterosexual male" seems to be a false narrative. I've only read 5 of these comics and theyre all by different authors but have the same consistent patter which wouldnt be tolerated within the gay world and has a lot of homophobia in their dynamics: Example 1. super powerful impossibly young multi billionaire, hyper alpha male and highly protective......finds a 13/14 year old misused, abused and degraded sex slave auctioned off to a bunch of other wealthy billionaires and THIS sexy alpha male buys him, abuses him but the innocent 14 year old boy submits to the torment and surrenders himself fully to the humiliation to please his master until the ultra sexy powerful billionaire 35 year old is guilted into loving him to redeem himself. <---HMMMMMMM geee, i wonder WHO could have written something like this. Example 2. Ultra dangerous hyper alpha male murderer who has a gigantic dick and just cant stop making people squeal like helpless animals as he crushes their skulls in an erotic sense of destruction as the citizens of the world are his victims and the only chance of survival anyone has is through his disgust of your inferiority and pitying you mere garbage humans...if you only knew beneath his pants lurks a gigantic sweaty mega dick and you're only alive through his mercy. He's a danger to everyone BUT this 13 year old boy can suffer through the pain and power of the ultra alpha male and live under the crushing power of his masculinity to "save him" through....redeeming him by the guilt he induced through all the abuse he inflicted <------HMMMMMM, i wonder whose sexual fantasies these are. It's almost like there's a pattern.

Are trans people trying to copy LGB people? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i think the most dangerous way theyre trying to copy gay people is the "you're just so disgusted by us because you secretly want to fuck us and have..."internalized transphobia". See? thats not a thing. Homophobia is an over 100 year old word with over 100 years of academic research as a foundation under it. This is why you cant just say "acephobia" "panphobia" "6900 gender phobia" or "transphobia". Gays are pretty fucking sure they cant have sex with women or vaginas and they've committed suicide or been tormented trying to force themselves to be attracted to women. they cant. So this whole "you're just scared you might like it" bullshit makes absolutely no sense and doesnt translate well.

Gay guys of Saidit, would you bang HIM? by LeoneOkada in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

is this the part where you feign ignorance and pretend bisexuals were here all along and pretend you dont understand the gigantic tensions, resentment and mistrust between gays/lesbians and the bisexuals who were never there and tried to appropriate and revise the gay civil rights movement and its history like "trans" people did and name hyper specific people that are exceptions who most likely came out as gay in the end?

you leave it when the homophobia comes back. just like 99% of them flooded gay/lesbian spaces when the stigma went away. we're trying to keep the stigma away. im pretty sure a bisexual woman with 3 kids and a straight husband fit in just fine in their homophobic churches sneering at the gay people "asking for too much".

r/ftm: "I got called the f slur", "that makes me so happy", "congrats on getting the f slur pass lol" by motss-pb in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

im in one of the most liberal cosmopolitan cities on the planet. it does happen. theyre usually immigrants or the lowest of the low on the socioeconomic scale. Not everyone in liberal cities is liberal.

UwU studded lingerie campaign to fight anti-gay laws in 35 Commonwealth countries by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

theyre tying their cheap underwear to the attempted genocide laws of executing gays and lesbians or imprisoning and torturing them as if 10% of their dollar store underwear for...women? would help anyone. we have no backbone. no jewish group would do something like this or woman's group or any other group. we keep enabling their narcissism. And the disgusting part is, they look so repulsive and pathetic and which idiot in the magazine gave them the space to do this?

UwU studded lingerie campaign to fight anti-gay laws in 35 Commonwealth countries by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

SURPRISE! This is what will happen now as the western "LGBTQRSN233" movement will be responsible for the "liberation" of people in the middle east, africa and all of asia. And as america loses power, we'll have to rely on them as well to help safeguard our rights. So imagine a hyper homophobic society having this garbage presenting itself as the face of the gay movement. And i dont get it...theyre "trans"? These people are a PERFECT example of the relationship between gays and these...things. "umm, there are 35 countries that execute or imprison and torture gays...and im selling cheap underwear and oh..5% of the proceeds of my cheap underwear go to these gay people!" This is the essence of "trans" activism.They have no legitimacy and this is their way of trying to attach themselves to a people they hate with a burning passion. you KNOW they sat around at the kitchen table and needed to these laughably ugly things for the "trans" community and one of them, in the most disrespectful way possible, imitating a caricature of a woman said: "gurrrl, it's time the gayz gave something back to us. im going to hitch my dollar store underwear to a group of people being killed in 35 different countries. i dont care GURL, im FIERCE like an imbecile". They know what theyre doing is wrong but theyre too spiteful to care because these people always suffer from narcissism. So, screw the secret gay doctors, lawyers and surgeons....or the fact that the first woman into space was a lesbian and building positive stereotypes. These people resent that they contributed nothing to the gay community and honestly, just like a certain group of people, always use the term "erasure" as if the meaningless and superficial attempts at contribution meant something. im not a "white gay" but they basically did everything. all the money, the political power...everything. and to these weird underwear people, thats "wrong". What i love is that these creepy HSTS "trans" people are to self centered to understand that theyre outnumbered 10:1 by AGP "trans" people and i'd like to see how they feel if AGP men start selling rainbow coloured underwear. You can already see the disaster of the 500 other letters on twitter. i've seen it. "asexual" straight girls in iraq...yes, in iraq, talking down to and lecturing younger gays and lesbians to put them in their place about who the movement is really IRAQ, isis country. "asexual" and bisexual muslims...proudly muslims, making sure they get the "upper hand" in some sort of hierarchy game against gays and lesbians and elbowing their way to interact with "privileged" white gays and lesbians as "allies".

Random thought on 'transphobia' by JulienMayfair in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

you're just hopeless. what was i being this time; homophobic? Biphobic? Lesbophobic? vagina-phobic?

Random thought on 'transphobia' by JulienMayfair in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

no. theyre a very simple people and dont even understand what it means. there's no such thing as transphobia and there's absolutely no such thing as biphobia or islamophobia or ace-a-phobia or panphobia. disliking a group of people and finding them obnoxious is not a "phobia". People just like appropriating gay words (as usual) without any understanding of what they mean even though homophobia has a 100 year academic foundation behind it that actually makes sense.

Homophobia exists because of a deep problem within heterosexuals/bisexuals. It's not a simple "gay man stole someone's sandwich 2000 years ago and now we hate all gays and are learning to forgive them". It's the deep rooted disgust heterosexuals/bisexuals have of the opposite sex and the highly gendered identities and behaviours they embrace. They take all that disgust and throw it on to their own gay population and it's also a deep disgust of your same sex attraction. it's an internal psychological thing you project on to someone else. Thats why biphobia and transphobia and panphobia and islamophobia dont really have any legitimacy. If this keeps going, we'll have communit-phobia, capitalist-phobia and phobias of random groups.

We should really learn to dismantle these terms because theyre so utterly useless and stupid besides homophobia. But i guess that would require lesbians to stop acting like women and being hyper narcissistic and making things up like "lesbo-phobia". Almost all homophobia is directed at gay men but god forbid they have any empathy so they just have to make themselves the stars of the show by ruining real and serious discussions by making up the word "lesbo-phobia". Garbage like that legitimizes all the other phobias. Just like how the rainbow flag was the ONLY flag and was exclusively about same sex attraction but surprise surprise surprise...the lesbians needed a garbage flag no one has ever seen or heard of, thus legitimizing the 6000 other garbage flags and identities. Way to go lesbians!

How do we feel about reclaiming slurs? by PatsyStone in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

just stop. jesus. and arent you embarrassed? have some dignity.

How do we feel about reclaiming slurs? by PatsyStone in LGBDropTheT

[–]grammaroo 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

oh lord jesus i just looked at your profile and you're a fucking bisexual. NO. NO you cannot "reclaim" these slurs. what the fuck is the matter with you?