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[–]grammaroo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

you're not being difficult and it's my fault for not being so articulate because i didnt want to type out an encyclopedia. It's just scientific research that has been built on over and over and over again. I just typed in "Ray Blanchard MRI" and the first thing that popped up is more experiments proving his theory from much later dates. here's one from 2011:

it's just that he "got the ball rolling". Homosexuals truly have "intersexual" brains and i guess scientists are fascinated by them. Theyre obviously not women inside a man's body but their brain shares far more similarities with heterosexual women than they do with heterosexual men. But when these new, magical type of "transexuals" started popping up, it piqued the curiosity of many researchers and they've shown absolutely no similarity to homosexuals in any way and no dissimilarity to heterosexual men. This is genuinely an extreme fetish and it "feels good".

There's also a more recent article from 4 years ago thats more definitive that i can try and find again but Ray Blanchard gets the credit for this stuff because most of his colleagues were laughing at him for believing these men as they said they were genuinely attracted to women and werent homosexual at all.