The commentors in r/gaytransguys complaining about straight women in gay clubs. They're so close... by Criticallacitirc in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 25 insightful - 19 fun25 insightful - 18 fun26 insightful - 19 fun -  (0 children)

Talk about being hoist by your own petard... (or maybe your own... packer? phalloplasty/Frankenpeen?)

The only way it could be MORE ironic is if every single patron of these gay bars was... a "trans guy". Like, nuthin' but Gaydens as far as the eye can see. Not one actual penis to be found. Can you IMAGINE how upset these cosplaying women would be THEN? No one to "validate" their precious delusion! No one to PERV on! It'd be HELL! And yet... what could they really say? Without revealing that THEY know "trans guys" aren't really guys either? :)

Girl has straight sex with homophobic guy. Little does he know, he actually had gay sex because she identifies as a man 🤡 by spanishprofanity in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 21 insightful - 17 fun21 insightful - 16 fun22 insightful - 17 fun -  (0 children)

Ah, but what if the guy secretly identifies as a WOMAN, huh? HUH???

Wouldn't that make it STRAIGHT sex after all???

And... doesn't this mean that Ms. I-Identify-Therefore-I-Am just assumed someone's gender??? Trans-transphobe ahoy! :)

Lesbians are heteronormative because they wont make the first move... on a man. by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 18 insightful - 16 fun18 insightful - 15 fun19 insightful - 16 fun -  (0 children)

So I guess that straight guys aren't heteronromative cuz THEY won't make the first move on a man EITHER!

I. case there were ever any doubts about how queer I am! I got my hair dyed today!! (He/him) by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 29 insightful - 14 fun29 insightful - 13 fun30 insightful - 14 fun -  (0 children)

Exclusively opposite-sex-attracted = straight

Exclusively opposite-sex-attracted + dyed hair = QUEER!1!

"It's not about the dick, it's about what's attached to the dick" by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 25 insightful - 14 fun25 insightful - 13 fun26 insightful - 14 fun -  (0 children)

More like it's about trans people BEING dicks.

I'm gay. I like men. No, not THOSE men. But we're still men. I mean... um... er... by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 18 insightful - 13 fun18 insightful - 12 fun19 insightful - 13 fun -  (0 children)

"Hey baby, put your dick into my vagina but do it in a totally gay way!"

It's the inverse of "no homo!": "no hetero!"

I'm overcome with lust at the sight of your hot throbbing fat distribution by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 24 insightful - 13 fun24 insightful - 12 fun25 insightful - 13 fun -  (0 children)

Nobody wants to have sex with you, Josephine. Just stop.

Not tonight EVER, Josephine!!!

Signed, The Entire Human Race

[with apologies to Napoleon Bonaparte]

"Male Vagina" girl went back to her trans echo chamber - commentors are homophobic asshats as usual by Rosefield in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 16 insightful - 13 fun16 insightful - 12 fun17 insightful - 13 fun -  (0 children)

Of course they think actual gay men suck.

And of course I can't help but point out that yeah, actual gay men DO indeed suck... ACTUAL DICK.

Do the thigh highs and cat ears not set off alarm bells for them? by peaked2020 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 20 insightful - 13 fun20 insightful - 12 fun21 insightful - 13 fun -  (0 children)

AKA "Just The Tip: Transbian Edition"

Not even bothering to include LBG in Pride anymore by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 7 insightful - 12 fun7 insightful - 11 fun8 insightful - 12 fun -  (0 children)

Though unfortunately not my talent.

Unpack? But I'm not on vacation... by Hannibalboy93 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 19 insightful - 12 fun19 insightful - 11 fun20 insightful - 12 fun -  (0 children)

As they say: there's a lot to unpack here... but let's just throw away the entire suitcase.

/r/LGBT schools us big meanie cis gays by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 20 insightful - 12 fun20 insightful - 11 fun21 insightful - 12 fun -  (0 children)

Don't want to hear gay men say how sexually-unappealing they find your female anatomy? THEN STOP SHOVING IT IN THEIR GODDAMN FACE.

"Look, it's my favorite recipe: Tuna Salad Hot Fudge Sundae! Doesn't it look delicious? You wanna try it, right? C'mon, have some! Here's a NICE BIG HELPING. Open up! I just know you'll LOVE it!" [tries to ram spoonful into your unwilling mouth]

We really can't have anything... by hufflepuff-poet in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 27 insightful - 12 fun27 insightful - 11 fun28 insightful - 12 fun -  (0 children)


And then, just to rub salt in the (self-inflicted) wound, as soon as these transbians commence REEEE-in', be all like: "What? I thought you believed in TWAW and 'girldick'! Only a transphobe would think that this party was anything less than 100% lesbian! I certainly hope you aren't privileging CIS bodies over TRANS ones!!!"

The ever expanding parameters of “lesbian” by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 17 insightful - 12 fun17 insightful - 11 fun18 insightful - 12 fun -  (0 children)

If one is to exclude non-binary men from lesbianism, they are endorsing in exorsexist behavior.

WTF is "exorsexist" behavior? I'm picturing something that involves brandishing a cross while yelling "the power of christ compels you!", rotating your head 360 degrees, and/or projectile-vomiting split pea soup.

"Vaginas and MTF vaginas are indistinguishable": This level of cringe is beyond unbearable! by LeoneOkada in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 18 insightful - 12 fun18 insightful - 11 fun19 insightful - 12 fun -  (0 children)

They totally do that. I've seen enough of them talk about their visits to their gynecologist.

I think that "transwomen" should be restricted to getting their frankenpussy care exclusively from those who IDENTIFY as gynecologists. As opposed to "cis gynecologists", who have, like, specialist medical training, and DEGREES, and stuff-- not what really counts: "gyno-feelz"! And if the trans say that such people aren't REAL gynos, why, they're hateful bigots guilty of... gynophobia! They OWE these transgynos the validation provided by getting their big ol' men-feet in those stirrups and submitting their stinkpockets to inspection! Otherwise they're saying that transgynos don't EXIST! REEEEE

Planning underway for the trans Holocaust by Chunkeeguy in GenderCritical

[–]PenseePansy 50 insightful - 12 fun50 insightful - 11 fun51 insightful - 12 fun -  (0 children)

If cis women stop wearing make-up, I will never pass.

Oh, don't worry-- you wouldn't anyway! :)

Also: hear THAT, liberal/progressive/feminist trans-shills? THIS is what you're demanding: women MUST wear makeup CUZ THINK OF TEH MENZ!!!

So progressive! Much feminist!

Everyday you learn something new with TRA Science Posts by fijupanda in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 10 insightful - 12 fun10 insightful - 11 fun11 insightful - 12 fun -  (0 children)

(Doc and/or nurse to new parents):

"Congratulations! It's a dudebro!"

Why can’t my famous gender non-conforming friends get laid? by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 38 insightful - 12 fun38 insightful - 11 fun39 insightful - 12 fun -  (0 children)

Why can't THEIR gender non-conforming friend Meredith Talusan (the VICE article's author) just lay them, then? Being in a non-exclusive relationship and all? Hey presto: problem solved! (Don't forget to "at least fuck them well", Merry!)

Oh right-- cuz when he (along with these friends) talks about who they hope to attract, notice how it's all "cis", all the time. Specifically, conventional "masc" straight or gay guys. Zero mention of anyone else. Like, oh, I dunno... trans people? Such as THEMSELVES?

So why's it only "TRANSPHOBIA!!!" when we eschew your undesirable ass?

Oh my fkn god. The victim complexes on these people by elpk1313 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 9 insightful - 11 fun9 insightful - 10 fun10 insightful - 11 fun -  (0 children)

Hey, Einstein was there! In cat ears and a skirt that goes spinny!!!

And everybody (of course) clapped. When they weren't too busy MASSAGING EACH OTHER that is.

Oh my fkn god. The victim complexes on these people by elpk1313 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 11 insightful - 11 fun11 insightful - 10 fun12 insightful - 11 fun -  (0 children)


LGB Drop The Hobos...? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 10 insightful - 11 fun10 insightful - 10 fun11 insightful - 11 fun -  (0 children)


Oh, you know-- the Homo Norm Nativity! With gay Baby Jesus and either Mary and Josephine, or Mario and Joseph (take your pick).

Or maybe it involves a dude named Norm. Somehow.

Also, am I the only one who originally read this as "hobonormativity"? Well, I guess that makes about as much sense!

Creep being stupid by CleverFoolOfEarth in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 18 insightful - 11 fun18 insightful - 10 fun19 insightful - 11 fun -  (0 children)

Oh, so there's somehow no difference between a dildo and a dick, huh?

Then why dontcha just go date a goddamn Fleshlight and leave lesbians the hell alone?

r/actuallesbians - To my trans lesbian sisters „Full blown dyke“ and „cis lesbian“ would love to be with „pre HRT, non op“ trans woman. Collective headpatting, uwuing and homophobia ensues in the comments. by howdidthishappen in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 38 insightful - 11 fun38 insightful - 10 fun39 insightful - 11 fun -  (0 children)

Sounds like a bisexual ass to me.

Well, let's not forget that, THESE days, "full blown dyke" can perfectly well mean:

  • woman who's exclusively opposite-sex attracted
  • MAN who's exclusively opposite-sex attracted
  • man who's exclusively SAME-sex attracted (for hitherto-unknown levels of WTF-ery)

Plus, from what I've seen? Using the word "dyke"? Is something of a TQ+ specialty.

But, one's thing for sure: whether bisexual or not... they're an ASS, all right.

Every. Single. Time. by TarshishJupiter in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 17 insightful - 11 fun17 insightful - 10 fun18 insightful - 11 fun -  (0 children)

There are lots of women out there that have dicks.

Yeah-- in the bedside drawer! Silicon/plastic ones! (Maybe glass and/or metal, if you wanna get fancy) Or in jars of formaldehyde! Plus moms with sons named Richard!

Great, they made Fujosiism into a gender identity / sexuality now by Beryl in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 10 insightful - 10 fun10 insightful - 9 fun11 insightful - 10 fun -  (0 children)

Rather than having so many different flags for these ever-proliferating "genders" and "sexualities", I propose consolidating them all under a single flag, with the following design:

  • Field consisting of 7 horizontal lines: retina-searing highlighter-yellow (for incessant attention-seeking); dead dull gray (for the boredom they inspire); puce (for perversion); sickly green (for nausea); brown (for the shit they're full of); blue (for dangerhair); and a fess charged-- in the center and larger than any of the others-- of black (for the yawning empty void within them).
  • Charge (image surmounting the above): biohazard symbol (for what they represent to healthy organisms) in blood red.

Wave it with pride, fujoshis et al.! You're welcome :)

Remember that woke lesbian sex guide? Guess someone could actually use one... by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 21 insightful - 10 fun21 insightful - 9 fun22 insightful - 10 fun -  (0 children)

Trans [sic] lation: "Is it possible for a man to get a woman pregnant?"


This guy again! And he's crying even more this time, for some reason...? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 15 insightful - 10 fun15 insightful - 9 fun16 insightful - 10 fun -  (0 children)

lol and/or because he can barely use his vocal cords, lest those telltale male bass tones come through; i.e., he has a bad case of Michael Dorsey Voice:

Now I wanna hear this dude's ultra-phony breathiness disappear when someone knocks on his bedroom door, and he unthinkingly responds with a natural baritone "WHAT???" that'd make the late Alan Rickman sound like the Bee Gees.

Trans acceptance will not be complete until forced sex from cis people is legislated by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 17 insightful - 10 fun17 insightful - 9 fun18 insightful - 10 fun -  (0 children)

Oh, so if the "cis" people he lusts after turn out to actually be "trans" when the clothes come off, and have genitals that are the opposite of what he'd been led to expect, ol' "Emerald-Rose" will just be cool with it, huh?


A dick-loving lesbian's dream by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 19 insightful - 10 fun19 insightful - 9 fun20 insightful - 10 fun -  (0 children)

Suffice to say, trans women who haven't had bottom surgery are a dick-loving lesbian's dream nightmare

FIFY! :)

"god cis gay men exhaust me with their masc-obsessed superficiality" by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 23 insightful - 10 fun23 insightful - 9 fun24 insightful - 10 fun -  (0 children)

Oh, and what about this dude himself? Is HE getting matches with other fem guys who are in drag on their profiles? PRESS X TO DOUBT

Funny how it's "masc-obsessed superficiality" when normal gay men are seeking each other... but not when the mutant-Barbie-Doll woman-'toon genderspeshul gay men are seeking them!

"It’s important to remember the feminine penis is very different than a man’s penis. A lot of the cis lesbians I’ve been with have been pleasantly surprised by the softness, texture, and yes the mouthfeel." by ThrowMeAway2879 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 33 insightful - 10 fun33 insightful - 9 fun34 insightful - 10 fun -  (0 children)

Oh, why is it only "cis lesbians" mentioned as giving the "feminine penis" [insert retching noises here] a thumbs-up? What about the quoted "transbian" himself? Where's the glowing testimony about how much he's enjoyed the softness, texture, and "yes the mouthfeel" of "feminine penises" other than his own?

Cuz if it's SO womanly, great, and appealing to lesbians... you oughtta be all OVER that shit, dude :)

Go to r/Dykesgonewild and sort by controversial. Enjoy the freak show! by LeoneOkada in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 15 insightful - 10 fun15 insightful - 9 fun16 insightful - 10 fun -  (0 children)

I looked into the abyss...and the abyss looked straight into me...There isn't enough eyebleach in the known universe! The horror! The horror!

Nietzche at his most serial-killer-y + Heart of Darkness = Transbiansgonewild

Generations of readers have asked what so haunted Kurtz... NOW WE KNOW

If you haven't already cancelled your Attitude subscription - now would be the time by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 23 insightful - 10 fun23 insightful - 9 fun24 insightful - 10 fun -  (0 children)

"All those damn psychiatrists trying to kill me, KILL me I tell you, by saying the voices in my head aren't real!

They genuinely want to DESTROY the delusional existence..."

Getting your "full pussy out" at the gay sauna by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 18 insightful - 9 fun18 insightful - 8 fun19 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

I was gonna say that the first part of the username ("annoying poof") checks out, then realized that-- with its display of the obligatory trans-homophobia-- so does the second!

Wonder how she'd react if a white chick like me donned blackface and sent her this version of her own tweet?:

Oh, you're a man born with a dick person born black? How... basic. You're doing Easy Mode Masculinity Blackness. Get on my level hun ✌️

And, to conclude with the eternal question: if she expects gay men to want pussy... why does SHE only seem to want dick? Which is the ONE AND ONLY THING that you'll ever have in common with gay men, lady.

Pure delusion by CleverFoolOfEarth in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 14 insightful - 9 fun14 insightful - 8 fun15 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

Maybe the T are mistaking all their endless surgeries (and the grotesque results) for war wounds?

Oh my fkn god. The victim complexes on these people by elpk1313 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 8 insightful - 9 fun8 insightful - 8 fun9 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

"Dear Penthouse: I never thought anything like this would happen to me..."


Your right to say no ends where my vagina begins - "Having sex with me is not largely different from having sex with any other gay man." by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 27 insightful - 9 fun27 insightful - 8 fun28 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

Think about what’s really preventing you from engaging with certain people.

Since they specifically mean "engaging sexually with certain people", how 'bout complete and utter lack of sexual attraction?

There, that was easy! :)

I am dumber for having read this. by julesburm1891 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 14 insightful - 9 fun14 insightful - 8 fun15 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

And who also seems to be doing their best to approximate the intelligence level of a fern. (Though I guess maybe that's an insult to ferns.)

Trans acceptance will not be complete until forced sex from cis people is legislated by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 12 insightful - 9 fun12 insightful - 8 fun13 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

Also wtf is girlflux? I'm getting too old for this insanity

I think that I was BORN too old for this insanity.

Also, "girlflux" (whatever the hell THAT is) reminds me of what "flux" used to mean, once upon a time... namely, dysentery. Come to think of it, this whole gender-plague might as well be bloody diarrhea; it's a sickness we need to cure, and is at least as gross.

Is the experience of a gay man different from that of a woman who pretends to be a gay man? by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 18 insightful - 9 fun18 insightful - 8 fun19 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

Is the experience of a black person different from that of Rachel Dolezal?

Trans guys lay some incredible pipe. No, really. by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 23 insightful - 9 fun23 insightful - 8 fun24 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

What on earth does “the boyfriend experience” mean in—well, in any context really—but especially in the context of “I’m a woman into bdsm claiming to be a porn priest?”

Well, thanks to Steven Soderbergh, I know that "the girlfriend experience" is a service offered by some female prostitutes: acting as though they're in a romantic relationship with, rather than merely hired by, the customer. So I guess this is... for customers who want the illusion of a romantic relationship with a woman who thinks that she's a man? Two illusions/delusions for the price of one, then? Cuz why only be fooling yourself on a single level? Let's just pile 'em on! Maybe she could also identify as a cat, inanimate object, and "fae" while she's at it? (Or maybe that would cost extra?)

Ah, another argument I've seen coming from TRA's as of late: "The gay and lesbian labels are voluntary self descriptors!" by Smolders1 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 18 insightful - 9 fun18 insightful - 8 fun19 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

Kinda think that the gay & lesbian response needs to be:

"My label, no matter WHAT it is, will always come down to the same thing: still not gonna fuck ya".

Trans identifying man claims that his penis has "started smelling like lady bits" after taking hormones by gendercritfem in itsafetish

[–]PenseePansy 14 insightful - 9 fun14 insightful - 8 fun15 insightful - 9 fun -  (0 children)

Maybe we should start putting it about that women's genitals smell like Pine-Sol? So then the "transwomen" will hasten to claim, "Oh, me too! My girldick smells JUST like furniture polish!" and we can all laugh.

You forgot to put on your red nose while speaking 🤡 by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 14 insightful - 8 fun14 insightful - 7 fun15 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

People tend to look over [sic] just how much beauty plays into the acceptance of trans women.


"Beauty"-- conforming to aesthetic standards; being attractive to men-- is CENTRAL to gender for women and girls. It's ultimately where our value lies. Whatever other qualities we have, whatever we may accomplish, we must, first and foremost, be beautiful. That the worst insult (according to gender-role rules) a woman can receive is "you're ugly" tells you all you need to know.

If you wanna be a "gender-woman", Mr. Ladyfeelz... THIS is what it looks like. So what the hell are you complaining about?

Oh fuck off. Fuck the fuck off sis. by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 21 insightful - 8 fun21 insightful - 7 fun22 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, instead she's like all the other girls who aren't like other girls! Meaning obnoxious yet simultaneously boring af!

What I don't understand about heterosexual transgenderism and no one's been able to answer. by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 9 insightful - 8 fun9 insightful - 7 fun10 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

Just look at the explosion of bisexuals.

Oh no! We already have scary levels of poverty and poor mental/physical health-- now we're EXPLODING, too???

Maybe, like so many things in movies that are prone to inexplicable detonation, we are (as per the trope) Made of Explodium?

Guess the good lord took a likin' to us bisexuals (and made us up blow up real good).

The cackle I let out seeing people taking this seriously just made me laugh harder by socialistrobot in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 5 insightful - 8 fun5 insightful - 7 fun6 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

These people are twisting themselves into pretzels.


Lesbians these days uwu by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 27 insightful - 8 fun27 insightful - 7 fun28 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

Somehow he made himself look even more like a guy than a girl.

While: LOL... also very much a case of "it's funny because it's true." Indeed. I've noticed PRECISELY this phenomenon on multiple occasions. Namely, that trying to look like the opposite sex... only succeeds in emphasizing your OWN.

Take men who are, in physical terms, naturally on the androgynous side: relatively small nose/jaw/brow; large eyes; fine eyebrows; little facial/body hair; slim; short; etc. If they're just being themselves, making no attempt to appear other than male... what stands out is everything that's exception-to-the-masculine-rule about them; the overall impression is of, if not femininity per se, being "feminine-leaning".

But as soon as they do the "I'm-a-LAY-DEE!" thing? It calls attention to... that Adam's apple. The squarish (and perhaps receding) hairline. The big chin. The thin lips. The too-large hands and feet. The waistless, hipless figure. And so on. And on, and on, and on...

Because, before? All these things FIT. They were a harmonious part of the whole. That whole being maleness. Instead of sounding one discordant note after another. And thus jarring the SHIT out of the audience.

And yet, if your goal is not to deny your sex, but rather to enhance it? This same principle can be your friend. Women and girls have used it that way for ages. When ultra-glamorous movie star Marlene Dietrich donned an elegant tux-and-tails complete with top hat (which basically qualified as drag back then), or Irish iconoclast-singer Sinead O'Connor shaved her head during the 1980s, it only served to highlight everything that made them womanly. A "male" (according to gender-role rules) haircut just threw into sharp relief how delicate Sinead's facial features were, what enormous eyes she had... in short, how feminine (and beautiful) she was.

Which, far from being disturbing, is often highly attractive. Because YOU AREN'T TRYING TO FOOL ANYONE. Including, perhaps most importantly... yourself.

Cis gays, you just need to work on your attraction to transmen by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 19 insightful - 8 fun19 insightful - 7 fun20 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

FtM: but...what about men that had lost their penises on car accidents, or intersex men

Am I the only one who, when they bust out the ol' lost-penis canard, can't help but think of a man looking around and saying in exasperation, "where the hell is it??? It was right HERE five minutes ago! OK, now if I were a penis... where would I be?" And maybe trying the Lost & Found desk?

Just me then? OK

And re: the intersex-men whataboutism... oh, people with DSD must love THIS, right? Being used as a human "gotcha!" (and by whiny rapists, no less). But, since you won't stfu about it asked, FtM: potentially attractive to gay men = intersex men who have male primary sex characteristics. The technical term for which is A DICK. Not to be confused with some Frankenpeen flesh-tube-sausage-thing that looks like it originated in a mad scientist's lab. People with DSD who are biologically male but don't have a dick, like those who've got CAIS (and appear female), need not apply. In other words: JUST LIKE "TRANSMEN". Put it another way: the ONLY bio-females in whom gay men could be sexually interested are the ones with DSD conditions like De la Chapelle Syndrome (aka XX Male Syndrome)... who, regardless of their chromosomes, appear male. Especially in the homegrown-dick department.

Cuz, FtMs: the yaoi ya love so much? It was created by, and for, women.

Gay men, by contrast, were not.


Lesbians are heteronormative because they wont make the first move... on a man. by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 11 insightful - 8 fun11 insightful - 7 fun12 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)


Chef's-kiss nickname for those deluded "muh manpussy!" straight gals! (And why DO they always seem to be "Aiden"? Or some mutation thereof? Or rhyming crap like Jayden/Kayden/etc.? Though "Mayden" is more like it!)

Any suggestions for a "transwoman" equivalent?

Girl wonders why gay men don't see her as a man 🙄 by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 6 insightful - 8 fun6 insightful - 7 fun7 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

What do you get for the lesbian who has everything? :)

Girl wonders why gay men don't see her as a man 🙄 by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 29 insightful - 8 fun29 insightful - 7 fun30 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

Again, why are AGP males "transbians" and this fujoshi girls only and I repeat, ONLY, obsessed with the only subset of the population with whom they have 0 chance with.

Cuz it's all about that sweet, sweet "validation" (a word we'll need to fumigate before ever using again) for them. Namely of their fantasy about being the opposite sex. So no one who could even potentially be attracted to their actual sex will do. Meaning that both heterosexuals and bisexuals are ruled out. These AGP men require lesbians, and these fujoshi girls require gay men, as "proof" of being perceived in accordance with their genderfeelz. Though of course all it's really "proof" of is their unabashed rapeyness. So lesbians and gay men are nothing more than props here.

My solution: since "transbians" claim that TWAW/"gay transmen" claim that TMAM, just get that all-important "validation" from each other ! Whaddaya need "cis" people for? After all, WE-- unlike you-- don't believe this genderfeelz bullshit! So put yer money (and girldick/boipussy) where your mouth is!

Burger queer! Eat some burgers at Burger queer! by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 8 insightful - 8 fun8 insightful - 7 fun9 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

Maybe tacos that identify as hot dogs & vice-versa?

They can market the former as "The Aiden", and the latter as "The Girldickdog".

And refusing to eat 'em because you're vegetarian = BIGOT!

They’re ALMOST there by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 13 insightful - 8 fun13 insightful - 7 fun14 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)


Maybe girldick is sorta like Schrodinger's Cat? Cuz just as the cat is paradoxically both alive and dead, girldick is somehow both pussy AND dick! Plus its status is, like the kitty's, entirely determined by the observer. Relative to "transbians" (aside from its owner): dick! Relative to lesbians: pussy!

IT'S JUST SCIENCE/s (well, & a whole shitload of entitled fetishism)

most attractive transgender by meisthebigdumb in TumblrInAction

[–]PenseePansy 8 insightful - 7 fun8 insightful - 6 fun9 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

"Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture."/"They're the same picture."

r/gaytransguys complains about gay spaces being "overrun" with gay men by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 13 insightful - 7 fun13 insightful - 6 fun14 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)


Oh my fkn god. The victim complexes on these people by elpk1313 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 8 insightful - 7 fun8 insightful - 6 fun9 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

He TOTALLY has a lesbian girlfriend in Canada!1!

The ladies of r/gaytransguys gush about their fetishes by CaptainMoose in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 18 insightful - 7 fun18 insightful - 6 fun19 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah and how do they know his gender identity? Maybe he’s a closeted freeballing transbian lol

You jest, but honestly, this is what I always wonder-- how can the trans-proponents act as though everyone but THEM is automatically "cis"? What about self-ID? And the unparalleled horror that is "misgendering"? Didn't every single woman there just... assume her lust-objects' gender??? Ooh, the transphobes! REEEEE

Maybe that's how to end the Reign of Trans once and for all: simply make people like this live by their own rules. No more assuming anyone's gender; no more attraction based on biological sex. They have to act as though EVERYONE is a "gender special" until proven otherwise, with all the awkwardness and inconvenience that this entails, plus their own loss of status (to quote Syndrome in The Incredibles: "If everyone is special... then no one is."). And they'll be obliged to ignore biological sex in favor of "gender" when dating/mating-- it'll be trans4trans across the board! Transbians, get over your penis repulsion and shut up about "muh dysphoria": all that girldick ain't gonna suck itself!

Being forced to practice what they preach oughtta cure 'em of transgenderism right quick.

Stop bringing sex to a discussion about sexuality! by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 27 insightful - 7 fun27 insightful - 6 fun28 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

it's same gender attraction.

Ah, yes-- a pink-wearing person's attraction to another pink-wearing person! The attraction of a person who likes monster trucks to another monster-truck-liker!

Hell, why do we even need PEOPLE involved, anyway? "The love that dares not speak its name" could now apparently be between two identical paint swatches!

Is anyone else beginning to suspect that this obsession with "gender" is at least sometimes a matter of... pathological prudishness? An attempt to, in effect, de-sexualize sexuality? Make it about disembodied shit like clothes and abstractions and fuckin' COLORS instead of, yanno, ew-y genitals? And the stuff you do with 'em? And the feelings associated with that? Which apparently these people are just too uncomfortable with?

The worst part, I think, is that they can't ADMIT their discomfort; they need to see themselves as proud sex-pozi sluts... and apparently redefining "sex" so that it's about the fake shit associated with sex (i.e., gender), rather than sex itself, is their way of doing this. So naturally biological sex has gotta go, too. Being inextricably linked with that gross FUCKING business and all.

One day we'll look back and laugh... please... by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 13 insightful - 7 fun13 insightful - 6 fun14 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

It's a whole thing. Prepare to roll your eyes so hard you will have a migraine.

AKA Not Like Other Girls: The Subreddit!

Should we tell her...? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 14 insightful - 7 fun14 insightful - 6 fun15 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)


Uh-huh. You're not.

Hey, now!-- she is 'specially ANNOYING!

Barely contained rage at never ever ever being one of the boys by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 15 insightful - 7 fun15 insightful - 6 fun16 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, and wouldn't her "logic" lead to epic dumbassery on the order of... elderly-gender! redhead-gender! thin-gender! tall-gender! bald-gender!

I mean, gender (except in linguistics) is bullshit anyway, and not the basis for ANY sexual orientation... but since it's determined by one's sex, and there are only two of THOSE... how can there be any more genders than that?

Scientific American quotes gender doctor Marci Bowers, "The penis is just a large clitoris. In fact, I don’t know why they don’t just call it a large clitoris.” by BEB in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 10 insightful - 7 fun10 insightful - 6 fun11 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

Hope ya tell your "transmen" patients this, Marci! "Oh, men don't have penises, silly! They have LARGE CLITORISES! That's what I'll be creating for you, Aiden-- just a big ol' clit! Wait, where are you going...?"

Also: wouldn't this mean that, if a clitoris qualifies as "large", it automatically has the capacity to urinate, ejaculate, and impregnate? So all women have to do is bombard themselves with enough 'roids, and hey! presto! But then why aren't all those Aidans who pine for a dick of their own availing themselves of this wonder?

I look forward to Scientific American henceforth discontinuing all use of the word "penis" in favor of "large clitoris" with lively anticipation.

Scientific American quotes gender doctor Marci Bowers, "The penis is just a large clitoris. In fact, I don’t know why they don’t just call it a large clitoris.” by BEB in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 6 insightful - 7 fun6 insightful - 6 fun7 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

Clownfish fit this BS narative more than anything I've ever heard about seahorses

Well, while these trans-fanatics aren't actual clownfish, they sure have the "clown" part down, anyway...

She married a man, then came out as lesbian when the man morphed into a half-man, half-woman? This is some quantum mechanics level complexity. by ukrdude10 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 8 insightful - 7 fun8 insightful - 6 fun9 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

I liked it better as an old Monty Python skit:

"And Roger as Pip, the half-parrot, half-man, half-woman, three-quarters badger..."

What's the most ridiculous TRA's argument you've ever heard? by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 26 insightful - 7 fun26 insightful - 6 fun27 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

Oh god, such an embarrassment of riches! (And by "riches" I mean raw sewage.)

It's a toss-up between:

  • "TWAW and lesbians better agree by servicing my girldick or else! But I can't have sex with other transbians cuz Muh Dysphoria... somehow."
  • "Iran performs all those (forced, on SSA people) "trans" surgeries = LGBTQWTF ally!"
  • "Dudes getting boners from stuff like wearing women's clothes isn't SEXUAL, it's, um... "gender euphoria"! Yeah! They're just so, yanno, happy to be their true womanly selves! And that totally PROVES they're women, of course, since what woman hasn't felt the same way whenever she puts on her bra, amirite ladies?"
  • "TERFs just want to enforce restrictive old-fashioned gender roles! Also I knew I was REALLY a girl cuz I: liked pink/played with dolls/couldn't do math."
  • "Everyone must treat me as the sex corresponding to my "gender identity", lest I commit suicide! Also, did I mention that I'm TRANS? Which I am, by the way. Trans, that is. You know I'm trans, right? Trans, that's me! And don't you forget it! That, yanno, I'm trans! Just thought I'd remind you. Of my trans-ness. In case you couldn't tell. Cuz I'm TRANS, TRANS, TRAAAANS!!!"

No comment by fuckupaddams in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 9 insightful - 7 fun9 insightful - 6 fun10 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

C'mon, this is possible!

... if one of a lesbian's friends is named Richard!

AskGayBros: Would you rather get fucked by a trans woman with her real dick or a trans man with a strap on? by Smolders1 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 7 insightful - 7 fun7 insightful - 6 fun8 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

Would you rather get fucked by a trans woman with her real dick or a trans man with a strap on?

I would rather that you, TRA gaybros-botherer, "get fucked"... in the non-literal (and non-fun) sense.

Inclusiveness Training by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 4 insightful - 7 fun4 insightful - 6 fun5 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

Inclusiveness: Stutterer's Edition

Conservative vs Woke Homophobia by oh_hello_satan in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 11 insightful - 7 fun11 insightful - 6 fun12 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

"New! Improved! Woke HomophobiaTM ! Now with the power of WHINING!"

At least Classic didn't include THAT. Or (god forbid) demanding to fuck us. Or (for that extra horror-movie touch)... REPLACE us.

Meme about lesbianism being an effective form of birth control got mass-reported for transphobia by reluctant_commenter in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 8 insightful - 6 fun8 insightful - 5 fun9 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Oh the irony behind the comment about “cis” lesbians forgetting about trans lesbians.

If only they would ever LET YOU for ONE GODDAMN MINUTE

Does silly Bill Maher assume Chase Strangio is not a gay man? by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 18 insightful - 6 fun18 insightful - 5 fun19 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Wait, this whackjob Strangio is claiming that she's not only a man, but a GAY man? When her significant other is, and moreover "identifies" as, a woman? (Yep: Kimberly Drew does indeed consider herself "cisgender", apparently.) Even by the T's several-sandwiches-short-of-a-picnic standards, how the hell does THAT compute?

Hey, maybe she's declaring herself a closet-case gay man! With Kimberly as her beard! Whom "Mr. Strangio" can't even bear to touch! Oh, well, THAT'S all right, then/s

When you try to rape a gay man but he turns out to be straight 😔😔😔 by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 10 insightful - 6 fun10 insightful - 5 fun11 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

I mean, at one time? Before The Invasion of the Transmen began? No doubt. But now... why WOULDN'T straight guys use these apps? When they're CHOCK FULL of delusional straight girls just begging to be sexually exploited? All you've gotta do is feign "gayness" and talk some half-assed shit like, "bro, that 'bonus hole' of yours is so MANLY! Let's have some masc-to-masc missionary PIV! And you can give me a TOTALLY GAY blowjob! Right after I buttsecks ya in the most NON-HETERO way possible!" How else is a straight dude gonna get anal so easily? Like shooting the proverbial fish in a barrel...

Veto! by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 21 insightful - 6 fun21 insightful - 5 fun22 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

I'll take "Things No Woman Has Ever Said In The History of the World" for $500, Alex.

Maybe he'll make an exception for my vagina if I creep on him! by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 16 insightful - 6 fun16 insightful - 5 fun17 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

There's always a but.

Or, as Game of Thrones put it: "You know, my brother once told me that nothing someone says before the word 'but' really counts."

Girl dick is not threatening lesbians by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 21 insightful - 6 fun21 insightful - 5 fun22 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

it doesn't offer the same threats.

Yeah... because it "offers" worse ones.

Lots of transwomen have vaginas, for example by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 9 insightful - 6 fun9 insightful - 5 fun10 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

I’m exclusively attracted to the immaterial ontological essence that exists in the plane of ideas, thanks

Oh good, then you'll be hounding THAT to service your girldick instead of us human beings! (Though I wouldn't be surprised if that immaterial ontological essence turns your gross entitled ass down, too.)

THIS is what asexual looks like... by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 18 insightful - 6 fun18 insightful - 5 fun19 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

LOL well, what have we here?

Fake af? Check!

Desperate for attention? (I'm ACE look at MEEEEE oh and buy my thoroughly-forgettable, tacky trash while you're at it!) Check!

Deliriously half-baked? (I'm TOTALLY uninterested in sex... AND also trying to embody sex with all my might!) Check, check, and double check!

So, yeah, I really DO think that this legit is what asexual (at least in its TrendyTM form) looks like... just, yanno, not quite the way she intended :)

In just one sentence, explain how we’re completely mistaken about you by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 19 insightful - 6 fun19 insightful - 5 fun20 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

So apparently he recognizes that sucking his dick is a quintessentially undesirable prospect! Exactly, dude... AND HOW

Possible rejoinder: "How 'bout you get your fellow trans people to suck it instead? Oh, right-- you guys scorn all junk that isn't "cis"! Well, then, you oughtta understand why EVERYBODY ELSE feels precisely the same way."

Fellow delusional women: how much do gay men love pussy? by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 8 insightful - 6 fun8 insightful - 5 fun9 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Answer: they love it just as much as getting poked in the eye with a sharp stick!

These girls treat gay men like they're learning a foreign language. by Criticallacitirc in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 6 insightful - 6 fun6 insightful - 5 fun7 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

There was an support group on the college I study where their whole stick was to teach masculinity to FtMs.

Yes, really.

Ooh, I've gotta get in on this! "OK, bros, first lesson in Masculinity 101 is: give me your PIN number. Oh, that's a security risk, huh? Well BOO-FUCKIN'-HOO, ya little crybaby! Real men LIVE for risk! Next up: devote your ENTIRE LIFE to watching football, working on your car, and mowing the lawn. Do not, I repeat, do NOT leave your man-cave for ANYTHING, especially going to gay bars, clubs, or bathhouses. Got it? Finally, be the Strong and ESPECIALLY Silent type. Do NOT ever say ANOTHER FUCKING WORD. Not in spoken form, not in text, not in goddamn SEMAPHORE, not in interpretive dance. If silence is manly-- and it fucking well is-- be the MANLIEST MAN WHO EVER MANNED and keep your petulant whinings about "cis gay" dick to yourself. FOREVER."

Here, as they say, endeth the fuckin' lesson :)

You’re LITERALLY killing them by not liking 🍆, bigot! by Rag3 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 8 insightful - 6 fun8 insightful - 5 fun9 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

ikr? Their threats of suicide always make me wanna respond with: "promises, promises..." :)

Eugene Oregon Pride drops the LGB by davids877 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 4 insightful - 6 fun4 insightful - 5 fun5 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Unfortunately, the LGBTQ+ umbrella does not seem to want to let us out, lol. That is the real trouble. Save for a few of them like in this post. Hopefully the "ditch the LGB" sentiment catches on among TQ+ supporters... we are WAY better off not a part of this umbrella.

Maybe, given their hatred of us, we need to try some reverse psychology here? Or what TV Tropes has dubbed "Briar Patching"?:

Us to TQWTF+: "please, PLEASE don't EXPEL US!!! Your rejection of our transphobic asses would be AGONY! We couldn't BEAR it! It'd be the WORST PUNISHMENT IMAGINABLE. How can you take the umbrella away from us TERFs? How can you be so CRUEL???" :)

MtF Trans Person Interferes With Kid in Parking Lot; Can't Understand Why Mom Gets Upset. Chaos Ensues. by MBMayfair in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 5 insightful - 6 fun5 insightful - 5 fun6 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

lol well what could be more feminine than THAT?

How to Kill a Subreddit by JulienMayfair in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 23 insightful - 6 fun23 insightful - 5 fun24 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Cuz not only are they unrepentant bullies... they are also colossal bores.

r/AHS: "No one is saying that you have to be attracted to trans people!" - Also r/AHS mod at the exact same time: "Excluding trans people from your dating pool is transphobic, no ifs or buts." by ThrowMeAway2879 in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 10 insightful - 6 fun10 insightful - 5 fun11 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

It's either preventative trauma taken in controlled doses in a controlled environment, or the real thing...

Trans-vaccination, in other words! Teach their immune system to recognize the danger signs of anime avatars, cat ears, uwus, and the name Aiden!

Reminder: some lesbians are men by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 8 insightful - 6 fun8 insightful - 5 fun9 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

ones they forgot (at least for now...):

  • some lesbians aren't attracted to women
  • some lesbians are men who are only attracted to men
  • some lesbians are inanimate objects (igneous rocks, flyswatters, Subarus)
  • lesbians can be weather patterns, fonts, and colors (paint your kitchen a cheery "Lesbian Blue"!)

The irony is so completely lost on him and his handmaids by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 6 insightful - 6 fun6 insightful - 5 fun7 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

I remember a post from a teenage boy a few years ago on AL about how he 'loved' lesbians and they were like: "maybe you're not actually a boy" 🤦🏻‍♀️

They need to start getting responses along the lines of, "maybe I'm a boy who's really a girl... who's really a boy." (Aka "I'm a woman inside... and she's a MAN inside.")

As well as: "have YOU considered that you might really be cis?"

Ru Paul bullied into submission by TRAs by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 14 insightful - 6 fun14 insightful - 5 fun15 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Pretending to be a gay man because you fetishize gay men, then dressing up in a caricature of womanhood... while being a woman.

I liked Victor/Victoria (1982)-- a straight woman pretending to be a gay man pretending to be a woman-- better when the comedy was intentional.

Sad watching so many lesbians and bi women rejecting womanhood by oofreesouloo in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 7 insightful - 6 fun7 insightful - 5 fun8 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

I feel like a coffee!

Sad watching so many lesbians and bi women rejecting womanhood by oofreesouloo in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 8 insightful - 6 fun8 insightful - 5 fun9 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

My self ID is as a divine right monarch.

I hereby decree that gender is bullshit. And since I am sovereign by the will of god... what I say goes.

There! Wasn't that easy?

The many-coloured hair of "queer" straight people and their identities by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 23 insightful - 6 fun23 insightful - 5 fun24 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

not everyone's sexuality is 'fluid'.

God how I hate hate hate this fuckin' term! It's like fingernails on a blackboard to me at this point! "Fluid sexuality" MY ASS! Sounds like ya wanna shag a can of Mountain Dew or something!

HOW is this not just plain ol' bisexuality? Of the kind where your attraction to each sex waxes & wanes? Either that or you're (probably) straight people so into trendy-wokesterism that even primal pants-feelings have gotta be politically-correct. SOMEHOW. It's like vegan cats: SJW genitals!

They're hellbent on making sexual orientation so complicated that it requires a flow chart. But how could it be? There are only two sexes, so the possibilities for attraction must be limited to either or both. Why do they have a problem with this? It's like trying to treat a board game as three-dimensional chess when it's really just Candy Land.

Do these types strike anyone else as real-life Mary Sues? Forever demanding the spotlight, insufferably-SpecialTM in every way? They've even got the telltale Exotic Hair Color-itis!

The tears of the askgaybros transmen will raise sea levels by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 10 insightful - 6 fun10 insightful - 5 fun11 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

“That’s how you end up crying in the bathroom at the gay orgy”

And now I want this to be on the new season of "Archer" as a more-colorful alternative to their established catchphrase,"And THAT'S how you get ants!"

Oh god no, PLEASE NO. by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 12 insightful - 6 fun12 insightful - 5 fun13 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

How many more kids/teens will join in on the fad after that week I wonder?

And can "weeks" celebrating similar youth fads be far behind?

Anorexia Week! Bulemia Week! Cutting Week! Eating Tide Pods Week!

Date me you BIGOT : TumblrInAction by [deleted] in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 5 insightful - 6 fun5 insightful - 5 fun6 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

If only all these "woman-penises" could encounter a vagina that has teeth!

Mermaids argue that "there could be even 8 bilion genders" by [deleted] in therearetwogenders

[–]PenseePansy 10 insightful - 6 fun10 insightful - 5 fun11 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Let us know what we've missed!


Punch gay men if they reject you by artetolife in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 23 insightful - 6 fun23 insightful - 5 fun24 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

If you have the gall to say things like "gay men that don't want vagina are transphobic," you're a homophobe.

Gay men who don't want vagina aren't transphobic, they're... GAY MEN!

It's just definitional!

Transplaining how everything is transphobic (but especially homosexuality) by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 11 insightful - 6 fun11 insightful - 5 fun12 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Stealing this!

I am also rather partial to the term "genderjihadis".

Their new target: askgaybros by motss-pb in LGBDropTheT

[–]PenseePansy 7 insightful - 6 fun7 insightful - 5 fun8 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Beneath the clownfish banner, clad in their fearsome combat uniform of programmer socks, chokers, and catgirl-ears, with a bloodcurdling battle-cry of "REEEEEEEEE"