Red pills in a short japanese documentary about 70s by lolikon69 in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"It's not as important to them to be different" lol

"much of Japan's industrial success is due to this sense of loyality between workers and companies" - which results from their sameness as implied a paragraph before.

So sad what happened to them. Globohomo is a race to the bottom economically, and a race to the bottoms in terms of culture

PUTIN Renames Polcie Unit After Jewish Cheka Founder DZERZHINSKY. Putin a Crypto-Jew working for Chabad? by Jesus in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No he doesn't. He's openly anti White. He saved the country from the jewish oligarchs ... by gifting it to his favorite jewish oligarchs. No negroes and muslims want to go to a country with no good social net like Sweden, so no shit, he "saved" Russians from the brown invasion. Besides, Russia is becoming multicultural, just at their own pace. Putin's Russian fans are often deliberately pointing it out how he is a "true" liberal, unlike those racist americans.

What do you think of modern Russia? by lokke767 in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Home to many good Whites but their bumpy ride through history is unique and remarkable and has led to a terrible state of affairs.

I have to make this brief so here's a list * worst of the worst White demographics. They have an aging population combined with alcoholism, sky high single motherhood, divorce, * on top of that come poverty & corruption * jewish control is more entrenched than anywhere. Putin makes Biden look like NJP member. * similarly, White nationalists are true dissidents and the state might just assissinate them * home to a fast growing, confident and protected muslim minority * the worst at the end: the whole Russian mythos is maybe the worst among all Whites. It's a convoluted mess of victimhood, demoralising christianity, imperial ambitions and their own take on globohomo (think DRRR but in global terms).

Russia will continue to be very influential because of size, military strength, resources and political agency. It will slowly be crushed by jewish, Chinese and corporate ambitions.

"White Monkey Jobs" A.K.A China's real feelings for White people. by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Mein dude. The Belt and Road stuff is a very old(!) inititaive pushed by globalists. As always, China is just stealing stuff. I'm laughing here bhind my screen because I remember talking with a libertarian activist 25 years ago on the streets who wanted me to sign my name on a piece of paper for this. The core idea of bringing EUrasia more together with gigantic highways is about 70 years old, I think. It always went against the anglo saxon strategy of dividing any cooperation between russia/eastern europe, china and western europe. So US hawks are against it by default for the wrong reasons.

In the long run, the Chinese will get their highways. But I agree that I don't want to pay a dime more for slightly better distribution of their crap and more influence.

"White Monkey Jobs" A.K.A China's real feelings for White people. by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

literalotherkin and radicalcentrist, can we find middle ground here?

Obviously the mind kraken sucking us dry and stupid right now is not China. While in the long or even mid run, this can, of course, change rather abruptly.

However, there's a clear difference, not in terms of who-did-what but in regards to transparency of behaviour. We can cope well with an enemy that is unabashedly anti White and powerful.

That is not quite a silver lining because I see a distinct danger which is where we should focus our attention. This is something that, although implied in our circles, is rarely clearly stated: Jews right now are the leaders of White societies from top to bottom through an informational monopoly. They control all narratives for the plebs (through talmud vision, soaps and yellow press), the middle class midwits (books, muh science, fake culture) and the elites (networks, academia).

This means that they will probably "lead the charge" against Chinese oppression and it will be absolutely ineffective in terms of empowering Whites. At the same time, they will try their best to make themselves comfortable on a new host.

My absolutely biggest fear here is racial dissolution in two to three generations. Simply because of Chinese money, mercantile genetic disposition and their sheer numbers the threat of us being dissolved into the brown loser group and the asiatic performer group is quite realistic. For the Chinese, we will be a very welcoming genetic admixture as a mixed offspring is taller and almost always considered attractive. We also have the creativity they lack.

Even the most "racist" towns on Earth still promote diversity. Is there any settlement that is actually White Nationalist? by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

German neo Nazi towns exist, but they aren't real strong communities, think more of small villages where the overwhelming majority is ok with displaying nazi related stuff and neo nazi memes as a way to signal defiance, unrest and small scale civil disobediance.

You need four things in order to really form a community * the ability to meaningfully segregate or select - a town with 90% White Nationalists would suffice, I believe * at least some form of effective autarky - collective food production comes to mind * little to no government intervention or oversight with the most obvious being indoctrination of you children - ie home schooling * a spiritually united, fertile community of some size - this is maybe the most important aspect

Abowaffen Division by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You are wrong, my friend, they did not freeze in time, they degenerated. When they arrived in Australia, they had boats, fishing, tools, dogs and more. All that has been lost. Their case is a warning for the rest of humanity.

Is Vladimir Putin Jewish? by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

beneficial for his own power and for his nation

now this is very much the definition of dissonance. Jews, as empirically demonstrated over and over and over and over, and especially in Russia, will devastate a country while sucking it dry. But of course they shmooze and establish strong connections with politicans and can absolutely be of great assistance to both a shooting star and an established ace.

It's actually the other way around. You will see if a politician is a patriot if jews hate him. Of course, this itself might spell the end of a career. (Greater)Germany's top mainstream antisemites (Möllemann, Haider) were both mossaded.

Gay Marriage debunked in 2 minutes (Obama vs Alan Keyes) by scormac1752 in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yup. He's probably terrible at sports, too. I hope he fathered a good number of children and is a role model for the talented tenth of his race.

An Example of European Honor by Soylent in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The most ancient surviving European epic, the Ilias, is full of individual challenges. The Nordic custom of Holmgang was also just that, an honorable way to end a dispute without needlessly feuding clans and an escalation of cruelties and trickery. An island was chosen to elevate the conflict from profane assault to sacred ritual. This tradition was kept in Germany for centuries after christianisation with more and more bizarre rulesets after the sacred ceded to iuris prudentia.

I love your header by fschmidt in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You are squarely in the kosher sandwich. There never was a White "christian" flavour of civilisation. Your takes are not original, they are the conservative elite's narratives who, like most elites most of the time, were simply in the way of their brethren, stealing and lying. Whites are biologically unique, like all races and are very capable, in contrast to other races, at creating new nice, productive spaces. Christianity was a part, but never a positive, deciding factor.

Concerning the "christian dark ages", it is telling that you, instead of answering my arguments, default to a strawman meme. I did not write "dark age" because I don't think we had a thousand years of pure ignorance without any advancements in technology, culture and so on. This is a typical hyperbolic strawman argument and it is easily debunked. A spiritually unified Europe did in fact suffer greatly in terms of innovation, agency, literacy and much more. There is no way you can weasle out of this.

Secondly, scholars usually point outwards out of Europe to show that universities were flourishing, some early sciences made progress etc. Again, this does not defend the European church's terrible record one bit. Another popular "defense" here would be to namedrop a list of church philosophers, who all did not manage to produce anything comparable to the Greeks and Romans.

Third, there's a (as usual) complicated array of events, like the transitioning to manoralism and feudalism from slave driven field work. Again, the church seems at least powerless here. It's an academic smoke bomb.

In the end, the facts speak for themselves. People were less free. Europe became militarily weaker for some reason. Art production plummeted and church art was usually horrible garbage if Pagan elements were taken out. Literacy went near zero.

You show that you don't even understand the arguments because you produce talmudic spin when you should be able to calmly refute this. Notre Dame was finished in the 13th century! (And it didn't look like it does today, like most old cathedrals but whatever) That's eight centuries after the country turned christian! In other words, you almost cede ground to the meme of "thousand years of darkness". The Lincoln cathedral is even older. Illuminted bibles is another terrible example. Where Pagans shared art, such bibles were the private posession of the rich, lazy elite. Almost nobody could read and appreciate them meaningfully and the most beautiful illuminations are full of Pagan ornaments (eg Book of Kells)!

I don't think it's productive to engage you anymore. Just be warned that your soul will slowly die when your grinning (only?)child will miscegenate his genes away like a good christian cuck. You will just stand there, unable to say anything. You brown LGBT churchhead will be elated. And this will be it, the suicide of a semitic cult.

Do you think given time Africa will fix itself and migration will decrease? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The tiger is practically gone and remains only in tiny, remote corners. I expressly wrote that Whites would not have driven the leopard to extinction because it's a stealthy loner. Same goes for the jaguar in south America. This proves my point yet again. I've been to tiger expeditions in India without getting to see one after two days in remote regions - which is the rule. In Africa, you can bet that you will see a lot of paleofauna with one comfy, straightforward ride - it's simply waiting there for you, pretty much undisturbed by negroes until the White man brought high quality rifles which made killing very, very easy. Do you now understand the difference between large animals hanging out in groups in the open and single, roaming stalkers? Also, the asiatic lion is practially gone! What an "argument"! Without White conservation efforts, he'd be gone already. We seem to have managed to increase the population to a meagre 2-300.

Again, (!and again, and again....) the Indian elephant wasn't wiped out because he was tamed. Smarter peopler discovered the use of this magnificent creature. Negroes dindu nuffin of that sort. The zebra - a far easier mount to train than paleo horses out of the box AND more powerful- nothing! The elephant! The buffalo! All have clear analogues in nonafrican regions. I'm not even bothering to go into the others, so much wasted potential!

Mansa Musa was a typical dindu who squandered his fabulous riches. There's nothing left to show. Cultures starting from the Sumerians left us something. The richest man simply lived like a Mike Tyson or Floyd Mayweather and wasted literal tons of gold. The "ruins" were creatively rebuilt by guess who? Good, old Europeans, of course. The real tragedy is not the wasted potential because there's little shame in stupid people living out their low urges. The real tragedy is "liberal" minded drones exercising their ideological training to come up with stories and narratives to justify ruining the world by adhering to their quasi religious, degenerate beliefs.

I love your header by fschmidt in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Your views are throughly uninformed, lacking historical and technical perspective.

Concerning cousin marriages:I did not say cousin marriage was condemned, it simply posed no problem (reread my post). Semites and mid easterners with their extreme in-group preference made it a problem, just as kings did for similar reasons (again, reread my post). The church obviously did not care too much since they gave royal pairs literally their blessing. So your primary mistake is conflating Whites and nonwhite sensibilites. We are the most liberal of the (big) races. Tribalism was never as strong as in the south. By your own account genetic defects through cousin marriage should not be a problem with jews, since their texts condemn it- yet it is very much so. We could have done without the "service" the church did to our stock and culture. There was no "cousin marriage problem". But then the argument changes and it becomes a instrument of civilising barbarians.

Your second mistake is conflating Pagan beliefs and customs. Rome and Greece had a different society by necessity. But more importantly, they were obviously far from perfect and no Pagan believes these particular ancient societies should be emulated with every facet and custom. This is quite outlandish a belief!

We have no reason to belief that central European tribalism was in any way a hindrance. There were upstart dynasties popping up everywhere in Europe, using christianity to help them form new powerstructures. This was in a cynical way very effective, as the new "religion" have you pretty much a bureaucracy and a new hierarchical ideology gratis, as well as a reliable network of allies and information. Curiously enough, those newly created, unified kingdoms proved to be inferior in many ways to their (northern)Pagan cousins who displayed more agency, vigour and success than newly the baptised. Wether it's discoveries, trade routes, inventions, literacy, the viking age showed much of Europe was caught in a stupor causing it to walk backwars in may regards. Wheras ancient Pagan Rome was a superpower, christian Europe became a little league player.

Next comes the usual borish account of christian advancements. This has been done to death. Short version: For the most time, christianity made 95% of Whites live a rather nasty and unfree life. Most of the nicer things like cathedrals come late into the game, sometimes after over a thousand years of spiritual opression! True, there was no literature- because there was no need, just like with many cultures across the world. Oral testimony is held in high esteem and besides the population was simply too small, too liberal and hierarchies too flat for a high culture to form. What's worse, production of the early bibles were made possible by a culture that systematically and dilligently destroyed, defaced and deleted other religions, mythology and customs, be it as palimpsests, as forced conversions or with an old fahsioned burning.

preserved Classical literature and promoted education

This is pure stupidity. I can't believe someone who's not a christian believes such Hollwood level nonsense. Ancient Pagan societies in Europe enjoyed a comparatively high literacy. Wether this was a Danish child learning the rune script in the first century or a Syrian White getting tought by his Greek slave (Greeks obviously topped the ranks with literacy in the realm of 90%). Europeans unlearnt this through christianity, like so many other things. In most places only the clergy could read and write - a catastrophic form of academic degeneration and anti-amancipation. Then come the accusations of "White niggers" which takes the cake. Karl the Great aka Charlemagne systematically genocided tribes, broke his word and executed the Saxon nobility (thousands in one day!), burned temples, only to let in the jews to enrich his dynasty. Now THIS was a traitor niggerfying his stupid subjects who now were unable to read and write - just like him.

At this point I'm done with you. You basically regurgitate globohomo history and are unwilling to critically examine past paradigms. Have fun with a worldview provided you by Weinstein & Spielberg.

Do you think given time Africa will fix itself and migration will decrease? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Lots of big cats were in Europe next to places we now live in. They were hunted to extinction. Lots of big cats in africa RIGHT NEXT TO HUMAN SETTLEMENTS. Do you think the Massai hunting parties drive in trains to kill lions? They simply walk there, barefoot. But they did not exterminate them as we and other races did.

Your own argument falls flat on your face! Yes, in remote places, animals, especially stealthy ones like single tigers can survive longer. But megafauna was easy to track. Elephant herds are also easy to track and provide sophisticated, capable hunters an abundance of calories and lots of resources.

African tourism features safaris as a prominent and lucrative entertainment. Those things are great because it is so easy to get to see a huge variety of interesting animals which the negroid did not bother to tame or extinct. It's usually very convenient as you simply drive around nice, flat vistas. Some friends saw the big five in South Africa in one go!

There's absolutely no reason to believe Whites would not have hunted down all lions (far too dangerous) and rhinos, tamed the zebra, the elephant and the buffalo and drove the leopard away. You fallen for ridiculous anti White stories. "Blacks have it hard, Whites had it always easy!" when it was always the other way around. Precisely because Africa is so large there's really no reason to believe that the many very nice corners could not be exploited easily. But for that, you need completely different people. Those people who had it harder and who had to evolve to come up with ideas, concepts and solutions.

Also, just try to look up hard facts about the "Mali empire". For the richest dynasty of all time, it's almost inconceivable how little they have left. I'm sure you can come up with a colourful just-so story, a tearjerking narrative or trivial factoid handwaving to the world why old Mali had it so hard and never stood a chance.

Do you think given time Africa will fix itself and migration will decrease? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I don't have to come up with evidence for what is abundantly evident. We can come up with theories and hypothesis as to why and how it played out. Everywhere else, the bigger, calorie rich yummy animals were eaten. Not so in africa. Yes, theoretically africans could have achieved this, too, but that is really a simpleton's view.

Big game hunting is difficult, especially with sticks and stones. But we can see how immediately after giving negroes modern guns they proceed to hunt the big animals to extinction. This is happening right now before our eyes. So they would, if they only could. All the usual kvetching and Diamondesque fantasizing about peculiar difficulties are nonsense. Africans simply were not capable of coming up and organising the difficult operations involving many capable and reliable men of different tribes/clans. Apart from weapons you need strategy, tactics, trust, rituals and capable leaders to invent, use and teach these to the next generation.

You also need supplementing technology like medicine, because it's a moral booster to know that getting injured on such a hunt will not automatically kill you. Neanderthals have been found to be riddled with injuries consistent with big game hunting. They knew how to treat their hunters. I suspect negroes lack those, too.

Do you think given time Africa will fix itself and migration will decrease? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"Ethiopia not only defeated Italy in the First Italo-Ethiopian War but mustered over 100,000"

That is a known outlier, the very definition and source of african pride. It is the ONLY outlier in a series of african defeats. It's like arguing with a child. We don't find patterns when deliberately looking for irregularities. Nota bene that Ethopians are among the whitest looking bunch of the continent. The Mali "empire" is a we-wuz-kangs tier meme. Please make sure to always read some critical books about topics you want to get to know better. Or try to falsify internet tales by yourself when citing i09 globohomo blog stories.

There is no reason to believe Mesolithic African tribes...

I am beginning to tire of arguments I already debunked. European lions DIED OUT IN THE MESOLITHIC. They were all killed by White men. There's no big cat save for comparatively tiny lynxes left that are extremely shy and often weigh less than a labrador retriever. Africa has the lion, the leopard, the cheetah and a bunch of smaller cats. Obviously we did things differently and more thoroughly. Yet you simply repeat "a MYSTERY!!!" and drop some Diamondesque obscurantisms. The last new argument is beyond ridiculous, a new low:

increased demand for elephants and ivory is a product of the modern world and why we see this hunting far more than we would in the Mesolithic.

Yes, shooting something dead, cutting off teeth to sell for dollar dollar bills is far easier than organising a successful mammoth hunt and working for months with the newly aquired resources. That is the point of the argument.

Do you think given time Africa will fix itself and migration will decrease? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm not guessing but I'm not willing to invest 10-20min to look up the proper citations because you are not willing to accept these points even in theory! What I wrote is established, generally accepted, basic archeological evidence. Your links were the definition of i09 muh science! didyouknow, bro!? Single africans don't kill a mature lion by themselves. The lion would absolutely tear them to bloody shreds easily. Ancient medicine was mostly decent but experienced lows as well as scientific degeneration during the dark ages and later during the renaissance and religious wars and early industrialisation periods.

Once more, your mistake lies in conflating singular events with a pattern. I'll try one more time, baby steps:

  • Most humans eat the yummy, millions of calories rich paleofauna into extinction. Africans dindu nuffin.
  • Some africans manage to take down lions, elephants, probably almost all sorts of big game. This does not mean anything by itself. (the Zulu did win some victories against the British but never had a real chance)
  • But in contrast to pretty much all the other races, they don't make a huge dent in numbers. In other words, they could not make a regular habit out of killing, eating and turning very large game into resources which all other could.
  • We also established that they have no general, structural or moral qualms. When given a gun they kill elephants quite happily
  • One more example from recent history to make it clear that humans will eat what's available: the Dodo was not used to humans. When settlers/slaves finally arrived in large numbers on the Dodo's island, they ate every single last bird rather quick.

The best explanation is the same that solves the mystery of why africans didn't really tame any local animals. Overthinking ad nauseum is a recent disease spread by globohomo.

Do you think given time Africa will fix itself and migration will decrease? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They did not produce stone age art on the same level as depicted in the French caves. They also did not produce technology (social and material) capable of wiping out their paleo fauna. Everyone else did.

IQ is real, deal with it.

Do you think given time Africa will fix itself and migration will decrease? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's so much misinformation you either carelessly procured or naively absorbed.

Conflating mesolithic with medieval doctors! I expressly wrote about Neanderthals that survived literal crashes with hostile paleo fauna. These guys enjoyed decent medical expertise of their tribe as well as the benefits of a caring, nurturing society. This is a fact. I'm not sure if africans a thousand years ago had access to these technologies but we know for effect that Neanderthals did. As far as European medicine, yes, we went backwards at some point, thanks to the christian church. But that is a seperate discussion entirely.

Young male sub-Saharan Africans hunt and kill lions by themselves as a rite of passage with only a spear and cowhide shield

You're so wrong it hurts. This is the Diamond level dillusion I was speaking of, the untameable zebra yet again. This is how Massai hunt lions: They form a young hunter's pack and seek out a young lion who's been spotted. With giant shields, spears and possibly dogs (don't remember anymore) they pester and harry the poor predator. He dies more of exhaustion. You could not hunt most animals like that, it's not even very efficient in terms of yield versus the loss of energy, time and manpower. In raw numbers it's a far cry from downing a mammoth: A young lion would give about 100-150k calories, most of that lean muscle, the worst in terms appealing food. Mammoths would be in the ballpark of 10mio calories, most of that nice, saturated fat plus abundant resources on top.

As to the invention, the onus is on you. Exhaustion is just a theory, it's probably uniquely african and not very efficient.

Do you think given time Africa will fix itself and migration will decrease? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Again, many neanderthal skeletons have endured terrible, bone breaking injuries resulting in fractures. Period. Stop here and think what this means. Not a bruise, but a bone that was broken at some point, had to be set and then given rest. A fracture is a death sentence for most animals. Not so with with our ancient cousins, who could recuperate thanks to their tribe. A tribe member being dead weight is not something all humanoids could(can?) handle. And some specimen had suffered multiple such injuries! There's also a find of a toothless neanderthal who was hadfed with soups and prechewed food.

And yes, it matters because we have a couple hundred Neanderthal skeletons, giving us unique insight into an ancient paleo fauna hunter that managed to bring big game down- in contrast to africans. If you find a couple hundred african skeletons from 100K years ago, let us know!

"Same weapons" does not mean anything. Alexander the Great had "the same weapons" as the Persians, yet he wiped the floor with bigger enemy armies regularly. It's ridiculous you don't want to get this into your head. The same would happen if Whites and blacks faught it out in south africa in a civil war (assuming no outside intervention). Since we're talking mainly wood & sinew, there's much speculation involved anyhow. Artifacts rot. Most bows and stones would not have been powerful enough for those animals anyhow. Did Europeans use atl-atls? Bigger bows? Poison? Who knows! And, again, some smarter blacks managed to hunt down elephants, but obviously they did not finish them off. Like EVERYONE ELSE on earth. From studying racial differences we know that blacks are high time preference, more robust with less high IQ related alleles etcetera etcetera. You don't seem to fully grasp what the implications of that mean and that they are totally in line with different hunting outcomes.

French call to replace English with Latin as Europe's official language by JuliusCaesar225 in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I definitely would not call it a mutt language, because mutts are just wild mixtures. Have you seen south asian street mutts? England was invaded in quick succesion by various Aryans, starting in the Bronze Age where the original male population was almost 90% replaced. The next big wave were the Romans who made more of a cultural impact. Then various Germanics (Angels, Saxons, Vikings, Normans). An Englishman should be proud of an early history which revolves around a lot of brave warriors.

I love your header by fschmidt in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is a typical uninformed christian cope, a sad display of spiritual Stockholm-syndrome.

The whole perspective on what actually happened and how culture and society transformed during the first grand jewish takeover is deliberately warped; a careful analysis on what has been taken from us is nipped in the bud.

Cousin marriage has been seen as potentially problematic for a long time before christianity. But most people were aware of the consequences so exogamy was preferred. The people who were relatively fond of it- semites, arabs and to a degree, Meds, were the most aware since problems were acute and tangible. This is why jews codified laws regarding consanguinity. In contrast to that, European Pagans even had to force young people to have a little fun with the other gender- an adaptation to a vastly different environment where higher IQ, secluded homesteads and less hot temperament made sanctified merriness, e.g. Beltane a necessity.

The church had only a mild interest in health and frequently allowed royal cousin marriages, which was always an affront to the Aryan disposition of leading by example. E.g. Franz II, "Holy" Emperor & his (double!) first cousin Maria Theresa. Here is a fairly impartial (dare I say christian-friendly?) analysis:

Moreover, christianity fundamentally changed the way of life in favour of hard-coded rule from above. Cousin marriage as a means to strengthen inter clan relations was dangerous, as was non-church marriage, eugenics and pretty much everything related personal relations to the genetic stock. It's telling christians will swoon over unimportant legal details like this, which would have no impact whatsoever (one could argue that a modicum of cousin marriage would be beneficial) and omit the arguably biggest genetic policy: celibacy, or the exclusion of decent intellectual genes from the genetic stock. Another "argument" is the ban on infanticide, which was, of course, simply a Pagan requirement of the times. Oh, the christian joy of forcing iron age parents to raise mentally disabled children! Such policies, in combination, and with the caloric restrictions (which is actually common across the world with atrocious rulership, especially in Asia) were effective in keeping Whites down.

I'm not an expert on Greeks and Romans, as I'm from northern stock. It's not helpful to conflate all Pagan traditions, especially European with non-european. However, the idea that

Islamic culture has far more in common with ancient Greek and Roman culture than modern Western culture

is just wild.

I forgot about this cringe by ReSegreto in MeanwhileOnReddit

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Well, nothing wrong on an individual level. But why stop there? It's short sighted to glorify personal perspectives so that ruthless companies can make a product or do more efficient marketing. On a mcaro level, race mixing is bad for everyone and that is why it should not be promoted even though I wish the family nothing but the best.

Undoubtedly, we are now suffering from an absolute high time of black+white propaganda. Even old, liberal boomers now have to admit that it's weird how every ad seems to feature a black dude with a a blonde.

Small white pill: 29% of Americans support the US breaking up into five smaller countries by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Most lefties don't know better. If the correct message rings loud it will ring true. There is little need to purge if the majority can be persuaded, and they can, even though it's not easy. Most weak people ie 90% of women and many leftists and simply confused. A good Weltanschaung that does everything in one swoop, clearing up all dissonance and brings results (well, after a crash, that is) has a powerful draw.

Small white pill: 29% of Americans support the US breaking up into five smaller countries by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Let's clear out the basic stuff first:

It's obviously a huge, convoluted and complex topic. Of course, no politician ever would under any circumstances get behind such an endeavour. We are talking fundamental resistance on a systemical level. There must be an extraordinary situation for that to change, such as

1)clear ethnic division; The most interesting point because most guys here understand that to be the case. However, without the right media, academia, education and culture, normies don't see this for what it is - a racial struggle on more than one level of seperation - and are, instead, confused and led away towards kosher thought bubbles. Like...

2)clear religious division; which will be miscommunicated again. True, 'Leftism' is a form of extreme quasi religious ideology but so is rightwingerism. Christianity is reliably quasi religious (which is part of its modern success). Practically speaking, any division alongside these left/ right(christian) criteria would end in spectacular fumbling and bumbling. One could argue for this to be the best case divorce scenario. But for us, the racial division remains obscured and buried.

3)palpable catastrophe; an extraordinary chain of events resulting in a lot of hungry, jobless and angry people. The SU experienced this and so a Gorbachev figure could rise. However, the struggling socialist/communist economy could be enticed to try out something new. A new loser state will be hard pressed to try out even more capitalism when most people will dimly realise that this was the culprit to begin with- selling people out, squeezing the commons dry and making the races fight among each other to get away with it.

The question is how those factors will combine and how they will be communicated. People might simply end up in a collapsed economy while shills blame it on "communism" and China - while their elites are packing bags, clearing accounts and leaving for Beijing with their slaves. I hope we would be able to make our message heard through the terrible noise of a downfall.

Let me also say something about the peculiar cuts: the Northeast is nice and White, but the NY & Washington cancer will make it impossible for it to remain nice. The south is demographically utterly screwed. The Pacific is, as we know, home of the majority of woke ideologues who think they can really make it if they seperate from the racists while the nice "Mountain" region is landlocked, has the 2nd highest amount of "rightwingers" and lots of space.

Ideally, our guys would surgically dettach and snatch up some kewy regions. The Northeast would be in dire need to clear up the metropoles. Even being a "poor" White, rural state would be better than to be ruled from the Washington DC & NY. The Mountain guys should hopefully take over the Seattle region, or Oregon to divide their mad neighbour and enjoy access to the sea. The south guys should move.

I love your header by fschmidt in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

For Pagans, the pursuit of beauty is in itself a spiritual endeavour. While extreme makeup and botox and plastic surgery is a grotesque modern abomination, it's vital for any race to have the drive to chase beauty inwards and outwards. Ancient spiritual leaders often had to be beautiful and scars could make him unpure in regards to his office. The notion that a young prince in a fairy tale is usually beautiful by default is totally nonchristian - it's the sin of vanity. But these are atavistic Pagan instincts deep within us. Muslims, an abrahamestic offshoot have no such instincts and literally see no problem in repeated close cousin marriages, which just visually looks usually like a hatecrime against nature.

Beauty means to be on the right track. Now that's of course not the only metric, but it's an important and universal one. Biologically, this is easy to explain as beautiful partners simply carry less mutations and will provide better offspring. Working on yourself and trying to be the healthiest which almost 100% correlates with beauty is reliably ridiculed. Instead, try to be an emaciated vegan, an "activist whose body is part of his performance", meaning tons of tattoos, piercings, scars, modifications. Why not go for an outright deletion of one's boring binary appeareance - top surgery, fat positivity, metrosexuality?

The enemy has worked tirelessely to discredit western ideals of beauty so you almost never see masculine nordic men on Talmud Vision. Or dignified, beautiful mothers with lots of healthy, beautiful children. Instead, the last two decades saw an explosion of people with "an interesting face" just like our cities now have an "interesting character". Above all, artists who want to paint beautiful things will experience great difficulties in paying their rent - "why not paint something new and exciting"?

Stay angry and beautiful.

Anatoly Karlin knocks it out of the park, documenting the complete degeneration of the US military by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, that would be probably for the best

How do you define race? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

As with colour, you could, in theory, create razor sharp definitions: wavelengths of about 680 to 740 are defined as red.

With a database of your genetic stock, you could simply say: these clusters define the White race. You could also sperg out, go further and support certain genotypes over others or reintroduce certain alleles or whatever. That is all possible, on paper. Is it necessary, though? A fast, soft definition would be someone who has at least three White grandparents.

Above all else, rekindling healthy racial consciousness is the first and most important step.

Isabel Peralta (the chick from the banner) faces up to four years in prison for "hate speech" by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, no.

We have to break the taboos, not work within them. This has been well established. Are you new to this?

Existing emissions pledges barely scratch climate targets, U.N. tally finds by Ethnocrat in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's so tiresome. We don't have leaders with visions, because that would require something real within them wanting to get into a struggle with the world. Instead, all the leaders we have are functionaries. Similarly to 99% of all journalists, at no point in time do they ever act or reflect. It's all vegetative reaction to the insistent stimuli of the parasitic media & lobbies.

Nobody in power truly cares. They act very convincingly, though and have been hand reared to internalise that that is enough. The act of pretending, if genuine enough, is surely enough, right? What else could there be?

The effects of green parties all over Europe are one of the best arguments as to why democracy doesn't work, why it's full of self centered psychos and dim witted egomaniacs. Society is a magic negroe moonwalking to Wakanda - away.

Which West German Chancellor would you say is most responsible for mass immigration into Germany? by Nasser in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Now your edgy low IQ take swoops in for an encore. Poland was no buffer for anyone because it was small in all relevant criteria (landmass as physical buffer, soldiers, good officers, equipment, economic output), chaotic and it was losing the fight against its own enemies within. The bitter truth was this: Poland was bound to be a victim in a conflict between giants. Under Pilsudski they might have co-aligned, sure and that was probably one of Hitler's great regrets.

Even if we pretend that Germany (along with the SU) would not have attacked it and the serious ethnic problems could have been deferred, Poland's chaotic nationalism somehow soothed and it's jewish problem (even though Poland enacted a bunch of literally anitsemitic laws it was all but done) magically disappeared. Stalin commanded a never before weaponised amount of resources and enjoyed vast influence in a Europe that was on the brink of boiling over. He certainly did not wish to waltz through Poland into Germany although his army was large enough that neither Poland nor Germany could have done anything against just that. Stalin would have started a diversion, an escalation, a crisis that might have forced Germany's hand just like it did in 39. In fact, the anti German national fervor probably WAS Stalin's or rather the jew led NKVD's evil work. But all major powers feared the newcomer and tried to reassure Poland they'd help in any conflict which the new political generation simply naively believed.

The nuclear bomb was the only magic device that accomplished what the toothless brits, who already checked out of world history never managed to do on the continent. You seriously overerestimate the US' capabilities, the Brits feebleness, the French disinterest in losing another generation while underestimating the Russian war machine. Until the actual deployment of Fat Man & Little Boy, world diplomacy was completely unaware of its capabilities. So that's not only not an argument, it's either deep ignorance or a talmudic angle from your side.

But then you admit that Stalin was preparing his move for 42, a conservative (if not kosher) estimate by analysts - could have been earlier. Stalin assumed quite logically that his best play was a massive attack from behind, while Germany was occupied in the west. Poland's quick loss in 39 was caused partly from the SU deception because its strategy assumed Stalin to be an ally. So the MO was already established. But even in the worst case he would have had no trouble at all creating an ethnic casus belli, then blitzing through Poland, Germany and France in a couple of weeks, because his numerical advantage was that vast.

Hitlers troops did, in fact, save Europe and remove the jewish influence from Poland (who would be pretty much on par with the Ukraine right now in terms of orderliness and jewish dominance) through their sacrifice.

Which West German Chancellor would you say is most responsible for mass immigration into Germany? by Nasser in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You can't really fault him for the exploitation because no leader now goes that far into the economical weeds. His advisors fucked up and in a better world they would be executed like they do it in China with administrative failure of the highest level. Why they did not take Königsberg I don't know. of course I would have wished a transaction of that kind to have taken place. On the other hand, Kohl wanted to send the Turks home, his senility (probably due to his fatness) prevented him from play a more prominent role in his final years.

Which West German Chancellor would you say is most responsible for mass immigration into Germany? by Nasser in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Again, merkel and schröder certainly were horrible.

Which West German Chancellor would you say is most responsible for mass immigration into Germany? by Nasser in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Rather the opposite

Which West German Chancellor would you say is most responsible for mass immigration into Germany? by Nasser in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Low IQ take extraordinaire. He fought, he lost. Only he who dares wins. And he had to dare, as the russian warmachine was set to overrun everthing east of Madrid. "Remember not to fight, goy!" And armchair generalship is trivial.

Which West German Chancellor would you say is most responsible for mass immigration into Germany? by Nasser in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"because he lost we have to suffer, if only he did not put up a fight...." Really shortsighted.

Which West German Chancellor would you say is most responsible for mass immigration into Germany? by Nasser in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Merkel is an abysmal chancelor, as was her predecessor. Both are beautiful examples of the kosher sandwich, how it works and the surreal consequences, cultural copes and dissonances.

"the economy is down, we HAVE to take in those highly educated refugees to get out of the hole! Also, as liberals we need to see the humanitarian side of things",

"the economy is booming, now is the time to take in highly educated refugees and see our profits rise! Also, as cuckstians, we need to be good christians and open our doors and hearts"

Which West German Chancellor would you say is most responsible for mass immigration into Germany? by Nasser in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Kohl certainly had to kowtow to economy bosses and the cowboy but his vision alone united Germany. That is rare today and that makes him probably the best one. The others are either a mixed bag (Schmidt, Brandt), horrible or difficult to gage (Adenauer)

A Great article for anyone homesteading or living on a family farm by Jacinda in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This has been one of my main theories since educating myself towards racial realism. I didn't know VDH thought so, although he had to boomerfy and republicuck it. For one, the church gets positively retconned into everything. There was no catholic breeding program. This is absolute nonsense as the elites and the rich bred more or less like Pagan kings and leaders. The church wanted the monopoly on sanctifying relationships and kinship. It might have resulted in some less ostensible demonstrations of fecundity. But certainly not from the White underclass who was always contend with a solid monogamous model. The church even made it easier to abandon your core family several times in history.

Secondly, we have this weird anti genetic notion that Greece somehow invented proto-boomer US values without seeding it biologically. This is pure leftism (culture over nurture) although the implications allow for breeding mechanisms (both detested by the left AND right). But how did those breeding patterns appear everywhere Whites go in history, be it Pagan or christian, without being majorly genetic? What would be the cultural vector from Greece towards Rome? Etruscan people were already individualistic farmers when Greece had it's heyday.

Individualistic core family units are a White trait. They are incredibly effective in pre urbanisation and a precursor to kingdoms and empires. Because they are so effective, elites try to control them as much as possible from all angles. They are our strong suit and our curse.

Hunt for the Great White Speech Criminal: Glenn Greenwald has Written the Defining Article of 2021 - AA by send_nasty_stuff in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Weev glows so hard that it's more than just suspect. I mever point out "potentially bad apples", because infighting should be avoided. However, Anglin was trying to destroy other guys' reputation by repeatedly calling out their baggage. To me, that's strike two after running after little Nick and his (low I) Q grifters

New Denmark - Voluntary deportation (+ radical left) by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

There's more depth to this than it seems. Political decisions, even simple ones like "gtfo, please!" often carry significance because of the sheer complexity of modern states. Invader Migrants are still very badly kept track of. They come, go, register under new names, find a nice shelter with good gibs, are told to work a bit (not really, it's mostly educational stuff they sometimes must suffer through and most can't be bothered) so they leave again etc

So that means that a pay-so-you-don't-stay campaign would be both successful and popular. Because the rapefugees don't care about anything but money and leisure. However, it also means they simply galavant a few miles to Sweden or Germany or France. Which those states definitely don't want. But some politicians will see the value in this and try to make it into a EU wide operation. It also gets more complicated because gradually, all states want good biometrics even for their citizenry. In which case a new database would easily identify even the best actors who at the moment just comfortably hang around Europe with a couple of variations of 'Mohamed'.

To our enemies, the thought of seriously keeping close track of our replacers and coordinating a strategy which would benefit "the right" is very scary.

Italy: percentage of people openly questioning holocaust veracity has multiplied by SIX in the past 16 years by Bagarmoossen in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Absolutely. Since it's also racially connected, ALL Whites are potential genociders just waiting for the signal from Trump, Q, Richard Spencer or whomever. In a sense it IS the new Adam & Eve creation myth since it re-establishes the original sin as simply being White.

Vox Day Appears To Be Having Some Kind Of Episode by literalotherkin in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The depth of dillusion of Q-lemmings converges dangeroulsy close to trannymadness "Oh my gosh - I AM a beautiful little girl!" Strike that, trannies are externally supported by a huge network of enablers. Vox and his fellow larpers have followed one disinformation agent willingly into hysterical escapism.

No, the military won't save you magically. There won't be a revolution of the just patriots live on FOX while you are downloading Baldur's Gate 3 with the rest of the bandwidth.

Any remaining respect and clout for Vox - gone.

Do you side with (((Azov))) or the based Donbass separatists? by Courbeaux in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Not everybody must understand every global conflict zone. At some point, the narratives overlap, traitors turn on their betraying faction, patriots fight on the wrong side and so on. As an outsider, there is no point.

I can say that I am uncompromising pro White and hope whatever side wins (if that is even in the cards) will increase White wellbeing, agency and right of self determination.

"The UK will introduce a new visa at the end of January that will give 5.4 million Hong Kong residents - a staggering 70% of the territory's population - the right to come and live in the UK, and eventually become citizens." by JuliusCaesar225 in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not even that. Look at asians in Vancouver. The city has basically been handed to them in an act of pure treason. Do they mingle with Whites? Not really. Chinese rather hang out with other asians then with the city's root population. Race realists understand. Others are bewildered.

One of the rappers Trump pardoned made a music video choking a Trump supporter by JuliusCaesar225 in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

At the start it was amazing though. And the establishment's seething was real.

Oh well, it's one more instance acting as a reminder why our worldview is correct. Normies can't explain the phenomenon and all its weird episodes. The blond doofus may have been an outsider, but ironically this did not protect him from becoming their agent. Quite the contrary, it was easier then ever. At some point, it became an all out disaster. A president betraying his own hardcore supporters who could've easily re-crowned him.

Meet the new rage of strong wahmen: Hyper realistic baby doll collecting by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If you think that women are the new nobility, you should maybe refrain from posting for a bit. Women are priviliged in some ways to forego their womenhood. They are as much victims as any other White person.

The elite does not give a hair about muh female rights. Which are in essence a right to raise a big, happy family.

Space exploration as a unifying purpose for a reawakened West by Bagarmoossen in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is it.

I'm raising my children specifically to aspire to such aims. This is difficult because society tells them some jobs are better because you get to cash in more. What's considered awesome has been twisted, too.

For instance, nobody "wants" to study law. It's a high prestige job with potentially lots of dough involved. But society is better the less lawyers are involved in anybody's life (while not being savage, of course). The glamour comes solely from jewish propensity for pilpul and their control over hollywood, giving them an outlet to glorify a job that's destroying our society.

My children learn that an astronaut represents the top of the hierarchy because he has to combine diverse skills from the both practical and cutting edge aspects of science, and he employs these skillsets in a dangerous environment under sacrifice, trailblazing our way to the stars. They don't have to become astronauts, of course, but they understand why it's the best and that other professions can be similarly broken down.

Holohoax copypasta by Markimus in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I would say that it's almost impossible to adress the whole shebang into what's deemed appropriate today (let's say ~90min) because of the complexity. The ideal docu would have to lay out the following things convincingly, entertainingly and intelligently

  • What allegedly happened, with a spotlight on camps, WW2 and the mainstream narrative
  • Who the Nazis were, allegedly and factually
  • The implied technical aspects of the theory, the witnesses and historicity
  • What does not check out at all and why, the core assertion basically
  • Counter arguments
  • Which leads to at least some aspects of the JQ and modern us/zog hegemony

This is a handful. It's difficult because so much what we take for granted has been outright inverted and people can't swallow a dozen paradigm shifting ideas at once. They are also attached to these ideas. Their emotional investment gives them something to identify with.

Holohoax copypasta by Markimus in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Holy effortpost, Batgoy! I'm stunned, kind of.

Holohoax copypasta by Markimus in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

There's no 'definite' list, because such a complex topic can be pillpulled ad infinitum into polemic chunks which you can then relativise, belittle, twist and so on. To even be able to counter this you have to understand several key factors:

  • In a rational, scientific debate, you'd expect a robust theory that can be falsified. That is not the case at all. The theory has even been adjusted so many times with new facts handwaved ad hoc into the narrative
  • It is the bedrock of our western world. Even more, mentioning Hitler, the Shoa etc increased a lot over the last decades.
  • Most people are not familiar with the main assertions by scholars (of both sides) at all, they basically think the Hollywood version is true, as confirmed by thousand of experts

That said, a few kew points that are good entries into research

  • probably all the meta atrocities we grew up with (soap, weird experiments etc) are more or less proven to been hoaxes or are ignored by mainstream because of their shoddy evidence
  • the N.trial
  • all aspects of the death-logistics on every level are bizarre and honestly easy to shut down
  • there's not one reliable witness piecing everything correctly together.
  • most witnesses are unreliable because most of what they say was outlandish and the whole story is woven together by taking unconnected details from a handful survivor stories and mixing them up
  • many survivor accounts were fraudulent
  • the five million statistic was apparently made up by Wiesenthal, as stated by Bauer
  • there has been a lot of propaganda going on during ww2. The soviets were the worst of them all, naturally with a huge number of doctored photos, reports coming out as 100% false late after the war
  • no higher ups "believed" the story after the war. Most people, too, didn't believe becaue they still knew the ww1 propaganda was debunked after the war

What remains are a couple of factoids like the "Posen Speech". Not much to chew on, frankly. Then there's quagmires like demographics, "was there a chimney?". Not worth going into.

Holohoax copypasta by Markimus in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Not really. Some were concerned about their sacred number. Other simply threw out ridiculous numbers to pre-retcon anything that could happen and justify initiating the chain of events we all know to well. To test this hypothesis out: Let's say Biden unleashe his military onto Iran. The reason is that 3,33 Mio poor jews were slain with woodchippers by the mad regime. There's a huge difference wether these 3.33 Mio were factually slain or not. Now if we can point to the fact that the number 3.33 Mio was liberally used a dozen times under Trump to coax him into a war, this would raise quite a stink to the heavens. Wether they "foresaw" 3.33, 4, 5 or 6 million for whatever reason is not as relevant as the fact they threw out huge numbers as a propagandistic effort.

Also, not everybody is on board with everything. Some inmates truly believed it while some soviet planners will have meticulously debated which numbers to use as to maximise shock but also not overplay their hand.

TDS692: The Absolute State.Gov by cisheteroscum in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not only that. He is REALLY not that smart.

While Dunning-Kruger mostly applies to 90IQ guys not understanding their limitations, this is very similar. Some of the stuff he spew out over the years was so bafflingly daft I don't understand how people go to him for hot takes.

One example from the top of my head: Joe Rogan was supposedly no "real" fighter and would get his ass kicked easily by a "fighter" like Vox. He used footage showing Rogan's (whom I detest btw) great kicks and went on how this does not work in reality.

If you don't know what you're talking about and open your yap - not good. If you don't know what you're talking about and insist that you're an expert contrary to good evidence literally in front of you - peak dumb-dumb.

Keith Woods by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I like him, and why not as he's smart, (self?)educated and opinionated. However, Keith probably overestimated his role. Any form of revolution will only receive the slightest of pushes from philosophers. The grandest argument for "thinkers" usually comes from commies and socialists who cite a number of amusing ancedotes about small circles of nerds who built ideas that culminated in the great revolutions, upheavals and wars of the 20th c. However, Alt Righters should know better because we know that ultimately these "worker" uprisings were ethnically motivated shadow revolutions.

Philosophy can help with context and to some degree even meaning. The real fight unfolding will be rather straight, brutish, and as non-intellectual as it gets. "A thousand plateaus" will be less relevant than Spider Man comics because the enemy has managed to wrap everything into a narrational blanket that beats rationality every time. Spider Man smashes the Nazis like Hercules defeats Amtæus, acting out of time and place as a reoccuring mythological pattern that unites divine justice and telluric struggle and breathes identity into morally and spiritually deprived drones.

Keith is good. Subscribe and click "thumbs up". He is just an attractor, though.

There are almost 40 million blacks in the US by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

is that so much? most people in Europe think it's more like 30-50% judging by the movies and shows.

Its becoming hard to ignore the possibility that Spencer, TRS and other Marxnats are feds and saboteurs by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


sigh & eyeroll

The Alt Right is not on the trumptrain although both parties benefitted from the other in the beginning.

You can be a Trump fan. Or not. There's arguments for both sides which revolve largely around accelerationism and how to open up the kosher dialectic. And then there's the question if Biden/Kemala would come even harder against White advocacy.

We don't know the exact answers.

TRS & Spencer are honest fighters for our cause. Their record and personal sacrifices speaks volumes.

Opinion on 4chan by arainynightinskyrim in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Comfy cesspool.

Ethnically speaking, are Austrians and Germans the same? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Austrians are basically a Bavarian offshoot, who are one of the ancient Germanic tribes. The north south-divide is obviously different from the east-west divide and as such, south Germans are a bit more hearty, maybe even more industrious but generally an interesting mix of conservative and liberal (not in the modern sense of the words!) values.

If there'd be an Anschluss 2.0, it would happen faster and with less hiccups than with the reunification of east and west in 89-90.

Paludan opens a based church in Denmark by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

As a Pagan, I approve.

Start Preparing for the Coming Debt Crisis by Ethnocrat in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Household debt is the easiest to resolve. They all know it but they don't want to do what has been done literally for thousands of years.

"by the divine mandate bequeathed onto me, let ye my children be without debt"

poof gone.

Every non billionaire is better off. Terrible.

Does anyone even go on reddit anymore? by AltBaseGuy in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

How did you manage to get banned there?!

Caught my son on /r/atheism again... actions have consequences. -Marty by Tarrock in MeanwhileOnReddit

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Pagan here. I have zero problems with my children browsing atheism forums. You can learn a lot there even though their outlook is surprisingly limited in some regards. One only has to glance at some answers here.

But mainly, I want them to appreciate and respect our traditions and beliefs because they are theirs to uphold. If we are gone, who will, if not them? Such a connection cannot be forced. Some parents may beat their kids until they finish homework, some might even micro manage their whole career (eg "battle hymn of the tiger mom"). This does not work with spirituality.

Belarus by Soylent in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

A primary source is an individual's account who personally dealt with the topic in question. Citing blogs sourcing the usual crap is not an argument, especially if these have been already debunked

"Here, let me source three more blogs who all cite the "der Untermensch" without having read a single line"

Seriously, why do you keep repeating the same false stuff over and over?

Richard Spencer in the news again, for endorsing Biden/disavowing Trump (x-post from Ruqqus) by DisgustResponse in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Who knows? Trump has been absolutely aweful while empowering the left. THere has never been that much chaos, willful aggression and rightwing cucking while at the same time gifting a certain middle eastern state everything. How could a third Obama term have been worse? And why pander to the republican platform who is our biggest enemy?

A Cold Shower for Nationalists From Nick Griffin - Spring 2020 by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Well, it depends on many factors:

Which right? The AFD will be probably drop the ball because they simply want to be the better CDU. A genuine conservative national party should understand that it has to work with what's in front for the benefit of the people, muh economic principles be damned which never should have become the de facto holy cow of "conservatism" to begin with.

How to open up properly? Across the west, there are several inconvenient truths. One being that a decent social net can only be enjoyed in a nice homogeneous (white) society. Most people can understand that. However, by extension this also means that a damaged, invaded society pays mainly for other peoples. So it's easier said then done to even approach these questions. For instance, if you and your family voted XYZ because they promised cheap housing, what do you do if your cheap, sponsored family flat is in a 70% brown environment? Promise kept, goy!

How to even address these ideas properly? You need good stats to wake people up to some facts. Boomers are in absolute denial because they can be in denial. The stupidest memes are floating around to make them feel as the workhorses of the republic when it reality they were cattle. As I said, to some degree they HAVE to pay. No children, bring in immigrants and gibsme lots of stuff on credit. I think they deserve the shittiest pension possible. Which in turn might change their tune about racism, multiculturalism etc.

A great party would have to balance this all out however possible, but only in order to bring about a racial awakening. Without this, we're fucked. I don't care about a competent manager party financially salvaging the republic for one more generation. I care only about the big question. Wether it's Putin III. invading the german khanates to make it part of his White empire or Bundeskanzler Kemal granting us an Ethnostate. I will take what's given and I'll give my children what can be taken.

Belarus by Soylent in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's a propaganda blog presented with known propaganda fotos. This is not what's called a source, child. They immediately cite "der Untermensch" which, AGAIN, you didn't even bother to read. If you would, your brainwashed ideas about Nazi Germany might go away.

Richard Spencer in the news again, for endorsing Biden/disavowing Trump (x-post from Ruqqus) by DisgustResponse in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's a straightforward argument and it results from two observations:

-everyone except Whites already enjoy de facto free healthcare, free housing, free edumacation, free...

-the obsession with free markets has been also very damaging to western societies, partly because it's intellectual gatekeeping, partly because it suggests false information. Markets are never free in reality and less and less people can make reasonable choices in an unreasonable world.

So why not give Whites finally something nice? That's what politics are about to a large degree and especially so in a multiethnic society.

A Cold Shower for Nationalists From Nick Griffin - Spring 2020 by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree. It's a clichee, but it has to get worse (especially in Germany) before it can get better. Capitalism is marvelous at building momentum and enriching you in the short term. The only people I truly detest are the boomers who might never taste the bitterness of their treachery. Of course, one might be apologetic and point out that they never had a chance, seeing how they were perfectly encapsulated in material bliss. And there is the "phenomenon" of Altersarmut(senior poverty) but that is easily mitigated by the system with left wing promises for more gibs.

The next twenty years will be interesting.

Some interesting Yiddish provers from a Jewish account. Notice a pattern by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's a corresponding enigma of Slavic antisemitic proverbs. Now why would a nation have sometimes dozens and dozens of such sayings?

Nobody knows. Now shut the thread down and don't archive anything!

Belarus by Soylent in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You mean the sources you didn't even read?

The state of the left: "It's in here, I'm sure" It's quite an abysmal state of discourse and the reason more and more people don't trust the media who, like you, simply spread a gospel they deem the good news.

Is lying something you are proud of or is it just a tactical tool you use while holding your nose?

Belarus by Soylent in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

who is paying you to lie so brazenly? I've spoken to Slavic survivors of both Nazis and marxist/jew camps. Their verdict was clear.

Belarus by Soylent in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Again, cool it with the antiaryan remarks.

You obviously are too lazy or stupid to take a look at der Untermensch, a pamphlet that makes it abundantly clear that it was not about race but culture or rather a foreign hostile elite imposing that culture. Even so, the writ was deemed too offensive and publication was canceled.

Belarus by Soylent in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Voted down for extreme lying.

Should I become a paywall cuck for TRS? by SeanieD123 in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why should I pay 10 $ per episode when I can invest my 20 bucks far smarter, fellow goy? I'm not paying thirty shekel just to hear he same antisemitic rants from what's surely an FBI plant, laughing all the way to the bank as he wonders how to spend my hard earned fifty dollars!! If you grow your 100 $ bills on trees, you can go ahead and spend them unwisely to just hear the first half of Fesh:the Nations or similar stupid shtuss - but don't come to me later crying about your 6000 dollars!!!

The Average Redditor; or, Der Ewige Hedonist by Pink in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Two words: Spiteful Mutant

Any Pagan/Wiccan Lesbians here? by LesbiSilly in Lesbians

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Asatruar along the Aryan path. Wether it's Thor, Donar or Perkunos does not matter too much. There's still much to learn for me and I want to invoke Gebo to exchange knowledge with my brothers in sisters in spiritual arms.

The Origin Of The Aryans : Isaac Taylor by send_nasty_stuff in runebooks

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes it does certainly. The word 'Aryan' is of course better in every way and should be used extensively by us. Up until the 90s, all kinds of racial enemies and indian nationalists desperately postulated indian or turkic/anatolian invaders. But genetics and archeology today is pretty clear: These are our common and most important ancestors.

Meanwhile, A White Pill In Poland: National Conservatives Triumph In Election | What is there to like (or dislike) about their policies? Could they be adopted elsewhere? by Jacinda in debatealtright

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Totally this. Quasi conservatives have ZERO ability to communicate their message. Young people are frankly a bit dumb from injesting propaganda 24/7. While conservative minds are literally (studies, stats and empirical data) smarter, they don't get what is happening in the world. And they don't even know what they want to conserve or why muh church is not enough by far!

Conservatives in the west are simply worse liberals. The PiS (it's actually not pronounced "piss") president has won by a nosehair and they are objectively doing an ok job. In other words, he should have won easily! Just like with Trump they are nearly useless in cementing power. That's why they shall lose in the next decade bigly . Hopefully something better comes along soon.

Any Pagan/Wiccan Lesbians here? by LesbiSilly in Lesbians

[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks and good luck with that! If it's volkish oriented, I'll gladly participate.

Israelis racist laws. Palestinians cannot get on same bus as Israelis. by Jesus in conspiracy

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 4 fun3 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

I laughed (you are just imitating an israeli, right?)

Any Pagan/Wiccan Lesbians here? by LesbiSilly in Lesbians

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Pagan checking in. Hail!

Do you guys know any subforae I could steer my rune-clad chariot towards?

The Origin Of The Aryans : Isaac Taylor by send_nasty_stuff in runebooks

[–]Ethnosomniator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's nice but a bit old. A great book in that regard is probably Hans Günther's " Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans" from 1963. It's amazing what he got right with so many genetic and archeological discoveries down the pipe. Just bear in mind he really wants to say ARYAN instead of PIE but it wasn't in the cards. I regard it as compulsory reading for Alt Righters and Pagans. If you want to understand your spiritual roots, look no further.