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[–]Ethnosomniator 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You are squarely in the kosher sandwich. There never was a White "christian" flavour of civilisation. Your takes are not original, they are the conservative elite's narratives who, like most elites most of the time, were simply in the way of their brethren, stealing and lying. Whites are biologically unique, like all races and are very capable, in contrast to other races, at creating new nice, productive spaces. Christianity was a part, but never a positive, deciding factor.

Concerning the "christian dark ages", it is telling that you, instead of answering my arguments, default to a strawman meme. I did not write "dark age" because I don't think we had a thousand years of pure ignorance without any advancements in technology, culture and so on. This is a typical hyperbolic strawman argument and it is easily debunked. A spiritually unified Europe did in fact suffer greatly in terms of innovation, agency, literacy and much more. There is no way you can weasle out of this.

Secondly, scholars usually point outwards out of Europe to show that universities were flourishing, some early sciences made progress etc. Again, this does not defend the European church's terrible record one bit. Another popular "defense" here would be to namedrop a list of church philosophers, who all did not manage to produce anything comparable to the Greeks and Romans.

Third, there's a (as usual) complicated array of events, like the transitioning to manoralism and feudalism from slave driven field work. Again, the church seems at least powerless here. It's an academic smoke bomb.

In the end, the facts speak for themselves. People were less free. Europe became militarily weaker for some reason. Art production plummeted and church art was usually horrible garbage if Pagan elements were taken out. Literacy went near zero.

You show that you don't even understand the arguments because you produce talmudic spin when you should be able to calmly refute this. Notre Dame was finished in the 13th century! (And it didn't look like it does today, like most old cathedrals but whatever) That's eight centuries after the country turned christian! In other words, you almost cede ground to the meme of "thousand years of darkness". The Lincoln cathedral is even older. Illuminted bibles is another terrible example. Where Pagans shared art, such bibles were the private posession of the rich, lazy elite. Almost nobody could read and appreciate them meaningfully and the most beautiful illuminations are full of Pagan ornaments (eg Book of Kells)!

I don't think it's productive to engage you anymore. Just be warned that your soul will slowly die when your grinning (only?)child will miscegenate his genes away like a good christian cuck. You will just stand there, unable to say anything. You brown LGBT churchhead will be elated. And this will be it, the suicide of a semitic cult.