Jewish woman writes doctoral thesis on why US justice system is racist against blacks, and then is stabbed to death by blacks by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 14 insightful - 2 fun14 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

No, we just find it funny that she was dedicated to making it easier for black people to get away with robbing, assaulting or murdering white people, and indirectly incited such attacks against white people, only to fall victim to such an attack herself.

Unrelated question: Do you disavow hatred and violence against white people? Yes or no?

I hear salos6000 has been permabanned. What was his offense? by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 11 insightful - 4 fun11 insightful - 3 fun12 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Unpopular opinion, but while I agree that Salos is annoying, as well as probably borderline retarded or mentally ill (or both), I still tend to think permanently banning him takes it a step too far. There have actually been explicitly anti-white trolls and shills (such as "socks") active on this sub for months, if not years, who still haven't been banned up to this very day despite constantly arguing in bad faith and violating the Pyramid of Debate, so I personally think we've got bigger fish to fry than some dull boomer cuckservative (whether genuine or a concern troll) who constantly bitches about optics. Of course, to the mods, this is just my personal opinion. It's your decision, and I also understand that you finally have had enough of Salos after all those years.

Blacks kill and burn their own cities in SA, whites physically resist and kill some of them by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Every day the anti-white media harps about how Jews have it so rough in white countries. Jews still control the economies of white countries. If Jews have it so bad in white countries, why don't they go back to Israel where their ancestors came from before moseying on over to white countries?

Jews actually have a right of return under Israeli law, unlike white South Africans whose immigration requests mostly get rejected by governments of the very same European countries their ancestors came from, even though modern-day Jews like you actually have nothing to do with the Israelites of 2000 years ago unlike the white South Africans who are still like their European ancestors.

Change my mind: There is nothing an American should hate more than a communist by Republican58 in politics

[–]YORAMRW 8 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

If with a communist you mean a woke psychopath who wants to strip white people of their rights and make them lose power in white countries, wants to turn majority white countries minority white, commits or endorses violence against white people who dare to stick up for themselves or criticize Jews and non-whites, wants our children to get sodomized by LGBBQ freaks or get their dicks chopped of by a Jewish doctor, etc. (which is already what almost anyone who nowadays self-identifies as a communist or some other type of socialist is like), then sure, I hate communists with every fiber of my being.

If with a communist you simply mean someone who wants the rich to pay their fair share of taxes, wants basic necessities like housing, clothing , food, clean drinking water, electricity, internet and healthcare to be socialized so they're free for those who can't afford it, and wants to ensure all businesses are held responsible to act in the interests of the common people and respect the environment, then I guess I'm a communist.

What has Black ruled South Africa ever accomplished in the past 27 years? by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

There's nothing to show for it because the country is no longer being propped up by Israel and international Jewish bankers. You think it's a coincidence as Israel started distancing itself from South Africa politically, economically, scientifically the country started to go to shit? White South Africans knew they couldn't do it on their own which is why they were so dependent on Israel all those years.

South Africa didn't go to shit because Jews stopped propping it up, you psychopathic anti-white parasite. South Africa went to shit because it literally got boycotted by the entire world, and because the subverters and traitors in South Africa lied to the general white South African population by convincing them Apartheid had to be dismantled because South Africa wouldn't survive the international boycott. If South Africa had never abolished Apartheid, white South Africans would've been better off today.

Let's see how long Israel would last before going to shit, if the entire world suddenly decided to boycott Israel, stopped propping Israel up and forced Israel to transition into a multiethnic/multiracial democracy where Palestinians and African refugees get to make the rules.

PSA: bitchute is garbage use odysee instead by Girondin in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

On a somewhat unrelated note, I also noticed Bitchute's userbase is a lot less based than you'd expect it to be (which is also the case on For example, I once searched "eugenics" on Bitchute, expecting to find pro-eugenics videos and debates about eugenics, but all I saw was videos with titles like "BILL GATES IS TRYING TO DEPOPULATE AFRICA WITH VACCINES!!1!!1 MODERN-DAY EUGENICS!!1!1!1" by cucked conspiracy boomers (and possibly weed and crack addicted Afrocentrists). I fucking wish Bill Gates was actually that based.

What do we do with people when industry/labour is fully or significantly automated? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Eugenics. Implement a basic income, or extended welfare, to cover everyone who's permanently out of work due to automation, but only allow people who are still economically productive (or otherwise have something of great value to offer to society) to reproduce.

If this sounds extreme, it's the only way to sustain a society where most low-skilled labor is automated, and even then it probably won't be enough to make up for the pace at which labor will become automated.

Eugenics is the way forward anyways, even if automation wasn't a thing. It would allow us to become smarter than the smartest individuals of every other race, thus giving us an economic and strategic advantage over other races and civilizations, it would make the average white person as physically attractive as the most attractive white models are currently, it would drastically reduce crime rates and increase social cohesion, and the increase in scientists and engineers would make it far easier for us to get rid of disease and eventually reach for the stars.

New to saidit by kiwiheretic in SaidIt

[–]YORAMRW[A] 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

this shit hole bans people more often than reddit does. the pyramid of debate means nothing.

Can you name some examples of people you think we've unjustly banned? It's probably technically true that Saidit is more heaviliy moderated than r*ddit proportionally speaking, but that's mostly due to the small scale of Saidit; if r*ddit was the same size as Saidit, it would probably be one of the most heavily moderated places on the internet.

What's much more important than the rate at which people get banned, in my opinion, is for what kind of reasons people get banned. R*ddit bans people (and subs) for the most ridiculous reasons, mostly for "hate speech", whereas Saidit mostly just removes spam, violent threats and incitement to violence, illegal activity, and repeated targeted harrassment.

If you think you or someone else has been unjustly banned or censored, you're always free to write me or another admin an appeal via PM, containing the username of the person you want unbanned and the reason why you think he should be unbanned.

List of evidence suggesting "Salos", "probgoingtohell", "ayotollahsiniran" and "Republican58" are almost certainly the same person by YORAMRW in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW[S] 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Ok wow man, wait a minute. I'll admit one of my old accounts was probgoingtohell but I'm neither of those other 2. ayotollahsiniran is a liberal and Republican58 is probably some 60 year old Republican beginning to open up to nationalist views.

Of course, the evidence for "probgoingtohell" being you is the strongest, and it turns out I was right about that one as you've just admitted, while the evidence for "Republican58" being you is the weakest. "probgoingtohell" fitted every pattern of being you: Acting in the same way on this sub, making the same grammar and spelling mistakes as you, using, and having a history of posting on the same specific subreddits on reddit as you. "ayotollahsiniran" presents himself as having different poltical beliefs than you, but he also shows similar behavior to yours on this sub, has a history of posting in the same specific subreddits on reddit as you, and also uses "yous" just like you. "Republican58" only behaves the same as you, uses the same grammar and spelling mistakes as you, and also uses "yous", but I still think even that is too much of a coincidence for him to not be one of your accounts.

ayotollahsiniran is a liberal and Republican58 is probably some 60 year old Republican beginning to open up to nationalist views.

Just because "ayotollahsiniran" and "Republican58" present themselves as having different politcal beliefs than you, doesn't necessarily mean they aren't you. You could be playing different personas based on the account you're logged into at the moment. And like I already said, "ayotollahsiniran" also just so happens to have a history of posting in the same specific subreddits on reddit as you, as well as saying "yous" just like you, coincidences so unlikely that they could otherwise only be explained by magic.

I agree with the JQ but not to insane schizophrenic levels, and most of the Nationalist ideology, I think being en garde against users that have the potential for violence is a positive since those incidents are the equivalent of strikes to the balls for our movement globally as well as all round horrific.

If what you're saying here is true, we're on the same level regarding nationalism and the JQ. But I remember you praising Dwight D. Eisenhower for his violent enforcment of desegregation policies against white people, which is an extremely weird thing to do for a supposed white nationalist, to say the least. Regarding the part about right-wing hate crimes and people on our side who are prone to violence: I'm also against those things, and so are most people on this sub I assume, but there's no reason to constantly whine about it on this sub. Instead, if right-wing hate crimes or terrorist attacks are brought up by someone (whether complaining about it or praising it), simply denounce it and move on, and if you see people on this sub advocating or threathening violence, simply use the report button and move on.


The word yous isn't evidence either and I've seen it used a ton on this site. Am I supposed to say something like "gang" or "you guys"?

You can simply do a Google search on ["yous"] and see for youself. Only one of the many results are from someone else, all other results are from you, "ayotollahsiniran" or "Republican58". "You" on it's own is already also plural, so there isn't really a need for using "you guys", "yous" (black Ebonics), "y'all" (mostly used by woke leftists, aside from blacks and Southerners), but none of these forms is technically incorrect so it's up to you.


What's your sources for point 3? I don't recall ayotollahsiniran even being on reddit.

I'm not gonna waste my time fetching all the URLs from all your reddit posts on those subreddits just for you, you disingenuous prick, I'm not your fucking dog. I just did Google searches on ["salos10000"], ["probgoingtohell"] and ["ayotollahsiniran"], which is how I came across your posts in the same specific subreddits (r/victoria2, r/victoria3 and r/TNOmod) from all three of those reddit accounts in the first place. If you, or anyone else who happens to read this, wants a sOuRcE, just do the same Google searches I just mentioned.


In general, what was the point of this post? Why couldn't you have put this energy into an actual post with meaning rather than pointless infighting which is the bane of nearly every White Nationalist cause?

I'm not posting this out of hate against you, to start a fight with you. The point of this post is to clear things up for everyone else in this sub, by publishing my findings, so everyone can make up their own minds about it. You are very obssesed with this sub, in a very weird and unhealthy way, as your behavior from all of those fake accounts has shown, and whenever people ask you why you do this in private messages you won't even respond to them, so this isn't infighting. Infighting would be someone on this sub (or another dissident right community) claiming to be a Pagan and constantly talking shit about white Christians, someone claiming to be a Christian and constantly talking shit about white Pagans, someone claiming to be Nordic and constantly talking shit about Mediterranean whites, someone claiming to be Mediterranean and constantly talking shit about Nordic whites, etc.

The suffragettes were rabid eugenicists by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

regardless of whether negative or positive [eugenics] policies are used, they are susceptible to abuse because the genetic selection criteria are determined by whichever group has political power at the time.

This is a very common lolbert talking point. The same tactical nihilism you anti-eugenicists apply to eugenics could just as well be applied to any type of policy backed by state power. The eugenics example of this argument with some other examples to put it into perspective:

  • "Using state power to implement eugenics that promotes traits we deem good and selects against traits we deem bad is dangerous and hypocritical, because that would justify our enemies using state power to implement eugenics that promotes traits we deem bad and selects against traits we deem good if they ever take over the state from us in the future!"

  • "Using state power to prohibit, restrict or deplatform white nationalist groups is dangerous and hypocritical, because that would justify white nationalists using state power to prohibit, restrict or deplatform antifa and BLM if they ever take over the state from us in the future!" (something someone who's on your side or is a concern troll who pretends to be on your side might say)

  • "Using state power to sentence rapists and serial killers to death is dangerous and hypocritical, because that would justify rapists and serial killers using state power to sentence people who hate rapists and serial killers to death if they ever take over the state from us in the future!"

Of course, this lolbert argument is totally ridiculous and has no bearing in practical reality, since any serious politicians and elites who genuinely want to enact certain policies will do everything they can to achieve this, regardless of whether their opponents are as fanatical as themselves (such as people like me) or whether they are lolbert cucks and boomer cuckservatives who refuse to play their enemies' game because "muh principles" (hence why they will always lose out against their more machiavellian opponents).


Furthermore, many criticize negative eugenics in particular as a violation of basic human rights, seen since 1968's Proclamation of Tehran as including the right to reproduce.

LOL, the same "human rights" council that considers any form of "racism", prohibiting fags from adopting and molesting children, or pointing out that MTF trannies will never be real women "human rights abuses". Also, in a lot of countries, including the Netherlands, people who are more severely mentally disabled (around sub-75 IQ) are already de facto prohibited from reproducing, and in the rare occasion they decide to reproduce regardless the child is usually forcibly taken away and put up for adoption. So a lot of countries, the Netherlands included, already have a form of eugenics, albeit an extremely soft one. Maybe you can go cry crocodile tears at the UN "human rights" council and set up a petition for "free love for the retards" or something.


Another criticism is that eugenics policies eventually lead to a loss of genetic diversity, thereby resulting in inbreeding depression due to a loss of genetic variation.

Eugenics doesn't lead to a loss of diversity and inbreeding, you disingenuous prick. Inbreeding depression only occurs when you have a tiny, isolated population of less than 100 000 people, which definitely isn't the case with eugenics, as it would only prohibit a small minority of the population from reproducing and would allow for any genetic traits not deemed dysgenic to continue spreading.

The only way eugenics could cause issues with loss of genetic diversity and inbreeding would be if it was done in a similar way as how dogs were bred for specific traits, forcing generations of people with certain traits to mate with their siblings and cousins just because they also posess those traits, but that's a woke leftist strawman definition of eugenics that has no bearing in reality regarding the ways in which eugenics has actually been historically practiced from the late 19th century up to around the 1970s.

Actual eugenics in the way almost all eugenicists historically advocated for and how it was actually practiced is totally alien from your ridiculous strawman conception of eugenics as "breeding humans like dogs", instead it just seeks to prohibit a minority of the population with traits deemed dysgenic from reproducing and to positively incentivize a minority of the population with traits deemed good to reproduce the most.


Yet another criticism of contemporary eugenics policies is that they propose to permanently and artificially disrupt millions of years of evolution

If you're truly that concerned about millions of years of evolution being "artificially disrupted", you should be very upset at the fact that governments are, through incentives like non-discriminatory (or even low-income specific) child benefits and foreign aid to Africa, artificially enabling (or even rewarding) specifically the low-IQ and mentally ill in our societies to shit out as many babies as they want to like rabbits, instead of just letting them undergo sterilization but allowing to them keep their welfare in exchange. Many of those low-IQ and mentally ill people either would've had way smaller families or simply would've died off before the industrial revolution, but now that we have eugenics it would just be cruel to let them die off if we can also achieve the same outcome by simply paying them to get themselves sterilized.

But of course, you have no problem with that type of (actual) artificial disruption of evolution (dysgenics), you only have a problem with our type, the one that would actually improve and benefit humanity (eugenics). Whenever people (like yourself) insist we actively encourage and incentivize the dumbest, ugliest, weakest and most mentally ill members of society to reproduce the most, it's either ignored or applauded by Jewish leftists and other bioleninists (like yourself), but when people (like me) insist we do the opposite and actively encourage and incentivize the smartest, most attractive, strongest and most mentally stable members of society to reproduce the most, it's considered evil nazism and we're told that it wouldn't work and would "artificially disrupt" millions of years of evolution.

Also, if eugenics in favor of traits deemed positive would supposedly "artificially disrupt" millions of years of evolution, then by your own logic, so would any natural evolutionary selection pressures that had/have similar effects on humans (such as the selection pressure the Ice Age had on the humans that left Africa for Europe and eventually became modern-day whites), so this would mean evolution itself "artificially disrupts" millions of years of prior evolution, making your argument self-refuting.

Why does Race & IQ differences make people angry, but Gender differences does not? by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Because the whole "woke" stuff in essence just boils down to Jewish elites (and their black and brown attack dogs) hating white people. The "gender is a social construct" stuff was just one of their stepping stones towards selective race denialism (applied to only the white race), and then open scapegoating, demonization and dehumanization of white people, and its intended resulting anti-white violence.

Excellent thread from Moldbug on the mask tyranny by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 7 insightful - 4 fun7 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

"If you walk into a Cathedral, you'd expect it to be full of Christians. If it's full of Jews instead, chances are you didn't walk into a Cathedral but into a Synagogue." ~Someone

What has Black ruled South Africa ever accomplished in the past 27 years? by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Let's do an experiment, Jews get the fuck out of America and see how it goes for us. I think we'll probably be OK.

They will try to subvert all other major superpowers and get them to invade and destroy America, and then blame white Americans for the destruction. This is a common pattern of Jews throughout history. If Jews get kicked out of some non-white shithole, they don't really care because the shithole doesn't have any real power on the global stage anyways, but a country like Germany, Russia, the UK or America is too much of threat for them to leave alone if they don't control it.

If you want to save America (or any other white nation, for that matter), you can't just kick the Jews out of America, allow them to do whatever the hell they want as long as it isn't on American soil, and not expect them to take revenge. Instead, there needs to be worldwide cooperation between all white ethnic groups (plus non-white nations who are willing to work with us because they mutually want to end Jewish world rule), to take away all the Jews' political power, consfiscate the wealth of all Jewish billionares and prevent Jews from freely communicating and traveling between countries, and imprison the most evil and hostile Jews.

What are your thoughts on Rush Limbaugh's 2009 cpac speech? by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah I suppose yeah but in general that just conveys how much I loath democrats, they are fucking agents of evil

So are most Republicans nowadays, the Democrats are just more mask-off about it. They're two different types of branding from the same evil elites. The purpose of the Democrat party is to help mobilize a woke mob of non-whites, white race traitors (like antifa), and other psychopaths, criminals and degenerates against the majority of normal white people (like you).

The purpose of the Republican party is to lull those same normal white people who are under attack to sleep by paying lip service to their sensibilities, while refusing to actually do anything productive for them, all while telling those normal white people who are loyal to their party that they shoudn't act in their own race and class interests because it would make them just as bad as the Democrats.

Jewish woman writes doctoral thesis on why US justice system is racist against blacks, and then is stabbed to death by blacks by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 7 insightful - 4 fun7 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Karma works in mysterious ways.

s/debatealtright is now on s/all! by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No one is stopping you from pressing the "mute sub" button, which is present below every post on s/all.

Searching google images for "white people" brings all anti-white sources and almost all blacks by peaceful in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What constitutes "racist"? Non-whites not getting their asses kissed? What constitutes "anti-Semitic"? Jews not getting their asses kissed?

PS: Do you disavow hatred and violence against white people? Yes or no?

“I slacked through teen years. I went into debt for a worthless bachelor’s degree. I failed to foster community and healthy coping mechanisms. I’m overweight, addicted, depressed, and anxious. I create no value for others.” “Damn you, capitalism.” by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree. Let's ban inflation and corporate bailouts, the government printing money out of thin air and giving free handouts to corporations and banks for being shitty is just socialism. Let's also ban usury and speculating, we don't want people getting rich by just sitting on their ass, leeching off of hardworking people's money and contributing nothing to society like parasites, now do we?

"NOOOOOO THAT'S DIFFERENT!!!1!1!1! *crying soy wojak*"

A big flaw about white demographic change that can't be ignored. by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In all seriousness though, I'd argue the "race war" (as in, attack on white people) started way earlier than 2012. It's hard to get an exact year, because (like with the Jewish subversion in general) it was more of a gradual development rather than a sudden change, but as far back as 1948 Truman desgregated the military, in the 1950s desegregation was pushed to the point where Eisenhower literally sent the military into Arkansas to slaughter white kids and their parents for refusing to attend school with black kids in 1954, and of course the 1965 Hart-Celler invasion act was a huge milestone in the history of anti-whiteness, so we know that the "race war" has technically already been started at least as early as 1948. The explicit, open attack on white people however, didn't start until years after 2012, I'd argue.

Egypt is gonna be a disaster for us by Salos10000 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That Ethiopia might use the dam they're currently building in the Nile to block most of the water and keep it for themselves, causing tens of millions of Egyptians to suddenly flee and flood Europe

I have some honest questions. by Zoomer1212 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Wow, I haven't heard such a ridiculous strawman in a very long time. In reality, a huge portion of the dissident right strongly oppose abortion, and almost all of those who don't strongly oppose it at least oppose late term abortion. The proportion of the dissident right actually celebrating this is a very tiny minority, and you know it. I myself am mostly against abortion, although I don't really mind very early abortions.

That being said, if blacks really desperately want practice self-imposed eugenics in this manner, who are we ultimately to stop them from doing so? Doesn't the fact that they like aborting their offspring so much just go to show they themselves should take responsibility to "do better at getting in touch with God", by your own logic? Why should we as white people be held morally culpable for blacks aborting themselves? By your own logic, Jews should be held morally culpable for whites aborting themselves. Or do you only selectively apply that standard to whites, since you hate us so much?

By the way, I very highly doubt that you genuinely care about God or Christianity or any of that stuff, you're probably an atheist woke leftist/shitlib who just abuses religion for your own end, for concern trolling and emotional blackmail of people you oppose on political grounds while not actually believing in it yourself (which would be very stereotypically Semitic of you), since this is almost always the case with your type. Also, you're pushing it regarding the Pyramid of Debate with the content of this post; don't do that.

I hear salos6000 has been permabanned. What was his offense? by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Socks never misrepresented himself

Not true, "socks" falsely presents himself as an egalitarian who equally loves/hates all races and is merely against "racial injustice" and "racial hatred/supremacy", but in practice he's just anti-white, since he'll automatically take the 180 degree opposite side of what's good for whites in any argument, pathologize ingroup preference from whites and whites only, and scapegoat whites for all evil in the world. That's definitely misrepresenting yourself, and it's exactly the same as with any other woke reddit leftist/shitlib.

Worm Farming--Based or Not? by Frenologist in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

The "New Worm Order"?

Massive Bolsonaro rallies in Brazil by DisgustResponse in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

as if that would be a serious thing in a country with a 54% black population and < 10% White population

Almost 50% of Brazil's population self-identifies as white. That being said, a lot of the self-identifying "whites" in Brazil aren't actually really white, but rather "pardos" (meaning castizos or even mestizos), unlike with whites in the US (who are 98% genetically white on average). So Brazil's actual white population is definitely much less than the official almost 50% figure, but it's also very unlikely that it's as low as only 10% (unless you're going by the one drop rule, which is peak autism in my opinion, even more so in such a mixed third world country). True blacks are actually a small minority of less than 10% in Brazil (much like in the US), but of course a lot of self-identified "pardos" have large amounts of black ancestry.

I think the White Nationalist cause needs to be pragmatic if we want to succeed. by Salos60000 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If us white people truly still have a solid grip of power nowadays, then why are our countries flooded with millions of non-white immigrants by the system without our consent, why do we get attacked by the system (getting fired from our jobs, getting our bank accounts frozen, being put on no-fly lists, getting investigated by intelligence agencies, getting fined or imprisoned for "hate speech", etc.) whenever we protest this forced demographic replacement or dare to call out Jewish overrepresentation in positions of power, while simultaneously being praised by the system for talking about "white privilege", "systemic racism", "anti-Semitism" and for wanting white people to go extinct?

White people are generally still alowed to live a relatively normal life as long as they don't question the system's attack on their race or the Jewish role in it and express hatred of their own race, but as soon as a white individual goes against this he risks losing his livelihood and any power he used to have. That doesn't sound like white people having a solid grip of power.

The American right needs to snap out of blind patriotism by Nasser in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

u/Republican58: *brain.exe has stopped working*

The African and Afro-American Studies department of University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill "gave virtually illiterate students top grades" by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Whatever happened to all the anti-white shitlibs who kept telling us that "equality feels like oppression to the privileged" and that we only oppose affirmitive action because we're "just scared of having to compete with non-whites on an equal footing"? Examples like this definitely don't seem to line up with that narrative.

A True American, Fighting Against A Relentless Onslaught of Corruption. God Bless Him. - TheDonald by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If you take a look a the profile of BeObjective, the person who originally posted this, you'll find that he recently made a post addressing the Jewish Question. Maybe is more based than we thought after all, since the vast majority likes the post. Of course, a lot of leftist shills and retarded boomers are chimping out in the comments. Will you try to learn from the post, or leave another chimpout comment (assuming you haven't done so already)?

A big flaw about white demographic change that can't be ignored. by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is such a bad-faith argument.

Are you familiar with South Africa? Blacks from the countries north of South Africa are pouring into South Africa like crazy (just like they did during Apartheid), because life is so much better in South Africa, even though South Africa is only 8% white and blacks are now in charge. You know why? Because white people built and entire civilization from scratch over there, from which the black majority is obviously still reaping the benefits. Not only that, the white minority also still forms the economic, intellectual and scientific backbone of South Africa, even though they aren't in charge anymore and get murdered by angry blacks all the time. Since Apartheid has been abolished, South Africa is rapidly going downhill though, but the legacy of the white minority is far from over. Under Apartheid, South Africa functioned like a European country because the white minority did all the thinking, technology, agriculture and decision-making while the low-skilled labor was filled up by the black majority. Without the excellence of its white population, South Africa would've been nothing, it would just be like any other sub-Saharan African country.

Now imagine this but with a 60% white population instead of an 8% white population. That's America.

Again proving my point about non-whites requiring access to white people in order to do well, be it a majority or a minority. We might as well accept this reality, and bring Western civilization to non-whites and make them prosper in their own countries, instead of bringing non-whites to Western civilization and dragging everything down with them.

How Europeans from certain countries view their minorities by Soylent in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This reminds me of our national tradition, Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas), who has "knechten" (helpers) named Zwarte Pieten (Black Petes), who resemble a mixture of a negro and a moor wearing traditional aristocratic Spanish clothing, and give the children presents and candy every december the 5th.

Of course, this tradition has come under attack from the woke left of the Netherlands, who claim that Zwarte Piet is blackface specifically designed to mock and demonize black people and a legacy of Dutch colonialism and slavery. Rather than doubling down and being unapologetic, a lot of Dutch people who want to keep Zwarte Piet sadly get defensive, afraid of being called racist, and claim things like Zwarte Piet is only black because of all the soot from constantly falling through chimneys to deliver presents to the children.

As recently as october 2013 (when the attack on Zwarte Piet started), everyone would consider you crazy if you unironically called Zwarte Piet a "racist" tradition (and rightfully so), and over 95% of the Dutch population wanted to keep Zwarte Piet.

While Zwarte Piet is still very popular and widely celebrated in the more rural parts of the Netherlands, after years of brainwashing by the Dutch mainstream media, nationwide support for Zwarte Piet has now dropped to around 50% (if we were to take the poll at face value), and most Dutch megacorporations and the Dutch mainstream media have all gotten rid of Zwarte Piet entirely.

Why does globohomo love weed so much? (And hate tobacco?) by IlorinYuri in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

This is actually a very good question. We may never know for sure what their true motives are for doing this, but here are some possible reasons nonetheless.

One possible explanation might simply be that the tobacco industry is one of the few major industries that's still relatively WASP (or more generally white gentile) dominated compared to most other major industries, whereas the marijuana industry (a relatively new industry) is mostly controlled by Jewish elites (this explanation is purely speculative and I don't have actual data on this, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).

Another explanation might be that the elites demonize smoking tobacco because it's a typical European pastime with colonial origins which is historically associated with (conservative) "white male culture", and also has the potential to boost testosterone levels and curb obesity, whereas they promote marijuana because it's associated with leftist subcultures like the hippies, modern black culture and LGBT culture as well as "woke culture" in general, and also makes people dumb, apatethic, docile, weak, unwilling to reproduce and generally more receptive to leftist ideas and sensibilities.

Then, of course, you have the most woke/normie/PC explanation that decades of research have simply shown smoking tobacco to cause severe and potentially lethal health problems such as lung cancer, whereas there isn't conclusive evidence of smoking marijuana on its own without tobacco added to it causing significant physical health problems. However, this explanation fails to address why the same governments and other institutions that have been going after tobacco for a while are now also starting to crack down on vaping (which is relatively harmless, and doesn't have anything in common with tobacco aside from the fact that both contain nicotine). This explanation also conveniently ignores the extreme addictiveness of marijuana combined with the many psychological health issues it can potentially cause (which tobacco, let alone vaping, could never cause), by seletively solely focusing on physical health.

Why Hypermodernity is good actually by lolikon69 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Big agree here. Before the internet, our ideas were mostly confined to the fringes of society in Europe and North America, but places like /pol/, edgy meme pages, and all the pro-white content creators on YouTube, allowed our ideas to rapidly expand and gain some acceptance among more normal white people between roughly 2015 and 2019. If it wasn't for the internet, most of us would probably still be glued to FOX News and CNN just like boomers, view politics through the kosher "libtard vs. cuckservative" lens, worship MLK and not have much racial awareness.

There are two major events that kinda ruined it for us, though: The first being the optics nuclear disaster of Charlottesville 2017 (which in turn also got sabotaged by antifa with help from the police, and then framed by the anti-white media). Secondly, and more relevant to the topic, the (still ongoing) great big tech deplatforming spree of spring 2019 (right after the totally not a false flag Christchurch shooting), followed by the sudden aggressive promotion of anti-white "BreadTube" garbage through algoritmic manipulation, pretty much put the final nail in the coffin regarding our ability to effectively spread our views to white normies in large quantities. This second event and its outcome also very solidly debunks the retarded boomer cuckservative notion that "deplatforming doesn't work".

Like I've mentioned earlier, a long time ago, there's nothing inherently woke, cucked, anti-white or degenerate or whatever about the internet itself. Sure, it has definitely played an essential role in turning recent generations to shit, but this is purely due to the people, governments and corporations that currently control the internet. To further counter this, like I mentioned earlier in this comment, if it wasn't for the internet we probably would've never even become aware of just how much anti-white hatred there truly is, and would just be slowly boiled like frogs while believing in MLK and Nelson Mandela like boomers. The internet on its own is neutral, much like a weapon it can be used for good or evil. If we ever manage to (legally, of course) seize power, we could simply do the reverse of what they did to us, deplatforming anti-whites and then aggressively promoting dissident right content through algoritmic manipulation.

I found u/ayotollahsiniran on the old reddit DAR archive. He/she pretended to a british actress. by Blackbrownfreestuff in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Someone who sees "nazis"/"fascists"/"white supremacists" behind every tree and thinks men in dresses are women calling us paranoid and mentally ill, oh the irony. You should be grateful you're even still allowed to post here despite months of trolling our sub, the mods are very generous towards you. Consider yourself lucky I'm not one of the mods on this sub, because if I were I would've banned your ass months ago.

Columbus Day isn't based by Noloben in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Originally, "alt right" was supposed to mean a third positionist movement that would introduce people in the English speaking world to people like Alain de Benoist, but it ended up just meaning old-fashioned colonialist white nationalism.

You got it the other way around. The alt-right's main focal point used to be race realism/human biodiversity, the JQ, and being unapologetically pro-white (which also means being at least open to, if not outright supportive of, the idea of bringing back some form of white colonialism and global white hegemony).

In recent years, however, the alt-right has seen an ever-increasing (probably mostly astroturfed) influx of retards, schizos and shills injecting it with ridiculous LARP ideologies that suvbert the alt-right's original white nationalist character and intentions, and in many cases would be even explicitly harmful to white racial interests (i.e third worldism/Duginism, Islamism/"white sharia", primitivism/luddism, flat earth theory, boomer cuckservative religious fundamentalism, incel/anti-woman views, etc.).

Furthermore, it's kinda ironic how the very same people who most strongly hold the views you hate the most about the alt-right, such as Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer, are actually the ones who in part originally founded the alt-right to begin with.

List of evidence suggesting "Salos", "probgoingtohell", "ayotollahsiniran" and "Republican58" are almost certainly the same person by YORAMRW in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW[S] 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I don't know about "WeestGang", but I just checked his profile and he definitely also seems like a troll/shill. "Courbeaux" is probably the same person as "Noloben", and possibly also "valkyria1488" (I thought there were more of them, but those three are the only ones I can recall off the top of my head). All three of those accounts were self-proclaimed Duginist NazBols, constantly celebrated white criminals and prison gangs, and "white trash" culture, and insisted we should ally ourselves with them and talked about how people who support any type of legal system or police force (even for in a white ethnostate) are anti-white because that would also get white criminals killed or imprisoned, and all three of them behaved very similarly in general. I really doubt whether Salos is also behind Courbeaux/Noloben/valkyria1488 though, those accounts seem to be run by a different troll, judging by the behaviour (or Salos must have really good acting skills).

SaidIt Survey: Which non-default subs do you think should be added to default and/or which subs do you think deserve more attention and/or subscribers? by JasonCarswell in AskSaidIt

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

There's a "mute sub" button below every post on s/all for a reason. If you press it on any post from s/DebateAltRight, you'll never have to see another post post from our "idiotic" sub ever again.

Worm Farming--Based or Not? by Frenologist in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I can already imagine the ADL declaring worms a hate symbol, and many hitpieces from woke leftist newspapers about it being written: "White Supremacists' Most Recent Obsession: Worm Farming, And Why We Should Be Worried About That" lmao

Hot take: activist moderators are better than laissez-faire ones, and absolutely essential for dissident success. by Ponderer in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I'm not sure whether I'd consider a bunch of low-IQ schizo boomers rambling about how Bill Gates is an evil white supremacist eugenicist who's trying to depopulate Africa with vaccines a valuable addition to the userbase of our alt-tech platforms.

Questions about the Alt Right's racial ideology by ayotollahsinIran in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What makes someone Polish?

Being someone who is genetically Slavic and whose ancestors have a history of living in Poland, or more specifically beloning to the West-Slavic Polish ethnic group.

If a White French person migrated to Poland, would they be able to become Polish?

The Frenchman (and especially his children) would probably assimilate into Polish society very easily, since the French and the Polish are both genetically and phenotypically relatively similar (since they're both white) as well as because they have cultural similarities they don't share with non-European groups. But technically a Frenchman can never Polish, since that would require being genetically Polish (or at least Slavic).

However, a Frenchman would still be more Polish than a non-white person due to the relative genetic and cultural similarities between the French and the Polish, and I personally don't really mind if some Frenchmen immigrate to Poland or vice versa, since they're both white and since it doesn't happen often enough for it pose a serious threat to the genetic integrity of the French or the Polish (compared to, let's say, sub-Saharan African mass-immigration).

If they can, why can't a Turkish person who's lived in Poland their whole life,mastered the language,loves and engages with the culture and history etc?

Like a Frenchman, a Turk could theoretically also assimilate into Polish society, but this is less likely since Turks are genetically, culturally as well as phentypically much more distant from the Polish than the French are, and for the same reason Turks are even less Polish than the French. We aren't civic nationalists like you who lack racial and ethnic ingroup preference (which is a mental illness), so it makes no sense to accept anyone of any race into white countries just because they can speak the language, sing along with the national athem and refrain from committing crime.

I'm both an ethno-nationalist for my own ethnic group and country as well as a racial nationalist for my own race (white), like most people on this sub are, so non-white immigration is where I draw the line. You obviously don't go around telling black nationalists that if Ghanans allow a Nigerian to immigrate to Ghana, this would somehow morally oblige the Ghanans to also allow whites or Asians to immigrate to Ghana as long as they assimilate into Ghanan society, you and your ilk only say shit like this to white people because you're just anti-white.


What do you think about Africa's diversity? For example the massive difference between West and East African. Do you consider African to be one race?

If you agree that white Caucasians (Xanthochroi/Europeans), non-white Caucasians (Melanochroi/MENA), East Asian Monoloids (Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Tibetans, Mongolians, etc.), Amerindian Mongoloids, Inuits and Australoids (Australian Aboriginals and Dravidians) are all distinct races from each other, it would only logically follow that sub-Saharan Africans technically aren't one race (often lumped together as Negroids or black people, since depsite their vast genetic diversity they're phenotypically very similar anyways), but at the very least four races (Negroids/Congoids/West-Africans, Capoids, Pygmies and East-Africans) and pehaps even dozens of races.

This question was clearly meant to be a "gotcha", but it doesn't work on us, since most of us already acknowledge that sub-Saharan Africans are way too broad and genetically diverse to be considered one race. I would love there to be done more genetic research into exactly how many races sub-Saharan Africans have to be broken down to if you follow my earlier mentioned conventional racial classification system of non-Africans to its logical conclusion, but in the end it doesn't really matter whether there's only one race or a million races in Africa, what's very clear is that sub-Saharan Africans are as racially different from whites as it gets (one could argue they're even a different subspecies, especially since Caucasians and Mongoloids have ~2% Neanderthal admixture which sub-Saharan Africans lack whereas sub-Saharan Africans uniquely have up to 20% Homo Erectus admixture).

Is Indian one race? What race are people in Afghanistan?

South Asians are obviously a hybrid of Caucasians (part of which ancient Indo-Europeans, racially white) and Dravidians (racially Australoid). One could argue that being a mixed-race people makes South Asians an entirely new race of its own. South Asians aren't homogeneously mixed, but rather have varying proportions of Caucasian and Australoid admixture, with the nortwest and higher castes being more Caucasian (and thus lighter skinned) and the southeast and lower castes being more Dravidian (and thus darker skinned).

What race are people in Indonesia? What about in the Philippines?

I don't know much about Indonesia (or Southeast Asia in general), but far as I know, Indonesians are a hyrbid of Caucasians, Mongoloids and possibly Negritos. I know even less about the Philippines, but you can very clearly tell by looking at Filipinos that they at least have a large Mongoloid component.


If an Alt Right regime, say took over the UK, what would your general policy towards the non white populace who have lived there their whole lives? Would the regime seek mass deportations or would they show leniency? What would your policy be?

If it was up to me, no, non-whites already living in white countries wouldn't get deported, unless they're hostile to white people or commit crimes. Instead, I would implement a eugenics program that prohibits anyone with a low IQ, mental illness or other genetic defects from reproducing (which alone should already solve part of the problem of non-white populations living in white countries, since non-whites would be disportionately affected) and rewards the highest genetic quality people for having more children, I would implement a program that additionally rewards only white people for having more children to boost the white birthrate, and I if there were any non-white groups with problematically high birthrates I would impose additional restrictions on the amount of children they can have.

Shower Thought: What do you think would happen if a religion was set up about Trump after his death? by ayotollahsinIran in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

After Fentanyl Floyd's death, BlackLivesMatter has been turned into a cult/religion about him. Every major American city already has a mural or some other monument/shrine devoted to "Saint" Fentanyl Floyd, and woke anti-whites worship him as a martyr who died for the cause of ending white-on-black "police brutality" and "systemic racism" in general. This isn't limited to America itself either, woke anti-whites from all over the west now worship "Saint" Fentanyl Floyd. Woke anti-whites are even literally getting baptized for this new cult/religion.

‘The future of humanity will be less white and increasingly African’ by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Male infant circumcision is also widespread in South Korea, even though it's a completely alien tradition to Koreans (and East Asians in general). The fact of the matter is, South Korea is practically an American colony. Who control America again?

Cuba's fight for freedom has begun by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Did you know the technology necessary for the device you typed this message on is a byproduct of NASA technology, which wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for the German scientists from Nazi Germany (who pioneered the space age before the US and the Soviet Union), which the US government imported after WW2 to form NASA? If being against capitalism while using technology produced under capitalism makes u/Markimus a hypocrite, by your own logic, this means you yourself would be a hypocrite for being against nazism.

Canada is under attack. This is how White people are responding. by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

What media manipulators is who talking about?

How should the Dissident Right handle technology? by YJaewedwqewq in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's true that modern transportation was an absolute necessity for non-white mass-immigration to be a thing, but that doesn't mean modern transportation inevitably has to lead to non-white mass immigration. Non-white mass-immigration wouldn't be a thing even despite modern transportation if the old (pro-white) immigration laws would still have been in place, and if we had strong border enforcement.

Colonialism and bringing Western living standards to the third world also wouldn't have had to lead to the current population explosions among non-whites, if rigorous eugenics programs combined with general restrictions on the amount of children one can have would have been forced upon the colonized. Non-white mass-immigration isn't a logical, inevitable consequence of colonialism either, but rather a result of decolonization combined with the earlier mentioned repealing of old (pro-white) immigration laws. During the entirety of European colonialism, there was practically zero non-white immigration into white countries, this only started after we already lost our colonies and the hostile and traitor elites opened the doors to non-whites by changing our immigration laws.

The internet for sure has played a large role in facilitating the woke shitshow we're in today, but at the same time it also played an essential role in the rise in nationalistic, pro-white views among a much larger segment of the white population, and the devolution of the internet into the woke, anti-white mess it's today was really accelerated by the mass-deplatforming of our views and the forced promotion of woke content. If we'd be in charge we could simply do the same with the internet as the current elites have been doing but in reverse, deplatforming anti-white, pro-LGBTQ and other woke/degenerate content and making the algoritims force our views (and white voices in general) to the top.

Who wants to moderate /s/conspiracy? by [deleted] in SaidIt

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I would like to moderate s/conspiracy. I don't really know most of the people who replied to this post so far, but I kinda know u/Jesus from s/DebateAltRight and think he'd also be fit to moderate because he's into conspiracy stuff.

The media is a joke by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What does ice cream have to do with debating the alt-right?

MFW liberals rant about Rush Limbaugh by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When did you become a GOP supporter and started listening to Rush? When you were in kindergarten, in preschool, or perhaps in the womb?

We Have A New Word Folks: Pence’d. by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


We Have A New Word Folks: Pence’d. by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Looking for online link to video, White Rabbit's "In their own words, White Genocide is Real" by Fitter_Happier in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

"This video is unavailable as the contents have been deemed potentially illegal within your country by our moderation team."

From the Netherlands.

Edit: To circumvent this you simply need to use proxfree and pick a US server.

A big flaw about white demographic change that can't be ignored. by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

More pilpul. No one is saying non-whites can never prosper and whites will always prosper. Imagine using "the best-performing African country does better than the worst-performing white country" as an argument and believing that's an own against white people. Still doesn't change the fact that most of Europe is rich while most of sub-Saharan Africa is shit, that there is a direct correlation between the black and white shares of a country's population and its HDI, and that there's a correlation between African territories having been more instensively colonized by white people and a higher level of prosperity and stability in said territories up to this very day. Now we're at it, Botswana was also colonized by Europe and has a very profitable mining industry (which wouldn't have existed without whitey).

Yes, of course there are exceptions because there are also internal inequalities between different white peoples and because of other circumstances. For example, after the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine, like Russia, got pillaged by oligarchs, and it has been entangled in a devastating war with Russia since 2014).

And the Soviet Union had famines because its brutal dictatorship (in which Jews had a huge role, mind you, especially in the early days of the Soviet Union) massacred all the Kulaks (the most competent and productive farmers), just like Mugabe deported and massacred all the white farmers and how the white farmers in South Africa are getting disenfranchised today, not because of a supposed lack of civilizational capabilities of Russians and Ukrainians. Russia and Ukraine could very well be propsperous countries if they didn't have parasitic ruling elites, just like Ukraine was until 1991.

Yet again, you've shown yourself to be full of shit.

Petition · Repeal of the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965 · by YORAMRW in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Make sure to select "Do not display my name and comment on this petition"

Poland is refusing to let in "Ukrainian" niggers by Ethnocrat in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW[A] 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

For someone who claims to care so much about the POD, you've been making quite a lot of POD violations in this thread. Please stop doing that, or we might have to ban you.

Anyone want to help be content admin for saidit? by magnora7 in SaidIt

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm interested! Gonna send a PM with further info right now

Hostile rhetoric from minorities in media towards the majority population is increasing in Europe by JuliusCaesar225 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I have an example of this anti-white hatred from prominent non-white figures in my own country. In the Netherlands we have an actual explicitly anti-white (and anarcho-communist/syndicalist) political party named "BIJ1" (pronounced as "bijéén", meaning "together"), previously named "ART1KEL" (pronounced as "artikel één", or "article one", referring to the first amendment of the 1980s revision of the Dutch constitution, which bans all forms of "racism" and discrimination and mandates absolute equality). "BIJ1"/"ART1KEL" was founded by Sylvana Simons, a black woman of Surinamese descent with narcissistic personality traits, who's a radical feminist and self-proclaimed "anti-racist".

The party's slogan is "radicale gelijkwaardigheid" ("radical equality/equity"), but of course, this party isn't truly about equality, but rather about promoting the interests of non-white immigrants in the Netherlands (more specifically immigrants of black African descent) at the expense of the white Dutch population. If you think Sylvana Simons herself was already terrible enough, she's actually one of the least bad people in the party: Explicit demonization, dehumanization and other hatred and hostility against white people is very much common place among the more radical elements of the party, especially amongst its youth wing.

As expected, this party seeks to outlaw Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet (likened to blackface and sometimes even associated with slavery by "BIJ1"/"ART1KEL" and like-minded anti-whites), seeks to remove all statues of important Dutch historical figures from public spaces, seeks to make it even easier for non-white immigrants to enter the Netherlands and obtain Dutch citizenship, seeks to implement extreme affirmitive action that would force all companies as well as all governmental institutions to have a minimum percentage of non-whites employed and an upper limit on the percentage of whites employed, and they even seek to implement an Orwellian "racism register" which employers would be able to check to make it pretty much impossible for white "racists" to get a job anywhere.

This party currently has already one seat in parliament, and will probably grow much larger in the coming decades, as more and more African migrants will pour in, and as the boomers will die off.

Excellent video from Keith Woods showing the Anglo-Jewish led globalization movement via the CFR by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I myself am not an Anglo (I'm Dutch), but I most strongly support groups that have benefited the white race the most. The Anglos have disproportionally contributed to the invention of modern technology (which has greatly benefited whites, as well as humanity in general), and through their colonial efforts they've given whites additional "Lebensraum" larger than Europe itself and as a result caused the white proportion of the global population to massively increase at the expense of non-whites (mostly during the late 19th and early 20th century), so in both regards Anglos top the list of greatest contributors to the white race. America, founded by Anglos, was literally the first explicit white nationalist country in the world (and one of the few ones to ever exist, aside from Australia, South Africa, Rhodesia and arguably Canada, all Anglo colonies as well).

You can try to direct the blame for the clusterfuck the world is today away from the Jews and towards the Anglos, but the direct correlation between the proportional decrease of WASPs and increase of Jews in positions of power in America and the transition from the old white-centric order towards today's order is simply undeniable. In retrospect, the biggest mistake the Anglos made was trusting the Jews too much, if the Anglos had been more aware about the Jews and simply barred them from any positions of power (and politics in general), the Anglos would probably still rule the world instead of Jews; it wouldn't be a perfect world, but it would no doubt still be many times better than the shitshow we're in today.

I found u/ayotollahsiniran on the old reddit DAR archive. He/she pretended to a british actress. by Blackbrownfreestuff in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Coming from someone who himself constantly includes personal attacks in his bad-faith replies full of anti-white blood libel, but when other people push back suddenly starts crying about getting "bullied" and "muh pyramid of debate" lmao. Reminds me of a certain Polish proverb, something about crying out in pain.

Columbus Day isn't based by Noloben in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is nonsense. David Duke has been doing non-supremacist pro-white stuff for decades with the framing of human rights activism, this was always very popular. "A homeland for every race, Africa for Africans, Europe for Europeans" etc was always way more common than Richard Spencer's imperial ambitions. This is a massive retcon by you.

You're either misinterpreting or deliberately misrepresenting me. My point wasn't that the alt-right used to be fully comprised of people with "supremacist" attitudes, I know it wasn't, but to illustrate how its explicitly white nationalist character got subverted by people who think like OP. It's undeniable that "supremacist" attitudes were much more common in the alt-right before it started getting subverted a couple of years ago.

I have nothing against pro-whites/white nationalists who are non-"supremacist", such as David Duke, but that's totally different from actively pushing for white guilt and ethnomasochism and defacing our history (like OP is doing). By the way, "supremacist" in the way people like you use it is an anti-white slur anyways, which is used to pathologize healthy ingroup preference in whites and whites only. It's perfectly natural to want your race to have power, and among all other races people with strong ingroup preference hold "supremacist" attitudes (often far more extreme than those found among white nationalists), but somehow only whites are supposed to be pacifist isolationists and just let black and brown people dominate the world.

Alt right was a big tent descriptor for everyone pro-white, and even broader than that until Charlottesville lol. Both isolationists/nativists and white supremacists were included. You both are talking out of your arses pretending it specifically referred to one particular strain. Especially when it used to be such a broad tent that before Charlottesville it included non-racialist classical liberals who just didn't like muh crazy sjws and dumb shit like that.

The non-racialist and non-JQ part of the alt-right was never truly part of the alt-right to begin with (just like the previously mentioned retards and shills who've flooded it in recent years), that's the alt-lite and it emerged years after the alt-right itself emerged. A lot of "anti-SJWs" and other alt-liters turned alt-right though, as they watched the alt-lite get BTFO'd by the alt-right in debates (such as the famous Richard Spencer vs. Sargon debate). The alt-right itself was undeniably founded as an explicitly white nationalist movement, considering Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer and ironically enough also David Duke, key figures in the formation of the alt-right, were all explicitly pro-white.

Columbus Day isn't based by Noloben in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Third worldism is based.

Being white but ethnomasochistic is based? If non-whites and governments of non-white countries that are anti-ZOG want to collaborate with us in fighting against ZOG, no problem, but they can't also be explicitly anti-white. Most non-whites however, even the ones who also supposedly hate the Jewish elites, will just laugh at you and spit in your face if you're white and try to pitch the idea of "muh one struggle" to them, and it's honestly laughable for those non-whites to claim to hate ZOG/the Jewish elites while also being anti-white, since anti-white ideology is literally the product of those same Jewish elites they claim to hate in the first place.

Duginism is a bogeyman used by neocon ZOG apologists, so it's based too because it makes all the right people seethe.

"The right people" being people who are unapologetically pro-white? I thought you considered yourself to be pro-white. Neocons are against Dugin because, according to them, Dugin is a "racist" white nationalist who wants Russia to annex Western Europe. People like me are against Dugin because we know he's anti-white, literally the opposite reason from why neocons are against him. The enemy of your enemy isn't always your friend, sometimes it's just another enemy.


Nothing better than destroying the Aryan folk ways, folk soul and tribal culture in favor of globalism, muh progress and capitalist exploitation. BASED!

Such a pathethic strawman. Having modern industrial and advanced technology is totally separate from ZOG/globohomo and woke culture. You might as well say that using a AR to defend yourself against a murderer is being pro-ZOG, since ZOG also uses ARs to enforce their power. Being a primitivist/luddite and being pro-white are literally inherently contradictory, since getting rid of technology in white society will both cause mass-death and suffering among whites as well as leave us extremely vulnerable from external attacks. Other intelligent peoples, like the Jews and the Chinese, will never get rid of their technology like you insist us whites should do, so they could just come in and instantly BTFO us if we refuse to pursue the same technological innovations as them. I'm also pretty economically left-leaning, so your claim about capitalist exploitation doesn't make much sense either.

I was wondering if you were Brandon Martinez up to this point. Martinez is a hardcore incel but otherwise is on board with your views.

Isn't Brandon Martinez also unapologetically pro-white? In that case, I'm not really surprised that you equate me to him. I've indeed heard that he's very anti-woman, which is very cringe though.

He used to be a pro-Russian Duginist who was sympathetic to the European New Right. Now he's just a midwit vaccine shilling liberal and probably a glowie.

Funny enough, I also used to like him more in the past, and now don't like him anymore. Is he even still pro-white? He doesn't even come off as pro-white anymore nowadays. And although I disagree with Keith Woods pretty strongly (on mainly the same things I disagree with you), I also think it's very low how Richard Spencer constantly attacks Keith Woods nowadays.

Columbus Day isn't based by Noloben in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Imperialism itself wasn't what introduced blacks into America, they were introduced by Jewish slave traders who bought them from African tribe leaders. Canada and Australia are unquestionably a product of imperialism, yet they have basically no blacks as slavery was already banned when their colonization really kicked off, and Canada and Australia used to be almost 100% white until the recent non-white mass-immigration.

Imperialism doesn't have to lead to large-scale miscegenation either. The former Spanish and Portuguese colonies mostly consist of mestizos today, because the Spanish and Portuguese sent mostly single men to their colonies and let them fuck anything that moved. The Anglo colonies, on the other hand, prove that it's perfectly possible to maintain racial purity under imperialism, by sending both men and women from the UK to the colonies, and by having a "racist" value system that condemns whites who miscegenate as race traitors and punishes non-whites who try to miscegenate with whites. Hence why even the US, despite its large slave-descended black population, used to be over 85% white until the 1965 Hart-Celler immigration act (read: white genocide act).

The idea that non-white mass-immigration into white countries is just a natural consequence of white/European imperialism, rather than something deliberately facilitated by subversive, malicious Jewish elites in order for them to gain more control over the whealthy white countries, is basically just woke anti-white nonsense. Don't let anti-whites guilt you into blaming our people for all our current problems and defacing our own history. I still appreciate it that you still support Columbus Day even though you morally disagree with him though, that's the unapologetic nationalist spirit I want to see more in our circles. For the same reason, I'm against slavery but at the same time I'm strongly against tearing down statues and monuments of Confederates.

Regarding imperialism itself: Even if you morally disagree with imperialism in principle, it's basically a tragedy of the commons. If we as whites are unwilling to reclaim our dominant position on the global stage, which would also mean either directly or indirectly taking back control over most non-white countries we used to occupy, some other race or civilization (such as the Jews or the Chinese) is going to take our place and do it anyways. So if you're opposed to white imperialism/colonialism, what you're essentially implying is "I want whites to be powerless and get dominated by the rest of the world, and I want more power to the Jews and the Chinese!", which is inherently contradictory to being pro-white. I'm not saying you think like this or that you aren't pro-white, I'm just taking the idea of being white and being against white imperialism to its logical conclusion.

The suffragettes were rabid eugenicists by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

So true!! Charles Darwin, much like Jesus, was also a trans queer lesbian intersectionalist who supported drag queen story hour, wanted to abolish the police and wanted to enrich white majority countries with endless diversity! But most people are ignorant bigots who don't know any of this, because the history books in school (written by the racist white devil) don't teach us any of this! All "science" before the 1930s was just medieval quackery, because it was a bunch of old racist white males who believed in problematic constructs such as "genetics", but thankfully the enlightened Jewish heroes came along to save the day and tell us that eugenics is incorrect and the greatest evil in human history, and rightfully shut down anyone who disagreed with them, so now it's all good and I f*cking love Science!!!

I think the White Nationalist cause needs to be pragmatic if we want to succeed. by Salos60000 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

>literally regurgitating Jewish shitlib talking points

"Anti-racist" leftist/shitlib take on South Africa by YORAMRW in Smuggies

[–]YORAMRW[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Don't worry, I'm not Salos! ;) I mostly decided to make this meme because I saw the same top argument being made by several anti-white trolls who flooded s/debatealtright recently. The bottom argument is the standard response from smug anti-white leftists/shitlibs in the Netherlands whenever you insist that Boers/Afrikaners (Dutch-descended white South Africans) are part of the Dutch people and should be allowed to return to the Netherlands because of the crime, violence and persecution they face in South Africa (and they will sometimes call you a racist/nazi/white supremacist on top of it). Of course, most anti-whites aren't making either of these contradicting arguments in good faith and will switch between both of them based on which one is the most convenient at the moment.

I know Salos said something similar to the top argument about a year ago, but without the "they deserve it, it's karma for apartheid" part. I didn't fully agree with Salos, and I've explained him why, but at least he seemed to make the argument in good faith, from a sense of pragmatism, rather than as a "gotcha" against white South Africans. I agree with that insofar it's probably in the best interest for white South Africans to do everything they can to return to Europe, not because of "muh principles", but simply because they aren't safe in South Africa and probably have no chance at ever gaining any political power in South Africa again. Of course, ideally I would also want an independent breakaway homeland for white South Africans, so they can choose between living there or returning to Europe, so they have a backup option in case they lose one of them.

Cuba's fight for freedom has begun by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why can't the Jewish billionares in America just start a crowdfunding amongst themselves to pay the foreign aid to Israel, instead of forcing the working and middle class American taxpayers to slave away for it (socialism), if they truly care so much about Israel and their fellow Jews? A very disproportionately high share of billionares in the US are Jewish, and there are a lot of billionares in the US, so surely they must be able to raise the annual $3.8 billion goal pretty easily. Theoretically they could probably raise a 1000x $3.8 billion, it would make them a bit less rich but that's the price you gotta pay for supporting your holy land.

If you really love Israel so much, no one is stopping you from donating to the cause either, even if you're not Jewish. Wasn't a common talking point of you guys always that welfare is supposedly unnecessary to take care of the poor, because without welfare enough benevolent rich people would supposedly donate to charities taking care of the poor just as if not more sufficiently anyways? Why the double standard regarding Israel? If the poor would just automatically get fed by altruistic rich people in the absence of a welfare state, then surely Israel-loving Jewish billionares would be up for funding Israel in the absence of state-sanctioned foreign aid to Israel, no?

If you're truly "America First", why are you so altruistically socialistic towards the Jews but similtaneously ruthlessly capitalistic towards actual Americans? Wouldn't giving Israel free handouts just be "bigotry of low expectations" and "keeping them on the Demonrat plantation" anyways (another common talking point of you guys)? If Jews are truly "G-d's Chosen People", why would they need the white goyim to sustain themselves in their holy land? Wouldn't them being "G-d's Chosen People" imply they're far too superior to have to ask other peoples for help?

Cuba's fight for freedom has begun by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So I assume you're also against bailouts for banks and megacorporations, against foreign aid to Israel, and against endless wars in the Middle East? Those are some of the biggest examples of socialism. Or are you only against redistributive policies when they benefit the working class? You know, the people who helped getting Trump elected in 2016, because Trump was the first presidential candidate in decades who was both socially conservative (like most of the working class) AND sticked up for the economic interests of the working class... Or so he falsely presented himself.

Cuba's fight for freedom has begun by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not to mention all the telegraph lines, roads, railways and the electricity grid they depended on to move and organize their comrades were also all created under the very same Tsarist Russia they claimed to fight against. The hypocrites they were!

Cuba's fight for freedom has begun by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

By the way, I'm pretty sure the device you typed this message on is running on an operating system from either Apple (iOS or macOS), Google (Android) or Microsoft (Windows). Aren't those communist corporations according to you guys? You're criticizing communism, yet you're using an operating system produced under communism... Curious!

Canada is under attack. This is how White people are responding. by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

You clearly don't ask questions in good faith, all you do is sealioning in the same way leftists do (which is ironic, since leftists themselves originally coined this term to use against the online right, even though they're the most guilty of it themselves).

Whenever people on this sub actually take the time and effort to answer your questions seriously and provide you with the evidence you demand, you just ignore them and pretend like the conversation never happened in the first place, so debating you is like talking to a brick wall.

If you want people on this sub to stop treating you like shit, maybe stop behaving like this. I've often seen people accuse you of being Salos, but I don't think that's true; even Salos is much more intellectually honest than you, so comparing you to Salos would be an insult to him.

How should the Dissident Right handle technology? by YJaewedwqewq in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There was also a very large eugenics movement in Bismarckian Germany. Many things that people associate with "far-right" politics long predate fascism and often have leftist origins. In Germany both the SPD (literally an explicit Marxist party until as late as 1959) and the "Christian democratic" Zentrum funded Germany's own eugenics institute.

Yet another example of why the "left" vs "right" dichotomy is basically nonsensical, and only derives meaning from its usefulness, because people generally know what you mean with "left" and "right" in the modern sense ("left" being woke anti-whites regardless of economic views, and "right" being people like us regardless of economic views).


The whole taboo around eugenics from a non-Christian perspective only really picked up mid last century.

I don't think most of the modern-day so-called "Christians" who are opposed to eugenics and are in favor of mass-immigration genuinely do so on religious grounds either, their brains just run on the modern Jewish woke firmware and software just like with politically like-minded atheists, and most of them only abuse their religion as a post-hoc justification for those ideas to bully other (actual) Christians into internalizing those ideas by threat of hell. Same shit as those progressive "Christians" who are pro-LGBTQ and pro-abortion, and abuse their religion to back up those views even though they obviously didn't orginially derive those views from the Bible.

How should the Dissident Right handle technology? by YJaewedwqewq in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Whites don't really have it in them to "do eugenics" on such a scale. They're the world's least ethnocentric people and have always found universalism appealing, whether Roman, Christian or liberal. It is this same universalism that animated the "White Man's Burden", based on the absurd assumption that racial equality should exist and that where it is lacking (that is, everywhere) it is our moral responsibility to save other peoples from "poverty", "eternal damnation" or whatever.

I'm not sure about this. You have to keep in mind that there was a very strong eugenics movement in Northwestern Europe and the colonies (Canada Australia, South Africa and the US), which the majority of white people supported (and even significant minorities of blacks and Jews). This eugenics movement had the most support among (classical) liberals, social democrats and mainline (Anglo-Germanic) Protestants, and faced the most fanatical opposition from the Catholic Church (the majority of whose followers were already non-white Latin-Americans), Evangelicals and Jewish marxists.

Of course, if I or people who think like me were in charge, people with completely shit political views would also get removed from the gene pool through eugenics (by means of prohibiting reproduction or if necessary forced sterilization), starting with overt anti-whites and fanatical anti-eugenicists, not just violent criminals, low-IQ people and the mentally ill.

Even I (and I guess most of the modern dissident right) am much more moderate than the more extreme segments of the eugenics movement back then, considering even calls for the total extermination of all non-whites on the planet through sterilization or euthanization (a proposal which even I find disgusting) weren't unheard of.

Affirmative Action is a good thing by Dragonerne in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Diversity is good! Diversity is a strength! Diversity is what makes the Middle East so peaceful!

Happy Juneteenth! by send_nasty_stuff in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No one is forcing you to read our "garbage". In fact, like I've already said, there's a "mute sub" button under every post in s/all, so if you click it on one of our posts you'll never have to see another one again. Now that you're aware of this, if you still want our sub taken off s/all it just proves that it isn't actually about not having to see us for you, but about preventing other people from seeing us, which is antithetical to free speech.

You can't just claim to support free speech, but then demand people or communities get deplatformed because you hate them or disagree with them. We clearly aren't free speech absolutists, but unlike parasites like you we're honest about it and don't pretend to be free speech absolutists while actually wanting to shut down speech we don't like.

This woman has more balls than the entire GOP combined by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

How many antifa and blacklivesmatter riots have you participated in, to murder and assault random white people? Or do you just let them do the heavy lifting? Fuck you ;) <3

PSA: bitchute is garbage use odysee instead by Girondin in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Possibly, but the people who schizopost about Bill Gates in the way I mentioned earlier probably don't believe that. They mostly believe he's a white supremacist and/or a "chicom" asset who wants to bring back eugenics and depopulate Africa. I fucking wish those dubious, baseless claims were true (except the "chicom" part), he would basically be to us what George Soros is to the woke left.

MFW liberals rant about Rush Limbaugh by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Sure thing buddy.

MFW liberals rant about Rush Limbaugh by Republican58 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

also I was born in 1983.


How can you think this way about Rush? I've listened to him since the 80s

Nigga what?

How does the Alt-Right separate genes from free will? And high IQ oppressing Low IQ groups? by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ah, it's you again, with another "if X how come Y, checkmate alt-right" type post.

Your post seems to be based on a huge strawman, namely, that we believe genetics fully determine everyones behaviour and outcomes in life. While genetics have a large influence over the type of brain and thus the set of personality traits and intelligence you're born with, environmental circumstances throughout your life also have a large influence over how this brain and its intelligence then develop themselves and how its set of personality traits expresses itself. There's no reason why both can't be true at the same time.


When a murderer kills someone, did he/she really have a choice in committing that act, especially if they were tested and found to have a low IQ? What if they killed someone but had a really high IQ? Is there still a punishment for murder if people are born unable to control their actions?

Regardless of whether true free will actually exists or not, the murderer should still be removed from polite society, in order to protect the innocent from becoming the murderer's next victims (at least until the murderer has been sucessfully rehabilitated into a better person, if not permanently), get punished to deliver justice to the victim's friends and relatives (and society at large), and should definitely get forcibly sterilized so he can't (further) corrupt the gene pool.

There's a myriad of scenarios to play with but ultimately, accepting IQ science, especially Racial or Gender based ones, seems to support a Dystopia scenario where Human beings are treated like animals, and the only explanations for this can come from a "superior" group who believes they know what is best for people.

Funny that you mention a dystopia where human beings are treated like animals, because if you're strongly opposed to such a society (which I am), you should actually be supporting eugenics, and racial homogeneity, rather than opposing them, since improving people so they become smarter and less prone to commit crime, and not importing foreign peoples with conflicting group interests, would actually reduce the need for an extensive, totalitarian police state to keep society safe and stable.


For example, imagine if Doctors/Scientists invented an instrument that can find your child's IQ before they're born. Would you terminate your newborn child if science determined he will be born below 100 IQ or has a 50% chance of being a rapist? Or do we let these babies continue to be born and take the chance they might commit crimes or not?

Killing babies is evil and disgusting as fuck regardless of the reasons and circumstances, but if if they detirmined my future child would be genetically prone to have a low IQ and/or be a rapist in the early stages of my wife's pregnancy, I'd definitely get her to terminate the pregnancy. Likewise, I think people who are genetically prone to have low-IQs and/or be rapists (but haven't acutally raped anyone) shouldn't be allowed to reproduce, but they should still be treated humanely, and get taken care of if needed. So if it was up to me, we shouldn't allow those babies to continue being born, but for those who have already been born it isn't their fault so they should be treated with dignity just like everyone else (just not allowed to reproduce).

What if science found you are carrying genes right now that 99% make you a terrorist? Do you voluntarily imprison or kill yourself for the good of public safety, even if you lead a complete life of non-violence?

That would be highly unlikely, since I'm not a terrorist, but if it indeed got detirmed I would be so genetically prone to terrorism, I would definitely refrain from reproducing so the gene pool wouldn't get corrupted with my genes, and instead encourage my close relatives to reproduce a lot.


I think this is a real concern for the alt-right in perhaps why society or even just ordinary people, refuse to adopt Race & IQ as public policy. It's easy to see how someone can abuse this science to disenfranchise or enslave entire groups, because it assumes automatic superiority exists at birth, and that none of the "lesser" races are allowed to change their fate. And history has shown how these atrocities were carried out.

There's no reason to believe that scientific racialism and eugenicism are uniquely prone to make a society commit large-scale atrocities, since almost none of the countries where such beliefs dominated (except for nazi Germany) carried out large-scale atrocities, and almost none of the societies which historically carried out large-scale atrocities held such beliefs. Almost any ideology is capable of making a society carry out atrocities.

Edit: In fact, the ideology opposite of genetic essentialism/determinism, pretending that everyone is born equal, genetic differences (except for those that aren't politically sensitive, like skin color) don't exist or are minimal, and differences in outcomes between groups are entirely due to environmental circumstances, is just as (if not more) capapable of making people carry out atrocities, because it makes people assume that whenever certain groups of people are doing really good (like whites and East Asians) while others are doing much worse (like blacks and Hispanics), this has to be due to due oppression and/or theft and exploitation (while in reality, it's just a meritocratic system), a narrative that can lead to atrocities from the percieved oppressed group(s) (and/or another, more intelligent group, like Jews, riling up the percieved oppressed group(s) for its own benefit) against the percieved oppressor(s), which has already demonstrated itself in the early Soviet Union (with all the Kulaks getting massacred by the bolsheviks), and in South Africa and Zimbabwe (with the white farmers getting kicked out, massacred, and the remaining ones brutalized up to this very day by the black majority), all also resulting in famine and a general worse quality of life for the average person by the way.


Even today, many third world countries get labeled "low IQ" for why their development lags behind so much. Yet, even the "high IQ" countries have found ways to exploit this. Whether it's drawing up fake borders in Africa and pitting generations of people into endless civil war, or when Western governments overthrew foreign countries and installed dictators who held back progress. Despite the fact, Africans, or South Americans or Middle Easterners never voted to be oppressed, yet they are still called dumb or seen as hopeless when they try to fix their own nations.

During World War 2, Germany was completely bombed into in ruins, and directly after World War 2 it got occupied by the allied forces. Yet it didn't become a shithole. Quite the contrary, within only a couple of decades, West Germany became one of the most prosperous and advanced nations in the world, and even communist East Germany became much more prosperous and advanced than most of the third world is today. What's holding most third world countries back from following in Germany's footsteps? Is it historical colonialism by da evil whitey, or might it be because its people just aren't as capable as the Germans are? Something doesn't add up here.

A big flaw about white demographic change that can't be ignored. by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No one is arguing that us white people are the only ones being fucked over by the elites, that's such a pathetic strawman. We are however, the only ones getting collectively targeted on the basis of our race and getting systematically replaced in our own countries by them. And even if they were targeting other races in the same way they're targeting us, how does this mean we should suddenly just give up our racial interests and let them fuck us over? Our love for our race isn't just based on being the focal point of hatred, although for many of us (myself included) that's what initially woke us up, it's because we actually want the best for our race regardless of how good or bad our situation is.

What is your opinion on these following questions? by ayotollahsinIran in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why do you not want black people in North America but are OK with them being in South America?

There are multiple issues with this question. First off, while some of us hold the opinion that blacks have no place in North America whatsoever and should all be deported back to Africa, a lot of us (myself included) think that it wouldn't be reasonable to kick them out (because they've been living in North America for centuries, and because their ancestors were brought over against their will rather than being invasive immigrants) and instead propose a black ethnostate (if it was up to me in the already black-dominated parts of the Deep South), with returning to Africa remaining voluntary.

Regarding blacks in South America, I only care about the white-dominated parts of South America (Southern Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and to some degree Chile), from which non-white immigration should be prevented as much as possible, just like with any majority white country. For the non-white parts of Latin America, I personally don't give a damn if blacks want to live there, but I'd totally understand if those countries don't want them either; it's up to the peoples and governments of those countries to decide whether or not to allow in blacks (or any other group of people).

Racial differences within humans are tiny, whilst differences between species are greater.

The differences between humans, chimpanzees and gorillas are also tiny compared to the differences between apes in general and non-apes, so by that logic, why shouldn't we integrate chimpanzees and gorillas into our societies and interbreed with them?

Even if a change in the racial mix of the world happens, so what? Could it just be evolution?

Evolution would imply that the non-whites moving into white nations are conquering us by themselves and/or outsmarting us. Moving into another country because its treasonous government lets you in, just to go on welfare and then pump out 10 babies, most of whom will in turn grow up just to do the same, isn't conquering nor does it require any useful skill (let alone intelligence), in fact it's pure parasitism.

Althype predicts a Trump win by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

All this mentality does is making our victory even less likely than it already is. Also, if it's set in stone that we'll lose, why would our enemies feel the need to constantly promote this mentality to us?

Something hilarious I just realized about our ancestors by lithre in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not only that, our ancestors also basically practiced eugenics, through sexual selection and by killing or expelling members of their communities who behaved inappropriately. This, in part, has shaped modern Europeans in the way we know them (and other peoples who created complex civilizations like Europeans).

Ethnically speaking, are Austrians and Germans the same? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They're both ethnic Germans, albeit with their own regional cultural and linguistic variations. The main "dividing line" (not really a rigid cultural, linguistic and genetic border, but more of a continuum) within the German peoples, however, isn't Germans and Austrians, but High Germans (southern Germany, Austria and most of Switzerland) and Low Germans (northern Germany and the Netherlands (the Dutch/Diets people, a subgroup of Low Germans)).

Since the English are mostly descended from Low German subgroups, albeit with Scandinavian and Celtic admixture, it could be argued that the English are technically Germans as well. Scandinavians (North Germanic) are NOT German, but they're definitely Germanic just like the Germans. German is basically the same thing as West Germanic, ethnically speaking.

Zimbabwe signs billion-dollar deal to repay white farmers by yesofcoursenaturally in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Just yesterday you talked about how whites don't belong in Zimbabwe because they took it from the native Bantus, but now you suddenly turn around to argue that the Bantus are legitimate in taking over land they aren't native to from the whites who first settled it. Double standards much?

Egypt is gonna be a disaster for us by Salos10000 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Since Egypt is already starting to experience a water shortage because Cairo consumes more water than the Nile naturally delivers, just imagine the consequences if Ethiopia would add insult to injury by blocking the Blue Nile.

It would just be so beneficial for both Europe and Egypt itself if Egypt would switch to desalination plants for most of their fresh water, as well as implement its own eugenics programs.

Egypt is gonna be a disaster for us by Salos10000 in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Apparently the Nile has two sources. The Blue Nile is the one in which the dam is being built, that starts in Ethiopia, and merges with the White Nile (which doesn't traverse Ethiopia and thus will be unaffected by the dam) in Sudan.

So since the White Nile by far wouldn't provide Sudan and Egypt enough water on its own, if Ethiopia were to keep most of the water for own usage, not only would we see an influx of tens of millions of Egyptians into Europe, but also an additional influx of tens of millions of Sudanese on top of it.

What is your rebuttal to these comments arguing in favour of mass immigration? by Nasser in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Man, whatever leftist/shitlib wrote this must really hate Japan and Japanese people. These are the same type of arguments they use for Western countries out of anti-white hatred. "We must forcibly bring in millions of immigrants from all over the world into your country, as a punishment for past atrocities committed by your evil ancestors, and to suppress and erase your problematic culture."

What do you think of this thread crying racism over Liz Truss leading the Tory leadership election polls? by Nasser in debatealtright

[–]YORAMRW 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Let them eat each other, obviously. The Tories are about as culturally right wing (nationalistic and socially conservative) as Joe Biden, if not less. These woke anti-white cretins will forever keep demanding more, no matter how much their opponents (or whites in general) have already caved in.

To paraphrase u/literalotherkin, we might as well put those fake "conservatives" (like the Tories) and woke anti-white marxists/shitlibs together in the same prison cells (or insane asylums) so they can argue with each other about who of them are "the real racists" all day.