PSA: bitchute is garbage use odysee instead by Girondin in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Both Odysee and BitChute are censoring in their own ways.

BitChute has axed a lot of channels outright. Odysee at the moment is definitely censoring violent content, but I've found no cases of political censorship. Plenty of videos name the J's and N's.

Odysee is vastly better than BitChute at the present time.

Predictably awful reading from reddit by CharlesOlivera in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

These people are going to be in for a rude awakening over the coming decades, and it's going to be hilarious to watch. Every remotely sane comment is downvoted into oblivion, and you can see that anti-White ideology has done a number on these morons.

Nobody from any culture on Earth would be happy to come to their home town 15 or so years later and see everything be completely different.

Yeah, no shit. The upvote/downvote for this perfectly reasonable comment? -11.

So it’s bad to be a minority in the US but also white people shouldn’t be concerned at that prospect.

This is in response to the typical anti-White (and extremely common) line of reasoning which posits that opposition to minoritization is simply because you're worried that others will treat you in the 'bad' way anti-Whites assume that you/Whites in general already treat them. Still gets a -3.

Obviously at the very least this type of invalid reasoning falls afoul of the 'two wrongs make a right' fallacy and is also grossly ignorant of the ways in which non-whites treat both White and non-white minorities (e.g. Haitian Genocide, Rwandan Genocide). The Tutsis were roughly 15% of the Rwandan and Burundian population when the Hutus attempted to wipe them out—something that would not and could not have occurred if the Tutsi were overwhelming majorities. Is it worth taking that risk for... what? 'Culinary diversity'?

Every time I look at a Reddit thread the sheer level of ignorance and unintelligence is just astounding. They're so arrogant and proud of it, too.

There is, however, a lot of anxiety in that thread coming from people who realize that something is just plain wrong (including non-whites) and are simply too ignorant or indoctrinated to work out what it is. Man, it's so going to be an "I told you so" moment after this all unfolds.

Like this Asian guy:

Hmm, if I recall correctly, the media was calling this a "far right conspiracy theory" that was spread in "alt-right circles" for a decade. Now I see these same outlets celebrating over this news.

This guy (-3) probably gets it:

Reddit 4 years ago: "That's a white nationalist conspiracy theory, pay it no mind."

Reddit 2 years ago: "That's a white nationalist conspiracy theory, but it'd be nice."

Reddit Today: "Yeah this has been happening for years now, where have you been?"

Look at how delusional this comment is:

Good. The sooner white people become minorities the sooner we can dismantle Capitalism and save the planet.

In reality, White countries like France and Germany are the only ones who have powerful Green parties. A non-white planet wouldn't care one iota about 'climate change'. Remember the London Extinction Rebellion protests: denounced as 'racist' because they were overwhelmingly White in a minority-White city. No 'racism' involved, merely non-whites consistently showing a disregard for the environments in which they live. We're literally up against an army of retards whose power stems from sheer numbers.

Why are so many nationalists supportive of Palestine if they hate brown people? These people are a joke to the cause. by Tiddparker in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Indeed, over a quarter of males in Tel Aviv are alphabet (according to Tel Aviv's own officials as interpreted by journalists, see,

I quote from this article:

"Tel Aviv is, for lack of a better description, super gay. It could even be characterized as post-gay. Most urban centers have a concentrated epicenter affectionately called a gayborhood or a gay ghetto. Tel Aviv doesn’t need to bother with such a dated concept.

“Everything in Tel Aviv is gay, inherently gay,” said Leon Avigad, who owns two very chic boutique hotels with his partner Nitzan Perry. “The people are creative, open-minded, liberal, accepting, and daring. Tel Aviv is very open to new forms of art, new musical styles, everything is very accepting.”

The estimate by officials in Tel Aviv is 25 percent of its population is gay.

Women interviewed in Tel Aviv are literally claiming they have to go to other cities to find straight men.

I heard laments from the women I chatted up that it’s impossible to find a single, heterosexual male in Tel Aviv in June.

I used to think Rio was ultra-queer, with something around 13% alphabet population... then Tel Aviv comes along and makes Rio look as straight as an arrow. There is something amusing about the world's fag capital being right in the middle of... Israel. The 'Holy Land' inhabited by 'God's Chosen'.

A more plausible explanation may be that Tel Aviv is the most gay friendly city in the Middle East. It’s a welcoming destination for residents of less hospitable territories. The government funds the massive Pride celebration, along with the Tel Aviv Municipal LGBT Community Center. The center hosts a gay parents support group, a queer cinema workshop, painting lessons, a kindergarten, a medical clinic, performance space, and nearly any other service you can imagine.

The day I met with Avihu Mizan, the center’s cultural events coordinator, I tripped over children’s shoes that littered the halls as he apologized for the screaming horde of kids playing on the second floor. They were at the center for afterschool programs. Gay life in Tel Aviv isn’t all parties and skimpy bathing suits at Hilton Beach. There is a gayby boom happening here, and there are plenty in the LGBT community who have no interest in staying up until daylight.

The OP arrives at the exact reversal of reality. Israel is by far the most Left-wing state in the Middle East. Even Likudniks are 70-80% in favour of same-sex marriage according to voter data. Then again, given his emphasis on muh freedumb, he probably sees libertarianism as 'Right-wing' (in typical American fashion) and bases the rest of his reasoning on this faulty premise, i.e. to be 'Right-wing' is to die for the rights of gay Jews to have anal sex in Israel.

He's probably misusing the term 'cognitive dissonance' as well. Nobody here feels any sense of unease over a supposed contradiction regarding Israel and Palestine because there simply isn't one.

A whopping total of 1670 major American corporations sign a "diversity pledge" by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Here's why claims that 'capital is the prime mover' a la Keith Woods are stupid.

Capital is clearly subordinate to ideology here. There is no way that the sycophantic genuflecting towards alphabet and Left-wing extremist groups is even remotely good for business. Yet it's exactly what they do, donating millions to these groups and plastering pro-alphabet and pro-BLM propaganda all over their social media pages.

They're the fools making people like that corrupt lesbian BLM 'leader' who bought four mansions filthy rich. Nobody seriously thinks that she got that money legitimately. She effectively got away with it, too, simply resigning from BLM so that the spotlight is no longer on her.

Capitalists probably full well realize all this but simply suffer from short-termism. They know that the 'global economy' will likely last long enough for them to get out fine, and that's the furthest ahead most people care to think. Forced diversity and financing extremism won't ruin their businesses fast enough for the individuals in them to care. Those running the groups pushing all this from top-down, like BlackRock, will be dead by that time.

They're no different to those environmentalist cranks who make no meaningful changes to their lifestyles, and for whom environmentalism consists purely of performative waffling about how everyone else (capitalists, states, everyone else but themselves, as well as abstractions like 'racism') is responsible. When everyone has this mindset all that happens is perpetual blameshifting.

White supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the US, professor Jennifer Ho by Fitter_Happier in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Their ideology has developed in such a way that they could still make this claim even if the world was 0% White. It is very easy for them to make such a claim when it is 8% or so. It's fascinating, though, that there is a pushback in the comment section with only one comment in obvious support (predictably accusing those pushing back of themselves being 'racist').

This excuse would still be 'coherent' from their worldview in a world without Whites (and they already effectively make this excuse to 'explain' the dysfunctionality of non-white regions): Non-whites attack other non-whites because of the lingering legacy of White supremacism on our institutions.

Such a claim is both unfalsifiable and unverifiable, and therefore unscientific. It is impossible to observe a concretized abstraction such as 'institutional racism' or 'structural racism'. CRT's untestability also prevents it from being scientific much like a wide range of other social science theories. None of these 'theories' are actually theories.

I should add that CRT is (probably) better for us than colourblindness. And CRT is winning, since Trump's colourblind counter-attack against CRT was rolled back by Biden. The colourblind are rightfully scared that it could lead to the death of colourblindness and the polarization of people into 'reverse racist' and 'racist' camps. It means that people are forced to choose sides and that the battle lines are being drawn. This is a vastly better scenario than the colourblind delusion which masks the true racial struggle at hand. We should hope that things get out of hand while we're still majorities, especially for those who won't settle for anything less than the monumental task of saving an entire nation-state if not something larger still.

Alot of CR theorists outright support segregation (obviously with non-whites setting the boundaries unlike the segregation of old), oppose miscegenation with Whites, etc. Colourblindness is the slow boil, making exceptionally little sense especially outside of 'we need to delay things for as long as possible' Fabian-style thinking. CRT makes particular sense from 'accelerationist' viewpoints. It will lead the enemy to hate more openly, act more brazenly, etc. It will better show the 'normies' who their enemies are, once they are openly discriminated against in the workplace and elsewhere. Let the implicit hate become explicit.

You can't make this stuff up: Biden literally kneels before Israeli leader. by Fitter_Happier in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

"Know your place, goy!

Israel First! America Last!"

Zogbot who allegedly "killed bin Laden" has a Twitter meltdown by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If I remember rightly he's also a hardline Trump supporter. The hilarious thing is that White Leftists, J's, etc. see people like him as even worse than the Taliban. Imagine if the Taliban were Christian and White, two things that they hate more than Islam and brown? That's pretty much how they all see these Republican Whites. You're worse than the Taliban because you're a Christian White Taliban.

Imagine being proud to fight for a country that outright celebrates census results that say that your racial group has lost numbers? Imagine killing innocent people in Afghanistan while millions of people who want anyone who even remotely looks like you to be history are back home?

Now it looks like he's slowly waking up to the fact that his life is a lie and that the real enemy, the real evil, is right there at home around him, and he's completely sperging out, churning out a constant stream of angry tweets over the past couple of days. Much, much too late. Shit be upon this literal tool of globohomo.

It begins. Afghan "refugees" now showing up. Canada already accepts 20,000 of them. by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I certainly don't like or feel sorry for them. White countries have become the wastebaskets of the world, into which all of the world's refuse is most unfortunately deposited.

The bootlicking traitors to their country who aided its occupation. The trash, the refuse of Afghanistan, is to be dumped into an eagerly willing Canada. Canada is one of those trash cans with a happy face, one happily devouring all the garbage.

Into to it shall be placed all of these rejects who share in common only that they cannot live up to the Taliban's high moral standard. Feminists. Queers. Trannies. These are the three they're most concerned with importing to Canada. "We like the filth and the smut", say the pigs, and they roll. "The Taliban will slaughter us because we like the mud. Let us into Canada! Let us be queer feminist tranny consumers in Canada!"

"Yum, yum!", says Canada happily. It then recites words scrawled upon it, ones inspired by the poem of the Jewess on the Statue of Liberty. They read as follows:

The wretched refuse of far away lands,

especially those of the -stans;

give me all of your poor and every last whore,

leave none on your teeming shore;

my people love plenty of smut,

and they also love every slut;

your feminists, trannies and queers ridden with STDs;

send these, please, to me, where they can be free;

they shall still be dumb,

but they shall have freedom;

to roll in plentiful muck, silt and sludge,

to f*** like cockroaches, s*** in streets and dole-bludge;

I lift my lid for I like to devour shite,

first and foremost when it is non-white.

Hitler is ok. (actually he's really cool) by send_nasty_stuff in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I love tearing ignorant, disingenuous fools apart. The source of the data I'm about to demolish you with comes from Jewish historian Eugen Weber (Varieties Of Fascism, 1964), which makes it all the more amusing.

German unemployment figures (p. 84):

6,000,000+ (1933)

4,000,000 (1935)

2,900,000 (1936)

300,000 (1938)

National revenue (Ibid):

45 billion marks (1932)

61 billion marks (1936)

National production (Ibid):

38 billion marks (1932)

75 billion marks (1938)

Volume of trade rose by 25% between 1935-39 (Ibid)

Percentage of agricultural products imported to, rather than produced in, Germany (p. 85):

30% (1932)

17% (1938)

I can only laugh at this kind of sheer ignorance, which does not even care to provide a source, and which relies on bizarre rumours (drug addict? Let me guess, you also think he was syphilitic, a gay prostitute while in Vienna, and so forth).

Many of these rumours originate from a charlatan by the name of Josef Greiner, who originally wrote a book sycophantically praising Hitler, claiming that he knew him personally. Hitler recognized the work as fraudulent and prevented its publishing. After the war, Greiner then wrote a book doing the exact opposite, painting himself (again falsely) as a heroic anti-Nazi resistance leader who tried to assassinate Hitler. Again, Greiner was widely accepted as a fraud who could not have possibly known Hitler. The syphilitic theory is one of many such lies from Greiner's fraudulent and refuted works.

Your claim elsewhere that the Nazis 'took credit' for supposed economic successes of the Weimar Republic is revealed by these statistics to be pure farce.

Clown World / Idiocracy by Circumstein in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Indeed. Something that reminded me of this recently is how the Left have incoherently turned on a dime regarding 'big pharma'.

2011-12 Occupy Wall Street: Screw corporations, screw big pharma. Anyone who likes big pharma is just a capitalist bootlicker.

2020-21 pandemic: We love corporations. I can't wait to get the 'jab'. I'm even going to get a tattoo with the name of the corporation who manufactured it. Anyone who doesn't like big pharma is just an unscientific, dangerous anti-vaxxer. You should have to be vaccinated to leave home (see, for example, a recent Tweet on Ron Perlman's account about what he would do if he was President) and going around without a mask is literally attempted murder (see, for example, the third link I posted).

Fascism actually has a philosophical tradition that is practically unknown in quackademia. Gentile and Evola worked with German idealism, and practically all later 'fascists' like Benoist and Faye very clearly worked with later philosophical schools, Benoist with Schmitt and the postmodernists, Faye with the conservative revolution types.

The fact that almost every DR or DR-adjacent content creator seems to be a graduate or higher also tells us something. Greg Johnson, Keith Woods, Joel Davis, Tyler Hamilton from philosophy; JF Gariepy from neuroscience; normapollo from psychology, Dutton from anthropology, etc. At least three of those are doctorates.

Once the Left was actually hampered by being overly intellectual (e.g. Marx's Capital, the book which even Marxists can't be bothered reading). Fast forward a century and they're a bunch of blithering cretins offended by things as innocuous as meat-eating, the name 'Montenegro', cats that look vaguely Hitlerian, etc. Wait till they learn that the Philippines has an island named 'Negros' and an indigenous tribe named the 'Negritos'.

Subversion of Japan by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

They'll cave in within a few decades at most. I had a look at some comparative national statistics. There is also a growing number of LDP politicians who are pro-multicult (and the opposition parties are practically all more pro-multicult than the LDP).

Trust in government is down in the high 30's. Meanwhile, even dysfunctional India has 70% and even Canada and Sweden are in the high 40's. Note that America in 2017 is in the high 10's, having first reached this abysmal state as early as 1994. Another source, however, puts America in 2018 as instead being in the low 30's. China dominates the ranking at the mid 80's.

National pride in Japan is also at around 60%. Again, even putrid shitlib countries are exceeding it, e.g. Germany in the low 70's.

The only common potential determinant I can see here is left-liberalism. If multicult (effectively subordinate to left-liberalism) was the determinant, then Japan would be outperforming all of the multicult/heterogeneous shitholes because it combines liberalism with homogeneity. Instead, comparatively conservative countries like Poland, Turkey and India dominate both the national pride and trust in government rankings. Obviously countries combining liberalism and heterogeneity are averagely doing poorly on these statistics.

The "tl;dr" is that Japan was screwed over by having left-liberal ideology forcibly imposed on it by the Americans in the postwar period. To be precise, liberalism did, however, make earlier inroads, but was heavily repressed along with its offshoots like Marxism by the military regime. It was effectively impossible to have been an open Marxist or liberal in Japanese academia at that time. Fast forward to the 1980s and Japanese academia is already dominated by outright postmodernism (replacing Marxism which was very powerful in 1970s Japan). Given how superior Polish society is compared to today's Japan, Japan honestly would have done better to have been occupied by the USSR. They'd have suffered more economically in the short term, but in the long term less socially.

What is a "letzte Menschen" white? by ayotollahsinIran in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The concept of the 'Last Man' describes 'normies' like you and has nothing to do with race per se. Last Men are simply hedonistic, materialistic, mediocre, passive/submissive consumers whose life is simply work, i.e. the average person today. They will never excel at anything, and never rebel, for they are by and large contented with their lot in life. They are what the 'far-Right' do not want—and have abysmally failed to prevent—people to become.

Think of some obese moron lounging on a sofa eating Cheetos in front of some television upon which some nonsense entertainment is displayed. He swaps in between doing this and the 9-5 ratrace, and it's all his life will ever be. I don't have any real opinion on Nietzsche's politics, but he would have had nothing short of sheer contempt for this kind of person (as does the 'far-Right') if he saw them today. It's obvious that humans can be, and have been, better than this, despite the contemporary glorification of mediocrity and the sheer contempt for success as merely being the result of 'oppressing others' or 'privilege' or some such nonsense coming from the Left. George Floyd became deified by the masses precisely because a lack of quality is now itself regarded as a quality (he's a 'victim' of 'oppression' and 'privilege' rather than a drug-addled dangerous criminal who threatened to shoot a pregnant black woman).

Nietzsche already saw this 'transvaluation' of values happening in his own time, but this process has become much more entrenched over the past 121 years since his death. The signs of this are everywhere and are far worse than the examples he himself provided: 'fat is beautiful', 'fatphobia', 'black is beautiful', 'criminals are the real victims and police are the real criminals', the body positivity movement, plus-size models, 'Eurocentric beauty standards', 'White privilege', 'defund/disband the police and replace them with councillors/mental health professionals' and all this other nonsense. Fatness is true fitness. Ugliness is true beauty. Stupidity is true intelligence. Failure is true success. Evil is true goodness. Interestingly, there are literally Biblical quotes warning this would happen, e.g.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness to light and light to darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter.

Predictably awful reading from reddit by CharlesOlivera in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Another two examples touched upon in the comments, and which are very common online:

Whites should go back to Europe because they're not indigenous to America. But, non-white immigrants should be able to stay in America. Like, dude, who cares if they aren't indigenous, it's only bad if we're not indigenous?

Also, we want to return land to the 'indigenous' because it was 'stolen' from them. But, we also want to import countless non-indigenous people without even asking the 'indigenous' if they want it or not so that the 'indigenous' can be even more of a minority in 'their' land. Like, dude, who cares if that makes it even harder for them to get the land back?

Ever noticed how it's so obvious that non-whites/White Leftists couldn't care less about 'indigenous' people except as a cudgel with which to bash Whites and White identity? That they never even bother to ask the very same people they call the 'traditional custodians', 'First Nations', etc. of the land whether they think 'diversity' is a strength? That White Leftists and other 'cosmopolitans' are mysteriously the true owners of the land as soon as immigration policy is brought up? The American Leftists will probably abandon indigenism simply because the 'indigenous' are around as pro-Republican as Whites, and their numbers are decreasing. Their votes are of exceedingly little value, much like the Democratic White vote will be to the Democratic Party of a few decades time.

If they actually wanted to solve this problem, they'd pressure European governments to take back Whites outside of Europe, and non-whites would also need to leave 'indigenous' land. In reality, they make absolutely no moves towards realizing this, and their stance is practically the opposite: non-whites want to remain full stop, and White Leftists seem to think that they're exempt for some bizarre reason and that only 'racists' should be deported. Did they ask the 'natives' if they want to keep Chinese, Indians, blacks and a bunch of White queers, trannies, etc. while deporting the rest of the Whites? Nah, they didn't.

These people can believe practically anything so long as it fits a few key criteria, e.g. disbenefits 'privileged' people (of which the whole White race is considered part, and which the J's are bizarrely considered not), erodes distinctions rather than reinforces them, and a few other things. So long as some bullshit works towards those ends, it doesn't seem to matter how utterly nonsensical it is.

Ruqqus purges Dissent, no longer a safe haven. by YJaewedwqewq in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I warned about that website in this info-laden comment a long time ago:

They've been working with AHS to try to make their platform amenable to the kind of morons who frequent Reddit. They need to cater to them in order to have a chance at achieving the mainstreaming that they want.

There's actually a whole heap of guilds they've missed, though practically every guild (including the ones they banned) is practically inactive.

It doesn't help that people involved with the site's hierarchy like carpathianflorist are well known fuckwits who were also trolls on Reddit. Some of the users are total morons, as well. Just look at "TrumpVoter1". Holy hell, this is the guy who claimed that Leftists are just a fringe group opposed by most of the country and all sorts of other delusional nonsense. Fringe group... who win the popular vote even when they lose overall? Cuckservative extraordinaire.

Look at all the obvious morons they used to have. WillieOffThePickleBoat (pretty sure this was a gay black male in America), Disp77, Ashina (a literal gay Turk?), Dissident whatever (the self-proclaimed Marxist who knows nothing about Marxism), Osrs2 whatever (Jewish "socialist" in America whose name is to do with that old 'Runescape" game). Who even wants to remember these people?

American popular culture seems to be stuck by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Is EOWK 'our' guy? I remember he at one point identified as a centrist, but his research activities led to such scathing attacks on him from ignorant Leftists like those at "RationalWiki". Which, incidentally, just read like people having emotional tantrums, being very distant from anything rational.

In a less moronic world he would have eventually became a world-reknowned researcher.

The slowing down of progress to the point that everything is just a copy of a copy of a copy and no new ground is really being made, was already foreseen a long time ago. Hauntology and to some extent hyperreality relate to this. We can see the decline when we compare the copies to the originals, e.g. the Charlie's Angels and Ghostbusters remakes being box office failures. The woman behind the former predictably blamed "sexism" for her movie's failure.

South Africa going ape, perhaps there is hope for a white secession there by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There is no rainbow that is black, brown and White.

Despite South Africa's ridiculous claims to be 'post-racial' (implying that race is a 'problem' that has been 'traversed'), its politics resemble that of any other African country. Many of the tribes have their own implicit or explicit parties (e.g. ANC is predominantly Xhosa-dominated, IFP is practically a Zulu party, Malema comes from a minority tribe called the Pedi) and the non-black minority groups practically uniformly vote for the liberal opposition (i.e. the identity of being against the greater 'identity politics' of the black factions).

The ANC realized that "Zanuification" (land reform, etc.) a la Zimbabwe wouldn't work out, and so came to agreement with people like the Oppenheimers shortly before coming to power. The Oppenheimers wanted Apartheid gone because the sanctions put on South Africa were 'bad for business' (note that the Oppenheimers sold out their share of De Beers in 2011 anyway, implying that black-run SA is just as or even worse for business). Either way, the ANC's refusal to meddle deeply in the economy has help kept the country from falling into outright chaos since 1994.

The cause of the recent chimpouts is the jailing for corruption of former President Jacob Zuma (a Zulu). Basically, the Zulus have always been in conflict with the other tribes (hence why they were also fighting against the ANC in the 1980s and 1990s, have their own monarch, and are somewhat autonomous from the rest of the country), and are losing the tribal war to an alliance of other tribes like the Venda (Ramaphosa's group) and the Xhosa.

I don't think this affects Whites in any way, since the unrest is confined to heavily black areas (especially in the Zulu region where Zuma has the most support, and where the attacks on Zuma are probably interpreted as attacks on the Zulu in general). However, if the SANDF is deployed in Zululand to quell the riots it will seriously look like a hostile military occupation to the Zulu, and will probably lead to a further escalation of tensions. The late Zulu King was certainly no fan of the ANC, and on at least one occasion in late 2015 made a statement to the effect that black-run South Africa is worse than the Apartheid era.

The National Party, he said, had built a powerful government with the strongest economy and army on the continent, but then came “this so-called democracy” in which black people started destroying the gains of the past.

The king said history would judge black people harshly as they had failed to build on the successes of the Afrikaner regime.

He said black people “loved to use matches” to burn down infrastructure built during apartheid.

The king said the apartheid regime had built a mighty army. He said the South African currency and economy “surprisingly shot up” under the National Party regime.

“The economy that we are now burning down. You do not want to build on what you had inherited. You are going to find yourselves on the wrong side of history.”

“You don’t want to use them (buildings), you say this is apartheid infrastructure. Your leaders are occupying buildings where apartheid laws were made to oppress you,” the king said.

Despite the National Party’s having created anti-black laws, he was happy that it had treated him with respect.

“The Afrikaners respected me. I don’t know how it happened that the Afrikaners respect me so much.”

Announcement: SaidIt is a sinking ship • /s/SaidIt. Anyone who cares needs to make an account on any refugee sites we have; e.g., NOW! by Fitter_Happier in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The problem with Ruqqus:

'JosephGoebells' from Ruqqus since returned to Voat and shared some important information.

captainmeta4 (Adam LaDine) has co-operated with literal AHS'ers in +AgainstChudGuilds (see

This AHS person, 'freeday', is literally in Ruqqus' Discord working with the admins/mods. They banned JG and seized his guilds:

This screenshot comes from an entire post on Ruqqus itself, which they haven't deleted, but which exposes all of this:

This post is predated by a similar post. The OP is someone who was in their Discord group but who opposed their scheming to rid the site of us and others who AHS want deplatformed (e.g. GenderCritical).

This person was revealed and kicked out of the Discord. So who knows what they're plotting now:

They also planned attacks on various users who they had a problem with:

milkit (who has since been banned):

Xigbar68 (who has also since been banned, and is at

JG (also the OP in the next link) claims that he was banned by captainmeta4 for 'stalking him' after exposing the site as existing for money laundering. He also claims that admin 'kek' admitted that he, captainmeta4 and carpathianflorist were all Jewish. However, kek later deleted the comment after the information got around.

There are also claims that Adam LaDine is 'a registered agent for a Chinese company':

Xigbar68 also wrote a document providing more information about Ruqqus:

Bardfinn and AHS working with carpathianflorist, etc.:

The consequence of all this is that Ruqqus is dying fast:

Alexa (Ruqqus has fallen from rank 40,756 to 75,130):

Saidit is at rank 68,471, having risen from 99,102 in three months:

Which means that Saidit now literally has more traffic than Ruqqus, hilariously as the result of them trying to get rid of the 'Nazis' in order to 'mainstream' or 'professionalize' Ruqqus in the laughable quest to become a Reddit competitor.

Now, the admins themselves claim that all of this is a joke, i.e. that they aren't really working with AHS, but even if it was, they've seized countless guilds and banned a whole heap of users they don't like.

Announcement: SaidIt is a sinking ship • /s/SaidIt. Anyone who cares needs to make an account on any refugee sites we have; e.g., NOW! by Fitter_Happier in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Looks like practically everything pertaining to this is deleted and so no longer on s/all. Had to work out what's going on through people's comment histories through which these threads remain accessible.

So, TAM put us back on s/all even though not that long ago fred_red_beans threatened to ban this sub if it was put back on s/all?


Then again, one of the admins was said to have 'quit', though TAM claims no one lost their admin status. My guess is that it's 'fred' himself (last comment was 16 days ago, incidentally, the very same one attacking us, see:

Probably we're on s/all because of this thread here, which seems to be an outburst of support for the now permabanned 'JasonCarswell'?

Look at our sub's mod log. TAM seems to have purged Salos and even some comments by nordmannen, of all people, despite all of these comments being made months ago.

It looks like there's been a struggle between 'socks' and JC (socks is a pro-Covax Leftist, JC is a Covax skeptic), with JC emerging the loser. This coincides with another conflict between JC and TAM. Note that socks is a prolific Reddidiot (see; and all-round Leftist moron. See, for example, all this fighting here:

The thread that the OP link goes to looks to be from TAM (and has since been deleted, preventing us from seeing from TAM actually wrote).

Another thread that was canned. The usual 'race doesn't matter, values matter, values have no connection to race' moron fschmidt behaving typically in the comment section:

Admits he gets along with practically everyone but Whites:

More related nonsense about JC vs socks:

In here can be found this link, which appears to be JC's responses to his ban:

Other threads in which JC and socks have been fighting (also socks and Node, the latter of whom was accused of being a loki88 alt making death threats to TAM which loki88 is supposed to have passed on to the webhost to attempt taking Saidit down. Node is probably adjacent to or one of us [posts both here and on the Ruqqus guild under different name]):

Unsurprisingly, at least two of the main players involved are to varying degrees hostile to this sub.



My view is that it doesn't actually matter which of these people prevails in this power struggle, or even if they all get permabanned.

Can we do something about the obvious trolls? by Blackbrownfreestuff in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

We also had bad faith users like DoubleReverse (legit) and AfricanAnger (troll) in the past. They simply went away with time (like fschmidt, who is also legit). Soylent made himself tolerable despite driving away some users early on.

"Daddiescummies" looked legit to me upon a cursory glance, albeit a legit moron. Black, queer and Left, brain full of CRT and victimhood. That drivel already infests 99.9% of the internet. Mostly interacted with LGBdroptheT before having a chimpout here. Probably got here through s/all.

Shalom only posted here for a while before branching out to s/politics and the account was made around the time that posting began. Seems like the account was created initially only for bad faith interaction with this community. Also, if we take him at face value, he's a literal Jewish supremacist, which seems statistically unlikely.

Republican58's story is that he first came here from a link at Some people accused him of being Salos early on, which he strenuously denied. Why is he now suspected of being ayatollahsiniran?

Salos, despite seemingly having all his posts removed by TAM, is probably still around. After all, he made numerous accounts to return here after prior bans, but without changing his name.

Announcement: SaidIt is a sinking ship • /s/SaidIt. Anyone who cares needs to make an account on any refugee sites we have; e.g., NOW! by Fitter_Happier in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The power struggle is basically resolved for now.

Fred is indeed gone. TAM is no longer an admin (expect to be removed from s/all again, but at least posts here won't be being removed by TAM). JC will be back and socks remains unscathed. That's the third crisis we've seen on this site over the past year or so.

Biden Regime Declares War On White People Labeled 'Terrorists'. Do you oppose replacement migration, open borders, and critical race theory? Bad news, you have just been declared a domestic terrorist and White supremacist. by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

These 'neocons' hijacking the Left after spending decades on the Republican side would literally be an improvement for the Left given how noxious Antifa and the Sandernistas are. The neocons flock to whichever side they perceive as less counter-Semitic, obviously the actions of a people looking out for their in-group interests. In the past, they saw the Soviet Union's treatment of the yehudi as being the principal counter-Semitism, and the American Left were always soft on, if not outright sympathetic to, the Communist threat. Hence why the Americans withdrew from Archangelsk during Wilson's Presidency, seeing Leninism as closer to Americanism than Tsarism. All of these yehudi Trotskyites and other Marxists in academia like L. S. Feuer, I. L. Horowitz and S. M. Lipset then aligned themselves with the American Right, becoming the 'neocons'.

Trump's ascension in the GOP and all of the false narratives concerning how it has supposedly become 'Far-Right', 'protofascist', 'nationalist', 'populist', 'White identitarian', 'no longer the party of Abraham Lincoln but of Lincoln Rockwell' and similarly nonsensical drivel convinced these same people that counter-Semitism is now predominant on the Right, so they've switched sides again, finding themselves back where they started. The precedent has already been there for a long time. Fukuyama likely voted Democrat every time since 2008, for example, despite being a Republican before that. Of course, they probably also understand that the GOP have likely lost all power on the Federal level from here in and are seeking to ingratiate themselves with the winning side rather than remaining anti-Trump subversives within the GOP.

It isn't much different to how the Left overwhelmingly hated corporations just ten years ago with Occupy Wall Street. Now they love Covax manufacturing corporations so much that they get the names of them tattooed on their arms after getting the 'jab'. These are the same people who 'hate capitalism' and yet have Amazon deliveries right in the middle of their juvenile 'CHAZ' experiment, removing their silly barricades to let the delivery vehicles in. You notice looking around their many spaces online that they totally lack self-awareness of how contradictory their stances are.

These morons don't consistently stand for anything except regression and destruction at the very least in the name of utopian idealism if not an outright subjectivist nihilism that begets such ridiculousness as 'fat is beautiful' or 'black is beautiful'. Obviously such nonsense can only come from the mouths of people whose tastes are irreparably corrupted, or who simply lack any objective qualities themselves, and thus have a vested interest in declaring objective standards false. It is hardly surprising that many of the very worst people out there also fool themselves into believing that there is no such thing as ugliness.

Taylor vs Jones debate back on and scheduled for this weekend. Winner to be declared pope or future emperor of north American ethnostate. by literalotherkin in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

John Engelman and Asmodeus Rex are both still there in that comment section, amazingly. There Engelman is fawning over this literal Indian woman's account whose name I don't recognize. The only other insufferable moron I can remember is 'a multiracial individual'. Shit be upon the three of them.

Engelman was there when I started visiting that site almost routinely around 2014 until maybe 2016. He's moronic to the extreme—claims he's not J'ish but that he'd be proud to discover he had J'ish ancestors, and claims he prefers practically everyone (except blacks, and only those because they mugged him something like five times before he finally woke up) to Whites. Actually, he's just a typical Californian White Leftist except that he treats J's and Asians in the way that most Leftists treat Hispanics, Muslims and blacks. He simply redirected that same kind of paternalistic attitude somewhat away from the 'oppressed' and into the 'model minority'.

'a multiracial individual' was so much like Engelman—and appeared only when Engelman started since several-years long disappearance from AmRen—that everyone initially thought he was Engelman trolling as a fake non-white.

Asmodeus Rex is some weird hybrid of Hispanic plus practically everything, including, I think, Sephardic. Dislikes Asians, loves Hispanics and Jews.

Typically the three most odious commenters are also prolific to the point of being spammers. They all have tens of thousands of comments on different accounts. For example, Asmodeus Rex prior went by the name of Bossman. Every time someone asked him whether he was the same person, he simply never provided an answer, probably because a "Yes" would mean he would be banned again. I think the 'Bossman' account was banned in 2016, so he simply made a new account and has been there ever since. In five years he's left 10,800 comments, practically all on AmRen. Engelman has 47,500 comments. There was a time when Engelman was in some moronic philo-semitic Disqus community with someone called 'Lawrence Bond' who was at the time a former-WN turned J'ish supremacist (I think he might have gone back to WN later).

Glad I haven't seen much of that site in five years. Taylor himself seems genuinely likable but the company he keeps certainly is not. I certainly don't trust him, though. Engelman, I think, actually donates money to AmRen and might have even attended some of their events. No wonder he survives even though so many AmRenners hate him.

Spot on with the last two paragraphs as well. I doubt there'd be a black problem without the J'ish-dominated slave trade, for example. If one looks into the surnames of the people who were responsible for opening the borders of America, Australia, and Canada (those three at the very least), they are consistently J'ish despite the J population of the latter two being borderline non-existent at the time. The AmRenners blame some surface-level problem rather than the root causes. What black crime could there be in Western countries without J's?

Latest poll for the Russian elections shows feminism and "progressive" politics is dead on arrival by Ethnocrat in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

United Russia are the only party meant to exercise power in Russia.

The CPRF are basically a socially conservative party whose purpose seems to be as a sort of safety net to stop people to Putin's Left from falling into anti-System Leftism. They had a literal businessman stand for President last election.

The LDPR serves the same purpose to Putin's Right, and Zhirinovsky has been referred to in the past as a 'caricature' of a Russian nationalist. Anything rightward of the LDPR is in big trouble.

The other parties are all fringe and have no shot at power. Yabloko is the closest thing to a globohomo party, but even there, support for same-sex marriage and other radical social policies is usually less than 50%. Of course, some radical social policies like abortion on demand are very popular among all parties. A similar thing occurs in Japan, where Far-Right support for euthanasia appears to be higher than Far-Left support, totally defying the Western progressive-conservative spectrum.

Putin is literal cancer but, like Orban, if he gets overthrown only something worse can take over. Orban, who nationalists view as some literal gypsy running a Mafia-style regime, will be up against a vastly worse coalition comprising of the pro-EU, post-Communist Left (the MSZP is a direct descendant of the Communist Party), pro-EU liberals, and that moronic Jobbik party who have shifted extremely Leftward over the past decade. Jobbik is now a pro-EU, anti-nationalist party with a J'ish leader. Next election, it's literally going to be Fidesz versus all of these globohomo factions united in one alliance whose purpose is simply to remove Fidesz from power and return globohomo to power. Hungary has to choose between a 'corrupt gypsy' and the far more dangerous EU. This is only marginally better than elections within the EU where all the candidates are pure garbage. Sanchez, Iglesias, Macron, Melenchon, BoJo, Corbyn, Merkel, Baerbock... notice how almost everyone in or close to power is pure garbage?

Are white people bad for the environment? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

How do people like this reconcile their flagrantly anti-White, conspiratorial views with the obvious reality that Green movements barely exist outside of White countries? Even Israel, despite having plenty of crazy leftists, has no significant Green party. Meanwhile, the "racists" in Germany have a Green party that is very close to power and the "racists" in France have a Green party replacing the older Red Left. Who is this ignorant moron trying to fool?

The claim that pollution-generating structures are maliciously placed near non-whites is one of the most bizarrely "racist" and conspiratorial things I've read yet. Does anyone seriously think that when Bezos and friends are deciding where to expand their businesses, that they intentionally look for the most non-white places available just so that they can have a laugh about how they're polluting the environments inhabited by the blacks and browns? What a howler. Bezos, who gave millions to BLM and who claimed that anyone who does not support BLM is not a welcome customer? Gates, who wants to give all his money to Africa when he dies? If anything, they just set up shop around non-whites because it's cheaper. To claim they're maliciously conspiring to harm non-whites through pollution is truly a demented combination of anti-White and Communist-style anti-capitalist baseless speculation. This is the kind of nonsense the Hutus made up about the Tutsis in the years leading up to the Rwandan Genocide.

The United States of South Africa by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Detroit's population has also dropped every consecutive year for at least the last eight years. It's little different to the trash fleeing blue states to recreate the very things they are fleeing elsewhere. These people are simply trying to flee from themselves. Because the problem resides within them, and is too deeply ingrained for them to simply "wake up", they will simply repeat this process of migration and destruction until they have nowhere left to flee.

Leftists are of course very adept at reinterpreting issues that they have helped create, just like this, to their advantage. In this case, it is both "evidence" of "gun problems" and "systemic racism" and so reinforces their narrative in two ways. The "solution": less poleece, less waycissum and less guns.

Anyone with half a brain knows that this is nonsense. America has been armed since independence, whereas these supposed "gun problems" are far more recent. Likewise for the "racism" excuse. No one, including leftists themselves, believes that "racism" only began just before "gun problems". And if either was the cause of "gun problems", surely such problems would have arose far earlier.

Leftist stupidity actually pushed me to a pro-gun position, whereas I used to be a fence sitter. Then I noticed that one side of the fence was full of people consistently more moronic than the other side, and therefore that the other side was right. If one side of the fence is pozzed and queer and the other side is much less so, it's time to get off the fence.

"Anti-racists" and "gays" are never right about anything, and to see these muppets not only doubling-down on their anti-gun crusade, but even going after the pigs themselves, is just a solid reminder of that. Even when so much of this nonsense is driven by anti-White ressentiment, they are still hurting themselves more than the Whites.

Leftists Are Motivated by Self-Interest and Envy, NOT Compassion: The Evidence by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Anyone know of other sources hinting at positive correlations between Leftism and negative things?

Science is one of our best weapons on the macrolevel. We need much less philosophical bickering and much more engagement with the natural and social sciences.

There is also a followup video with Frodi and Dutton on GTK.

Hitler is ok. (actually he's really cool) by send_nasty_stuff in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Amusingly, fascism was so popular in Romania at the time that even the degenerate playboy King Carol II and those around him were forced to imitate its symbolism. Supposedly the monarchy even used the Romano Saluto and all. It is a classic example of how establishment forces pay lip service to Right-wing values such as tradition, morality and nationalism in order to ward off threats from actual traditionalists, moralists and nationalists. Interestingly, Codreanu actually knew well the academic A. C. Cuza, whose party Codreanu and his close friends help to found before they left to form the Legion, and yet was later merged with the establishment forces to help consolidate Carol's reign.

Codreanu and the Legion attacked this decadent regime, who were far too corrupt to sincerely embrace any of these things, from the Right. Eventually it was the extreme-Left who got control of Romania, with the help of the USSR. But even Ceausescu had to co-opt these powerful forces since he could not crush them outright, leading to something resembling 'National Bolshevism'. You can also see similar nationalism-communism hybrids in neighbouring countries, such as Todor Zhivkov's Bulgaria, which actually deported much of its Turkish minority left over from Ottoman times to Turkey.

PSA: bitchute is garbage use odysee instead by Girondin in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Videos of actual murders, etc. are definitely getting censored. Which means that the capacity for censorship obviously exists on the site.

Even YouTube doesn't ban mere depictions of violence, e.g. in video games. As far as I know, YouTube won't monetize channels that are specifically focused on violent video game content, and also won't monetize such videos even on channels that are otherwise monetized. So I doubt that Odysee has a problem with such videos when even YouTube doesn't mind them.

Odysee hasn't reached a level where I've found any political content that has been banned. It doesn't matter how 'extreme' that political content is.

In some ways Odysee seems like a piracy site. There's plenty of e-book pdfs, entire films, etc. Entire films can also be found on YouTube, but they aren't supposed to be on there.

Not only can Odysee host pdfs, but it can also serve as a place to post articles. Content creators who like writing over video creation can actually find Odysee useful in a way that YouTube and BitChute are not. This kind of non-video content works in the same way as videos (appears in your subscriptions, can be upvoted/downvoted/commented on, etc.)

Argentine president: "Mexicans came from Indians, Brazilians came from the jungle. But we Argentines came from boats, boats that sailed from Europe. That is how we built our society". by lokke767 in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

How accurate is such a statement, though?

From what I've seen on various pie charts, most of Argentina's demographic is 'mestizo'. Enough to constitute the demographic majority in the vast majority of the country, and almost the majority in the rest of it. The same thing is similar in Costa Rica (once majority White, now almost as dysfunctional as its neighbours, a process which accompanies massive demographic change from majority mestizo countries like Nicaragua and Colombia).

Taylor vs Jones debate back on and scheduled for this weekend. Winner to be declared pope or future emperor of north American ethnostate. by literalotherkin in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Could be just because he has Asperger's. Extreme philosemitism could certainly be explained by Asperger's symptoms, since general inflexibility is regarded as one of them. 'Aspies' can see a need to stay within a certain comfort zone in which they engage in repetitive behaviours (e.g. 'stimming'), and this would include preserving the same beliefs. Obsession with unusual topics is also a symptom, and Engelman clearly finds everything about a topic as bizarre as Jewry enthralling, to the point that he regrets not being Jewish himself. The yehudi are the one group Engelman won't tolerate any criticism of. He'd even throw his beloved Vietnamese refugee girlfriend/s under the bus to save them. Thankfully he never married nor had kids.

His actual surname is supposed to be German—he claims Engelmann was Anglicized somewhat to Engelman by his grandfather(?) because of the anti-German sentiments in America in WW2.

He describes himself essentially as a Leftist who was involved in the McGovern campaign against Nixon. Because he was mugged at least five times by blacks, he somehow managed to change his view on them whereas he once had the usual Leftist viewpoint on them as well. I think that tipping point was in the early 1990s. Incidentally, this was also around the time that AmRen first started. For someone who also calls himself a 'race realist', he's practically colourblind to varying extents on everyone except blacks.

He votes straight Democrat every election (Obama, Clinton, Biden), has never voted Republican nor anything else, and his view on the Democrat-Republican distinction is a carbon copy of the Leftist view. He doesn't even think the Democrats are anti-White, thinks AOC is a good politician, loved Bernie Sanders back in the day (Jew + Democrat? How could Engelman possibly resist?) and holds all sorts of 'normie' views. Basically a White Leftist who differs only in that he dislikes blacks and isn't a race denier.

One last remark about this rather obnoxious character: he oddly even calls himself a social conservative.

China to Taiwan: When we invade, your forces will crumble because the US lacks the willpower to intervene by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

One way we'll see international relations change over this Afghan debacle is that countries that are external to globohomo, or semi-external to in the case of China, will be emboldened by the sheer display of American incompetence and weakness.

Obviously the CCP are going to be very happy right now. For if the American'ts can't defend Afghanistan, it looks exceedingly as though they are simply a blustering, sabre-rattling paper tiger making empty threats when they criticize Chinese expansionism in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Xinjiang.

If camel-herding cave dwellers can beat America in 2021 just like the Vietnamese peasants in the 1960s-70s... what do you think a massive army of millions can do?

Zionist war hawks having a meltdown as GloboHomo is humiliated in Afghanistan by lokke767 in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Indeed. Practically every consequence is positive.

The fact that it emboldens globohomo's enemies, showing that globohomo can lose. The fact that it's to a bunch of camelherding cave dwellers is just icing on the cake.

The fact that Westerners are shedding tears and sperging out, a bit like when Trump was elected. The coverage is purely feminist and gynocratic with some alphabet nonsense thrown in. 'Waa... what about the women and girls... waa... they're going to kill the gays...'

The fact that the old traitor Biden and the Democrats are getting all the blame. Even CNN looks to be blaming Biden. It isn't just FOX or the other media that the Democrats hate. Everything that destabilizes these morons is good.

What about the cons? I can't think of any. The Taliban has never had an interest in spreading Islam because they're essentially Pashtun nationalists, interested only in Afghanistan and northern Pakistan, because these are the ancestral homelands of Pashtun peoples.

A wave of refugees? Maybe initially from Kabul Airport or some land routes, but we'll probably get less refugees overall, since the Taliban do not want people fleeing to the West whereas the former government didn't really care. We literally had Afghanis pretending to be Syrians before, complete with fake ID's, hell, even Bangladeshis were pretending to be Syrians.

The other thing the West is fearmongering about is how Jihadist factions might use 'Talibanistan' as a safe haven, as they claimed Al-Qaeda did pre-2001. They've said the same thing about all sorts of regions closer to Europe like Azawad back when it was taken by nationalist groups who had Al-Qaeda allies. Nothing happened. Even Bosnian Jihadists in the heart of Europe in the early 1990s did nothing to the rest of Europe. The Taliban aren't Jihadists, and are much further away from Europe than most Jihadists. Furthermore, such attacks don't really benefit globohomo in any conceivable way; instead, they tend to benefit 'far-right' groups. Globohomo thus has the most to fear from such attacks.

Success of far-right Brothers of Italy raises fears of fascist revival by Ethnocrat in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Adherence to an ideology that you don't like doesn't preclude a person from being anything. Which is, of course, all that your opposition to the idea of a 'fascist intellectual' actually comes from, i.e. fascism is 'dumb' and 'anti-intellectual' because it's against my 'values'.

The hilarious thing, of course, is that fascists are vastly intellectually superior to the likes of yourself, as evidenced by the average Nuremberg IQ. That is to say that your opposition to fascism comes from intellectual and moral inferiority. You oppose it because you know you wouldn't fit in to any society with a high moral standard. You want to justify filth and sludge, which is why you're drawn to Leftism.

Your reasoning on this is, as a consequence, totally incoherent. For example, you write below:

For example, one of the key principles in [Fascism] is that the ends justify the means; something an intellectual would prima facie disagree with (the ends are justified particularly when the means to those ends are justified).

Yeah? Guess what? Marxism is also consequentialist, but you wouldn't deny the existence of Marxist intellectuals, would you, now? Why? Because their 'values' or 'ends' don't contradict yours.

You just got BTFO'd by the unintended consequences of your own reasoning.

Just admit it, you think that only people who share your 'values' can be intellectual.

You're missing an 'ab' in front of your tag, you obvious pseudo-historian and general lowlife.

Zionist war hawks having a meltdown as GloboHomo is humiliated in Afghanistan by lokke767 in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm admittedly very pleased at this news. Conservative nationalism (the Taliban is more of a Pashtun nationalist organization than a Deobandi fundamentalist organization) just BTFO'd liberal globalism.

Another bird gets hit with one stone with that worthless piece of shit Biden and the Democrats getting practically all of the blame for this. They were telling the world just a few days ago that Kabul would fall in ninety days. It wasn't even nine since I heard it. Maybe not even five. The sheer incompetency of the United States is on display for the whole world to see.

All of the bootlicking trash who fear reprisals for their two decades of treachery are fleeing the country. President Ashraf Ghani has literally abandoned Kabul and fled the country, following a whole heap of senior government figures over the past few days. The Taliban have already have the Presidential Palace under control.

With the United States continuing to lose its will to dominate as it gradually fades into obscurity I'm confident that they won't attempt to reinvade Afghanistan. This means that a state that is in total defiance of American degeneracy, of globohomo, now exists.

For starters, America had already lost enough of it by the early 2000s that it took an event as severe as 9/11 to wake them up. Furthermore, the administration of the time was not only Republican but dominated by neocon Israel Firsters. By contrast, America of the 2020s will be totally Democrat. Obviously I don't picture obvious weaklings like Biden and Harris declaring war on Afghanistan. It would simply be construed as imperialism and racism by everyone who is sufficiently Left-wing enough, and the extreme-Left is a much larger group than twenty-years ago. Plenty of people rightward of Biden (many of the Trump supporters, for instance) will also oppose it. The Republican pro-establishment types (like those the OP mentions) are the only group who want to reimpose globohomo forcefully.

Globohomo got owned by camel herders, and despite the American media's obvious attempt to downplay it (because the same soft power that was used to incessantly attack Trump has since 2021 been redeployed to shield Biden), they'll never live it down. This will probably be recorded as the day when the Biden-Harris administration lost the 'mandate of Heaven'. The Republican media now have shiploads of new ammunition to fire, and I'm going to enjoy watching Biden's approval levels sink further. Perhaps best of all, the meltdown, the sheer amount of 'Left' and 'Right' tears right now are hilarious. Just look at the comment sections on these news sites! 'Leftists' are mostly complaining about how feminism, alphabet, etc. will be rolled back. 'Rightists' are complaining about 'muh freedumb and dumbocracy' being rolled back, American incompetence, Islamism, etc. The whole West has something to complain about right this moment.

Most encouraging is the fact that two years after the USSR withdrew from Afghanistan it was history, defying practically all expectations, even those from the most prominent Sovietologists. Hopefully the USA is soon to follow.

Lost generation: white children born during the COVID hysteria found to have massively lowered intelligence in new study by Bagarmoossen in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's the Guardian article itself which claims that they're "mostly white". If the study itself says otherwise, then it's just another of many examples of that particular piece of shit website being faux news. However, if Hispanic is stupidly included as White, as if an Asiatic offshoot is totally the same as the descendants of the people who survived the Ice Age, then it's the study itself at which the fault originates. I bet MENAs are included in White rather than in the mixed sample or the already abysmally small Asian sample, as well. Hard to believe the number of Asian+MENA would be a measly 8 given the overall sample size.

Given how we're looking at an overwhelmingly non-white selection (and no more than 8 who could be East Asian)... are we just looking at the effects of a "majority-minority" demographic misinterpreted as the results of the "new normal"? Of course, 78 seems abysmally low, lower than the global average IQ, lower than the "African-American" average IQ, etc. Our intended replacements are... a generation of idiocratic Covidiot rocket surgeons!? Is Idiocracy... the Great Reset?

Cool site. by send_nasty_stuff in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Amazing how this site shows that these lumpenprole, extreme-Left chimp-outs in America are still going on... except that since inauguration day it has seemed as though there is a blanket ban on reporting on it by the mass media.

When faced with this, what can the Left-liberals say? That all this video evidence... is fake? That seems to be the only avenue they have.

Of course, they're also hiding the ridiculous border situation in the same manner. There is too much video evidence for it to be some kind of conspiracy theory aiming to undermine Biden.

Two things can be rationally concluded from this:

  • The mass media is close enough to the Democrat establishment to shield for them. They defend the Democrats just as much as they attack the Republicans. Trump could do nothing right and Biden/Harris can do nothing wrong.

  • The extreme-Left is autonomous enough to continue waging their little war against the Democrat-run state. This raises issues for the prolific idea on the Republican side that Antifa/BLM are just puppets of the Democrats brought out to destabilize Trump's government and who would disappear again after serving their purpose... which seems about as wrong as those utterly hilarious Democrat conspiracy theories about extreme-Left groups being Republicans in disguise acting in ways to make the Left look even worse than they are. 'See, they burnt the Oregon Democratic Party office! They're Republicans!' Nah, they're just so Left-wing that they literally think the Democrats are conservatives and fascists.

It’s Time to Declare War on White-Nationalist Terrorism, By David French, National Review August 5, 2019 by Fitter_Happier in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I remember back around 2016 this "French" moron was complaining that his wife was crying over all the abuse she and her adopted black kids got. I also remember that hilarious photo doing the rounds in which he's trying to look tough while holding an unloaded rifle.

It reminds me of that photo of Dukakis that is often considered as the death knell for the Democrats in 1988. Same thing, guy trying to look tough but ends up looking like a total goof. And I remember his laughable attempt at trying to garner a support for a Presidential run, which was motivated by nothing more than animus towards Trump. He obviously voted Democrat or Libertarian in 2016 along with the rest of the nasty "NeverTrumpers".

This guy is a loathsome cretin of the highest magnitude. The only other contender coming out of pseudo-conservatism is Kevin Williamson, another blithering, noxious fool. Unsurprisingly, both are from that National Review rag, well known as the face of American pseudoconservatism, which has always been a cobbling together of everything from radical libertarians who have no business on the Right whatsoever all the way over to the Evangelicals. Think how little Ayn Rand shares in common with someone like Pat Buchanan.

Announcement: SaidIt is a sinking ship • /s/SaidIt. Anyone who cares needs to make an account on any refugee sites we have; e.g., NOW! by Fitter_Happier in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

d3rr seems to be a sort of transitional admin while Saidit works out who should replace TAM and Fred. TAM claims to have no contact with magnora7 who has been 'gone for a month, so I can't ask him what to do about any of this'. I think somewhere JC said he talked with magnora7 recently, but I can't find it. Probably somewhere in the many links I posted before.

See second paragraph of:

fred_red_beans has also stepped back from being an admin. That left saidit with no admins, so I have stepped in to fill this void. I am the only active saidit admin. I will gladly hand the reigns over to m7 upon his return. Please report spamming and trolling issues to me. I will try to become a mod on all active subs so that I can assist with battling spam moreso than has been done in the past.

So Saidit went from two admins (Fred/TAM) to zero to one (d3rr).

This site always has drama but survives it:

  1. ip2 - Outcome: ip2 gets banned and goes off to a .win domain or somewhere like that.

  2. loki88 - Outcome: loki88 and alt Mega16 gets banned, claims to be responsible for Saidit going down but the site still remains. Everyone else blames it on payment error. fschmidt ends up running the subsaidit left behind by loki88 (IronLeft).

  3. TAM vs JC + socks vs JC - Outcome: TAM gets overthrown, Fred quit slightly before and is formally confirmed gone, socks vs JC will probably become more drama in future. Neither socks or JC are admins.

My guess is that we'll get new admins because d3rr will eventually choose someone (or hold an election thread in which candidates who are not from here or GenderCritical [the two polar opposites on this site, and the most active parts of it] can stand), m7 will stay missing, d3rr will go back to the technical side of things, JC and socks will keep fighting (one eventually gets permabanned after this resumes).

Announcement: SaidIt is a sinking ship • /s/SaidIt. Anyone who cares needs to make an account on any refugee sites we have; e.g., NOW! by Fitter_Happier in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It seems completely senseless. One Salos account did not post in the last two months. The other two not for most of the year. I can't think of any reason why someone would suddenly go through old threads to remove his comments, nor why nordmannen was also seemingly randomly picked on.

FACT SHEET: National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism | The White House. You asked for repression of White people, you got it. by Fitter_Happier in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Indeed. That whole country was founded by people who would be considered domestic terrorists today (as well as implicit White nationalists who did not foresee multicult stupidity).

America wouldn't even be here today if these kinds of laws both existed and were enforced at that time. All of those rabble rousers would have simply been locked up for their 'extremism' and 'racism', forced to undergo 'deradicalization', etc.

PSA: bitchute is garbage use odysee instead by Girondin in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The only thing you need to start uploading is a phone number to verify your account (verification is essentially needed for uploaders, for viewers it is not required but they cannot accrue 'LBC' crypto rewards unless verified). The only downside for someone transferring all their content is that uploading uses these 'LBC', but I had enough on the first day to upload eight videos. Verified users accrue more by essentially interacting with the site (viewing other users' videos, subscribing to other users, simply logging in every so often, etc.)

The YouTube sync feature which a lot of DR content creators have used to automatically copy their videos to Odysee (it even transfers the upload date, which means that plenty of Odysee videos are marked as having been uploaded long before Odysee was even a thing) doesn't work without 300 YouTube subscribers... I'll have to move 50-60 more videos manually.

Odysee is also growing faster. Alexa rankings show that:

BitChute has fallen by 502 places in the global rankings over the last three months.

Odysee has risen by 1035 places in the same rankings over the same time period.

White supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the US, professor Jennifer Ho by Fitter_Happier in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

A scientific theory is one in which empirical data can be inserted in order to explain said data. The pairing of theory and empirical data provides an explanation.

CRT is not a theory at all in this sense. The overwhelming majority of social-scientific theories do not meet this standard. CRT does not use empirical data to reach its conclusions, and CR 'theorists' claim that data which contradicts their conclusions is itself simply 'racist'. Their conclusions are the same as their (unquestionable) assumptions. When their assumptions are threatened, they simply interpret data that does not support their positions as 'supporting' their position. This is exactly what the OP's article does, taking something that has nothing to do with Whites (non-white violence targeting other non-whites—incidents in which Whites are neither perpetrator nor victim, violence which would not only continue but be the only type of violence in a world without Whites) and then claiming that it is 'actually' White 'racism' and thus validates CRT. Obviously 'non-white against non-white violence = White racism' is an absurd jump, and has the obvious consequence that in a 100% non-white location, a literally non-existent people are to blame.

CRT seems to me to be what happens when 'anti-racists' try to make a whole paradigm (worldview) which they wrongly label a 'theory'.

Sociologically speaking, I see no reason to believe that an institution can be 'racist'. Only agents (people) can be 'racist', structures have no life outside of the agents who perpetuate them. The point of institutional/structural/systemic racism thus seems to me to serve at least two purposes. Firstly, to keep the charade that 'racism' is endemic alive. By this I mean that examples of White 'racism' are actually hard to come by. Because this threatens the Left's narrative on race, they need to expand the scope of what is considered White 'racism' (like the OP article, even violence caused by non-whites is an example of White 'racism' according to CR 'theorists'). Secondly, it justifies revolutionary politics including the outright abolition of targeted institutions. As even making them 0% White wouldn't erase their racism (sociologically, they're claiming that structures can be 'racist' even if every agent within them is not), reform is impossible, and so we need to disband the police, have a revolutionary overthrow of the system, etc.

The Alt-Right never proclaimed itself to be a scientific theory, and thus is not competing with CR 'theorists' to have the right to have their beliefs classified as a theory. I don't even think of the Alt-Right as an ideology. It's a big tent that encompasses entire ideologies. Its big tent nature is exemplified by the fact that it has drawn in people from every side of the political spectrum, including former far-left activists. Even after their conversion, there are still Christians, pagans and the non-religious, and still 'nationalist + capitalist' and 'nationalist + socialist' members. With the exception of certain core principles upon which we all agree, the Alt-Right has a great deal of ideological diversity.

CRT comes to many of the same conclusions as the Alt-Right. I already mentioned this with segregation and miscegenation. With segregation they want the mirror image of us (non-whites decide where the lines are drawn, not Whites). Opposition to miscegenation is based on some idea that it is in itself racist. It's a case of agreeing for the wrong reasons. Extreme 'anti-racism' is actually 'racism', there's a sort of horseshoe effect going on here, one which the colourblind fear.

Certain CRT elements can obviously be coopted, though CRT itself is not. CRT is why so many Whites feel they should literally grovel before non-whites (like at the BLM protests) and engage in Bolshevik-style self-criticism, especially in academic environments. Those academics apologizing constantly for their 'racism' despite the fact that they themselves are completely deracialized if not outright anti-White is the result of Whites internalizing CRT.

'Misgendering', 'Pronouns', 'White Guilt', Etc. by Circumstein in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

'Trans-trender' is a pretty clever term. Almost as good as 'Trans-Jenner' in reference to Bruce, I mean, 'Caitlyn'.

I had a look into the... thing... from the second video. British female, now a 'trans man' who still dresses 'fem'.

What's astounding is the rapid rate of degeneration. Looked completely normal till late 2019. Then declares herself 'emo' and spirals very rapidly into what is seen in the video. It took much less than a year.

I might look into the others later.

Danish Military shows its colors by Dragonerne in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

You mentioned before that the Danish Left is actually less philosemitic than the Danish Right for reasons of Left-wing counter-semitism, that is, that their staunch anti-hierarchicalism leads them to oppose J's because J's are above browns in the Middle East and probably above everyone in Denmark as well? You used the term 'janteloven' to refer to this kind of thinking, of extreme leveling.

Therefore, the Danish Right would be less anti-hierarchical and thus more indifferent to J-dominance wherever it might be visible, and so are more pro-Israel?

How is the state of alphabet soup studies in Denmark? The 'Left' includes the governing Social Democrats? Meaning that those complaining are in the opposition only?

I'm not really understanding the Left-Right divide there on 'diversity'. Are the Social Democrats and Venstre both 'pro', leaving DPP as the more 'anti' out of the biggest three parties?

The Russian ‘denazification’ PR disaster by TheJamesRocket in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Some of these people like Peru's Pedro Castillo seem closer to the 'tankie' Left than to the more Western 'progressive' Left. Conversely, the 'tankie' Left in the West is simply on the political fringes and possibly even less popular than the 'Far-Right', whereas the 'progressive Left' wields immense power. Here, 'tankies' are usually (and wrongly) just dismissed as 'Red Fascists', 'Fascists obsessed with Soviet symbolism', etc., whereas every political party compromises heavily with the 'progressive Left' to remain relevant.

'Tankies' obviously aren't 'fascists': they're just marginally less obnoxious Leftists who are more anthropocentric, economistic and materialistic and thus less inclined to interfere with things like 'heteronormativity', 'cisnormativity', meat-eating, pet ownership and whatever else the more obnoxious 'progressives' ever-increasingly problematize.

When people talk about a 'pink tide' in Latin America, I think they're really talking about a swingback to these two different sides conflated as one.

On one side, you have more 'tankie' or 'red' Leftists, which overlap with indigenist politics. Bolivia's Evo Morales was, like Castillo and Maduro, one of these: anti-White (both against the slightly more mixed upper-class internally as well as against the 'West' that he believed was an external threat constantly conspiring against him), vaguely 'populist' and less individualistic or pluralistic, anthropocentric and extractivist (not really concerned with 'the environment' and focused much more on people, very interested in exporting natural resources to accrue wealth), developmentalist (interested in using the state as a tool to drive economic growth), and so forth.

This type of Leftist is rather like what some Western countries also had before multiculturalism became state policy, before the rise of what political scientists call 'postmaterialism' (increased wealth basically allowed Leftists to shift their attention to non-material types of inequality, which is why they're all about race, gender, sexuality and not 'class' today), etc. They were mostly focused on things like 'class', 'labour' and 'capitalism'.

So Castillo, Maduro, Morales... they are not really what 'progressive' Westerners want, even if some of them like Bernie Sanders (probably out of sheer ignorance) explicitly defended Maduro against the threat posed by the 'progressive' Juan Guaido. He surely didn't know that Maduro's regime, while anti-White, isn't concerned about things like 'homophobia', whereas Guiado's party is moreso. I think the Guaido-Maduro conflict really highlights the fact that there are two 'Lefts' being conflated here when they use the term 'pink'. Maduro is more 'red' and Guaido is more 'pink', and the two are clearly in a conflict with each other as well as with the 'blue' like Bolsonaro. It is something of a three-way conflict, with two 'Lefts'. In Ecuador there was the conflict between the more 'red' Correa and his successor, the more 'pink' Moreno. This can only be understood if we view them as really being adherents of different ideologies. The fighting between 'pink' and 'red' laughably allowed the current President, Lasso, who is clearly 'blue' (conservative), to win against a divided 'Left'. Not only that, but some of the 'red'/indigenist Left preferred to vote for Lasso than the 'pink' candidate in the runoff.

By contrast, Chile's Gabriel Boric is clearly 'progressive', 'woke', 'pink' and basically what Westerners love. Much less anthropocentric and extractivistic, much more concerned with 'climate change' and environmentalism. Much less economistic and materialistic, much more interested in 'gender equality', 'LGBT' and 'non-binary'. Boric clearly and explicitly opposes the Cuban, Nicaraguan and Venezuelan regimes. He is much more like Guaido than Maduro.

Now, of course you will know the wretched Lula. I think that he is much more 'pink' than 'red'. The PT is socially liberal compared to Maduro's regime. Is there anything in Brazil that is even 'red' or 'tankie'? Even the communist PCdoB really seems quite 'pink' to me, because it is even more 'progressive' than the PT. It seems to me that Brazilian politics is between 'pink tide' (e.g. PT, PDT, PV, PCdoB) and 'blue tide' (e.g. UNIAO, PRB, PP).

Probably the most fascinating political phenomenon in Brazil in recent decades was PRONA.

Latest poll for the Russian elections shows feminism and "progressive" politics is dead on arrival by Ethnocrat in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The current Jobbik leader's name is Peter Jakab. Look him up. His story literally fits the stereotype—descendant of supposed Holocaust survivors, lost some ancestors in the Holocaust, etc. Despite this, Orban still refers to them as the 'Anti-Semitic Right' and ostensibly doesn't understand how there can be an alliance between the post-Communist Left and them. Well, that's remarkably simple. Jobbik isn't an 'Anti-Semitic Right' to begin with. So what happened?

Jobbik began shifting Leftward very quickly when Gabor Vona got hold of it. This Leftward push meant that most of the Jobbik Right like László Toroczkai have long left the party and formed other groups. Toroczkai's party is 'Our Homeland', founded as far back as 2018. Vona's silly attempt at mainstreaming basically meant that Jobbik lost the whole Right (who are probably now Fidesz or Our Homeland voters) and now the pro-EU types totally control the party.

Perhaps Orban understands this fully but simply uses the party's history as a cudgel with which to attack them, or he's just plain deluded. It's similar to the French RN and the Sweden Democrats. Both have 'Far-Right' origins but are clearly now mainstream Right parties very distanced from the 'Far-Right' today. Leftists and pro-EU liberals just act like none of these changes happened and the media still hilariously calls these parties 'Far-Right' even though they have no problem with immigration and multiracialism per se. One wonders each time whether they're genuinely deluded or simply using these backgrounds as a weapon against them in order to keep their preferred candidates like Macron in power.

Regardless, I think there are two fairly objective truths here. Firstly, Fidesz has moved Rightward while Jobbik has moved Leftward, such that they've crossed over and Fidesz is now better for us than Jobbik. Secondly, Our Homeland is the best party, but has no shot at power.

In your(?) Italian context, it is probably sort of like how I'd ideally support one of the groups like Tricolour Flame or Forza Nuova. But when the election comes it would not achieve anything to vote as a group for either, whereas enough 'based' Italians voting for Brothers of Italy could change elections for the better. So unless Our Homeland can seriously grow its voter base, Hungarians had better just take their chances with Fidesz each election.

Trump calls for bringing in Afghan refugees. Merkel and Macron rejects Afghan refugees by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Indeed. I honestly didn't even pay attention to his campaign. Firstly, I'm not American and dislike the way that whatever goes on in America is effectively 'world news' due to America's persisting albeit declining hegemony; secondly, I avoid the MSM as much as possible because of their sheer bias that seems insufferably bad since 2016 when these people were radicalized by Trump's 'impossible' and 'rigged' victory. What's more, the anti-Trump nonsense was just a microcosm of their wider anti-White hatred rather than legitimate criticism. They obviously wouldn't have said a tenth of what they had if Trump was, say, a black woman.

He obviously deserves legitimate criticism, but that doesn't come from the MSM who have no nuance whatsoever. These people are upset when he shakes someone's hand, they're upset when he doesn't. They were 'anti-vax' in 2020 whinging about how Trump was rushing the vaccine in time for the election and that 'Trump's vaccine' can't be trusted, and they're ardently 'pro-vax' (and the same damn vaccines!) in 2021. They were 'pro-lockdown' when it came down to non-Leftist protests and 'anti-lockdown' when it came to BLM.

Regardless, I very much doubt I would have voted for him in 2020. Normally I'd be A3P or one of the groups rightward of the Republicans, who are far too liberal for my tastes. The Republican mainstream are only very mildly less insufferable than the Democrats, but the sheer amount of nonsense coming from their ranks is similarly half-witted. 'Civil war if they come for our guns', 'Molon labe!', 'Democrats are the real racists!', 'Israel is our greatest ally and the beacon of democracy and freedom in the Middle East', etc. It's not much more intelligent than the Democrat 'race is a social construct', 'men and women are a social construct', 'Antifa is just an idea', '2016 was rigged but 2020 was the most secure election ever' nonsense. If Trump attacked Biden from the Left on law and order, then that's just another reason to get off the 'Trump train'.

Trump calls for bringing in Afghan refugees. Merkel and Macron rejects Afghan refugees by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's like this guy doesn't even want to make a comeback. How many Trump supporters seriously want these people in America? I doubt even half of his supporters seriously want more Afghani neighbours. Attacking Biden from the left on immigration is woefully stupid.

Success of far-right Brothers of Italy raises fears of fascist revival by Ethnocrat in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ah, yes, the website that disables comments on practically all articles, calls itself 'independent' and begs for donations.

This article is just deranged fearmongering. Fascism was actually very left-wing for the time period (Italian fascists supported universal suffrage while the mainstream didn't, and were republicans, though they later came to a compromise with the King in which the King still retained numerous powers, including the power to formally depose Mussolini). It's one of several reasons why I don't consider myself a fan. Heidegger also came to dislike fascism for that same reason (too left-wing, still too tied to modernity/Gesellschaften, etc.) These are the reasons for which Evola never identified as 'fascist', and only used that term 'super-fascist' in gest, i.e. as if to say that the actual fascists were a bunch of cucks.

As for Italy shifting rightward more generally? Great.

Left-wing tears and fears about it? Even greater.

Predictably awful reading from reddit by CharlesOlivera in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I've heard the term and know it comes from NRx. Someone did suggest the spandrell blog to me before when I asked for a definition, but I did not follow it up other than a quick perusal, from which I still did not learn enough to provide a textbook definition.

I suspected it was similar if not the same as the term 'Racial Communism', i.e. that the bourgeois-proletarian dichotomy was essentially replaced by the White-non-white dichotomy, but with the rest of communist reasoning essentially intact, i.e. all people are fundamentally equal, it is desirable that they should be equalized, the main reason for why they have unequal outcomes is because one group oppresses another, but it is the White race rather than the bourgeoisie-capitalist-1% who are responsible. In short, racial struggle replaces class struggle.

Thanks for the links.

Predictably awful reading from reddit by CharlesOlivera in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's going to be dystopian for them whatever happens. And if climate change is all it's drummed up to be, it's going to be even worse. And they deserve every bit of it plus extra.

If 'climate change' is either overrated or somehow halted, well, they're still going to be living on a planet in which the group that dragged everyone into Gesellschaften, 'late modernity', etc. may no longer exist. Pretty sure that means that those things are also effectively finished, especially when the few desirable non-white countries like South Korea are even further on the road to demographic extinction.

Who then will carry the mantle of civilization? The same people who only reached it through a colonialism that allowed them to skip the development processes that took millennia in Europe? Nah. It's going to be like a Mad Max remake except with a cast full of browns, queers, and trans. Juan, Muhammed, Ngubu, Shitavious and Tyrone fighting over scraps.

A whopping total of 1670 major American corporations sign a "diversity pledge" by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Your first paragraph essentially admits that capital fears ideology ('massive amount of power') whereas ideology does not fear capital. Antifa/BLM do not fear 'bad press', etc.

Your second paragraph ends up reaffirming the same thing, i.e. that those who pull the strings of capital are using capital as a means to bring about a very-Left wing (i.e. ideological) end.

Keith Woods' debate with The Distributist at some point really came to this argument. KW subordinates ideology to capital, the Distributist subordinates capital to ideology.

I think it's a bit of a 'chicken and egg' thing. Capital and Left-wing ideology are so entwined that it's hard to see which is the mover and which is the responder (and then you have all the other stuff that relate to these two, like pathological altruism, J's, etc.)

Announcement: SaidIt is a sinking ship • /s/SaidIt. Anyone who cares needs to make an account on any refugee sites we have; e.g., NOW! by Fitter_Happier in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


I keep a list of 'based' guilds that I didn't update since September 2020. I found a heap with no admins and sieged the first one I found. All of the others without admins have been sieged by other users, but I don't know whether these are AHS types or whether they've been retaken by other 'based' people. So, no, even the admins + AHS did not disband these guilds.


Here's what I've learned so far. I don't think subverses can be made private (they can only be made 'NSFW'), which only means they don't appear for people who have NSFW disabled (default option on user accounts appears to be enabled). There has been very little NSFW content posted (I think I've seen one gore video, Joe_McCarthy from Ruqqus is back on Voat and posts some xxx nonsense [videos, not images] but you have to click on it to actually view it [there are no thumbnails etc. showing the nudity or pornographic content on Voat]). I think if he posted images it would appear in the thumbnail, however. I don't think he'll last that long because everyone hates this guy and downvotes his posts into oblivion.

I've had a look at the comments in some of my non-political subverses. The admin options are currently ('system', that is, the site administrator's account, has been changing these around lately): Pin, Unpin Set_NSFW, Unset_NSFW, Set_Adult, Unset_Adult, Set_Gore, Unset_Gore, Delete, Undelete, Ban, Unban

I have no idea how 'Gore' and 'Adult' relate to 'NSFW'. But 'Gore' and 'Adult' can only be marked on posts and not entire subverses. The showing of 'NSFW' and 'Adult' both appear to be marked on my account by default. There is no personal setting for 'Gore' (so it is probably subsumed by 'NSFW'). Because there are no private subverses either, I'm probably seeing all of the sites content when I view v/all. So if we had a subverse there, we could only really ban problematic individuals from it one-by-one (but we can't hide it from the entire community). There doesn't appear to be any kind of admin menu in order to see things like lists of banned users, admin changes.

Content: There is practically no Leftist content whatsoever (or Leftists in general).

There is some nonpolitical content which usually involves pictures of plants or animals belonging to the users. My nonpolitical subverses have very little activity, but there have been a few lengthy discussions between people over the subject matter that the subverses are about.

There is some humorous political content in the form of videos. This is probably the most upvoted kind of content. As examples, I shared a heap of ones I found in this post here, all of which come from Voat posts:

There is only one obvious troll, 'Darkness', who purports to be a black man but his comment history is of someone clearly 'taking the piss', probably intentionally acting semi-literate and clearly not having done a fraction of all the ridiculous things he's claimed to have done.

Userbase are almost all Rightward of the GOP. They dislike Trump and are not the kind of people on like Republican58. They're practically all J-woke. There are some anti-police attitudes which seem to be evidence of a horseshoe effect (such posts about 'pigs', etc.) Some users defend McCarthy's xxx posts on libertarian-free speech (don't like it, don't look at it) or slippery slope (we could ban it, but it might create a precedent) grounds but the majority clearly want him banned because it's degenerate (look at 'Jew_McCarthy' spreading this filth), it can be found anywhere (if I want to see xxx content, I'll go and look for it myself) and because of another slippery slope (if we don't ban it, it'll end up infesting the site and we're worried that people will eventually attack us with illegal stuff like CP).

Is China trying to create a mixed blasian ruling class in Africa? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The Zambian ruling party (PF) is clearly an implicit front for the interests of Zambia's larger Eastern tribe.

Guy Scott was only elected to where he was because of his closeness to then-President Michael Sata. When Sata died in office and Scott found himself in the Presidency there was very quickly an attempt to remove him. Pressured out of the PF, the Scott family switched sides to the opposition UPND, only to be physically attacked by PF supporters when campaigning for the UPND:

This can't really be construed as some sort of evidence disproving black ethnocentrism or racism. Blax exhibit higher ethnocentrism than Europeans and Asians, including those in America. It is this same ethnocentrism that disallowed Jean Ping or Lionel Zinzou from winning elections in their respective countries. Beninese propaganda portrayed the mulatto Zinzou as a French puppet 'parachuted' into the country. The 'right thing to do' was obviously to elect his opponent, Patrice Talon.

South African Secession Movement Gains Momentum by DisastrousDepth14 in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Even with long-time filth like Engelman not commenting there the comment section still looks so cucked on that website.

The most sane comment is the one stating the bleeding obvious: The wANCers aren't going to give up Western Cape because this, the least black part of the country, is unsurprisingly also the best part of it. It's where so much of the vital infrastructure is and losing access to that would be almost as bad for the ANC as Ethiopia having lost Eritrea and thus becoming landlocked (Ethiopia's main solution was to make a deal with Djibouti to bring everything through there). Western Cape also pays far more in taxes.

I honestly think the ANC will go to war before they let all of this money and assets go. They've got the manpower and the weapons and the 'international community' will support it, making a concerted effort to paint the secessionist movement as 'supremacist', 'racist', etc. Obviously the ANC will win in such a war.

A greater likelihood is that the ANC might end up losing to the liberal DA, and if this happens, then plenty of people will return to supporting the System because they only view the ANC as the problem and not something greater, e.g. South Africa or blacks more generally, as the problem.

We saw plenty of this nonsense when Zuma was in charge. 'Everything will be alright if we just get rid of Zuma', plenty of Whites said. It wasn't even the ANC that was the problem! Let alone the South African state, which is at the very least what people need to problematize in order to be motivated to secede.

The main obstruction to the DA being elected is the blacks—they're too ethnocentric to vote for the party which attracts the most minority voters. And they're around 75-80% of the population. Without black voters shifting to the EFF, IFP or other black parties, the ANC will always have the electoral advantage.

Latest poll for the Russian elections shows feminism and "progressive" politics is dead on arrival by Ethnocrat in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It is the Hungarian nats who claim he has recent gypsy ancestry, not I. I never looked into these claims. Being a Calvinist doesn't preclude one from having recent gypsy ancestry per se.

He's also an ardent philo-semite who still accuses Jobbik of anti-semitism (even when they have a J'ish leader). He also sells Hungarian citizenship to rich foreigners, though he's thankfully intolerant of those useless 'migrants' whose only 'contribution' is to recreate the same conditions they fled. There is plenty to dislike about Orban (and even more about Putin). The bar is just so low these days.

Whatever he is, Fidesz is still better than Jobbik, MSZP, etc. Fidesz in some ways has practically swapped places with Jobbik (1990s Fidesz was pro-Western globohomo, 2020s Jobbik is pro-Western globohomo).

Jobbik was only better than Fidesz before the late 2010's, i.e. when they seriously could be considered 'Far-Right' even on an unbiased political spectrum (and off the charts Far-Far-Far-Right on today's fucked up, extremely Left-biased political spectrum which considers outright philo-semitic, pro-LGBTQIAA2XYZ, liberal parties like the Dutch PVV, Danish DPP and Austrian AfD 'far-Right'). If anything, these are all left-leaning parties whose only problem is with Islamic immigrants, and only those because of Left-wing reasons, i.e. Islam is exclusive and intolerant. Fidesz certainly makes these parties look Left-wing in comparison.

Trump calls for bringing in Afghan refugees. Merkel and Macron rejects Afghan refugees by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Calling the MSM 'pro-Trump' is one of the most delusional things that I've heard all year. For five years there was nothing short of a full blown assault on this man coming from those who think like you, who indeed think that there's 'nothing redeemable about Trump'. I don't like him, but he's obviously of vastly better quality than you, i.e. an absolute nobody who will never run for President, will never own 1% of his wealth or assets, and will be forgotten immediately after you die. Every time I see absolutely nobodies complaining calling him a 'failure' or some such nonsense, I think: that says way more about you than him.

Leftists having 'facts, science and sanity' is pure drivel and unworthy of consideration. White Leftists are easily some of the most irrational people in all of human history. You'll literally be extinct within a few centuries because of how irrational you are. Literally everyone is more rational than Leftists because everyone else isn't committing collective suicide which is the most irrational thing imaginable. You won't be here. Those you deem 'irrational' will.

The 1% that you fear so much (because you're a 'reverse classist', borderline pinko moron) had better rule this planet forever before the likes of you get anywhere near power. Trump, Bezos and all of these other capitalists are vastly superior beings to you, and Leftist opposition to them is simply motivated by malicious envy and the desire to tear down everyone better than themselves (i.e. the rich, straight, White males who remind you of your sheer inferiority every time you are reminded of them, which causes you angst) rather than any genuine concern.

You're a race-denying, anti-White, unthinking cretin who simply internalizes whatever garbage narrative that is pushed forth by the establishment, no matter how absurd it is, and motivated entirely by ressentiment and hate towards anyone better than yourself. Anyone who thinks that the MSM was pro-Trump over this past six years has no idea what they're talking about. The overwhelming majority of Americans also overwhelmingly disagree with your position according to empirical studies done on perceptions of media bias. Ban this fool already. He(?) would very clearly ban us without hesitation if given the power to do so, and so should be treated likewise. You can spew this filth with impunity on Reddit, as you have done for many years, and have no reason to be shitting up the last few places external to your massive echo chamber in which everyone who internalizes mainstream narratives has one massive circle jerk, and where independent thought is banned. Like the libtards say: No tolerance for the intolerant.

America, the Anti-Nation by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yep, the liberal American "Right" has around as many delusions as the social democrats and socialists on the Left. The latter take the cake with absurd theories about Trump not really catching Covid, Trump intentionally going to the debate to infect Biden, Trump having died and been replaced by a body double, the Pulse nightclub shooter "really" being a "Christian White male" and Omar Mateen doesn't even exist, communist mass murder is just Western propaganda, not being vaccinated is "attempted murder", "Antifa is just an idea and so we can't declare them terrorists" (notice that this farcical reasoning doesn't apply for White nationalism), 2016 was "rigged" yet 2020 was "the most secure election ever", etc.

Yet liberal-Right theories include the absurd idea that at some point, because the military is "really on our side", they will sweep out the Democrats in a coup to save the Republic. That the people will rise up against "tyranny" because the "tree of liberty needs to be watered with the blood of patriots". "Molon labe!" and all this other drivel about how a revolution will start once the "Democrats come for our guns".

The military is on their side. A majority non-white military isn't going to care about "the Republic". Emma and Ricky from those hilarious recruitment advertisements don't care. The masses will hand over their weapons when the time comes, and the military and police will be the very ones ensuring that you comply. Of course, the ghettos and gangs will still be armed to the teeth, just like in Mexico and Brazil. American exceptionalism really is for fools. Demographics are the source of power. Not "values". Haiti and Liberia also share "muh Murican freedumb and democratic values", and to what avail?

PSA: bitchute is garbage use odysee instead by Girondin in debatealtright

[–]Circumstein 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I've since found at least one case of political censorship of a DR content creator whose account will presumably be banned after a certain amount of time. He claims to have received an email from them stating that his videos violate their terms of service and that he is to delete all of them.

It appears that he is ignoring this. So it will be interesting to see if Odysse deletes his content themselves and whether that also entails even preventing him from commenting, etc. I'll follow up this comment when they take action.