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[–]CircumsteinRabbi Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I'm admittedly very pleased at this news. Conservative nationalism (the Taliban is more of a Pashtun nationalist organization than a Deobandi fundamentalist organization) just BTFO'd liberal globalism.

Another bird gets hit with one stone with that worthless piece of shit Biden and the Democrats getting practically all of the blame for this. They were telling the world just a few days ago that Kabul would fall in ninety days. It wasn't even nine since I heard it. Maybe not even five. The sheer incompetency of the United States is on display for the whole world to see.

All of the bootlicking trash who fear reprisals for their two decades of treachery are fleeing the country. President Ashraf Ghani has literally abandoned Kabul and fled the country, following a whole heap of senior government figures over the past few days. The Taliban have already have the Presidential Palace under control.

With the United States continuing to lose its will to dominate as it gradually fades into obscurity I'm confident that they won't attempt to reinvade Afghanistan. This means that a state that is in total defiance of American degeneracy, of globohomo, now exists.

For starters, America had already lost enough of it by the early 2000s that it took an event as severe as 9/11 to wake them up. Furthermore, the administration of the time was not only Republican but dominated by neocon Israel Firsters. By contrast, America of the 2020s will be totally Democrat. Obviously I don't picture obvious weaklings like Biden and Harris declaring war on Afghanistan. It would simply be construed as imperialism and racism by everyone who is sufficiently Left-wing enough, and the extreme-Left is a much larger group than twenty-years ago. Plenty of people rightward of Biden (many of the Trump supporters, for instance) will also oppose it. The Republican pro-establishment types (like those the OP mentions) are the only group who want to reimpose globohomo forcefully.

Globohomo got owned by camel herders, and despite the American media's obvious attempt to downplay it (because the same soft power that was used to incessantly attack Trump has since 2021 been redeployed to shield Biden), they'll never live it down. This will probably be recorded as the day when the Biden-Harris administration lost the 'mandate of Heaven'. The Republican media now have shiploads of new ammunition to fire, and I'm going to enjoy watching Biden's approval levels sink further. Perhaps best of all, the meltdown, the sheer amount of 'Left' and 'Right' tears right now are hilarious. Just look at the comment sections on these news sites! 'Leftists' are mostly complaining about how feminism, alphabet, etc. will be rolled back. 'Rightists' are complaining about 'muh freedumb and dumbocracy' being rolled back, American incompetence, Islamism, etc. The whole West has something to complain about right this moment.

Most encouraging is the fact that two years after the USSR withdrew from Afghanistan it was history, defying practically all expectations, even those from the most prominent Sovietologists. Hopefully the USA is soon to follow.

[–]TheJamesRocket 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The U.S. defeat in Afghanistan is a positive development. It is a blow to the empires prestige, and its reputation as a superpower. The fact that the best funded military in the world was forced out by a 5th rate power like the Taliban will go a long way to undermine their aura of invincibility. The U.S. military is drawing down its presence around the world and withdrawing its troops back to America. They lack the will to maintain their overstretched empire and the responsibilitys that come with it. Hopefully, this is a prelude to a more serious breakdown of the Deep State.

[–]CircumsteinRabbi Circumstein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Indeed. Practically every consequence is positive.

The fact that it emboldens globohomo's enemies, showing that globohomo can lose. The fact that it's to a bunch of camelherding cave dwellers is just icing on the cake.

The fact that Westerners are shedding tears and sperging out, a bit like when Trump was elected. The coverage is purely feminist and gynocratic with some alphabet nonsense thrown in. 'Waa... what about the women and girls... waa... they're going to kill the gays...'

The fact that the old traitor Biden and the Democrats are getting all the blame. Even CNN looks to be blaming Biden. It isn't just FOX or the other media that the Democrats hate. Everything that destabilizes these morons is good.

What about the cons? I can't think of any. The Taliban has never had an interest in spreading Islam because they're essentially Pashtun nationalists, interested only in Afghanistan and northern Pakistan, because these are the ancestral homelands of Pashtun peoples.

A wave of refugees? Maybe initially from Kabul Airport or some land routes, but we'll probably get less refugees overall, since the Taliban do not want people fleeing to the West whereas the former government didn't really care. We literally had Afghanis pretending to be Syrians before, complete with fake ID's, hell, even Bangladeshis were pretending to be Syrians.

The other thing the West is fearmongering about is how Jihadist factions might use 'Talibanistan' as a safe haven, as they claimed Al-Qaeda did pre-2001. They've said the same thing about all sorts of regions closer to Europe like Azawad back when it was taken by nationalist groups who had Al-Qaeda allies. Nothing happened. Even Bosnian Jihadists in the heart of Europe in the early 1990s did nothing to the rest of Europe. The Taliban aren't Jihadists, and are much further away from Europe than most Jihadists. Furthermore, such attacks don't really benefit globohomo in any conceivable way; instead, they tend to benefit 'far-right' groups. Globohomo thus has the most to fear from such attacks.