FDS officially jumps the shark by UnapologeticMisandry in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 11 insightful - 4 fun11 insightful - 3 fun12 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Reddit has been taken over by the trannies, every sub that doesn't kiss their ass will get deleted. The r/AgainstHateSubreddits crowd has been trying to get FDS banned for "transphobia" and "misandry" for a while. No doubt the mods knew the whole sub will be removed if they don't obey the agenda. The whole site is a total shithole of Soviet level propaganda and ideological purges, while of course all the rapey porn subs and misogynist circle jerks like "pussypass" subs can stay.

Men are born rapists and love rape by [deleted] in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Look at male mammals. In most species the males will chase, exhaust or use force and violence when mating with a female. In many species males behave in ways that are outright described as "gang rape", like dolphins and ducks. Rape is simply a valid mating strategy for a male, nothing more, and I dare say that it is the DEFAULT mating strategy. Rape only became taboo in patriarchal societies with marriage, to protect MEN from becoming cuckolds. It never had anything to do with the woman's right or her feelings. Yes, all men are born rapists and they will all rape when given a chance, which you also see in every war and similar crisis where they can get away with it. Just like "good men" can be turned into heartless killers by few months of boot camp, they can be turned into rapist by just giving them the opportunity - because they were really killers and rapists by nature. Jesus, it's what males do, in almost every mammal species... they are just born to kill, steal, rape, die. They are biologically disposable weapons and they bred women into submissive slave-class by killing any woman strong willed enough to resist and favoring the most compliant females. Humanity is a fucking disease.

The future of USA and how liberals will always fuck women over by kt0998 in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998[S] 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I am so glad you took the time to type all this out. This is exactly the kind of sane analysis that I look for here.

I agree with you that saying that America will actually "fall apart" is probably wishful thinking. It's nice to fantasize about some big conflict after which things return to normalcy. I think this narrative is implanted into us in history lessons about the world wars, which seemed like catastrophic events that nonetheless didn't stop life getting better in the west. I think you are right that what we will actually see is just slow agonizing decline that will demoralize people into powerless apathy.

What you say about leftism denying nature is EXACTLY the conclusion I have come to. Marxist analysis basically seems correct in pointing out the problems, but when it starts to offer solutions, it goes into fantasy land. Communism can never work because people are always greedy and wont be content with their fair share and because the system always needs leaders who will just become corrupt. Leftism honestly seems to me more like a religion, comforting fairytale that people cling to because they can’t handle the depressing reality. Everything bad about humanity is caused by capitalistic brainwashing (socialization), deep inside humans are blank slates or some leftists even insist that peaceful egalitarianism is our nature (the stuff about pre-historic utopian societies). ”True Communism” will turn us all into perfect beings and if it doesn’t, it wasn’t True Communism.

Greed and selfishness, misogyny and sex differences, xenophobia and racism, all variations between people that makes us unequal etc is all supposed to be just result of society. Claiming anything else is biological essentialism and practically nazi eugenics. Humans are somehow the only animal without nature. As shitty as a lot of pop evopsych is, I think it’s much closer to the truth than leftist denialism. I made the original BPF subreddit because I had become convinced that male supremacy was rooted in biology and most women will always participate in their own oppression, and that women like myself were probably also biological oddities (I think of straight women who’ve never had any sexual/romantic attraction to male dominance as basically like sexual minority).

I’m also against mass immigration and creating multiracial/cultural/religious societies, simply because it has never worked anywhere. Every such society has inequality, tensions and outright conflict between the different groups. Of course the left blames all of this on whatever group is the majority. If only whites stopped being racist, we would live in diverse utopia. But if every single multiracial society has always been racist, then we have to admit that racism is just human nature that can’t be overcome and multicultural project was doomed to fail from the start. There is lots of research that indicates that we are biologically hardwired to be xenophobic and prefer our own groups. In that case, homogeneous societies are always more stable, peaceful, equal and superior in basically every way, and destroying this peace with mass immigration is insanity.

USA has always been touted as the supposed proof that multiracial societies can work, but it’s all bullshit. The melting pot only worked within broad racial categories, melting different Europeans (who all look similar enough with similar enough cultures) into one White People, different Africans (ditto) into Black People etc. But then those broad categories stayed separate and unequal. And things stayed stable for exactly as long as white people had a large enough majority that the hierarchy couldn’t be challenged. USA was most white in 40’s at about 90%, by 1990 it was 80% and the decline has been rapid with 2050 being when whites become minority. I think this is major reason for the current instability, with no clear dominant majority, the ethnic groups will all fight for power. All American politics are now just about race. Even if races mix so much that those broad categories become muddy, you just shift from racism into colorism like in Latin America and you end with USA turning into another Brazil where tiny mostly light-skin upper class lives in gated communities and the rest of the country is one big ghetto.

You talk about USA dominating the world, but isn’t it more accurate to say that there is now some kind of amorphous global elite ruling the world? Nations don’t matter, corporations use tax havens, digital giants like Google and Facebook are ”metanationals” untied to geography, factories are sent to cheaper countries and cheap workers shipped around the globe like nothing. The crazy thing is, I’m old enough to remember when resisting globalization was leftist thing and left wing parties here were critical of euro etc. Then the right started to criticize globalization because of immigration and this single issue turned leftists everywhere in the west into passionate globalist lackeys. Like you say, racism is the Worst Thing Ever and this is what basically killed what was left of leftist class politics after the Soviet collapse (I agree with you that the fear of bolshevik revolution was basically needed to scare capitalist into listening labor unions etc).

You are also correct about how full of shit the left is about overpopulation. It’s another blatant example of the left just sticking it’s head in the sand and again, it’s about the pathological idpol. Overpopulation doesn’t exist, overpopulation isn’t a problem, it’s corporations that pollute the world (never ask where the demand for more factories and farmland comes from), if you think African population explosion is bad you’re a nazi, blah blah. It’s unreal. This makes all the climate alarmism pointless because every positive change we make will be undone by population growth anyway, but since it’s ”BIPOC” people who are being born, you can’t talk about it, even if it’s driven by women’s total lack of reproductive control and rights.

With abortion rights another issue is the growing white panic about white birth rates. Every western country already has populists who basically want to force white women back into birth machines to reverse the shrinking of white population. If the backlash against immigration becomes too great, the capitalists will side with these populists as another option to get more cheap labor. I agree that we will see abortion rights taken away and women pushed out of work force to make babies. Another feminist delusion is the idea that removing women's rights will take force and look like Handmaidens Tale. In reality all it takes is making the other options look worse. The worse the job market becomes, with more work for less pay, worse conditions, more unemployment, especially since women are hit harder by this deterioration and the more obvious it becomes that men will NEVER do their share of domestic work, the more women will simply choose to drop out of workforce, especially if pushing out babies at home will be rewarded with tax reliefs or similar incentives and social approval. Combine this with the hellish “sex positive” dystopia feminism has helped to create, which basically has left generations of women traumatized by all the dehumanization and degradation. Many of these women who let themselves be exploited will turn to conservatism to protect themselves and their daughters from it. Ultimately as long as you are lucky and your husband isn’t a violent drunk, then is being a submissive chaste housewife that bad compared to other options?

China is very interesting to me because I do see more potential there than you do. They are past the ”factory of the world” phase and are rapidly trying to shift into first world service economy. They are even trying to turn Africa into their own sweatshop. I think China will become the leading economy unless something goes terribly wrong there, they have made so much investment into infrastructure and education and after certain point the progress becomes almost inevitable. If Chine becomes first world economically, it’s middle class will be four times the size of USA. I think the west is completely unprepared for how big China will be and how much it will shake things up. But China isn’t Marxist utopia and leftist who think otherwise are projecting their own desperation. China is impossible to categorize, it might even be argued it’s closer to fascism than socialism, with the combination corporatism, authoritarianism and increasing nationalism. They still have state as the highest power above private capital which is probably more than can be said about western countries. Their entire ruling philosophy is ”don’t rock the boat” so they avoid conflict and divisive politics, and try to keep the people content. It’s very dystopian in a lot of ways but I could also see China becoming sort of centre of stability and material prosperity similar to what USA has been for a long time, that other countries will increasingly try to imitate. If you accept the lack of freedoms, life as middle class in China in 2050 might be more comfortable than in the west. The old Confucian culture is nightmare for women although communism improved things, but I think for a woman it’s not culture itself that is important but personal economic independence and the stability and safety of society, and if China lifts the rest of it’s population from horrible poverty, it could be a decent place for a woman.

Anyone else feel like some users on this sub are bots? by lurkergirl in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

They aren't bots, but there's definitely some larping moids here. All the sex talk and I think there's post linking to some bestiality forum (not clicking that). I don't know if this place even has active moderation (doesn't seem like it). The best way to deal with them is to ignore. Simply don't reply and don't start fights with them, if they are troll they just enjoy the attention. Just reply to worthwhile posts and pretend the trolls are invisible, we were always getting flooded with trolls on Reddit too.

White women do have it worse in one specific way. by [deleted] in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

There are a lot of countries where a white woman (especially with light hair) can't even walk around safely and without harassment, for exactly the reasons you state. Even southern-European countries have constant street harassment, and "exotic" blonde women have it bad there. All of Africa and Middle-East is basically no-go-zone for a white woman. Of course local women are treated like dirt in those countries too, but there is a double standard where foreign, especially white women are seen as promiscuous and acceptable targets. The grooming phenomenon in UK and other European countries, done by muslim male immigrants, is a perfect example. Their own women are protected by a "honor culture" where the woman's brothers and father will protect her "purity" so it's dangerous for a muslim man to rape a muslim girl. But white girls don't have this protection and they are seen as corrupt and slutty, while muslim men both resent and fetishize white women.

Basically white women lost the protections we had under patriarchal chivalry culture, which isn't necessarily that bad because chivalry requires absolute male power over women and is deeply hypocritical and western societies became more safe for women in many ways. But then we import men from cultures that are still stuck in the middle ages, and the predictable thing happens. European societies don't do anything to protect their own girls and women, because white men don't care about chivalry (white men couldn't care less if their wives and daughters are raped and murdered, since they wont be rewarded with virginal submissive child-wives anymore, and I wont even get to the fact that most white men are obsessed with the fantasy of white girls being raped by animalistic black man, they probably enjoy their daughters being gang-raped honestly) and because feminists are too busy deep-throating "innocent oppressed muslim menz" dicks.

It is deeply ironic that feminists loathe western white societies where women OBJECTIVELY are treated better than anywhere else, by a huge margin too, and are doing everything they can to destroy the advantages their female ancestors fought for so hard. All just because of their infantile daddy issue-fueled fake-misandry and fetishes toward "dangerous and exciting" dark skin men. Feminists literally cause young girls to be gand raped thousands of times and see nothing wrong with it. Feminism is not just useless nowadays, it's absolutely dangerous and deadly to the female gender.

So... M Manson was sending the porn and nudes he received from underage giels to his firiends... And there is also this girl that dated him when she was 18 that said that Jonny Depp saw her nudes... WELL. Also Marilyn Manson has a 'rape dungeon'. Also thats not the worst story. There is a worse one. by Iknowitstrue in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 8 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Most straight women aren't even attracted to men, just their status. This is one of the weirdest things to me as a straight woman who never gave a damn about man's money or status. But most straight women will fuck any hideous, evil, misogynist freak if he is seen as successful "alpha" male.

Y'all go check r/ahegaogirls on reddit and try to convince me that those pickmes are not intellectually disabled or dumb in some way or that they shouldn't be shamed and called a scum for humiliating themselves like this FOR MEN. Because this is just tragic.This proves that women are a problem too. by Maybeiflll in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Women really have flushed our image down the toiled in just few decades. Everything that our grandmothers and their mothers fought for to get women to be respected and taken seriously is now undone by all these "empowered" thots all over internet and media, screaming loudly about how much they love to be bimbos and cumrags and daddy's little girls and victims! Women's credibility is being completely eroded, just so these braindead morons can have male validation. Knowing that this is how everyone sees me as a woman makes me want to go live in the woods and never interact with any other humans again.

Depressing NYT Article: "Jobless, Selling Nudes Online and Still Struggling. OnlyFans, a social media platform that allows people to sell explicit photos of themselves, has boomed during the pandemic. But competition on the site means many won’t earn much." by _Moon_ in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Of course conservatism is hypocrisy, conservative men will always use porn and prostitutes and blame it on women. But someone on the old subreddit explained perfectly why conservative values about sexuality are still preferable to liberal ones: because it's better for society at least pretend to be decent and have some shame attached to indecency than to be openly, shamelessly indecent. Liberal society REVELS on sexual misogyny and degeneracy, every sick thing is celebrate and elevated into something noble, a form of liberation and female empowerment, sign of enlightenment and progress. In conservative society everyone at least agrees in public that men paying women to call them slurs and prolapse their assholes for their own sadistic enjoyment is NOT a good thing and shouldn't be encouraged. Sexual exploitation of women in porn/prostitution is like drug use, we can never get rid of it entirely (especially since the cause is biology), but we should always make sure it stays underground and as something illegal and shameful, because that at least prevents it from completely taking over the society. It's ultimately pointless to worry why men support or oppose something or to care about their logic in general, men always operate with misogynist logic, their strategy is always to gain power over women. Only thing that we can look at is the end result, and with "sex positive" values the results for women are catastrophic. Sexual liberation should've ended with the pill and accepting women to have normal sex lives, porn and prostitution and posting thirst trap pics on Instagram have nothing to do with normal, healthy human sexuality anymore. It's not about sexual puritanism but about privacy, sex should exist in private sphere and people should feel ashamed violating this privacy. But considering how much social media has destined the last shreds of people's sense of privacy, this will never happen.

I wouldn't be surprised if you are right and women will be pushed to accept sex work for welfare, there's already a widespread attitude that women can't be poor or have it bad because they can always just spread their legs to get ahead in life. OnlyFans makes this much worse, it's rapidly becoming expected that women should consider that as an option if they can't get other work. You don't even need state to force women into prostitution, as long as it becomes truly seen as "ordinary work" then women will be socially pressured to do it just like broke people are pressured to work in any shitty job like McDonalds or Amazon warehouses because if you don't, you deserve to starve. By the way, how do you define "late stage capitalism"? I see it as part of the "collapse fantasy" since it implies that capitalism is coming to and end and most people who use it seem to use it as cope.

If I made a discord for white BPF women, would anyone here want to join? by UnapologeticMisandry in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 8 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Why do you need photos? Just ban anyone who talks about race just like you would ban the libfems. I might be interested but not sending photos lol.

I do think it's a good idea to have separate spaces for white & non-white women at this point because the race talk will consume everything. It isn't constructive or interesting and you can see that same shit in every libfem/radfem space too.

Depressing NYT Article: "Jobless, Selling Nudes Online and Still Struggling. OnlyFans, a social media platform that allows people to sell explicit photos of themselves, has boomed during the pandemic. But competition on the site means many won’t earn much." by _Moon_ in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

"Weimarica" is real. I can't have sympathy for thots. These women are making society worse for all women. Where are the articles pitying all the ugly women who have no easy choice to prostitute themselves and have to work hard in back breaking labor every day? I honestly hope there is a shift toward more conservative attitudes toward sex work and sex general and all the OnlyFans sluts and rapist porn producers are left to rot.

The future of USA and how liberals will always fuck women over by kt0998 in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998[S] 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I think you are doing the right thing to get out. If we talk about what places are best for women in the future, I think two things to look for is economic stability and racial homogeneity. Nordic countries other than Sweden are still good, I live in one of them, although the cultural left here is absolutely cancerous and would destroy everything good about our countries if given the chance. Avoid places like UK, France, Sweden, Germany, which have been “diversified” into places where women can’t safely walk in some urban areas and have rampant woke culture. Ex-communist Europe is a mixed bag, some like Poland are anti-abortion and misogynist, but others like Czech and the Baltics are nice and have been spared the woke madness and immigration from third world (this is where I would move if things get bad here). Some Asian countries are very safe as well like Japan where old grandmas walk alone at night in big cities with no problem, although these countries are sexist.

Most women are biologically submissive and this will never change. Conservative white women submit to their husbands and men in their community. Liberal white women submit to pimps, non-white men, trannies etc. I don’t have empathy left for these women, they will always reap what they sow. It’s crazy to see videos of BLM marches where black and white women are getting themselves beaten by men in the front lines while men are hiding behind them, or like the recent Capitol shooting of the Trump supporter woman – she was also in the front and shot by a man, with even male police officers behind her who didn’t do anything. If women want to die for causes that don’t benefit them, not my problem. Even without outright civil war USA will definitely become more unsafe and violent, with riots and gangs and I could definitely see a culture of men attacking “enemy” women and raping them to humiliate them, uploading videos online etc.

What's the most brutal blackpill? by Iknowitstrue in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

There's no escape from all the shit that plagues the world like patriarchy, misogyny, female submission, male violence, exploitative capitalism, inequality, prejudices, wars, environmental destruction, animal abuse etc because they all stem from human biology. Even when we acquire the ability to change human nature through technology, we will almost certainly misuse it and only make all these problems worse, probably breeding more sociopaths because they are more successful in life.

Prolific "radfems" being gaslighting male-worshippers by tallowcandle in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Radfem ultimately isn't that different from libfem or even that radical. The idea that men can be "educated" to see women as human is so laughably naive that it should be impossible to say that in public without being mocked, but because women can't handle the truth they cling to this delusion.

I wonder how long this delusion can last? How long can we keep educating and explaining, nagging and preaching to men, until it become obvious even for the dumbest straight woman that it isn't having any effect? Hundred more years? Thousand? Million? Every single straight moid raised by feminist mothers, in society where he is force-fed libfem "education" every day, still chooses to watch porn where women are called bitches and choked until they pass out and this is basically the extent of his opinion on women. But I guess when it comes to women, denial is an endless resource.

My personal bingo for the next 10 years by tallowcandle in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

One big trend I predict is more white women moving toward white identity politics. The woke crowd has realized that men can't be shamed and bullied into compliance, it just radicalizes them into anti-sjw mentality, but women are much softer targets. So white women have become the new white men, an acceptable target to be constantly bashed and blamed for everything. Since women gravitate toward woke spaces because they like the hugbox "u go gurl" no-negativity-allowed environment, they will start to leave, leaving only the most spineless handmaidens (which admittedly is still a lot of women). It wont be fun or fluffy being a white cis woman on the left this decade. It's already happening with trans issues alienating women from the left. WOC will grit their teeth and tolerate it for the most part, because race politics rule, but white women basically have no reason to support progressive politics at this point.

Abortion will be banned in a lot of countries for sure. The above development will speed this up because women's (already weak af) front will start breaking down and there will be less and less resistance to stripping women's rights. Although it's possible that if conservative parties see women starting to turn to them, they might put pro-life politics on the back burner to not scare them away, but this would only be temporary at best...

Sex work will be the most common occupation for women thanks to OnlyFans type platforms. Prostitution will be legalized in a lot of countries, so will drugs. The more volatile politics become, the more we will see attempts to keep the populace occupied with sex and drugs. Basically Weimar-era Germany where mothers whored themselves with their daughters and media and politicians praised that as progress. The current trend in Europe and USA of young pretty female politicians will become a norm, with no old/ugly women making it into politics anymore. Female mental illnesses and suicides sky rocket and society pretends like it's a mystery. Etc...

Quick reminder that women are so complicit to their own oppression to the point of ruining their own daughters lives forever by LaQueSabe_ in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Mom is a conservative harpy handmaiden and daughter is a 16 y.o. tik tok thot who looks like junkie pornstar... Mom has a daughters nudes on her phone and posts them in public. This kind of trash now passes for elite in western world. Sucks for the daughter, but google her pics, why does she look like much older and dress like a hooker? I don't use Tik Tok and don't want to know how many underage girls are out there objectifying themselves like that. She's mentally fucked up and will have OnlyFans the second she turns 18, probably would already if she didn't have a famous mom that would cause her to be busted for being underage. And liberals are treating this obviously unstable child like some hero. She's probably been sexually abused as a kid to behave like that, wouldn't be surprised considering the misogynist pedo cesspit that conservative circles are. Everything about this is gross and just another example in the mounting evidence of decay of western society.

Thought BPF might appreciate this by radfemvalhalla in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Pretty good except for the implication that poor women and men should unite in class interest against the common enemy. That's pure marxist fantasy, what makes women and men enemies isn't some cultural conspiracy, it's biology. Men are biologically programmed to dominate and abuse women and have acted according to that programming long since globohomo capitalism emerged, long before our species even evolved into homo sapiens. Poor men are not poor women's comrades, they are statistically significantly more likely to beat, rape and kill their women than wealthier men and none of them have any intention of letting "their" women be their equals. Socialism is as much of a male supremacist ideology as everything else. Most poor women will always submit to "their" men to be abused and nothing will ever change and blackpilled women will be left as minority who see how hopeless things truly are.

The Extreme Male Brain and The Extreme Female Brain by kt0998 in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998[S] 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

"Pity party" is exactly what it is. I stopped being involved in feminism because it started to feel like nothing more than enabling the worst shit women do and their weak victim attitudes.

Natural reproduction as the basis for female oppression by [deleted] in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The "sacred femininity" crap makes me sick. Our entire history is nothing but being raped and impregnated against our will, spending nine month sick and having our genitals ripped in agonizing childbirth, either dying bleeding out from our orifices or surviving to do it again and again. Female biology is HELL. The only thing that males have that can even remotely compare to this brutality and dehumanization is war, but that's not absolute biological reality to them.

And you are right, this fetishzising of femininity is who we got this bullshit backwards pro-misogyny "feminism" where every demeaning gender norm needs to be celebrated. It's COPE for women who can't handle reality and don't want to give up their favorite forms of female inferiority.

Y'all go check r/ahegaogirls on reddit and try to convince me that those pickmes are not intellectually disabled or dumb in some way or that they shouldn't be shamed and called a scum for humiliating themselves like this FOR MEN. Because this is just tragic.This proves that women are a problem too. by Maybeiflll in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Honestly I don't care anymore. Maybe they were molested, maybe not. But that doesn't remove their responsibility. They are a still adults who CHOOSE to behave in ways that harm all women. If they have trauma, they should be going to therapy, not enabling male supremacy and rape culture for attention. I'm done with coddling women who are making my life harder and who would call me a feminazi bitch and hope I die if I tried to tell them to stop. They hate women like me and I hate them, the end. They will never seek help and they will never change their behaviour and even if they did, more stupid thots like these will take their place. It never ends so whatever.

To which extent do you let blackpilled feminism affect your life if at all? by trash_dakimakura in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

For me it's just part of my overall misanthropic and pessimistic view of the world. Life is easier if you can delude yourself about things, but some people just aren't capable of it. I used to angst about it a lot more when I was younger ("impotent rage" is a good description) , now at 30 I've reached a point where I'm pretty apathetic about things. Humans are shit, life is full of suffering and injustice, then we die and there is no afterlife. I like to read about history and it reminds me that people had it a lot worse back in the day, really if you are living in industrial country today you have it better than most of humanity and most of your ancestors. I'm a natural introvert and almost a hermit, although I'm trying to be more social but it's hard because I don't feel like I can connect with people. I'm not interested in romance at the moment at all, but I could casually date/have sex with a man if I felt like I REALLY wanted it and being celibate was making me miserable, because I've never had a problem avoiding worst types of men and saying no or just walking away, so I doubt I would end up feeling used. But I've gotten fat since Covid started and I lost my job, so I'll probably stay celibate the rest of my life unless I manage to slim down again lol. I've definitely developed pretty thick skin, but mostly because I don't care about most people's opinions anymore, they make no difference to me.

Being aware of the bad things in the world never gets easy, but it's a gift and a curse. Accepting things you can't change, working on the things you can control. I like animals and I'm a vegetarian trying to become a vegan and trying to get more into animal activism/conservation, it feels nice to have a cause that isn't so stained with human shittiness (animals will thrive if they are left alone, humans cause their own problems). But it's also extremely depressing because you realize that 99% of humans don't have any empathy for any other species and it's a hopeless work too. Ultimately feeling bad about things doesn't make any difference, it's kinda selfish, only action matters.

The slavery of motherhood by [deleted] in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I share your view of what BlackPill means. It's ultimately anti-activism, just accepting reality as it is rather than trying to force it into some ideological fantasy.

I agree with you. Most women are happy and fulfilled with kids, let them have them. Feminist who criticize motherhood either end up abandoning their position and becoming mothers (vast majority) or they are like us, the small minority of exceptions who never desire that life. Same things with marriage and submitting to men. Like you said, most women find happiness there and feel miserable without these things. Yes, they are often miserable in relationship and with kids as well, when the unpleasant reality clashes with their unrealistic expectations. But that's basically life for everyone, nobody can be perfectly happy or free. And like you said, most people don't have the option to be rich and travel around and live exciting life anyway. Family at least gives security and stability. I personally have never wanted a family but I envy that security and I'm sure I'll be lonely and unhappy when I'm old. But for me there isn't any option because my personality is extremely unfit to be a mother.

People tend to project their own views onto others. I think BPF women do this a lot, because we can't imagine why any woman would want to live like that. Why would any woman want to be submissive to a man? How could any woman accept the horrible deal that straight relationships and families inevitably are? But you need to remember that other women aren't like you and don't think or feel like you. And men can't be taught to be nurturing and empathic against their nature, and they will never clean and change diapers as much as women do, that will just never happen, so women have to accept the gendered work distribution or not have kids at all.

I think it would be better if society could just be honest about this all. Girls need to be taught about the world realistically from young age, not fed feminist fairytales about how they can "have it all" which are basically the new version of stories about princesses. They need to understand that life is full of choices and no, you can't have a high profile career and be the ideal mother, successful women dump their kids to nannies and maids to be raised for a reason. You can't enjoy the ego-boost of posting sexy photos online and complain about being treated as sex object. You can't expect men to pay and support you financially and be treated as independent equal member of society. It's time for women to grow up and start to understand choices and their consequences and above all, take responsibility.

So... M Manson was sending the porn and nudes he received from underage giels to his firiends... And there is also this girl that dated him when she was 18 that said that Jonny Depp saw her nudes... WELL. Also Marilyn Manson has a 'rape dungeon'. Also thats not the worst story. There is a worse one. by Iknowitstrue in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Looks are really the only thing that I'm interested in guys tbh. I don't want to live as dependent on their money/status and their personalities are shit, but I'm still 100% straight and much more visually attracted to men than most hetero women. And no, I don't find dicks particularly icky and I find the "eeew men, how could anyone be into them" rhetoric kinda tiresome because some of us are born straight and with high sex drive and that's not something you can just turn off. I think it's mostly lesbians and low-sex drive straights who say that.

Y'all go check r/ahegaogirls on reddit and try to convince me that those pickmes are not intellectually disabled or dumb in some way or that they shouldn't be shamed and called a scum for humiliating themselves like this FOR MEN. Because this is just tragic.This proves that women are a problem too. by Maybeiflll in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

There's more to life than money. And no,men will never respect women but women have worked hard to get even the little crumbs of respect we get from society, to be able to have careers and live independent life. Just as women started to make some small progress in society and carve our own space, women like these will do all they can to sabotage it. If you think 24/7 exposure to this shit doesn't make sexism worse, I don't know what to tell you. We are already in danger to lose a lot of the rights we've fought for, good luck convincing people that women can be trusted to take responsibility in our own bodies and sexuality when this is the image people constantly see. We we will lose abortion rights in a lot of countries and a lot of women will be forcibly made into baby factories or die, and these thots are helping to make this reality by pandering to worst stereotypes about women as irresponsible dumb whores. These women haven't given up anything and they aren't some enlightened black pilled rebels, they are just going along with what men want because it's the easy way and they don't care what happens to other women.

Y'all go check r/ahegaogirls on reddit and try to convince me that those pickmes are not intellectually disabled or dumb in some way or that they shouldn't be shamed and called a scum for humiliating themselves like this FOR MEN. Because this is just tragic.This proves that women are a problem too. by Maybeiflll in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

These dumb hoes are perfect example of why I'm proud to be female misogynist lol. Women really are just as bad as men and belong together with their psychopath "daddies". How is it even possible to lack any self-respect or dignity like this ? How? I can not comprehend this. I resent women like this so much. You don't see black people deliberately putting on some "happy slave" acts for white people, or gays degrading themselves for straights, or jews for gentiles, or ANY OTHER OPPRESSED GROUP. It's literally only women who act like this, who love to degrade themselves for their oppressors, who enjoy being called slurs and abused by people who they damn well know hate them. Only women WANT to be seen as inferior and subhuman. Nobody else. If I was a man and saw women constantly act like this and literally feminists praising it, I wouldn't respect women either.

I'm supposed to have solidarity with these stupid cumrags when they get doxxed and lose their jobs or one of their male "fans" rapes them? I don't think so. I have nothing in common with them and I have no sympathy, I would never help a woman like this even if she was being murdered lol.

The fact that no oral sex, anal, porn is a deal breaker for most men proves that you have to be masochistic to enjoy dating men and being a het woman. And that you must like being humiliated and getting fucked like a piece of meat and letting man ejaculate their stinky fluid on you. U HAVE TO SUBMIT by Maybeiflll in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Men are obsessed with anal because they know it wont make women cum. That's what they like about it. They hate the idea of female pleasure, unless the woman is having an orgasm from being degraded and abused, because then it shows how broken she is. But if a woman is just relaxed and having fun and feeling good? Nothing is a bigger turn-off to men. That's why you never see normal sex like that on porn, ever. The women are always squealing like pigs in slaughter house, listen to the noises, they sound like they are in pain. Their expressions are like in pain, like they are about to cry. They move and act in every way like they are suffering, that's what's hot to men. And the weird baby talk and acting and looking like children. Men HATE FEMALE PLEASURE, they can't get it up if a woman is enjoying herself. They are simply programmed to be rapists and sadists.

Toxic masculinity and "toxic femininity" are intertwined: women loving men and women hating men for the most cringe and BS reasons (unmasculine, bisexual, gender non-conforming, sexually undominant, etc.) are two sides of the same coin. by _Moon_ in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Reading romance novels (which I got into accidentally because a lot of fantasy/scifi books for women are thinly veiled romance) was honestly one of the biggest blackpills for me. The sexism and traditional gender dynamics in romance novels can't be blamed on men, because the whole genre and industry is by women for women. A lot of romance/erotica nowadays is even self-published online which means there is ZERO patriarchal gatekeeping. Women literally can and do write whatever they want and then female readers choose what ends up being popular. Surprise surprise, self-published romance is even more about "rich dominant alpha rapist kidnaps the virgin heroine as sex slave" fantasies than traditionally published romance. That's basically what completely dominates (no pun intended) the bestseller lists.

If women aren't biologically attracted to male dominance and evil patriarchy just forces them into it, then where is all the demand for romance and erotica depicting equal feminists relationships without gender roles? If women are no more likely to be sexually submissive than men are, then where are the stories about women dominating men? According to feminists, there should be a growing market for both types of stories as women are now liberated to dictate their own fantasies. Instead, we see endless stream of 50 Shades of Rape Fantasy. Women raped by millionaires, by gangsters, by blue skinned aliens, by vampires etc etc. All of these stories are exactly the same with just details changed and women LOVE them. Even feminists are realizing that they can't deny this pattern anymore, which is why they shifted into claiming that female sexual submission is actually feminist and awesome and has nothing to do with the subjugation of women in society! Once they realize that women will similarly keep choosing family over career ambitions and choosing to be submissive to men in every level of society, they will claim that is also feminism and courageous rebellion against patriarchy, and then we've come full circle.

Toxic masculinity and "toxic femininity" are intertwined: women loving men and women hating men for the most cringe and BS reasons (unmasculine, bisexual, gender non-conforming, sexually undominant, etc.) are two sides of the same coin. by _Moon_ in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, this is basically the essence of Black Pill Feminism. Radical feminism claims that women are unwilling participants of patriarchy. But if this is true, then why after decades of freedom do 99% of women continue to cling to male supremacy? Especially in their private lives - sexually and romantically. Radfems just keep insisting "it's socialization" but where do we draw the line? How many generations will we wait until we admit that women will never give up their "dominant daddy" fantasies? And if it's socialization, then why straight women like me who were socialized the same way, turned out different?

If you see a pattern repeat in every human society, across cultures and centuries, you can assume that this pattern is rooted in biology. Humans have always had hierarchies, inequality, war etc because we are wired to behave in that way, just like every species of pack animal behaves according to their nature. And one of the most consistent patterns we see in EVERY human society (no, matriarchal societies haven't existed, even truly gender equal ones are myth) is female submission to male dominance. We are absolutely hardwired to that and the existence of small minority of people like the readers of this community are just the exception that proves the rule.

Men are the perfect predator and women the perfect prey. Men evolved to be socipathic, violent, narcissistic, sexually obsessed, pedophilic, sadistic etc and women evolved to enjoy being dominated and brutalized by those men. Most women can't even get off in sex without men choking and roughing them up, just like men can't get off without doing that shit either, and this didn't start with porn. Women literally have evolved to be masochistic to be able to tolerate and even enjoy being raped and abused by men, and to have stockholm syndrome and endless empathy and delusions of love that allow them to fall in love and serve those men. Women are slave species, bred by men who selected the most submissive women and killed those that resisted. But women have also done their parts by selecting "alpha males" which is just a code for sociopath.

why darker women shouldn't envy white/light women by [deleted] in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I've never thought about the turning red thing but you are probably right. That's definitely the kind of thing men get off on. I think black women compared to whites are more athletic or curvy built (depending on woman) and men love frailty in women, for the same reason. Basically everything men prefer in women boils down to "easy to abuse and control", oh and also the pedo angle since they also like women to be as child-like as possible. Black feminists always talk about how rejecting femininity is "white feminism" because black women were never seen as feminine and "protected" and it just shows that most women, even those who identify as feminist, want to be submissive and taken care of by big strong men.In general any woman who is jealous about other women getting more attention from men is just a pickme, even if she uses feminist language to hide it.

So... M Manson was sending the porn and nudes he received from underage giels to his firiends... And there is also this girl that dated him when she was 18 that said that Jonny Depp saw her nudes... WELL. Also Marilyn Manson has a 'rape dungeon'. Also thats not the worst story. There is a worse one. by Iknowitstrue in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I don't have one specific type. I think skinny can be cute if a guy is young and has nice boyish look , but overall yes, men need some muscle and pretty low fat percentage to look at all attractive. Fat especially destroys all attractiveness in a guy since it makes him look soft and attractive features in men are all about sharp angles, whether it's a skinny model or body builder. I've never been into old guys, the "fine wine" crap is just bs, women find older men attractive due to the increase in social status and money, men's looks go down hard after 25, more so than women because men do nothing to take care of themselves. 90% of men are zero effort slobs and would look much better if they gave a damn, but they hate the idea of having to please a woman like that. This is why even male Hollywood stars choose to look like hobos with awful beards and looking like they smell, because men want every woman to lust for them but HATE the idea of having to make any effort or being a visual sex object, who is under constant gaze and evaluation by women. They know it sucks and they hate it.

I like beautiful faces, slightly androgynous but still boyish/masculine. I enjoy looking at classical paintings with beautiful men or fashion editorials. One reason why it's easy for me as a hetero woman to be celibate is that my visual standards are too high lol. Yes, women will fuck ugly men who suck at sex and don't even get an orgasm out of it. Reading women's stories about their gross Tinder hook-ups where they let some dirty unemployed stoner use them as sex toy makes me cringe so hard. They always write these stories like they are universally relatable to all women, it drives me crazy. Kpop fandoms and other boyband fandoms are interesting because teenage girls do have visual standards but when they grow up, this seems to change for majority. I suspect most women's priorities change when they mature and they start to chase the "provider" (successful genes/resources for child). Korea also does seem to have slightly different culture where men are expected to groom themselves and you don't see as much beautiful women paired with fugly dudes in their media (from what I've seen).

why darker women shouldn't envy white/light women by [deleted] in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I'm not sure what you want to hear? If you believe that Scandinavia has no sexism and gender roles then you're not blackpilled because BP is about recognizing that these things are biological and universal. The passive aggressiveness comes from not being able to openly be sexist, so men are frustrated about it and resent feminism (big MRA culture online), and women complain all the time about how men here aren't "real men", this is also why scandi women like foreigners like those from Middle-East who are more "masculine" (read: dominant and sexist) and scandi men get a lot of wives from Thailand and Russia. It's obvious that people here pretend to be very progressive but in practice women still do most housework, we have less women in STEM than less progressive countries, men are all porn addicts etc. But if you don't believe it, just move here and marry a scandi man, then you wont have to ever deal with sexism.

Armie Hammer scandal and why submissive women ruin everything by kt0998 in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998[S] 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

It's not even about giving up men, these women literally choose the shittiest men available because they think psychopaths are "hot alpha males" lol. Just having better taste and judgement would be a huge improvement, because although all men are shitty there are different level to male shittiness. It's obvious that most straight women PREFER men who treat them like dirt. They SEEK OUT that bad treatment. They actually find a man who treats them well boring. Almost every straight woman like this BDSM crap and always as the submissive partner.... how can anyone deny that this is biology?

The future of USA and how liberals will always fuck women over by kt0998 in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes feminism nowadays is about everything except women. I think women who are involved in feminism today represent the most stereotypically pathetic and desperate-to-please portion of women. Even conservative christian women have more spine and are less handmaiden-y. Being associated with feminism is honestly embarrassing as hell now.

And class equality is impossible for the same reason as gender equality, biology. Humans evolved to form hierarchy and to have leaders and followers. People would rather have bad leader than be without leader, and when you don't have authority and hierarchy you end up with chaos and violent anarchy which is just the "rule of the strongest (male)". I think women and poor people are similar in that both constantly act against their own interests and have no hope for things getting better for them.

When men constantly whine about thots and hoes, that’s them projecting their own doggish degeneracy onto the women they jerk off to everyday. by aileenwuornos in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yup. Men hate how much their life revolves around their dick and how thots can control them like a drug. Even if thots have no REAL power (despite what they tell themselves) men still resent them. Dogs honestly have way more self-control and "humanity" than men do, human males are extremely sex obsessed and sick in the head. Every man nowadays watches porn every single day, obsesses over e-thots, talks about sex with their friends, thinks about sex 24/7 and has become desensitized to all normal sexuality, requiring disgusting degenerate shit to get off. Deep inside they know they are weak and pathetic but men never, EVER take responsibility for their own shit. They always blame someone else, usually women. So they just attack the thots who "forced" them to give them their attention and money, as if those women have some mind control ray. Men are pathetic subhumans basically and will never take responsibility for their own degeneracy.

The current state of the internet is really depressing. by _Moon_ in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It is impossible for women who challenge the narrative to have our own spaces. We will always be attacked by men, trannies, right wingers, mainstream feminists, SJWs etc. BlackPill Feminism is like the ultimate taboo in society, it makes EVERYONE angry. Even though we aren't even a threat and can't change anything since most women will never accept the truth. More than ever I really wish I could live in some alternative reality where only BlackPilled women existed.

The fact that no oral sex, anal, porn is a deal breaker for most men proves that you have to be masochistic to enjoy dating men and being a het woman. And that you must like being humiliated and getting fucked like a piece of meat and letting man ejaculate their stinky fluid on you. U HAVE TO SUBMIT by Maybeiflll in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It seems believable but I still wont give women a free pass to pander to misogynist males. Being traumatized doesn't take away your agency, get some fucking help and stop ruining things for everyone. Those women have no regrets or shame and they don't care at all about how they impact other women, in other words they have no solidarity and they are traitors basically. Their reasons don't matter from my perspective.

I also think that blogpost is typical radfem logic that denies that women are already submissive by nature. It's not just about bonding due to fear and trauma, it's also because most straight women genuinely enjoy being submissive, being owned, being at man's mercy, getting knocked up, being violated etc. They enjoy the thought of those things even before it happens, even if at the same time they freak them out. That's why they never stop doing it even when they know it harms them on some level. This is just the natural way heterosexual bonding works and women evolved to go along with it and like it as much as men did. Those of us who reject it are the rare exception, not the norm.

why darker women shouldn't envy white/light women by [deleted] in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Ok. Yeah, internet is full of very idealized views about Nordic countries, not even just about gender equality but everything else too. I grew up poor there and the welfare and free healthcare/education helps a lot, but being poor white trash in Scandinavia is not that different from being poor white trash somewhere else. And gender relationships are built on the same biological basis everywhere.

why darker women shouldn't envy white/light women by [deleted] in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, I am Scandinavian. Scandinavia is probably best and most equal place in the world for women. But women and men are still fundamentally the same here as anywhere. When I grew up, my mother did all the chores at house and raising us, even when she was working. I've never seen a family where these duties are split truly equally. I'm not going to list all the things that show we are still male supremacist society but my whole life I've watched women I know letting men walk all over them and being seemingly content with this. In some ways Scandinavian women are worse than women in other places because we probably have the most naive libfem women in the world because the society here can be like one big "safe space" from any unpleasant truths. Men are just as porn sick and media extremely porn-saturated. Scandinavian men are miserable and bitter about being so "emasculated" compared to men in other places and the dynamics between men and women are very passive aggressive and contrived because ultimately almost everyone wants some level of male dominance and female submission in their relationship despite of what the society says. The biggest difference between Scandinavia and less equal countries is that women here are economically more independent, but emotionally and psychologically the underlying dynamics are the same.

I'm not familiar with the Marxist anthropology stuff except from what I've seen it being critically referenced, from my understanding those theories are not taken seriously by modern scientists. I read one book recently about Aborginal Australians that commented on the marxist interpretation of those cultures and the writer believed they were based on early European misinformation about the Aboriginal family structures (Lindqvist's Terra Nullius). I personally do not believe these claims about utopian egalitarian/matriarchal societies because the research is always some white academic imposing their own ideals/politics onto people who have no way to voice their own views. Mosuo for example are called "matriarchy" but from reading about them, it seems like the women do most of the work, marriage doesn't exist and property passes from mother to daughter while men have political power. So it sounds like better place for a woman than some Han-chinese village, but it's also telling that women are the ones doing all the work, while in patriarchal societies women are also used as work horses. It sounds more like men are pretty useless there, not doing much work, not being involved with their children. Another problem is that these societies are always very limited in size and complexity, which means that what applies to them doesn't necessarily apply to large, complex societies. Small hunter gatherer style societies or even primitive agricultural villages can be more egalitarian simply because they haven't reached specialization stage (when people begin to split into professions, classes, castes etc) and need to be more flexible to survive. But once society reaches certain size, it starts to evolve toward the kind of rigidly patriarchal class society that we have seen emerged everywhere in the world.

Armie Hammer scandal and why submissive women ruin everything by kt0998 in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I made new one and posted a link. https://www.saidit.net/s/bpf

Any career suggestions for those of us who won't marry or have children? by [deleted] in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I second medicine. It's a growing field in first world countries with the aging population and constant technology advancement. Lots of well paying jobs. I'm not familiar enough with the field to give any specific tips but some kind of research/lab work? Lab tech? Pharmacology? Medical jobs usually also have more women working there than IT, so probably less sexism. Look at study programs in first world country if you can. Getting a well-paying job is important so you can have savings when you retire, because even in countries that have good pensions and welfare those may not exist by the time you retire.

Y'all go check r/ahegaogirls on reddit and try to convince me that those pickmes are not intellectually disabled or dumb in some way or that they shouldn't be shamed and called a scum for humiliating themselves like this FOR MEN. Because this is just tragic.This proves that women are a problem too. by Maybeiflll in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

if you want to defend thots, go do it somewhere else honestly. this is the ONLY place on the internet where women don't need to kiss these skank's ass and pretend like they are some heroes. you are probably some "ex-thot" anyway based on how defensive you get.

Armie Hammer scandal and why submissive women ruin everything by kt0998 in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Perfectly put.

The Extreme Male Brain and The Extreme Female Brain by kt0998 in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Interesting link. I've never heard about the correlation with less mental illness but it fits my theory.

Toxic masculinity and "toxic femininity" are intertwined: women loving men and women hating men for the most cringe and BS reasons (unmasculine, bisexual, gender non-conforming, sexually undominant, etc.) are two sides of the same coin. by _Moon_ in BlackPillFeminism

[–]kt0998 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Women can't handle the truth about male nature (and female nature too) which is why the marxist "blank slate" lie is so effective on women. Deep inside they might know men are born this way, but they can never accept it because their happiness relies in believing that they can find some goodness buried inside the ugly " male socialization". Juts read any romance novels, all of them feature men who are assholes and treat women like shit until the patiently loving heroine exposes their "heart of gold" and they live happily ever after.

"Feminist porn" is a bad joke and like you said, there is no market for it. Just look at any big porn site, the most popular stuff is always the most degrading and sick misogynist content. Nothing is a bigger turn-off to men than the idea of respecting a woman.