MA students tear down rainbow décor and chant their pronouns are 'USA' by Oyveygoyim in news

[–]RamblingOtter 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Good on these students. Having this shit rammed down their throats, well, they're obviously going to throw something back up. And if a small protest and demand to be excluded from their enforced inclusivity brainwashing cult is all that's happened, then let them be. Oh no wait, let's form committees and have meetings to discuss why the cult hasn't been inclusive enough. Be included or die.

I remember last so-called pride month, some asshole at work went around sticking pride flags to our monitors. I took mine down immediately. I spend all day sat at a computer screen, I can't work with all that crap in my face.

Three meetings with HR later, it all had to go back up. They compromised by allowing me to bring another monitor in from home to use instead. Madness! This is Britain too!

You MUST have the pride flag in your face at all times.

The natural reaction to this enforcement is repulsion. Expect far right leaning reactions as a result. It is an equal and opposite reaction, all they will do is push these kids further and further away from their mandate and make them hate them and all their kind even more.

Reddit suffers a major outage after thousands of subreddits temporarily shut down - The company blamed the protest for causing issues across its website and mobile apps. by neolib in MeanwhileOnReddit

[–]RamblingOtter 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

While usually I would write off what you just said as pedantic and juvenile, that is actually what stops me going there and giving that site traffic. The amount of trans people that moderate subs, especially women's' subs and the fact that the main person in charge was all about the posting of young kids in the jailbait forum, that really is enough for me.

I was suspicious when everything was so highly policed and any dissention of the ranks criticising the trans movement was cut off at the head but doing just a little searching about it, what a disgusting and nepotistic rabble it is.

Ireland Hate Speech Law Would Make It Illegal to Possess ‘Reckless’ Memes by Drewski in censorship

[–]RamblingOtter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I understand the retort you are using here. You are attempting to conflate the crimes committed by migrants, which in my opinion is extreme and occurs sporadically and numerously, with ALL other crime.

Nobody is going to claim that white collar crime doesn't exist, nor that people that are physically in those countries don't commit henous acts such as violence or rape.

What people are reacting to is the absolutely proven link between a sudden influx of migrants, asylum seekers and the like being thrown onto quiet towns and even smaller cities who immediately go out and commit acts of violence. It has been happening everywhere. Whether it's in Germany with the huge increase of rapes at a New Years Eve party some years ago, whether it's in Sweden where the immigrants started off with just rapes and violence and have now formed fully fledged gangs that absolutely will fuck you up just because, all coupled with the almost complete police and governmental level protection that they appear to enjoy while the media tells white people they are bad for complaining.

This is what people have an issue against. And when the police are failing and even appear to be on the side of the criminal, you are going to get a reaction. In Sweden, the media, the government and corporations as a whole all ganged up on the Swedish. Anybody who had a problem with their daughters being raped by brown people were absolutely admonished and destroyed by the media. This is also why my wife and I decided not to live in Sweden, we knew that where we would live there was a huge migrant population and there would be no safety for our kids. Over time the same has happened in a lot of the UK and is now so in Ireland.

You cannot expect white people to be treated in this fashion and not have a problem with it. The people that are arriving are on the whole not starving and innocent women and children. Just look at any news reel. They are boys and men of fighting age. They are not going to be pleasant people to be around they are not going to want to be your friend. They are quite frankly dangerous people and the small sleepy towns they are being sent to are totally ill equipped to deal with them. And this is not just a police funding matter. This is a deep down and far rooted difference in social construction of individuals. The men coming here have no problem committing acts of violence and in a lot of cases too sexual violence.

And yet they are still coming and appear to be protected by almost God up on high (not a Christian, just a phrase).

The more people like you batter the noses of the people complaining, demanding it is not a problem, demanding it is just them being racists, the more you turn those people away to what they see with their own eyes and eventually the figureheads that promise to damned well do something about it.

My kids have not seen the parts of Sweden where my wife grew up. She desperately wanted to show them, so we visited ourselves while we were over to a wedding. We mentioned what we were doing and almost every single family member told us not to go to that area, it's gone. We booked a single night anyway and they were right. It is crawling with immigrants, almost nowhere is safe there, the place is unrecognisable to her. We were watching the television in the hotel the morning after and almost got to see in real time the police cars outside the hotel window and on the television the three white people that were brutally murdered and the aftermath of it. Of course, it did indeed turn out to be some asylum seekers that were only reacting to their poor upbringings (so whitey had to die!) but that could not be said on television and bet your ass that the cops were ready to put down and arrest anyone who mentioned it.

We got in our car and left. It's unlikely my wife will ever want to return to where she grew up. That is what importing this scum does only 5 years on. Such social change takes far longer usually to reach that sort of extreme level of criminality without the influx of migrants.

But you go on ahead. You keep telling me that I am not allowed to have a problem with importing criminals. I would be stood here saying the same thing if those criminals were white too. The fact that they are brown makes no difference to me. You cannot conflate the crime we have here already and somehow wash in and distil the crime that these migrants are indeed bringing.

If I were in Ireland right now, I would back every single one of those people shouting back at the Government.

I guess though since Ireland took that IMF bailout all these years ago, they have to do what Daddy EU says and destroy the Irish people by throwing all this scum at them and legislating against any possible reaction. I have a feeling though that the Irish may have a thing or two to say about it though. And good the fuck on them! It's a far better reaction than the limp dick British have. They just let their girls be raped and their people murdered rather than be thought of as racists. And that is why they are doomed.

To answer your question, if the police are impotent and cannot protect, then you can expect movements, protests and eventually lynching. Frankly, if the guy who stabbed those children was being torn limb from limb by a crowd, I'd frankly be sad that there weren't enough pieces of him to go round. Or is it the fact that he's an immigrant somehow grant him some Godlike status to you and he should be protected and maybe given a cuddle?

For reference, we are in the process of moving to another area at this moment. I am taking a bath on the property prices but I have to do it. Why? My daughter is 13 years old. Three times now, her and her friends have been harassed by men who are asylum seekers living in the hotels in town. Every time, they have attempted to grab, or even kidnap. The police are fucking useless. They are not interested in the fact they are asylum seekers.

That tells me on a Governmental level, my 13 year old daughter can be sacrificed in the name of racism because she is white. Her friends too. If they are to go to see their friends, they must be escorted and even once, one of the Dads escorting three of the friends was attacked by one of these brown migrants.

And yet we are not allowed to have a problem with any of this, the police are more interested in the fact that we call them brown migrants and we have dicks like you talking about "What about the white people and their crime?"

Frankly, if I caught one of those brown little fuckers coming at my daughter or her friends, I wouldn't stop until he was in at least four pieces. However I doubt I would get the chance, all of them carry weapons. My daughter even caught some of them with her phone who not only flashed his knife but flashed his dick too.

Now you sit there sir and tell me this is acceptable. I'm not allowed to have a problem with it, tell me the police were right in investigating ME for pointing the fingers at the poor innocent asylum seekers. The cops attending said, "That would surprise me, they are a peaceful and loving people escaping atrocities". Not a single thing happened after reporting it.

That's why we are moving away and frankly most of her friends families are in the same boat.

Woman Cries After First 9 to 5 Job — "How Do You Have Time For Your Life?" by [deleted] in news

[–]RamblingOtter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Welcome to life, my dear woman. This is what feminism has brought you. This is what feminism demanded for you.

As more and more women demanded their throne in the workplace, believing it to be some sort of old boys' club, now they have it. And as it's happened, more and more companies have realised the effective doubling of the workforce has meant that wages do not need to increase, they can just hire the next idiot along. As inflation has caused costs of living to rise, the cheap labour women provided along with foreign imported labour to back it up has caused wages to stagnate.

Welcome to life. This is it for the next 50 years. Enjoy. There is no time for your life. Just remember that when you next want to harp on about the evil men or the patriarchy. Feminism did this! Corporations realised the stupidity and the self pwning behind it all and gave it the thumbs up.

At least you do have an out. It's called Onlyfans.

In my daughters school. This is what they mean by you can’t choose not to be taught this shit. by [deleted] in whatever

[–]RamblingOtter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Given what my nephew put up with, I believe it.

Given what my daughter and son have come home with for homework, I believe it too. Given I am currently arguing with the school (as are a bunch of parents) about what bullshit they are force feeding our children, I do believe it even still.

At the moment we are looking for new schools for January. We have decided to send them to private school, they don't seem to be pushing this horse shit.

Victoria’s Secret ditches prioritizing wokeness over ‘sexiness’ after sales drop by P-38lightning in news

[–]RamblingOtter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Go woke, go broke.

In the time they spent being all plus sized chicks with dicks, most normal people have gone to other and better stores for their lingerie and sexy things. I doubt they will see their customer base back ever again.

What percentage of modern Western women would you say are actually good relationship material OR undateable? A specific number. by Mcheetah in AskSaidIt

[–]RamblingOtter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm in the UK so I would say that numbers are a little different. But I have dated a fair amount of women prior to meeting my wife. I knew what I wanted in a wife, that is someone who was into traditional role models, that wanted to raise children in that narrative and who had a good deal in common with me.

I had to go through a fair few women and by far the worst were the two American ladies I dated very briefly. Both were extremely entitled and both practically wanted credit reports and wage slips. It was like applying for a mortgage. Of course I noped out.

Europe most certainly has imported a lot of whatever wave feminism we are on now from the USA. There were girls I almost dated until I found out that their body count was higher than a morgue and seemed to boast about it, like it would in some way excite me more.

That said, I think the tides are turning. More and more younger girls are become very much extreme in their wants. While you have a certain section of girls that fully embrace feminism, want to go on slut walks while banging anything that moves, seem to delight in the idea of having kids by various fathers, there are a lot more these days who want the traditional models. In fact, the younger women I have encountered (not dated) are looking for that stay at home mum life and are thus looking for men who are into providing that. Their dismissal of "fuckboys" is quite apparent and it seems though they are focusing more on education to "be able to teach my future kids properly", are looking for their "the ones".

It isn't across the board though. English girls really do fall into one of two camps and it isn't beyond a doubt that a previous town bicycle will suddenly become a born again virgin in order to lock in a guy who can provide. It happens, I've seen it myself via my own friend group.

As for undateable trash, well it depends what you are after. I went through a few years where I was happy to bang anything I fancied and condoms are great things. I have dated girls I had no intention of wifing up and of course those relationships did not last long. I had my fill, onto the next chump. I did however meet girls who were a lot more reserved. Given people let any guards that they have slip as time goes on, you get to know who you are dealing with quite quickly. All but the most idiotic of men should be able to spot the born again virgin crowd who realised feminism was a con and shifted gears, trying to paint themselves up as new.

I think the real challenge today is the transgender thing. I think that the education and authority systems in place have realised that feminism has not worked in destroying our girls and are trying to attack them from the gender angle. It is working, at the end of the day young children are easily swayed and every child wants consequence free attention. Transgenderism is one of those extreme things that is apparently not up for debate at all.

My kids go to school and there are a few in their classes touting the transgender thing. Of course they get so much affirmative attention, there is no reason for them to quit their bullshit. Thankfully I have taught my children enough to know that it's horse shit, they openly laugh about it at home, but they know that in school not to draw attention to themselves for disapproving.

A lot of that stems from my wife and I. We do homework with the kids all the time. In fact, we supplement what the school teaches and if we believe that their logic, reasoning and maths skills are lagging behind because of the school, we are with them to make sure it does not. We have some of the only kids who enjoy homework as it's practically family time for us. Of course we do fun things too. The kids know if the homework is done early enough of a Friday evening that Saturday is family cook-up day.

Finding a wife of that calibre is not astronomically difficult and I would say is becoming easier. For me, I went ten years younger to find that in a girl. I found a lot of girls of my own age group were so deeply wrapped in feminism, they were practically undateable. So many were in thankless careers where they really felt they had to show the men how it was done and only realised that slaving for the man is no different whether you're male or female. You still get the hard knocks and eventually when the looks fade, you get it just as hard as the men do and have done likely throughout their working lives.

With any dating scenario, you must remain true to what you want. If the girl you are with is nothing more than a fling, keep it that way. If you are looking for a girl with the substance to become a wife, keep looking.

Though sometimes money is tight with only me working, I know that my wife keeps a clean house, happy children and we can just about make it on my salary living somewhat frugally. My kids love cooking with us and pre-cooking, all of that saves money. Instead of spending £100 at a restaurant, we spend maybe £15 worth in ingredients to make up a cool family meal that everybody helps with. And I can assure you, my kids would take that before a pizza hut any day of the week.

Find a girl that's on your side. That simple. If you can't find one, keep looking. You are better off without than settling.

Another group of monkeys jump a white girl in school by Oyveygoyim in whatever

[–]RamblingOtter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's the same in the UK. My kids are in private school. They have to be.

One of my daughters got set on by a bunch of black kids one day. On the negative, the bruises took a while to clear. On the plus side, the neo-liberal bullshit she used to come out with at times is gone gone gone.

White female student in critical condition after suffering significant traumatic brain injury during a fight with a black female student at Hazelwood East High School in Missouri. by [deleted] in news

[–]RamblingOtter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If that was my child, I would fucking deal with the attacker myself.

And it really could be too. The blacks in the UK are just as angry and just as violent. I send my kids to private school to keep them away from the blacks. They are not safe whatsoever.

My friend's kids have had constant run-ins with black students. The school sits by and does nothing. Not a single thing. His other kid got expelled for smacking one of the black kids back after hitting him.

There is no defence. They are protected from on high.

And this fucking animal needs to be stripped, raped and strangled.

Seems like that wasn't her first time getting that response by Oyveygoyim in funny

[–]RamblingOtter 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

It's a story as old as time itself. Once you go black, we don't want you back!

Five teens now charged in savage mob beating at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School by [deleted] in news

[–]RamblingOtter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is the way of schools.

It really does not matter if the victim hit first, what matters here is five people against one. That is in no way defensible. I would love to see the father's reaction if five boys attacked his son regardless of who hit first.

My full bet is that they eventually come out and say "White boy said the N word, therefore he got what he deserved", the world silently agrees and nobody cares. It is always the defence. I got mugged by four of these hooligans about ten years ago walking through London and the cops literally just happened to be driving by and stopped, pure chance. That was the first thing they shouted: "This guy called me an N!"

Odd how I was the one on the ground and how my wallet and phone ended up in his pocket. The cops let them fucking go. Off you go son, weren't interested in me pointing out the guy who had my shit in his pockets, just got a lame duck "Well, they've gone now, sir!"

These little pack rats know full well what defence to use in all situations. And it always works. I'd be interested to see if the same shit works over there in the USA.

Ireland Hate Speech Law Would Make It Illegal to Possess ‘Reckless’ Memes by Drewski in censorship

[–]RamblingOtter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

While I can understand your disdain for the attitudes of these sorts of people, you also have to realise that this is the endgame reaction. While others may get there more slowly or quickly dependent upon how much bullshit has been experienced, education level, etc, it gets very difficult to even attempt to sympathise with these characters at all. When all I see are brown people attacking my child and the state effectively defending their right to do so, the media coercing me that I am personally worth less because I am white, when my children are invalid because they are white and then when I come to social media only to find people attempting to discredit or run roughshod over my own experiences or bleat out the same tired bollocks, I too lose a lot of sympathy to the point where I am fully behind packaging the ruddy lot of them up, shipping them to I really don't care where and closing the borders, genuine asylum be damned. But I didn't exactly get there overnight.

Being Irish myself, I too saw a lot of racism coming up in Britain in the 1980s during the heights of the IRA. Yet whenever I bring this up, it is almost verboten as I cannot possibly even slightly suggest anything of the ilk because slave trade. And then when I too dig into the history of the slave trade, who the biggest proponents were and who actually had a huge hand in ending it, that's the history that is again almost verboten.

So yes, I do see how people just resort to plain unabated racist vocabulary. It's largely because there are no other avenues left and all they are waiting for is a political figure to actually represent their views. And in the UK, just like in Netherlands, Italy, etc. I don't think that is far away. Maybe 1-3 years.

I share your pain with regards the IT sector and the destruction of the middle classes. I am vehemently against this. I do however view it as a separate problem to the one we are now experiencing in Europe and the very issues that the Irish were protesting about in the clash in Dublin. It is the same, but different. While I agree with you that from a personally economic perspective, cheap labour is doing the likes of you and I no favours at all. However, I do view this as different from the immigrants that are coming here, whether legally, illegally or via the asylum system, and inflicting near on a decade or two's worth of crime growth on particular areas of the countries they are in within a matter of weeks. That I have a huge problem with.

The area I'm in has turned on a dime. It's gone from a pleasant sleepy town with trees, safe to walk around any time to people generally tend to not go out after dark, women and especially young girls do not walk out alone at any time, incidents of burglary, home invasions and car crime has dramatically increased to the point where almost everybody on my street has had something happen to them, even us, and this to me is no way to live. I am not even being overly dramatic.

Honestly I am at the point that if a far right wing party came into fruition and offered to ship back the bally lot of them, I would honestly vote for them. I have no faith in our politicians to even slightly stem the tide and I am sick of seeing what is happening. While I hate to say that, especially as an Irishman living with a Swedish wife living in a foreign country myself (though I have been here all my life), we aren't out here burning the town down; they are. And the way I see it, they have worn out their welcome.

Sure racist responses makes matters worse. It is a shame people resort to that. But I see it as mainly an effect of being summarily ignored and told that black is orange, orange is red and crimson doesn't exist. And when they try to complain, they just get a single word smarmy response: "Source?"

Source my ass. Go stick yourself in any of these places these migrants have shown up on en masse and see for yourselves, I say. Take your young daughter, you might see more clearly!

NB Not you yourself, you anyone.

Who do you save? by Musky in AskSaidIt

[–]RamblingOtter 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

This is a rather odd question. As a working, straight white male with kids and a functional wife, I fully believe that most of these would get priority over me and my family. Probably all of them. But I would take,

1 Yep, I see no reason not to.

2 No thanks. I don't need him running the roost

3 I would rather not, she sounds like a bag of trouble.

4 While I have nothing against taking in an old priest, being raised Catholic myself the teachings he has would likely instruct him to sacrifice his life for others in any case.

5 Probably yes, that 16 year old is likely going to need someone who knows what their doing.

6/7 Given I have rejected most people so far, I guess I'd have to.

8 Who knows, maybe he's a laugh? I get the impression we aren't trying to restart the human race here. If we are, then we're pretty fucked with that list already, so meh.

9 So long as I can bring my guitar, a jam buddy sounds good.

10 Well, I have seen enough movies to know that he is actually Satan himself. We're going to wake up and that glowing eyed motherfucker is going to have already summoned the vortex and be all like shemhamforashing all over the damned place. So really, whether I want to let him in or not, he'll use mind control on someone to gain entry anyway so no fighting that. Makes me think we should have kept the bloody priest now. Who knows, maybe he had learned a thing or two about demonolgy and could fight it, or worst case, the ol' adversary there will put his attentions on him and flame him up like a fireball allowing the rest of us just enough time to escape. I should have thought this through more. Is he wearing a hat? The hat gives it away! Does he have his head down and look up with piercing eyes? You know that shit is going to turn into serpent eyes the second the door is bolted, don't you?

We're doomed. At a push, I may sacrifice the retired prostitute I rescued but knowing our luck she will turn into a subservient mistress of hell and then we got double trouble. Maybe I should have sacrificed the architect. I've never seen a demon be all like, "Oh yoohoo... gonna feast on your ass, rawr!" in a movie.

Meanwhile on reddit, a sub for sex offenders thrives by Keri10 in MeanwhileOnReddit

[–]RamblingOtter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think the takeaway here is that the world is not a safe place for children, but you should still have children. They are the best. My two know what to look for and know that they have to come to us with anything. That goes double if someone especially an adult tells them to keep something secret. And it works. My boy was 2 points off a higher grade and the teacher apparently gave him the higher grade anyway and said, "we'll just keep that secret!"

Ok, very innocuous and we know the teacher, she's cool. But the fact my boy came and told me straight away means I did something right.

Sadly your parental education has to involve a good level of trust. Your kids look up to you and when they know that you will have their back in all situations, they'll tell you stuff. Of course, if you go off on one, get crazy talking about everyone is a pedo and this and that, they won't know whether they're coming or going. You have to be clever about it.

I am sure my kids will one day have to deal with this far before they are ready. I have a daughter that does occasionally keep me up at night, she is already getting attention from boys at school. She knows her work is the most important thing though.

Whomever said boys are easier to raise was dead on right. During drag week (yep, fucking drag week!) my boy saw through all the propaganda straight away. My daughter began to soften to it. I mean, 24/7 brainwashing, homework that included some ugly fucking manwoman on it (that got torn up, I told the school she wasn't doing it), setting an essay on the history of LGBTQ (again I told the school she wasn't doing it). When it becomes part of a curriculum and enforced by teachers, this is brainwashing. My boy 100% sees it. My daughter, well, girls are easier to influence.

I'll just throw in another anecdote. There is a 19 year old girl who picks up her sister from school every day. What is she dating? A 40+ yr old muslim man. She's there parading him about like he's a prize, he looks like a damned terrorist. And he's openly said to me in a friendly way he likes to get them while they're young. Apparently this isn't his first or only white girl he has converted to islam.

They are out there. I'm told to stop being so controlling or stop worrying about something that isn't there. I see it though. How can I tell myself I didn't see it when it is right there. And having kids doing kids things, everything is amplified and you see this shit far far clearer.

One of the methods groomer teachers use to indoctrinate kids while keeping parents in the dark has been exposed. Huge coverup underway. by Canbot in news

[–]RamblingOtter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is in the UK too. What my nephew went through was unbelievable. He is back to normal now but it's taken a year or so of just allowing him to be himself. He knows full well that whatever sexuality he wants to be is OK with everybody, but the whole thing that he has had to think about this at 11 years old has been brutal on him. He was depressed, withdrawn, felt like he'd let everybody down.

Basically some groomers got on the friend group whatsapp, started sharing hypno porn and what fucks me off is when this started to drop, teachers were taking them out of class, discussing things like what they could do to transition successfully, taking their confusions and explaining it with gender dysphoria, it was fucking despicable. And this was in the fucking UK!

The end result, his Mother took him out of that school and home-schooled him. The school's reaction? Proclaim her to be nothing short of Hitler, child services involved, I had to get interviewed being I'm part of the child's life, his Mother, him, everybody. He has to see some cunt of a social worker every two weeks, discuss feelings he really doesn't want to talk about anymore, etc.

Before all this happened, there were a few times I was driving with him and he would sometimes describe girls we saw out and about as hot. He had a cute friendship with a girl at school, just normal shit. Now even that, he is completely rejecting having anything to do with as it's all caused him so much bother.

He is getting better. He has a great child psychologist. Child Services do have an issue with him having a psychologist, I guess as it isn't pushing the agenda.

Let me ask you this. If Muslims were INVITED into schools to sit and discuss with the kids how Islam is the only way of life, being allowed unrestricted and unfiltered access to kids with the goal of converting them to Islam, I think a lot more people would have a problem with it. This is just as serious. We don't allow people of any religion into schools to indoctrinate kids. It is obvious why not. The obvious exception is sending a kid to a faith school in which case that is what it is, it's the choice of the parents to do so.

What is happening with our kids is real and it is very concerning. Hell, when I was 11, I'm sure I was confused, I didn't know what a woman's parts looked like. That was called curiosity and eventually, well, I found out. Today, that would be identified as someone who needs to transition asap.

How does this fucking mental minority have such control? How is this allowed?

Liberal woman wants traditional male that... isn't a conservative. And expects him to pay on first date but isn't willing to wash dishes or make him a sandwich by bucetao6969 in whatever

[–]RamblingOtter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't usually watch this silliness. I mean, men and women have fallen inline with the new status quo. So-called traditional males know what to look for in a good woman, those that are not and see themselves as progressive are not able to get those women. And really, it's vice versa too.

But I suppose it is amusing to see. When I compare my own family life to this sort of stuff, I thank my lucky stars. I'm here wasting time until my kids get their mornings together and they're going to help me start building a garden brick shed this morning. Last night I was sat doing homework with the kids. Tonight, my wife is cooking up a storm for dinner, the house is clean as a whistle and I honestly think, this is happy. This is what happy is. If my wife was a progressive type that demanded all this neoliberal shite of me, I wouldn't be happy with that, she wouldn't either and as a result neither would our kids.

I would say this woman should not compromise as it won't last. I wouldn't date this woman in a million years. I mean, she doesn't exactly illiterate what she does offer outside of helping out with the homemaking. Raising kids takes two people! That is, to do it well. My kids have their father figure, they have their mother figure. When they were young, we split changing the nappies, she did more of the night crying and feeding as I was up in the morning for work and that absolute queen would make sure that there my packed lunch was there in the fridge for me to take too. She is still an avid craftswoman, she has her own room with all her yarns, equipment and I have no problem at all if she wants to go spend some cash on a new sewing machine, it's her escape. Just like her, playing music is my escape.

I cannot fathom why a man would sign up for a neolib type who only has her looks to offer and demands the world revolve around her. It teaches the kids a shite lesson too. My kid has two friends raised by single parents. One is an absolute terrorizer and only wants to break things, the other is, well, a weakling. It just goes to show. Both parents needed but a neolib woman just doesn't cut it for motherhood IMO.

Muslims hold rally in Germany for Islamic Caliphate in Europe and Sharia Law. by PanzersGhost in Europe

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am amazed that Germany is allowing this nonsense to go on. I have met many Germans in my life who love their country and their customs. How the hell can you have any sort of love for your country when you allow these animals to hold an actual rally?

I think the time for just muttering, "Send em back" is gone. I think we should actively repatriate these people right now to where they want to be. And if the Government won't do it, we should. Make sure they know that they are not welcome here. Them and their caliphate are not tolerable. Refuse to serve them in shops, refuse to pay them any common courtesy, do not address them by their names.

White female student in critical condition after suffering significant traumatic brain injury during a fight with a black female student at Hazelwood East High School in Missouri. by [deleted] in news

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The UK is actually known for its tolerance, welcoming nature and promotion of minorities.

Too bad that those minorities have turned around to hate the very people that lifted them out of the mud.

Shamima Begum loses appeal against removal of British citizenship by Cancelthis in news

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This entirely. The only reason Shamima Begum is different is simply on account of her media profile. That is it. All these unnamed foreign soldiers who we don't know who they are, they get a free pass.

Apparently locking up a guy for deliberately spreading HIV is racist and serophobic by Zoomergroid in TumblrInAction

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Is this meant to be some sort of baiting attempt?

Apparently locking up a guy for deliberately spreading HIV is racist and serophobic by Zoomergroid in TumblrInAction

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Let's see now... African who intentionally spread HIV specifically to white women gets jailed. Good let him rot in there.

As for the women, well, I guess there is a toll to be paid for digging around in the gutter for something to put up your chuff. Any woman worthy of a white man will not have this sort of worry.

UK government finally releases trans guidance for schools to public comment and the guidance seems completely reasonable by ClassroomPast6178 in TumblrInAction

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Now ask me directly how schools ACTUALLY act given that I have experienced how the schools operate on a first hand basis!

How about protecting paedophiles that infiltrated the WhatsApp group of a bunch of 12 year olds for over six months, distributing trans pornography within that group, and then vilifying the students that finally called out on it? Any of that in this guidance?

How about a year of child psychology because 12 year old is now heavily depressed, confused and thinks he is innately bad? How about a year worth of work just getting him to attempt to enjoy childhood again, meanwhile the school delivers one last sneak attack by getting the child protection services on your ass and now every week, your 12 year old has to sit with some near-menopausal shithead, draw pictures, answer correctly when quizzed on the great lefty message about how trans and gays are all OK, answer questions about their own sexuality all because you contracted a private psychologist because the NHS wait list was just over 8 months.

Ask me how I know!

Now ask me exactly who the fuck was interested? Ask me how many times accusations of transphobia, homophobia et al have been delivered for having a problem with any of this? Now ask me about the original student who started all this, seemingly for a game, has been treated since? Well while he was calling himself trans, like royalty. When his parents finally found out, they gave him such a clout around the ear, he quickly forget his trans bullshit and now he's making out like he's going to be the next greatest drill musician (funny plot twist, he's white!)

Fuck the guidance. Teachers and schools will operate as they decide to. And fuck the kid that has psychological scars and actual PTSD from this whole thing, something Mrs. Child Services cunt seems to ride roughshod over ensuring that all parts of the lefty message are clearly understood and quoted verbatim.

So yeah, ask me how I know!

New X-Files being developed by Disney with Black Panther director. Don't spoil my memories! by bife_de_lomo in TumblrInAction

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Well we know how this is going to go.

Ruined is how it's going to go.

I can't wait to see who takes over the FBI from Walter Skinner, probably the blackest thing they can muster up with most of the department being headed by strong women or trans types. In their cringiest of men speaking like women voices, "I found a meanie everybody. Let's get him girls and DRAG him outta here!" Of course we MUST have some interracial relationships, ideally Scully getting with the misunderstood black guy leader of the resistance type.

And of course all the bad people will be straight white men.

I think they should just come out with it. "We found a cult where straight white men and straight white women are espousing traditional gender roles, educating their kids. We have footage of men teaching some boys how to chop wood with an axe and there is evidence of home baking!" They storm the complex, men in high heels, former women proudly showing their mastectomy scars with the word "SLUT" written on them, closely followed by former men wearing nappies and sucking their thumbs.

The episode closes with any pregnant women sent to abortion farms, all children sent to schools for re-education of the message and the parents permanently glued into furry costumes. The lead of the cult later comes out saying it was a mistake, apologises, and claims he has been living as a gay man the whole time. Another case solved by the dynamic duo.

Young Islamists in Brussels tell a reporter their Belgian citizenship means nothing to them and that they will establish the Caliphate in Europe. by [deleted] in news

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Stay classy, Europe. As if Sweden hasn't been the biggest damned warning you could have had!

Gynaecologist 'mutilated virgin wife's vagina on honeymoon' by [deleted] in news

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Isn't this the real piece of work that was taking young girls to African and Indian countries to get cut away from the watchful eyes of the UK authorities? Is she now coming forward with her own story for sympathies?

If she genuinely thought FGM sucked so much, she wouldn't have played her part in getting more girls cut.

Fuck her.

In my daughters school. This is what they mean by you can’t choose not to be taught this shit. by [deleted] in whatever

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Gay people have not gone crazy. The majority of gay people I'm sure are well grounded citizens.

What has gone crazy is the alphabet crowd. Unless you are telling me that having a man in a dress commanding assembly with a bunch of 8 year old boys on how to masturbate is somehow enriching or empowering and definitely not in any way paedophilia at all? That is the borderline reality of what is going on in schools. As a parent, you expect me to have no reaction to that? I fucking do, sir! I most certafuckingly do.

How much pussy are you boys gettin nigga? by alexstein in AskSaidIt

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hmmm, well I guess I am the outlier here. Having a great wife, awesome family that is functional, I have sex with my wife approximately 3-4 times per week, depending on the week. Sometimes we have a flat zero week if a whole bunch of things are going on. Guaranteed the next time will be quite frenzied.

TBH we both work out a lot too. That counts for a lot. If you don't work out as a couple, what are you even doing?

France: Foreigners commit 69% of robberies, violent crimes, and sexual assaults on public transport by [deleted] in Europe

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hands up anyone who has been to France recently?

I have no idea where they get the stats from. But comparing now (well, two weeks ago) to what France was like only 5-6 years ago is a night and day difference.

I witnessed foreign men goading a young French girl who took my offer of escorting her to somewhere safer, my phone was taken from me the next day again by a foreigner, my business associate who met me out there had come without his luggage as it had been taken from him, all this in the one week we were out there.

I don't take much of what Trump says or ever said too seriously, I am not in America for one thing. But he said once Paris is gone. He is dead right. This is not Paris anymore. This is some playground where these barely pass as human parasites have been let off the leash and are behaving in any way that they like.

I came back and thought, this is what the UK has in store. This is what's coming, this is what is already here.

What is the end goal here? Why is Europe being infested with this shit, driven it seems by policy and corporations? These people are not going to work for anyone. They are going to claim benefits, commit crimes and do so with impunity. The only thing I can think it's for is to decimate the white population. But again, why? What will that achieve in the end.

Anger grows across Europe over EU’s mandatory migrant quotas by [deleted] in Europe

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Any other UK people glad we left now?

‘We no longer feel safe!’ Paris residents fear next wave of migrants arriving from Lampedusa by [deleted] in Europe

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They should absolutely be afraid. Very much so. These are not people just looking for an honest days works. They are people who are actively seeking to destroy any country they walk into and take what they want.

They are animals, they are not people.

Sweden hit with wave of shootings, national police chief warns of unprecedented level of gang warfare by [deleted] in Europe

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I hear this from her family a lot.

The problem is, the resistance against white nationalists is huge, strong and has governmental and corporate levels of support.

If you are a man with a family working in a professional role, you know that your career is decimated the second you join any of the attempts to speak out. You will be ostracised, unemployable and it will put your family in the poor house. The only people left to speak out are those with nothing to lose, i.e. those who don't work anyway and probably are not smart enough to do anything meaningful. This is why white nationalists always look like braindead idiots with jaws dragging on the floor.

This is the impossibility line to cross.

The new 'Exorcist' movie isn't raking in as much dough as its parent studio would like -- which isn't great news considering almost half a billion dollars was spent to get it going. by [deleted] in Movies

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I was excited to see this as a lover of horror. I don't even care that it had a black male lead, it's all good.

I just couldn't get past the rather overt and plain for all to see demonstration that the white family was dysfunctional, stupid, arrogant and at times demonstrated a far lesser bond for their child. And they were not alone!

There was a scene where the lead was photographing a white family portrait style. Of course, the kid is unruly, running amuck and the parents are pissed. Cue another scene, kids are being dropped off at school. Again the kids are going crazy, making loads of noise, the parents are frankly being little bitches. Compare that to any child of colour who are all placid, calm, intelligent, their parents doting and clearly have their backs.

Plot spoiler, what happens at the end? The dumbass white father fucks up in yet another oafish blunder and dooms his daughter who he didn't really like much anyway to eternal damnation.

I am only surprised that the demon didn't call out the white priest/evangelist dude as a paedophile while the virtuous black lady rings out her potions, juxtaposed against the white nurse with her Christianity appearing mooted, impotent and far weaker in comparison.

I thought, I can't be the only person who saw this. Did Spike Lee direct this?

It all seemed rather more an exercise in subtle wokeness, comparing the doting and together black father who remained committed to his child in spite of the tragedy that befell him, while the white families and children were all, well, just stupid. The whole demon thing? Yeah, that got maybe a 20 minute sequence towards the end, by that time the whole movie burned so slowly you just did not care. By the end, I was sort of hoping the demon would just kill all of them and have done with it.

Oh the white girl doomed to eternal damnation? Yeah, no matter, no loss. Brush it aside, nobody cares.

Woman who transitioned to male at 16 during ‘chaotic time’ sues doctors who gave her double mastectomy by HiddenFox in news

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is who they target. The weakest of society. When the weird kid suddenly becomes the prom king/queen simply because he/she/it was so brave for cutting their tits off and growing a weird beard, it's appealing to the low hanging fruit and that works upwards.

Get them while they're young. Disgusting people.

Sweden hit with wave of shootings, national police chief warns of unprecedented level of gang warfare by [deleted] in Europe

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My wife is Swedish. It is amazing how polar opposite some members of her family are, there is almost no in between.

It seems that they all know who is doing the raping, the killing, the warfaring. However there are the ultra left lot who are completely accepting and believe that they even deserve it, then you have the right lot who are all for public hangings, won't go to certain businesses as they are not run by Swedes. There is pretty much nothing in the middle.

It is also odd that the lefty lot are also the most affluent. They have larger houses away from the cities, drive a few brand new cars, run businesses and are up for all the lovely cheap labour they get from importing these people. They get to live with their gangs, they get cheap labour. The ones on the right more resemble the middle classes of England not too long ago.

My wife is definitely right of centre. While neither of us have anything against people of colour or what have you, we completely oppose immigration and the importing of all this human waste from the gutters of the world. The same thing in Sweden is happening in the UK.

The last time we went to Uppsala, my wife was so upset. We had gone out for a wedding and were in two minds about taking our kids. As they are in school, we decided not to and left my brother's family to look after them. We spent an hour in the City and my wife said that there is no way she would want her kids to see where she grew up it was so humiliating. There were gangs of immigrants on the street staring at us like we didn't belong there - they were right, we didn't - graffiti and near open air drug use. The same day we were there, we were watching the hotel TV that night and the news report about a couple of fatal shootings came on right near where we were staying.

To say we couldn't wait to get out of there is an understatement. What a hell hole it's turned into. It was odd that when the news ended was advert after advert, all with coloured men and typical Swedish girls.

What the fuck is with Sweden. I don't understand it. It was the first time I ever heard my wife talking about whites and Swedes being "bred out" and that "they want to destroy everything that Sweden was by importing these apes to rape our girls and breed us out!"

Personally I have three gorgeous white children. They have been taught by us what to look out for in their schools and peer groups. They laugh at the trans rallies and refuse to engage. Our daughters think nothing of blacks and find them disgusting, especially the manner in which they attempt to perve on them. Our daughters know when to deliver a good slap and when not to, when not to be alone. They report to us immediately when a boy tries to get them to share nude photographs or the like. And we damned well take action. Our son knows how to watch out for teachers trying to get him to take puberty blockers, he had a front row seat for when my nephew had his grooming troubles. He knows when girls are trying to use him by way of their sexuality. He places a great importance on his male relationships and knows not to get hung up on one single girl and how to be a gentleman.

Hopefully our schools won't headfuck that out of them, but we have done our best. We know what's happening and we know we are on our own.

As for Sweden, well, some of the most common conversations we have with her family members is if they would be better off moving here. We wish we could tell them yes. But it seems England has taken on the same level headed thinking as Sweden and appears it cannot import enough slime. Bring them all in, we have a white culture to destroy!

Now the third kid has come out by xoenix in TumblrInAction

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

A friend of mine has a daughter who was in hospital. She had to have what amounted to a life saving emergency operation. I'm not a medic, but basically a blood clot that was pretty much narrowly too close to travelling into her brain and causing a major haemorrhage and stroke.

She has only just returned to school, full on bald, only on half days because she has to come home and sleep at lunch time.

Who is getting all the attention lavished on them in school at the moment? All the teachers praising them for being so progressive, brave, etc. Yep that's right. The little runt of a kid that has come out as trans. Some boy following a trend, wearing a really dodgy as fuck looking dress to school and threatening to cut his knob off while calling himself Betsy trumps a girl who actually almost died. It's not like she even wants attention or even that much of a fuss. A teacher happy to see that she had made it would have been nice. Even some of her friends have gone full on woke and even told her to stop saying anything about her near stroke as it takes away from the narrative the teachers are getting them to push, putting strange pictures and shit all over the place.

My son went to the same school and we took him out last year after my nephew had a run in with the trans activists. We found that the school were not only promoting genital mutilation and how normal it is to be trans, but actively teaching students to hide it from parents. I referred to one of the teachers as a groomer which almost got the cops called on me.

In this world, you have to either force your kids to chop bits off of their bodies to fit in or you're in for a fight. But that's fine. I'll fight anybody who comes to my door with this tranny shit. You cannot tell me I'm being a gammon or it isn't real, what I see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears means I have no fucking sympathy for these fucking trannies. Not one inch. They can burn in hell for coming after kids for all I'm concerned. And you cannot liken it to the Catholic church. I was raised Catholic too and we were perfectly allowed to step away at any time just as I did. I didn't have an army of angry neurotic catholics threatening my career, I didn't have them at my front door waving fire around, I didn't have the full weight of the law and child services on my family's doorstep.

Piss off a tranny? Find out!

Canada gone full Iron Curtain - any books before 2008 removed from school libraries by ID10T in news

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This happened when I was in school in the late 1980s too. Back then the school was gifted an encyclopaedia set, a rather expensive thing at the time. There was no internet, books was where you got your info. Well, a singular black woman who didn't even have a kid at the school was allowed full access. She tore out everything she deemed unacceptable, mainly anything to do with the slave trade apart from white people atrocities, tore out anything that was to do with white people of note that she had heard of. She basically was left to destroy entire volumes of these hugely expensive books. They were next to useless after that.

Lefties are going to left.

So, what's behind the social contagion of men going trans? by QueenBread in TumblrInAction

[–]RamblingOtter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There is no one specific answer. I would say a top drawer reason is the scarcity effect. Sex is prewired into peoples' brains and the hormones that come with puberty are all designed to essentially start that process of desire and sexual fulfilment.

While it's not the only agitator, feminism in it's guise in the early 2000s meant more young women had to prioritise their careers and education. This isn't a bad thing in and of itself, the key thing here is "had to". In order to afford to live in a modern society, together with the messages being handed down by news media and eventually social media that men were the reason everything was bad, that meant less women had any desire to be involved in a big relationship with a man.

Of course, men have in recent history already become accustomed and raised to further education or to get out to work and to essentially take responsibility. But because of that upbringing, men are (or were) adept at being able to foster their loving relationships while doing that. Women on the other hand were given the message that it was one thing or the other; you could not be in a loving relationship AND focus on your education or career aspirations (which had better be lofty, by the way). This isn't me saying women are all bad, this is me saying women and particularly young women were put under enormous societal pressure to do this thing or be worthless by a huge mega consortium of news outlets and constant messages.

So let's get back to the men. There were less women willing to engage in long term relationships. Of course, women were happy to engage in brief sexual relationships or one night stands (as is their agency to do so of course) just as men had done. Again, this was something promoted by feminism. But a good majority of men were basically not able to get involved with women, were not engaging in sex with girls their own ages or even older or had to settle for someone who was not exactly right for them as they were willing to engage.

Going a little psychological here, what is it that men like about women? I mean there are hundreds of answers, but essentially men are a little gruff, a little rough, women are soft and curvy and have boobs that make us crazy. Women have the attributes about their bodies that men don't. And men like them.

Thus when men are for want of a better word denied what they crave, that's when the mind attempts to find that in another way. If you can't get girls, why not be a girl? The logic is sound regardless of whether the execution is there. If you want to see a cute girl in her panties but cannot, don the panties yourself and convince yourself that it's all good.

OK I have had to be brief as need to get going and this really is not the only reason. This is just one avenue that has led us to the society we have today of men attempting to become women. And selling it to children wholesale is just a method of legitimising it.