Employees cry when Jordan Peterson's new book is announced.
submitted by jet199 from (threadreaderapp.com)
The publishing industry has turned into modern-day book burners
submitted by Chipit from (nypost.com)
The Dehumanizing Condescension of 'White Fragility'
submitted by SierraKiloBravo from (theatlantic.com)
Civilized To Death, Why everything's amazing, but nobody's happy.
submitted by JasonCarswell from (self.books)
Professor gives tips how to get free book pdfs (for education, etc)
submitted by zyxzevn from (self.books)
Goodreads was the future of book reviews, then Amazon bought it
submitted by (washingtonpost.com)
from"The Underground History of American Education", John Taylor Gatto
submitted by (pdfdrive.com)
fromIt’s official! According to science, reading fiction makes you nicer.
submitted by Drewski from (lithub.com)
Ebay to block Dr. Seuss (but you can still buy Mein Kampf)
submitted by carn0ld03 from (self.books)
AI-Generated Books of Nonsense Are All Over Amazon's Bestseller Lists
submitted by (archive.is)