Employees cry when Jordan Peterson's new book is announced.
submitted by jet199 from (threadreaderapp.com)
It’s official! According to science, reading fiction makes you nicer.
submitted by Drewski from (lithub.com)
AI-Generated Books of Nonsense Are All Over Amazon's Bestseller Lists
submitted by (archive.is)
from"The Underground History of American Education", John Taylor Gatto
submitted by (pdfdrive.com)
fromThe publishing industry has turned into modern-day book burners
submitted by Chipit from (nypost.com)
Ebay to block Dr. Seuss (but you can still buy Mein Kampf)
submitted by carn0ld03 from (self.books)
Civilized To Death, Why everything's amazing, but nobody's happy.
submitted by JasonCarswell from (self.books)
Douglas Adams - The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
submitted by Stankmango from (docdro.id)
J.K. Rowling Keeps Getting Deals. And Journos CAN'T Deal With It.
submitted by carn0ld03 from (youtube.com)
Rings Of Power Star ATTACKS Tolkien Fans To Cover For His WOKE Agenda
submitted by carn0ld03 from (self.books)
For the people of the planet who have asked I write a book
submitted by thomastheglassexpert from (self.books)
Prisoner of the Milking Machines (Forced Lactation Erotica)|eBook
submitted by (barnesandnoble.com)
fromPublishing House Baen Books Attacked by Cancel Culture
submitted by Chipit from (monsterhunternation.com)