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I see some dumb takes on Twitter but there was one this morning that made me snort laugh. One was barfing up some hot takes about “warriors”, and said that the Amish and the Mormons can only obedient peasants because we’re so peaceful that we don’t have warriors. Hahaha...hahaaahahahahahaa...snort
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/Religion from
All this talk lately of what it really means to live in a “small town” because a bunch of dorks are outraged over some tractor rap pop song is causing me to pontificate about living in a small town. I just looked up the census data for the town I was born and raised in, El Nido, California. Pop 331
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
George R.R. Martin and Patrick Rothfuss have totally fucked over an entire generation of new authors. These books dominated their genres for a lot of years, and their fans have been left waiting for over a decade for them to fulfill their promises.
1 year ago by Chipit to /s/books from
Armstrong and the Mexican Mystery. This is book 3 in a series of fun alternate histories where George Armstrong Custer lives and goes on a wacky series of adventures. More fantastical than Harry Turtledove, funnier than Eric Flint, and with definite shades of The Wild, Wild West.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
In Defense of the Second Amendment. This is a subject I’ve been studying for about thirty years now. I’m a gun guy. My entire life I’ve been “gun culture”. I worked in the gun business, I was a firearms instructor, and I’ve written some of the most viral blog posts about gun rights there are.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
My top 10 YouTube channels for learning to shoot/carry better. It is a travesty that there are some great, super knowledgeable instructors who post valuable advice and then get 3,000 hits, while some dumb ass can pontificate about dumb shit and get 300,000.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Guns from
Review: Capitol Punishment the Movie. Nick Searcy was at the capitol on January 6th, and has put together a documentary about it. Using footage and interviews he shows the difference between what happened, and how it got portrayed afterwards.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/Movies from
Twitter – We Knew The Game Was Rigged, but Damn. What I’ve seen personally involving my account, and what’s changed in the last 48 hours. While Twitter was busy burning evidence of all the things they lied to Congress about, they must have flipped the Fuck Conservatives switch to off.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/news from
Current Event Round Up | Monster Hunter Nation. Item O: If a CDC truck full of lab monkeys crashes, DO NOT PET THE MONKEYS.
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
Gun Runner, the Dragon Award winning sci-fi novel by Larry Correia and John Brown is now out in paperback. Basically this novel is everything a 10 year old boy thinks would be awesome in a sci-fi story, crammed into one book.
The One Year Anniversary of Utter Failure. Joe Biden has been president for a year, and he has sucked beyond all comprehension. He is quite possibly the worst president ever.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
Do I unfairly Paint the left with a broad brush? By Monster Hunter Nation. If the majority of the left aren’t my enemy, the burden of proof is on them, because frankly I haven’t seen jack shit from most of them beyond paying lip service to principles.
Fisking one of the many Dumb Hot Takes on The Rittenhouse Case, by Monster Hunter Nation. In the aftermath of the Rittenhouse trial there are a bunch of posts like this floating around social media. I picked this one because of how many lies and distortions it packed into one post. Share this link!
Where have all the Biden Voters gone? Last year you wouldn’t shut about how all the evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption and incompetence was Fake News, and then you got me kicked off the internet for talking about a laptop filled with incriminating evidence (which turned out to be real).
How to Run a 17 person Savage Worlds Game and Live To Tell The Tale. The Yard Moose Mountain Mega Shooting Weekend, where I had shooters coming to my place for three days of pistol training, about how one night I ran a one off RPG session for them, and by some miracle it actually turned out good.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/RPG from
Why are there so many Mormon writers?
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/Writing from
Writer Advice: How to deal with Review Assassins. Bad reviews happen to everyone. But you don’t have to put up with the assholes who weaponize the review system just to screw with writers. This is about the scumbags who want to financially hurt writers because the broken system makes it so they can.
Publishing House Baen Books Attacked by Cancel Culture
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
Fisking the WaPo Editor Who Is Sad He Doesn’t Get To Act Like The Mafia Anymore. "this entire article is some tone-deaf reporter lamenting the fact that reporters no longer hold an absolute monopoly on information, even though it’s their own damned fault that nobody trusts them anymore."
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
I asked one simple question to people who work with fraud
4 years ago by Sw0rdofDam0cles to /s/Crime from
Where Are All You Gun Owners Now? If you are so incredibly fucking dumb that you are actually wondering why America’s gun culture aren’t commuting into the Democrat cities you have banned us from in order to get into gun fights with the National Guard on your behalf, allow me to elaborate.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from