the entire concept of someone being trapped inside the wrong body would refute naturalism?(nature is all there is.)From my experience with the trans movement,the entire premise is built around the concept of having a mystical conception of the brain,That there's this soul mismatch that causes one to experience feelings of being the opposite gender to their sex.The only acceptable remedy to the mismatch is to demand everyone else lie about reality.What i find bizarre about it is that these are the same atheist who question religions and the idea of a God(which don't get me wrong it's fine to question those things)but accept the belief that transgenders are truly who they say they are despite the fact that there's nothing in biology that really proves it.Even the famous "transgender brain" claim has been debunked.In 2019 nature posted that not only is there little difference between men and women's brains but also said differences are more physical not mental.(like men having larger brains,or women having stronger side to side connections.) There's also this one from 2021. So why do some atheist support the trans movement if the concept would go against their beliefs?
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