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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (20 children)

See my post I just made in the other vax thread:

Already read it.

The science is basically settled at this point.

There's no such thing as settled science. That same line is used all the time in relation to black IQ scores and black violence. I encourage you to go back in history and look at how the Jewish commisars justified everything they did (including starving 30 million kulaks) with 'science'. A good start on this technocratic obsession is the documentary series Pandora's Box by Adam Curtis.

I feel like you are ignoring a lot of my debate points. Let me state them again. Even well proven vaccines, such as the polio vaccine, should not be forced on the public. That means I'm ok with millions of people potentially dying of polio. Why do I believe that? Am I a monster? No. My basic argument (that you are constantly side stepping) is that my government and most major institution are controlled by a hostile regime of international Jews that want to kill me and my genetic family. We are not in peace time. We are in 5th gen warfare. This means that not only do they not have the right to force me to take safe and proven vaccines like the polio vaccine but they also can't make me take unproven experimental vaccines like the MRNA vaccine.

A million people might die of polio re-emergence or small pox but hundreds of millions of people will die or be sterilized by these bolshivik monsters that are in power (through vaccine warfare, or passports, or false flags or gun grabs, or water supply corruption, or nuclear war, or economic collapse, etc etc). At this point the regime has lost all legitimacy so you can take all you massaged approved 'data' and, respectfully, shove it up up your backside.

Mandatory vaccination or coerced vaccination is a deal breaker. This is my hill (and many dissidents feel the same). There will be no more talk of mandatory vaccines until there's balkanization or regime change in my country and by regime I mean EVERYONE running the show: media, gov, academics, fortune 500 companies. Everyone. Deport every single last lucifer worshiping anti white Jew out of my homeland and then we can talk about mandatory vaccine from high trust white run pharmaceutical companies operating in the bounds of the new pro white government.

Does this help you understand my position a little better 'radicalcentrist'?

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (11 children)

I feel like you are ignoring a lot of my debate points. Let me state them again. Even well proven vaccines, such as the polio vaccine, should not be forced on the public. That means I'm ok with millions of people potentially dying of polio. Why do I believe that? Am I a monster? No. My basic argument (that you are constantly side stepping) is that my government and most major institution are controlled by a hostile regime of international Jews that want to kill me and my genetic family. We are not in peace time. We are in 5th gen warfare. This means that not only do they not have the right to force me to take safe and proven vaccines like the polio vaccine but they also can't make me take unproven experimental vaccines like the MRNA vaccine.

Why don't you apply this reasoning to food? Drinking water? Or even breathable oxygen? What makes vaccines so special that the grand plot for global domination completely circumvents using the military, in favor of tampering with medicine instead?

I'm being honest with you. It really isn't a great conspiracy, that now, of all times in human history, we're suppose to believe it's the Covid vaccine that was created to make everyone slaves of the Jews, when the first country to literally hoard this technology and use it on their own population.... was Israel.

As Markimus has explained in this thread, the anti-vax position requires you to defend so many different positions that come in direct contradiction with each other, while the people who did get all these life saving vaccines have proven themselves to still reproduce or not be a slave.

Edit: We're also long past the idea these vaccines are an experiment. They were already being rolled out near the end of 2020. Pfizer is still the preferred choice worldwide. It's delusional to think any government is just going to yank them from the market, when the same vaccines are playing a crucial role in reopening the economy. The alternative of going back into lockdown is gone. People are exhausted and are fighting for this pandemic to end.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

Why don't you apply this reasoning to food? Drinking water? Or even breathable oxygen?

I do. I believe that corporations are compromising these natural resources illegally. These corporation though are controlled by central banking family and these central banking families use the a small group of people (mostly jews race traitor anglos) to stay in power.

What makes vaccines so special that the grand plot for global domination completely circumvents using the military, in favor of tampering with medicine instead?

Because a vaccine is literally a intravenous injection. It's a direct port inside of you. I don't know about you but I have to have a lot of trust in the people that are sticking needles into my body. It's one thing to poison food and water (you can change food habits and purify water) but vaccine is an even quicker delivery system. A needle can kill you, paralyze you, maim you or sterilize you. And to go back to the water thing; maybe you should look into history and see which ethnic group used the tactic of literal well poisoning?

I'm being honest with you. It really isn't a great conspiracy, that now, of all times in human history, we're suppose to believe it's the Covid vaccine that was created to make everyone slaves of the Jews

Jews and the oligarch class are incrementalists. The tech to maim, sterilize or enslave the population through injection wasn't around a hundred years ago but brother wars, and usury, and subversion through degeneracy were and that's where Jews concentrated their efforts. Now that technology and vaccines are more developed Jews are using those as well for power. Again not all Jews are aware of this but the major players are mostly Jews and since many Jews worship money they keep their mouths shut when they do learn about Jewish domination plans because staying quiet and going with the flow is profitable. Slavery is a profitable business. There are very few Jews that speak out when they learn about this worldwide power grab. You should look into Aaron Russo or Bobby Fisher. When white people speak out about it they are just bankrupted, killed or stigmatized as 'conspiracy theorists' or 'racists' or 'supremacists'. We are getting very close to the point that a black person is allowed to kill you if you're a racist. Doesn't that concern you? Doesn't that tell you something is up with the system?

Back to your point about the JQ being a 'conspiracy'. That's exactly what it is. A real conspiracy. I'm not going to do the whole JQ thing because this comment is already too long but there are plenty of DAR threads talking about this Jewish desire for world domination over the goyim. You should seriously look into it. If you have a strong argument against it make a thread and 'disprove' the JQ and I will respectfully here you out.

when the first country to literally hoard this technology and use it on their own population.... was Israel.

You'd understand this if you spent some time on the JQ. Jews are willing to use their own people to achieve their ends. The dissident right isn't sure exactly what's going on with the vaccines either. We aren't making the claim that they are 100% fatal instantly and that the elites are trying to kill everyone in Israel. That's a strawman of our position. All we are saying is that we REALLY don't trust the narrative and that the elites under the right conditions would kill a lot of people to get more power or hold onto power.

As Markimus has explained in this thread, the anti-vax position requires you to defend so many different positions that come in direct contradiction with each other,

So does the pro vax position though. The fatalities are inflated. Covid does not kill that many people and especially not young and middle aged people. Why use a gene therapy, with legal immunity, for a disease that has similar death numbers to the flu? The MRNA test is a lie depending on the cycles used so why trust it? Why are the regular flu deaths so low? Why trust the current anti human regime? Why submit to a control grid in the form of vaccine passports? These are also problems and contradictions with the mainstream narrative. The bottom line is that the people that control central banking and control the world are not good people and they don't deserve to have the power of life and death and freedom of movement over billions of people. This isn't a radical position to take.

Edit: We're also long past the idea these vaccines are an experiment.

I respectfully disagree and I've provided evidence and expert opinion to the contrary in other comments. You ignored that evidence. One thing that you can't seem to grasp is that science is not above politics. Our academics are some of the most cucked and controlled people in society and they are groomed to be cucks from an early age. Anybody with balls in academics is driven out or has their career ruined (lots of people have spoke out about this for decades). This sets up a really dangerous situation for people that don't want to dig into the details academically.

It's delusional to think any government is just going to yank them from the market

One of the 'vaccines' was already pulled from the market.

when the same vaccines are playing a crucial role in reopening the economy.

Are you a real person? Serious question. You use so many media generated buzz words and phrases that I seriously question your background. Who buys into the mainstream on so many talking points? You also speak with the weird air of certainty that I normally only see from people paid off to comment and influence opinion. You frequently appeal to authority as well. Which is a major fallacy and when used repeatedly it just anti debate. You're argument just boils down to 'trust the science bro'. Well I don't because the science is deeply politicized and some would say weaponized.

The alternative of going back into lockdown is gone.

Another stupid mainstream media neuro linguistic processing tactic. Keep this up and you get a 7 day ban. Just talk like a real human please. Forcing my people into lockdown was an assault on the ability for normal working people to make money and feed themselves and their families. If this keeps up you will have millions of people homeless and starving. Thousands will die from suicide. That's a serious act of aggression from oligarchs and they should deeply consider what they are doing because people are going to push back.

People are exhausted and are fighting for this pandemic to end.

This framing assumes that people who won't take the vaccine are causing a 'deadly' pandemic to continue and thus killing innocent people. This is a lie. It's gaslighting and it's really a dangerous line of reasoning because the next step is to label millions of peaceful people (of all racial groups and creeds) 'terrorists' simply because they won't take an experimental gene therapy. I can guarantee you that million of americans and Europeans will defend their right to not get a needle in their arm with a experimental gene therapy. This is non negotiable.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I do. I believe that corporations are compromising these natural resources illegally. These corporation though are controlled by central banking family and these central banking families use the a small group of people (mostly jews race traitor anglos) to stay in power.

So no one gets a vaccine, and no one eats or drinks anything either? You realize the irony of arguing for a population control conspiracy, when more people would die from starving themselves? This is what is referred to as being paranoid.

Because a vaccine is literally a intravenous injection. It's a direct port inside of you. I don't know about you but I have to have a lot of trust in the people that are sticking needles into my body. It's one thing to poison food and water (you can change food habits and purify water) but vaccine is an even quicker delivery system. A needle can kill you, paralyze you, maim you or sterilize you. And to go back to the water thing; maybe you should look into history and see which ethnic group used the tactic of literal well poisoning?

You know what else is quicker than a vaccine? Soldiers lining up civilians against a wall and simply executing them. Which has ALWAYS been the choice of totalitarian governments. I never once heard of Stalin or Mao Zedong say "Damn, I really wish I had a Covid vaccine right now. It would help secure my already 100% ironfist rule of this country". But you keep pushing this idea that a needle is more powerful than all the world's tanks and bullets.

You'd understand this if you spent some time on the JQ. Jews are willing to use their own people to achieve their ends. The dissident right isn't sure exactly what's going on with the vaccines either. We aren't making the claim that they are 100% fatal instantly and that the elites are trying to kill everyone in Israel. That's a strawman of our position. All we are saying is that we REALLY don't trust the narrative and that the elites under the right conditions would kill a lot of people to get more power or hold onto power.

So if vaccine's aren't fatal, what exactly are you arguing? See? It keeps going in circles. First it was mass slavery. Then it was mass death. Now it's "we're not sure if it can even harm you anymore". You need to think critically and understand millions of people aren't volunteering to hurt themselves, they are seeking medical treatment to stop a virus.

So does the pro vax position though. The fatalities are inflated. Covid does not kill that many people and especially not young and middle aged people. Why use a gene therapy, with legal immunity, for a disease that has similar death numbers to the flu? The MRNA test is a lie depending on the cycles used so why trust it? Why are the regular flu deaths so low? Why trust the current anti human regime? Why submit to a control grid in the form of vaccine passports? These are also problems and contradictions with the mainstream narrative. The bottom line is that the people that control central banking and control the world are not good people and they don't deserve to have the power of life and death and freedom of movement over billions of people. This isn't a radical position to take.

The anti-vax position heavily relies on just letting people suffer, which is the same libertarian nonsense that argues humanity can somehow thrive in an anarchist environment. I've said this before, but there are no benefits from watching a population get more sick and hospitalized over time. Why do anti-vax seem to assert the opposite, is beyond all logical thinking.

I respectfully disagree and I've provided evidence and expert opinion to the contrary in other comments. You ignored that evidence. One thing that you can't seem to grasp is that science is not above politics. Our academics are some of the most cucked and controlled people in society and they are groomed to be cucks from an early age. Anybody with balls in academics is driven out or has their career ruined (lots of people have spoke out about this for decades). This sets up a really dangerous situation for people that don't want to dig into the details academically.

Does your "evidence" also say wheelchairs are political? Open heart surgery is political? Flintstones vitamins meant to help kids is political? You must know what IQ is, but somehow you think humanity was never suppose to use our brains to invent healthcare? That's where all of the above came from. It doesn't have to be Left or Right. I believe in saving people because it's both the intelligent and moral thing to do.

One of the 'vaccines' was already pulled from the market.

If you're talking about Astrazeneca, that's not completely true. In fact, plenty of third world countries are just getting new shipments today. It seems to have been a supply issue, kicked off by India undergoing a deadly new wave, that put a halt on it everywhere.

Pam is not alone. There are millions like her in other countries who don’t know when they’re getting their second dose of AstraZeneca. The vaccine was seen as a lifeline in many low- and middle-income countries which couldn’t get other COVID-19 vaccines due to lack of funding or limited supplies, as most doses had been purchased in advance by higher-income countries. But in April, in the middle of a deadly second wave of COVID-19 in India, the Serum Institute had to prioritize domestic supplies. That left a huge supply deficit in low- and middle-income countries relying on the vaccine, and with COVAX, which announced in May a shortfall of 190 million doses by the end of June. Aurélia Nguyen, managing director of COVAX, wrote in a blogpost that COVAX deliveries “will continue to be very lean through July and August.

In the U.S as well, the country didn't reject it out of fear, but because they already have an overabundance of their own vaccines, and they still recommend others to take it, if there's no other choice available. "We already have contracted for enough vaccines, from Moderna and from Pfizer and from [Johnson &Johnson]," he said. "There is no plan to immediately start utilizing the AstraZeneca [vaccine] even if it gets approved through the EUA, which it very well might." Fauci said it wasn't because of the AstraZeneca vaccine itself, but rather that it's not necessary in the US right now. "It's not any indictment against the product. We just have a lot of vaccines," he said.

Are you a real person? Serious question. You use so many media generated buzz words and phrases that I seriously question your background. Who buys into the mainstream on so many talking points? You also speak with the weird air of certainty that I normally only see from people paid off to comment and influence opinion. You frequently appeal to authority as well. Which is a major fallacy and when used repeatedly it just anti debate. You're argument just boils down to 'trust the science bro'. Well I don't because the science is deeply politicized and some would say weaponized.

Saying vaccines are crucial to re-opening is no more politicized than saying math is needed to build a standing tower. Of course I trust the science on this. It's the only reason anyone knows why it's considered safe to reopen. And the evidence is all around you.

There was a fitness gym that was just in the news. They were told to not open. They disobeyed and did so anyway. The results? They had an immediate outbreak and actually had to close down again...

You have to start seeing a pattern by now. Virus denial doesn't work, and it even leaves many of these disbelievers in a worse off state. I'm trying to help you by warning you why these people always end up wrong and suffer consequences.

Another stupid mainstream media neuro linguistic processing tactic. Keep this up and you get a 7 day ban. Just talk like a real human please. Forcing my people into lockdown was an assault on the ability for normal working people to make money and feed themselves and their families. If this keeps up you will have millions of people homeless and starving. Thousands will die from suicide. That's a serious act of aggression from oligarchs and they should deeply consider what they are doing because people are going to push back.

I'm literally stating a fact. Just look at the gym link I posted above. Once people get sick in a closed environment, it's consider a public health threat. No different to if a meat plant had a disease outbreak and workers are expected to touch food. There are no lockdowns with no new infections. Hence a vaccinated population is considered important. They wont lockdown anymore when no more cases exist.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

This framing assumes that people who won't take the vaccine are causing a 'deadly' pandemic to continue and thus killing innocent people. This is a lie. It's gaslighting and it's really a dangerous line of reasoning because the next step is to label millions of peaceful people (of all racial groups and creeds) 'terrorists' simply because they won't take an experimental gene therapy. I can guarantee you that million of americans and Europeans will defend their right to not get a needle in their arm with a experimental gene therapy. This is non negotiable.

And spreading a deadly disease is non negotiable. Once again, why are you defending the need to infect other people? No masks, no social distancing, it's not a surprise we ended up with this crisis because the libertarian style of rule never works. Perhaps your flaw is you think every human being is a genius and would limit contact with other people? I'm telling you, you overestimate the average citizen. There are in fact, millions of idiots who exist on the left side of the bell curve. If they cough and spit on people, they are transferring their germs and viruses to other people and in effect, are getting them killed.

This idea that life saving medicine is somehow more dangerous than actual virus spreaders who can't stop gathering in groups when told not to, is completely unfounded.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

Once again, why are you defending the need to infect other people?

So by your logic if I don't take an experimental mrna gene therapy pushed by criminal pharmaceutical companies, a co-opted government and guys like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwaub then I'm 'defending the need to infect other people'?? Are you hearing yourself right now? By that logic anybody that gets fat and has a weak immune system is also on the target list. Old people are terrorists to you? People who don't wash their hands are terrorists? People who don't take vitamin C when they get sick? What about those? What about children who run around spreading disease? Are they terrorists? What about travelers? What about illegal immigration? Are you on the forefront of stopping illegal immigration because of all the diseases they are spreading? Should we retroactively go back and go back and prosecute every human that skipped their flu shots every flu season? By you're logic they are responsible for hundreds of thousand of death. Millions every decade.

Don't you see how flawed and warped your argument is?

No masks, no social distancing

It's my human right to walk around unmuzzled. It's my human right to move freely. Social distancing is an attack on the ability of humans to experience social bonds. If fully enforced it would literally destroy the social and emotional fabric of society. Humans are socio-emotional beings that will literally stop breeding and kill themselves if they can't interact socially. Look into the studies on what happens when you deprive infants and children of social interaction. It's devastating. I don't think your realize how damaging 'social distancing' really is. It also flies in the face of traditional medicine. We isolate sick people not healthy people. Quarantine is done on individuals not billions of people. You break down economies and the entire fabric of society when you push these types of totalitarian dictatorial proposals and the only reason anybody is going along with it is because white people are the most trusting people in the world and they are being gaslight and bombarded with bullshit every single day of their lives in clown world and people like you help perpetuate it.

it's not a surprise we ended up with this crisis because the libertarian style of rule never works

Lol. We live in nothing close to libertarianism. Not that that would help anything.

Perhaps your flaw is you think every human being is a genius and would limit contact with other people?

No. I don't want people to limit contact at all. People are more isolated from other humans then at any other point in history. Read the Putnam studies about the collapse of social networks. The average person in the US barely has one close friend. In the 70's they had 20 or more. Why would we need MORE isolation from eachother? Are you insane?

There are in fact, millions of idiots who exist on the left side of the bell curve.

That doesn't mean you get to genocide them or lock them up because they won't act like your slave. You seem to have a very very strange hate towards 'stupid' people. It's quite disturbing.

If they cough and spit on people, they are transferring their germs and viruses to other people and in effect, are getting them killed.

The military has actually done large well controlled studies on this. They failed to show that coughing and spiting on people spreads much disease. You are living in a matrix of lies. Your immune system needs exposure to the outside world and lots of bacteria and disease to train itself. Constantly isolation weakens your immune system and your psyche which also in turns weakens the body. A better approach to a healthy populace is improved food supply, fitness, improving quality of life, getting corruption out of academia, and many others.

This idea that life saving medicine is somehow more dangerous than actual virus spreaders

It's not 'life saving medicine'. It's an experimental gene therapy. The creator of whom just went on the dark horse podcast with Bret Weinstein and said he second guesses its use and effectiveness. And there you go again with more buzzwords and de-humanizing people with legitimate concerns as 'virus spreaders'. Personally I think you are 'mind virus spreader'. Your mind virus is jew controlled neo liberal scientism.

who can't stop gathering in groups when told not to,

The US constitution enshrines my right to assemble (and even if it didn't I still have one). There's no asterisk at the bottom that says, "Except in cases where corrupt medical bureaucrats paid off by Jews says there's a 'pandemic'"

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (5 children)

Hey bro this is unrelated but, is there a reason why mod logs are public on saidit? I mean cool though

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

I'm not really sure. You should ask u/d3rr or u/jasoncarswell

[–]JasonCarswellVoluntaryist 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

100% transparency is for more accountability and a more fair system.

Not only are public mod logs an incentive for mods to behave because all their actions are on display, it also provides a way for the common user to help them stay honest.

Absolute power corrupts, and this helps even the field.


[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I'm fine with public logs. Thanks for the info Jason!

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I love saidit!

[–]JasonCarswellVoluntaryist 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Thank /u/magnora7 and /u/d3rr.

I'm just another fan of their SaidIt platform and our community.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So by your logic if I don't take an experimental mrna gene therapy pushed by criminal pharmaceutical companies, a co-opted government and guys like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwaub JPG then I'm 'defending the need to infect other people'?? Are you hearing yourself right now? By that logic anybody that gets fat and has a weak immune system is also on the target list. Old people are terrorists to you? People who don't wash their hands are terrorists?

You are absolutely defending them. They always lack self control and seem to invade establishments that explicitly ask, stay 2 meters apart and wear a mask. At some point society has to make a decision as what to do with these people, because doing nothing leads to cases of hospitals being overwhelmed or like India, it poses a threat to the national oxygen supply.

People who don't take vitamin C when they get sick? What about those? What about children who run around spreading disease? Are they terrorists? What about travelers? What about illegal immigration? Are you on the forefront of stopping illegal immigration because of all the diseases they are spreading? Should we retroactively go back and go back and prosecute every human that skipped their flu shots every flu season? By you're logic they are responsible for hundreds of thousand of death. Millions every decade. Don't you see how flawed and warped your argument is?

If you're asking if I believe we should rethink our national health policies, absolutely. I believe I made the case for that already. Once again, back in 2019, all flights to China should have been banned. Not a single case of Covid-19 should have made it past our borders.

It's my human right to walk around unmuzzled. It's my human right to move freely. Social distancing is an attack on the ability of humans to experience social bonds. If fully enforced it would literally destroy the social and emotional fabric of society. Humans are socio-emotional beings that will literally stop breeding and kill themselves if they can't interact socially. Look into the studies on what happens when you deprive infants and children of social interaction. It's devastating. I don't think your realize how damaging 'social distancing' really is. It also flies in the face of traditional medicine. We isolate sick people not healthy people. Quarantine is done on individuals not billions of people. You break down economies and the entire fabric of society when you push these types of totalitarian dictatorial proposals and the only reason anybody is going along with it is because white people are the most trusting people in the world and they are being gaslight and bombarded with bullshit every single day of their lives in clown world and people like you help perpetuate it.

Have you heard of trespassing? There is no such thing as being able to just walk around everywhere. Maybe outside, sure. But you can't show up at a Military base uninvited. And social distancing laws are in effect to stop the exact same super spreader events from happening. This is where I'm starting to question the IQ of those who downplay these practices. A thousand people cramming themselves into a tiny room is a recipe for Covid disaster. How many stories of Cruise ships carrying infected passengers must I post?

Lol. We live in nothing close to libertarianism. Not that that would help anything.

The "it's just a flu bro" WAS the libertarian response at the start of the pandemic. By the time the actual mask mandates and gathering limits were put into effect, it was too late. Every government should have been like Australia or Vietnam and passed the restrictions from the beginning.

No. I don't want people to limit contact at all. People are more isolated from other humans then at any other point in history. Read the Putnam studies about the collapse of social networks. The average person in the US barely has one close friend. In the 70's they had 20 or more. Why would we need MORE isolation from eachother? Are you insane?

Isolation is needed to prevent a virus from going around. Once again, Covid never teleported or swam by sea to get here. It only needed 1 confirmed human being to spread it to the rest of the world.

That doesn't mean you get to genocide them or lock them up because they won't act like your slave. You seem to have a very very strange hate towards 'stupid' people. It's quite disturbing.

I'm not genociding them. They are merely too stupid for their own good and their reckless behavior puts the lives of millions at risk. Just like how we have laws against stealing or murder. Without fear of punishment, society itself can't run because the stupids are the first to abuse their privilege of "just because you can, doesn't mean you should".

The military has actually done large well controlled studies on this. They failed to show that coughing and spiting on people spreads much disease.

A basketball player got Covid from rubbing his hands all over a microphone. It was one the first examples of how crazy people were to pretend there was no such thing as infected surfaces.

Also, try and spit on police officer and see what their reaction is. It's actually considered an upgraded felony, especially during the current pandemic.

It's not 'life saving medicine'. It's an experimental gene therapy. The creator of whom just went on the dark horse podcast with Bret Weinstein and said he second guesses its use and effectiveness. And there you go again with more buzzwords and de-humanizing people with legitimate concerns as 'virus spreaders'. Personally I think you are 'mind virus spreader'. Your mind virus is jew controlled neo liberal scientism JPG .

'Gene therapy' seems to be the new buzzword, but upon closer inspection, the term is misused and is a bad attempt at scaring people from using medicine that is proven safe.

Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades. Interest has grown in these vaccines because they can be developed in a laboratory using readily available materials. This means the process can be standardized and scaled up, making vaccine development faster than traditional methods of making vaccines. mRNA vaccines have been studied before for flu, Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). As soon as the necessary information about the virus that causes COVID-19 was available, scientists began designing the mRNA instructions for cells to build the unique spike protein into an mRNA vaccine. Future mRNA vaccine technology may allow for one vaccine to provide protection for multiple diseases, thus decreasing the number of shots needed for protection against common vaccine-preventable diseases. Beyond vaccines, cancer research has used mRNA to trigger the immune system to target specific cancer cells.

The US constitution enshrines my right to assemble (and even if it didn't I still have one). There's no asterisk at the bottom that says, "Except in cases where corrupt medical bureaucrats paid off by Jews says there's a 'pandemic'"

I looked it up and for the most part, social gathering restrictions do not actually violate the constitution. All attempts at proving otherwise have been thrown out in court.

In an attempt to mitigate surging infection and hospitalization rates during the surges in the Covid-19 pandemic, public officials issued emergency orders limiting the size of public gatherings and closures or restrictions on certain businesses. In response to those orders, residents, businesses, and other organizations filed lawsuits claiming that the restrictions violated their constitutional rights, including the right to gather. In many—but not all—of these cases, the lower courts denied the plaintiffs’ requests for injunctions to prevent enforcement of the restrictions, finding that the emergency orders met the requirements for content-neutral restrictions on the time, place, and manner of gathering (discussed below). There hasn’t been a definitive appellate court ruling on the issue of whether these orders violated the right to gather. (The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in late 2020 and early 2021 that two states' restrictions on attendance at religious services during the pandemic could not be enforced, but those rulings were based on freedom of religion rather than the right to gather.) Because the First Amendment applies only to government actions or laws that violate rights, private property owners are generally free to keep groups from protesting or gathering on their property. But there are limited exceptions. As the U.S. Supreme Court explained, the balance between property owners’ rights and the constitutional rights of people who use that property changes the more owners open up their property for public use for their own advantage, such as on privately owned bridges, railroads, and company towns. (Marsh v. State of Ala., 326 U.S. 501 (1946).) Also, some states—like California and New Jersey—provide broader rights than the federal constitution for assembly and speech on certain types of private property, such as shopping centers and private universities.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

Does this help you understand my position a little better 'radicalcentrist'?

Throughout human history, I have never heard of medicine being a tool of population control.

What makes China or the USSR so powerful is not because they injected everyone with some secret serum. It was actually because they both have large standing armies who are completely obedient to the state, and are willing to exercise their might on their own population.

Meanwhile, the only people even authorized to administer Covid vaccines are doctors. Again, for this conspiracy to really work, you believe all doctors on Earth signed a secret pact with Jews to either poison or mind control every patient who approaches them for help? What would a doctor even get from killing their main (and only) sources of income?

[–]Node 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

What would a doctor even get from killing their main (and only) sources of income?

What doctor in 2021 gets their income from patients?

[–]JasonCarswellVoluntaryist 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)


[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Patients pay taxes, that's used to fund and maintain hospitals.

You think killing all these people is going to leave the medical industry in a better position?

Edit: And well, private clinics can ask for money directly from patients too.

[–]Node 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Yes, patients indirectly do finance the existence of doctors, but paying for a doctors services is far less direct than it used to be. And I would argue, to our detriment.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That really depends. Private practices exist, and they do offer services like charging for X-rays or offering a physical exam when every other hospital is booked. There would be no point to building more of these clinics, if the demand for people wanting to stay healthy, ceased to exist.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

medicine being a tool of population control.

That's because this type of information gets classified as sensitive to national security interests and hidden from the public. We do know that the national socialist government headed by Uncle A studied the poisoning of water and natural resources as a weapon of war. (Most likely to defend against such acts not to use them offensively). All that info fell into US and UK hands after the war. Do you really think the the US, Chinese, Russian and European nations haven't looking into water, and medicines as vectors of attack on a populace??

What makes China or the USSR so powerful is not because they injected everyone with some secret serum. It was actually because they both have large standing armies who are completely obedient to the state, and are willing to exercise their might on their own population.

I'm not really sure what you're trying to say here.

Again, for this conspiracy to really work,

Please stop strawmanning.

you believe all doctors on Earth signed a secret pact with Jews

Historically Jews go into the medical field in droves. A large percentage of doctors in the western world are Jews. We know that doctors collaborated to kill officials in Stalin's government. They were caught and Stalin was going to purge again before he 'mysteriously' died. The medical field is riddled with people that have questionable morals. Just because someone is a doctor doesn't mean they wouldn't do radical things for power and money. I've also stated in some other threads that intelligent people are not immune to propaganda and disinformation. You can trick doctors just like you can trick normal people.

doctors on Earth signed a secret pact with Jews to either poison or mind control every patient who approaches them for help?

Another strawman. Dissidents don't know the exact plans of elites. We do know that they are constantly fucking over and exploiting the population. We do know that they are willing to kill large numbers of people. We do know they spend millions of dollars to put up monuments about "Maintaining humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.". We do know that jews throughout history are constantly fetishizing white population reduction, fetishizing world control through slavery. We do know that Jews are disproportionately represented in positions of power; coincidentally, all the positions of power you would need to hold to pull of a depopulation or world wide control grid scenario.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That's because this type of information gets classified as sensitive to national security interests and hidden from the public. We do know that the national socialist government headed by Uncle A studied the poisoning of water and natural resources as a weapon of war. (Most likely to defend against such acts not to use them offensively). All that info fell into US and UK hands after the war. Do you really think the the US, Chinese, Russian and European nations haven't looking into water, and medicines as vectors of attack on a populace??

If they have, what is their reason for not employing it right away? The Communists have always taken away food, but they never came back and replaced it with tainted wheat. The reason they don't this is because you're adding extra layers to a conspiracy where there is none.

Communists took food away because they preferred to let citizens starve. They were never interested in feeding them.

I'm not really sure what you're trying to say here.

There is no historical example of these countries choosing to rule using only tainted medicine. They rule using actual foot soldiers instead.

And that kinda puts a knife into your conspiracy. Why doesn't anyone just start a new government, and seize control of the population using vaccines? It seems like the easiest thing to get away with, yet there are no examples...

Historically Jews go into the medical field in droves. A large percentage of doctors in the western world are Jews. We know that doctors collaborated to kill officials in Stalin's government. They were caught and Stalin was going to purge again before he 'mysteriously' died. The medical field is riddled with people that have questionable morals. Just because someone is a doctor doesn't mean they wouldn't do radical things for power and money. I've also stated in some other threads that intelligent people are not immune to propaganda and disinformation. You can trick doctors just like you can trick normal people.

Show me stats of most Western doctors being Jews? I only see stats that say 56% of Doctors are White, and another 17% are Asian.

Another strawman. Dissidents don't know the exact plans of elites. We do know that they are constantly fucking over and exploiting the population. We do know that they are willing to kill large numbers of people. We do know they spend millions of dollars to put of monuments about "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.". We do know that jews throughout history are constantly fetishizing white population reduction JPG , fetishizing world control through slavery JPG . We do know that Jews are disproportionately JPG represented in positions of power JPG ; coincidentally, all the positions of power you would need to hold to pull of a depopulation or world wide control grid scenario.

All of which can exist independently or have nothing to do with vaccines.