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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (31 children)

Republicans won't even mention white people.

They have dogwhistles, which are the same thing.

In fact, a very certain U.S President explicitly mentions why they don't say "white"

Nixon's advisers recognized that they could not appeal directly to voters on issues of white supremacy or racism. White House Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman noted that Nixon "emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognized this while not appearing to".[46] With the aid of Harry Dent and South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond, who had switched to the Republican Party in 1964, Nixon ran his 1968 campaign on states' rights and "law and order". Liberal Northern Democrats accused Nixon of pandering to Southern whites, especially with regard to his "states' rights" and "law and order" positions, which were widely understood by black leaders to symbolize Southern resistance to civil rights.[47] This tactic was described in 2007 by David Greenberg in Slate as "dog-whistle politics".[48] According to an article in The American Conservative, Nixon adviser and speechwriter Pat Buchanan disputed this characterization.[49]

That's because Democrat/Republican is kayfabe.

They're both terrible, but the Republican strategy of calling non-white countries shitholes or Mexicans as rapists come across as political suicide. Just think. If they're bad at attracting Whites to their party, why go 2x harder and scare off most non-white voters in the process? They should have just swallowed their pride and form their own multicult party that can at least push a social conservative agenda.

[–][deleted] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

the Republican strategy of calling non-white countries shitholes or Mexicans as rapists come across as political suicide

These statements caused huge jumps in Trump's popularity.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

And now he's out of office while serving only one term...

[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The biggest reason for that was the fact that he followed Kushner's lead (supposedly) and adopted a typical "anti-racist" Republican platform. He dropped all of the stuff that won him the election in 2016, and instead opted to run on letting blacks out of prison and increasing legal immigration. He did nothing about the BLM riots, he did nothing about election security, and he did next to nothing in terms of economic COVID relief for normal people. For the most part, he gave up even the dog whistles. It's like he did everything he could to throw the election.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So the Republican expectation was they could expect to win all future elections using racism, even though stuff like legal immigration or civil rights represented a culture that was against that? Unless his second term was going to cut Hart-Celler into pieces and begin mass deportations, it was suicide of the highest order.

[–][deleted]  (3 children)


    [–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    It's a good thing they waited 4 years to do it and not back in 2016, when Hillary claimed the same thing.

    It's almost like both sides throw tantrums when they see results they don't like.

    [–][deleted]  (1 child)


      [–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

      Ah yes, the magical evidence that will explain how all 81 million votes for Biden were fake, and why it only mattered this one time and not every previous election that came before...

      [–][deleted]  (22 children)


        [–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (21 children)

        No they aren't. A dog-whistle doesn't assert the right of whites to exist and demand we be respected as people. It's slimy way to trick voters without asserting their interests as valid. Your discussion with Nixon anti-black, not necessarily pro white. No one likes niggers so that strategy doesn't even necessarily alienate but blacks

        Your post would imply that Democrats also alienate Black voters but that hasn't been the case for decades...

        And if Republicans don't respect black people or even openly call them "niggers" then why are we surprised they wont ever vote for them in large numbers?

        They won in 2016 with that strategy. How did sucking black cock for four years work?

        Emphasizing short term thinking over long term success is absolutely why GOP faces an identity crisis. Again, a party that you admit doesn't fully reach out to Whites, but now goes on the attack against any black or other non-white voter is pure foolishness. It's like watching the last gasps of a chained up dog, who would rather bark all his energy away, instead of asking why are his chains holding him down in one place.

        They are a multicultural party you retard. I noticed you ignored the 900,000 Wisconsin voters.

        They're not multicultural when every election has them losing the majority of non-white voters by large margins. Only George Bush 2 manage to get the highest share of hispanic voters, at 44%, and unsurprisingly, he still managed a second term. But come Mitt Romney in 2012 and Trump in both 2016 and 2020 and they were still struggling to reach those same heights that Bush 2 had set before them.

        [–][deleted]  (20 children)


          [–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (19 children)

          ????? This discussion has been about Republicans courting Hispanics, not blacks.

          You're losing me. From the beginning, I said Republicans are caught up in the worst of both worlds. They're a half heart white identarian party, but they double down on punishing minority voters, which naturally includes Black Americans... At one point, yes, Republicans did a do better job with courting Hispanics under Bush 2. But again, the future Republicans never capitalized on this and even went backwards. This is where identity crisis exists today. They can't expect to win in the future if they continue to make appeals to racism.

          WTF are you talking about? Their platform is giving money to minority business owners (but not whites) and letting blacks out of jail. Trump said those things, and it was against the grain with the rest of the party. He then folded and became a pandering negrophile like the rest of them

          If you think money is what black voters only care about that, then once again, it shows why the Republicans are completely out of touch with them. Hell, I recall even Bernie Sanders tried the same thing in both Democratic primaries but actually made worse gains with blacks. See my next paragraph that goes into better detail.

          Yes, they are. Cruz, Rubio, etc. their pandering platforms. They lose minority votes because they don't support as many gibs and aren't as transparently viscous toward whites as the Dems are.

          Again, it's not money they care about. Given the history of the U.S, there's been a constant struggle with how blacks (and other minorities) have been allowed to move up in society, and when you have Republican leaders like Reagan or Nixon go on record with how much they despise or thought little of black Americans, it only served to poison their image.

          [–][deleted]  (18 children)


            [–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (17 children)

            There is no "punishing" going on, you deluded rat fuck. They let them out of jail with the First Step Act and promised them gibs and preferential treatment.

            You're making the mistake that these are somehow issues they care the most about, while also ignoring they've made several missteps in the process too. For example, even up into Trump's last days in office, he actually rolled back policies meant to protect black Americans from discrimination. This is what I mean when it's not just a "gibs" issue. The U.S history is a lot more complex in regards to how non-whites were treated, and Republicans throwing fuel on the fire is what pushes them even farther from being a big tent party.


            I already told you they left a ton of white votes on the table. You won't address that because you are a rat fuck who is here to justify Republicans throwing whites under the bus by painting it as a necessary, smart electoral strategy.

            So whose fault is that? You're only proving my point. The Republicans are stuck in denial mode but they lack the self-awareness to change directions. I also never said they must throw whites under the bus. Why or where did this come up in the conversation? No, I said their refusal to become a much more inclusive or multicultural party that shocked even Obama when he saw it as a sure fire thing is why they're now on a death spiral.

            Since you said you're not a GOP/Trump loyalist then why the need to get over defensive by this fact?

            [–][deleted]  (16 children)


              [–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (15 children)

              That's just them rolling back an affirmative action program that their (((donors))) found too expensive. Blacks have shitty credit for legitimate reasons. You are operating with a broken O-window in which one must not only suck black cock but also offer a reach around, and anything less is racist. Your position on whites is completely incongruent. Just dog-whistling makes the Republicans a "white-identitarian" party.

              So first you say Republicans are all about pandering to blacks, but when there are actual policies meant to protect them, Republicans magically find a backbone to inflict damage on them? Sorry, but that's not consistent. Even more bizarre, since you just jumped to the conclusion that it all comes down to Jews, then why on earth are Democrats not pushing for the exact same thing? I'm pretty sure Biden isn't in favor of disenfranchising Black Americans or making their lives more miserable. Republicans, with their dogwhistling agenda, does not make them the exact same as their Democrat counterparts.

              Edit: Also gotta love that car loans for black people are too expensive, but if Republicans wanted to invade another Middle Eastern country or even prop up the stock market, then trillions of dollars are now magically available. Where's the logic in that?

              They aren't stuck. As I've already told you, they leaned into negrophilia and minority pandering. Their platform is free shit for POC business owners and letting blacks out of jail. A point I made and you ignored repeatedly.

              And these policies are complete failures if you think it's going to ever move the needle past 20% of blacks voting for them. That's why I'm so frustrated with what is the goal of GOP? If it's just a bunch of 70 year old white men sitting in a room whose best idea is "hey, just give blacks more money", but then turn around and say "but we'll call them n-words behind their backs when no one is looking!" then they are already defeated.

              Multiculturalism is throwing whites under the bus you goober.

              Other multicultural societies exist that aren't even about White people. Like Israel for example, the Jews are open to all ethnic backgrounds who practice their religion. Ironically, I think their biggest population are the Mizrahi Jews, or the ones who've lived in Arab societies for a while. Nationalism doesn't have to be about skin color, but a common origin or theme.

              And that's where the GOP look like complete idiots right now. Hispanics and Blacks could easily form an alliance with them, or even support social conservative policies like banning abortion, if they didn't have a mindset that was stuck in the 1920s. Just saying "MONEY MONEY MONEY BLACKS WANT MONEY" is not going to win enough voters over. We have the evidence already. But it's their party. The experts have already weighed in and gave them solid advice but they reject it out of absolute stubbornness and pride.

              I'm not defending the GOP. I'm attacking them, their pandering to POCs, your denials that they are pandering, your argument that they should pander harder, and your brainlet claim that they are white-identitarian.

              You need to handle criticism better. The denial is not in pandering, the denial is that their strategy is suppose to be smart. In a lot of ways, it's definitely boomer tier cringe of how to attract voters without looking at how silly some of these actions are. For example, many times I have seen those "blacks for trump" campaigns, but it actually ends up with a cast of white people filling in for actual black Trump supporters. This is what I'm talking about when the GOP aren't self aware. Everyone else looks at this stuff and laughs.


              [–][deleted]  (14 children)
