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[–]RealFerdinandFoch 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It seems like a good idea, although my predictions ended up being almost exactly the same as yours, so I'll just add a few on the margins.


1) The first two years of his term will be the most productive, but Joe will spend most of his time being pulled in half by the rabid shitlib side of the party and the old guard represented by the likes of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, etc. and not be very productive at any stage of his presidency.

2) Conspiracy theories (which are probably true) will start propagating among the more radical left wing that Biden is a puppet of the establishment types he will no doubt have in his cabinet, similar to the way people talk about Jared Kushner.

3) Ginsberg retires and is replaced by what might as well be a clone of herself.


1) Trump will continue to ignore his base and not take any real action to curtail immigration or protect US industry.

2) "Sanctuary Cities" and border enforcement in general will be a prominent point in the discourse. Trump will react very publicly to being directly called out as weak and try to rein the cities in, but he will not do so in a way that would actually improve his position even if things were to proceed as planned.

3) Ginsberg dies and is replaced by another cuckservative judge.

4) At least one health issue that the administration tries but fails to conceal from the public.

Edit: And a bonus, the UK finally leaves the EU and signs a terribly lopsided deal with the USA, regardless of who is elected president.