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[–]ArthnoldManacatsaman 67 insightful - 2 fun67 insightful - 1 fun68 insightful - 2 fun -  (23 children)

This is the tactic of the abuser.

Don't leave disagree with me, I'll kill myself!

Edit: I'm going to keep going because soapbox.

We are aware through our work with families that there have been cases of self-harm and even attempted suicide following J.K.Rowling’s statements and the public response on social media and in the press. Surely this must cause us all to pause and question the way young trans lives are being debated in public.

Call me a heartless monster, but that is nobody else's responsibility but their own. Yes, it's awful when anyone self-harms or attempts suicide, but if people are so fragile they are going to self-harm over something they read in the newspaper then that tells me that they are in desperate need of psychiatric intervention, not that the debate that offends them is upsetting. Exposure to issues that offend or upset you builds character, and strengthens or challenges your own convictions. Mermaids should be inveighing against the lack of mental health resources available to these people, not JK.

Trans people are far from being accepted by society and suffer real life discrimination, including physical violence, employment discrimination and everyday harassment on the street.

But so do plenty of people. This is something societies need to work on, but if a woman killed herself because she was refused the CEO role she really wanted, most people would probably rightly come to the conclusion that there were other demons lurking under the surface.

Therefore, as a woman of great power and someone sympathetic to trans young people, we ask her to acknowledge the many young people around the world who fundamentally disagree with her position on trans acceptance and we beg her to at least consider the possibility that trans young people are able to express who they are for themselves.

JK Rowling doesn't have to do shit. 'I am aware people disagree with me, but honestly, fuck them right?' - would that be fine then? JK isn't stupid enough to think that people don't disagree with her. The fact that she has doubled down in spite of massive disagreement makes her statements all the more profound. She has not been cowed into silence or retraction.

She's not denying that trans people can't express who they are for themselves. A tweet of hers literally says 'wear a dress, call yourself what you want' - what is that if not 'considering the possibility'? What they mean is 'come round to the pov that...'.

J.K. Rowling rightly speaks of brave ‘detransitioned’ young women. Yet, does she consider trans people, living openly in spite of public hostility, less brave? Are those who have fought for decades to be treated with respect and dignity in a society that ridicules and demonises them, less brave? Are those children and young people who state their true gender in the face of rejection from family and friends less brave? At Mermaids, we support people no matter the path they take and that of course includes those who transition, detransition or retransition.

It doesn't matter how brave she thinks they are, bravery and being right aren't mutually exclusive options. You can be brave and wrong, and cowardly and correct.

J.K. Rowling may see that as part of a ‘radical trans rights movement’, we see it as our duty. If we are considered radical by some, then we will accept the badge and wear it with pride. We do not consider it radical to listen to young people and support them without prejudice. We do not consider it radical to believe that trans adults were once trans children. We do not consider it radical to believe that children and young people know who they are, for themselves, without arbitration from strangers. If standing beside trans young people and their families is radical, then please J.K. Rowling, be radical.

JK does not consider it radical to stand up for the sex-based rights of women and girls. JK does not consider it radical to believe that 'trans children' deserve psychiatric intervention and protection from invasive, irreversible medical procedures. If standing up for women and girls (and many others groups besides) is radical, then please, JK, be radical.

We hope people will soon see the damage being done to vulnerable people by the nature of this polarised, misinformed ‘debate’.


We repeat our call for people of all perspectives to refrain from threatening and aggressive behaviour and we utterly condemn anyone sending threatening or abusive content to J.K. Rowling. We ask J.K.Rowling to make a similar appeal to those using her name in their profiles whilst threatening and abusing trans people and their friends, supporters and families.

That is fair enough, and I think JK herself (without wanting to put words in her mouth) would condemn in the strongest possible terms anyone who used her name to threaten or abuse anybody else.

Again, as we have asked before: please, do not speak about trans children and young people, until you have listened to them first.

I agree in principle that people shouldn't spout off about things about which they know nothing, but a larger part of me just wants to tell these people to fuck off.

[–]BEB 44 insightful - 4 fun44 insightful - 3 fun45 insightful - 4 fun -  (5 children)

Wonderful post!

The only thing I disagree with is that in my years of lurking on GC spaces I have never once seen a feminist or a supporter threaten a trans person.

And as for "abuse" - if calling a spade a spade is considered "abuse" well, maybe, but if that's the definition of "abuse" then maybe everyone needs to suffer it in order to toughen up for the real abuse coming our way, because we all live in a world that couldn't give a fuck about our feelings.

And Mermaids acts as if JK Rowling and other trans activist critics have NOT listened to trans children and young people when, in fact, we've listened too much. We know that many of these kids are gay, or depressed, or autistic, or have suffered sexual/physical abuse, or ADHD - we know these kids are searching for something to make them feel better, and we know that BY LISTENING TO THEM.

tl;dr STFU Mermaids

[–]ArthnoldManacatsaman 30 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 0 fun31 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And as for "abuse" - if calling a spade a spade is considered "abuse" well, maybe, but if that's the definition of "abuse" then maybe everyone needs to suffer it in order to toughen up for the real abuse coming our way, because we all live in a world that couldn't give a fuck about our feelings.

Honestly you've hit the nail straight on the head there. I don't want to sound like my grandmother complaining about snowflakes, but whatever happened to mental resilience? I read The Coddling of the American Mind about a year ago, and the authors mention three 'myths of fragility' that are really apt here:

  1. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you weaker.

  2. Always trust your feelings.

  3. Life is a battle between good people and evil people.

Never mind what Alexander Solzhenitsyn said about the line between good and evil cutting through the heart of every human being, magic lady hurted my feeeeels!

[–]denverkris 24 insightful - 1 fun24 insightful - 0 fun25 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

"because we all live in a world that couldn't give a fuck about our feelings."

This right here. I am not responsible for YOUR feelings. YOU are. You want to be she but you're a he and I called you a he and that's hurts your feelers? not my problem, and I honestly don't care. I don't have time to worry about every inane fucking made up aggression that hurts your feelers. Especially when its the truth that bothers you. I was not put on this earth to be your emotional support system.

[–]jelliknight 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Totally! The views of the whole fragile woke brigade (not just the trans aspect) is: "I can't be expected to control my emotions. You have to control them for me."

Sorry not sorry, I take responsibility for my words, my meanings, and my actions. NOT your responses.

[–]luckystar 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And Mermaids acts as if JK Rowling and other trans activist critics have NOT listened to trans children and young people when, in fact, we've listened too much.

THIS THIS THIS. The average person has no clue what's going on. Most of us are former "allies".

[–]Head_Sherbert 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree with you. An important point that has often been lost: Listening doesn't mean agreeing.

[–]denverkris 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (12 children)

I've been a child/young person. a VERY gnc/lesbian/bi one. They can fuck right off. I can't imagine what might have happened to me if I were a child today. The thought of it is horrifying.

[–]just_lesbian_things 16 insightful - 2 fun16 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 2 fun -  (11 children)

a VERY gnc/lesbian/bi one

Lesbian or bi? You can't be both lol, they're mutually exclusive.

[–]denverkris 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

You think? i don't know. It's almost as if some people think they're straight for a while, they get married, have kids, then come out as gay or lesbian. It's almost as if you may think about yourself as straight at one point in time, bi another, gay or lesbian another. But you let me know how you'd like me to express myself so that it makes you comfortable and I'll see what i can do. I mean, would you prefer that I say I was a very gnc young woman who was very confused about her sexuality and doesn't know how to label herself at that point in time, would that make you feel better? I mean, maybe if I had had someone like you around to police me in those early years, gee, who knows?

So what are your rules for sexuality labels? clearly any woman who was, say, married to a guy for 10 years must be bi and not a lesbian right? Sorry if i disturbed your delicate sensibilities.

[–]crazyangryfemale 28 insightful - 1 fun28 insightful - 0 fun29 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

You’re both right. Bisexual & lesbian are exclusive sexualities. Yet additionally: in growing as a human being & having experiences, you thought you were bisexual at one point, lesbian at another; there is of course nothing wrong with that.

If I may say so... I don’t think just_lesbian_things was challenging your right to discern your sexuality over the course of your life. They themselves were clearly protective in their comment of the term “lesbian,” and who can blame them given how its ‘definition’ includes attraction to men nowadays.

It wasn’t clear at all in this small sentence fragment what the combination of the two sexualities meant—the “/“ just made it seem as though “bisexual/lesbian” was your sexuality. It didn’t connote a distinction between them to me.

Seems like a miscommunication. You explained what you meant & it wasn’t that you were simultaneously bisexual & lesbian, therefore rendering just_lesbian_things’ comment irrelevant to your reply. I can’t know how painful & confusing it must have been for you during that time. People are eager to misunderstand you when you’re a young woman, even more so when you’re gnc. I would be a dog off the leash to anyone who tried to tell me who I am; I really do understand where you’re coming from, even if I can’t know completely all you’ve been through. I really don’t think there’s any ill-intent here. We’re all protective of who we are as lesbians & Im glad for that. I hope I didn’t overstep any boundaries in commenting on this exchange—just felt like I might be able to help. Famous last words

[–]denverkris 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yes, I can see how what I said could have been misconstrued as meaning simultaneous when I definitely didn't mean it that way. I appreciate your thoughtful reply. And yes, I definitely feel bad for todays lesbians, especially young ones. It seems like they're being assaulted on all fronts.

[–]just_lesbian_things 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I definitely feel bad for todays lesbians, especially young ones.

But not bad enough to listen when one is telling you that words have meaning, right? If one does that, she can fuck right off, right??

[–]just_lesbian_things 20 insightful - 1 fun20 insightful - 0 fun21 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

You think? i don't know.

Then listen to someone who knows. Words have meaning. Lesbian means homosexual woman- it's not an umbrella term any more than "woman is". If that does not describe you, then you are not a lesbian. It's not rocket science.

But you let me know how you'd like me to express myself so that it makes you comfortable and I'll see what i can do.

It has nothing to do with my comfort and everything to do with accuracy and proper word use. Mentally ill men misusing words to make themselves feel better is how we got into this mess in the first place.

clearly any woman who was, say, married to a guy for 10 years must be bi and not a lesbian right?

You're projecting your own issues. I've defined the word lesbian for you; in fact, it is easily searchable on the internet. You decide if that word applies to you or not. If it does not, then you are not a lesbian. You have people inventing hundreds of sexualities these days, you're free to peruse the different labels to decide which best fit you, or make up one on your own. But lesbian already has a meaning, and that meaning is mutually exclusive with bisexual. Pick one or pick neither, not both.

[–]denverkris 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Fuck off.

[–]just_lesbian_things 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)


[–]SaidOverRed 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Sigh. Let's be pedantic about common parlance: Lesbians are women that have sex with other women. All bi women who partake in that are therefore lesbians. The other kind of lesbian chooses to exclude men, which is a step in the right direction.

[–]just_lesbian_things 33 insightful - 2 fun33 insightful - 1 fun34 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

No. Lesbians are women who are sexually attracted to women exclusively. Lesbian isn't an umbrella term. Homosexual is not an umbrella term any more than woman is. Lesbians are homosexual women. Bisexual women are not lesbians.

[–]MarkTwainiac 14 insightful - 2 fun14 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Lesbians are women that have sex with other women.

Uh, no. A lot of straight women have sex with other women to please men - porn actresses & women in prostitution in particular. Many straight women who are not porn performers or prostituted have sex with other women to please their male partners, too - in three-ways, or so the guy can watch his partner in "girl on girl" action.

What's more, at some point in their lives a lot of straight women have had sex with other girls/women out of curiosity, or for comfort.

Back when young people grew up in close physical contact with one another, as opposed to spending the bulk of their lives online, it was quite common for tween & teen girls & women in early adulthood to engage in sex acts with each other as a normal part of adolescence exploration. When I grew up in the 1960s, it was also common for girls to practice various sex acts - from French kissing to humping & in some cases even being fingered & vaginally penetrated - with other girls so they/we would be good at doing such acts with/to boys/men later on.

Lesbians are girls/women who are sexually attracted only to people of the same sex. Bi & straight girls/women who have sex with other girls/women aren't lesbians - not even temporary ones.

[–]yishengqingwa666 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)


[–]kwallio 9 insightful - 4 fun9 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Why do all trans manifestos read like they've been written by a fourth grader.

[–]endless_assfluff 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Fantastic. I dropped by to say most of those things.

The "if you don't accept trans people as their chosen gender, they'll kill themselves" argument is so manipulative and insidious, and it's really all they have. Every libfem I've met recognizes that "if you don't date me, I'll kill myself" is an intimidation. It's clear that (a) the person saying it is using suicide as a bargaining chip to get the recipient to do what they want and (b) that a person threatening suicide is not likely to kill themselves, because people who actually do want to commit suicide don't give others a chance to stop them and see no other options. It's just straight-up emotional manipulation. So they've come up with empowering tactics to counter this abusive trash, not a single one of which involves giving in and dating the guy to keep him happy. But all that great intuition goes out the window when TRAs start threatening suicide if they don't get what they want.

Not only that, but you could rephrase

We are aware through our work with families that there have been cases of self-harm and even attempted suicide following J.K.Rowling’s statements and the public response on social media and in the press.


Nobody has killed themselves in response to JKR's statements.

And I also take issue with

J.K. Rowling rightly speaks of brave ‘detransitioned’ young women. Yet, does she consider trans people, living openly in spite of public hostility, less brave?

Their arguments don't so much rely on misinformation (sans the gaslighting about biological sex) as they rely on controlling which narrative the public sees, and here's an example of them using faulty logic to do just that. First, the faulty logic. They seem to have interpreted JKR's statement as "If a young woman has detransitioned, she is brave," and the following paragraph responds to this as if JKR had said "If a transperson did not detransition, they are not brave." That's the inverse. That a statement does not imply its inverse is fifth-grade-level logic. Nothing JKR said actually reflected poorly on transpeople, but they're deliberately misrepresenting her statements to make it seem that way.

And misinterpretation is all they have here because they can't reveal what the actual purpose of this tactic is: silencing dissenters. Oppressors tend to create a one-way system where the oppressed are expected to have empathy for the other party, but they do not have to have empathy for the oppressed; and that the oppressed should be held responsible for their actions, while the oppressors should not. Both parties have emotions and both parties sometimes do problematic things. Someone who cares about truth and can empathize with both sides would readily admit that. A person who does not care and just wants to push their side will be incapable of acknowledging the other party's feelings and incapable of taking responsibility for their wrongdoings. An attractive strategy for these people is to keep drawing attention away from the information that doesn't serve them---the other party's emotions and their problematic actions---and towards the information that does---their emotions and the other party's problematic actions---in a way that looks fair, balanced, and true, but is actually betraying that their position is not based on fact, and that they fundamentally have to ignore information in order to hold it.

Since I used a break-up as an example above, I'll use one here, too. Consider the following exchange:

A: I'm sorry, I don't think we can be together anymore. What you said at the restaurant hurt me too deeply.

B: But my feelings were hurt too. When you broke up with me, it hurt me.

A: I understand that the break-up is emotionally stressful, and it is for me too, but I just couldn't go on.

B: But I'm hurt too. I'm hurt by you painting me as some kind of monster.

A is acknowledging B's feelings; B can't acknowledge A's. A is acknowledging the consequences of their own actions; B cannot. A is able to empathize with B. B is not able to empathize with A. So because both A and B see B's side but only A sees A's side, the narrative will keep getting pulled in B's favor. Unless A exposes what B is doing. (If it's a private discussion, A needs to cut it off because just continuing the discussion itself is allowing B to pretend A can still win, when really nothing A can say will convince B because B's not listening.)

So if we go back to their statement:

J.K. Rowling rightly speaks of brave ‘detransitioned’ young women. Yet, does she consider trans people, living openly in spite of public hostility, less brave?

What is actually happening here is that JKR is saying "We should listen to detransitioned young women" and they are responding with "But what about the people who don't detransition?!" Classic misdirection. JKR has clearly and repeatedly expressed empathy for trans people, so her statement from the beginning has been "We should respect and listened to both transitioned and detransitioned people." And what Mermaids is really saying here is "don't listen to detransitioned people," but because saying it outright makes them look bad, they try to redirect any discussion about detransitioners by interrupting with "but what about US?!"

Because they don't have another choice. Detransitioned teenagers are living, walking proof of their wrongdoing. Even acknowledging their existence challenges their incredibly weak claim that anyone with gender dysphoria is trans. Even if they were to pretend to empathize with detransitioners and say "We know detransitioners have it hard," I can all but guarantee you that the next word will be 'but' and the subject of the next clause will be transpeople.

This paragraph reads alright to most people but clearly exposes that their argument is selfish.

Ugh. I'm trying to write an essay about how crappy these arguments are and how to counter them, and it's so hard to not call them out when they pop up.

[–]leaveandletleave 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is a really helpful breakdown, thank you.

[–]leaveandletleave 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Forgive me if this acronym has been invented before, but if they’re now claiming to be radical, are they TIRMs (Trans-Inclusive Radical Misogynists)? I admit it’s not as catchy as TERF, and we have TRA already. There is something darkly humorous about being able to say a man has gone full-TIRM, though. Them and (ideally) babies.