automoderatorremoved comment by leonardbrit on "Concerned about Gender Critical Video (Feedback mu..." (remove)
automoderatorremoved comment by pantherkill on "MtF - osteoporosis, skoliosis, no sexual function,..." (Possible inappropriate/troll username. Add username exceptions to automod so they do not come up again. User NOT informed of delay.)
automoderatorremoved comment by Misaugustina on "Sissy porn, the gender movement's dirty secret. Po..." (New account.)
automoderatorremoved comment by Saiditaccount1 on "Stunning and brave - embracing stereotypes and a g..." (New account.)
automoderatorremoved comment by Saiditaccount1 on "Stunning and brave - embracing stereotypes and a g..." (New account.)
automoderatorremoved comment by Saiditaccount1 on "Pronoun pins" (New account.)
automoderatorremoved comment by Saiditaccount1 on "Transgender women banned from women's chess events..." (New account.)
automoderatorremoved link "What causes transgenderism? Is it a progressive il..." by Saiditaccount1 (New account.)
automoderatorremoved comment by himalayan on "Manalsu Circuit Trek- A lifechanging mountain jour..." (New account.)
automoderatorremoved link "Manalsu Circuit Trek- A lifechanging mountain jour..." by himalayan (New account.)
automoderatorremoved comment by AdamOhara3 on "Concerned about Gender Critical Video (Feedback mu..." (New account.)
automoderatorremoved comment by Evelynn on "Why do radical feminists call their boyfriends and..." (New account.)
automoderatorremoved comment by Evelynn on "Why do radical feminists call their boyfriends and..." (New account.)