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Blinken's Central Asia Trip Was Meant to Open a 'Second Front' Against Russia: Why It Failed
1 year ago by GoldenDynasty to /s/GoldensFirst from
AI-Powered ChatGPT Does 'Amazing Job,' Passes Wharton Business School Exam in Study Trials
2 years ago by StillLessons to /s/news from
Russia's Special Military Operation in Ukraine: How It is Progressing
2 years ago by _Okio_ to /s/Russia from
Italian Police Foil Deadly Plot by Neo-Nazis Linked to Ukraine's Azov Battalion
2 years ago by AXXA to /s/news from
you won't read this in the western press
2 years ago by aaarrgh to /s/WorldNews from
Surprised pikachu face: Sweden is finding gangs armed with ANTI-TANK weapons after sending anti-tank weapons to Ukraine with no accounting for them.
2 years ago by iamonlyoneman to /s/news from
Council of Europe Human Rights Chief Urges London Not to Extradite Julian Assange to US
2 years ago by asterias to /s/WorldNews from
Why is the West Silent About Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Movements, Azov Battalion, & Bandera Legacy?
2 years ago by BravoVictor to /s/WorldPolitics from
Putin Puts Russian Nuclear Deterrence Forces on High Alert Over Aggressive Statements by NATO
2 years ago by aaarrgh to /s/news from
DC's Bisexual Superman Fails in Sales, Triggers Debate Among Fans
3 years ago by IkeConn to /s/Schadenfreude from
Danish Doctors Decry Merck's COVID Pills, Refuse to Use Them
3 years ago by Maniak to /s/WayOfTheBern from
Edward Snowden Calls Public, Media Furor Against Assange Dystopian
3 years ago by Drewski to /s/WikiLeaks from
The US and its allies feigned impartiality on the conflict in Ethiopia this whole time and then someone literally just recorded a Zoom conference of western diplomatic insiders casually chatting about wanting the TPLF to topple the democratically elected government and leaked the video.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/WorldNews from
Half-Naked Knifeman Reportedly Shouting the Muslim Creed and 'Allakhu Akbar' Injures Police Officer in Oslo, Gets Shot. Motive for the Attack Unclear, Police Puzzled.
Virginia Democrat Caught Tampering With Campaign Signs by Police Hours Before Election
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
9/11 Collapsed Towers… And Empire United States’ 245-year history as a political entity has been one long trail of wars and more wars. It is estimated that nearly 95 percent of that historical span has seen the nation involved in either all-out wars, proxy conflicts, or other military subterfuges.
3 years ago by Budget-song-budget to /s/Antiwar from
'Transracial' UK Influencer 'Transitions' to Become 'Korean' After Plastic Surgery
3 years ago by carn0ld03 to /s/UnitedKingdom from
Swedish Moslem Party Seeking to Enter Parliament Launches Election Ads in Turkey to Boost Turnout - Sputnik International
3 years ago by carn0ld03 to /s/Europe from
Sweden to Teach Migrants That Violence, Female Genital Mutilation, and Child Marriage are Wrong
3 years ago by H3v8 to /s/Europe from
Republican Adam Kinzinger said he has faced harsh criticism since he voted to impeach Trump. “Look it’s really difficult. I mean, all of a sudden imagine everybody that supported you, or so it seems that way, your friends, your family, has turned against you. They think you're selling out,” he said.
4 years ago by Orangutan to /s/politics from
Russia Should Develop Hydrogen-Fueled Bus by 2023, President Putin Says
4 years ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Hydrogen from
Bill Gates ‘Not Very Surprised’ by Spinal Cord Damage Caused by AstraZeneca’s Coronavirus Vaccine
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Coronavirus from
Dominion Contractor Who Witnessed Election Fraud in Michigan Says She Was Ignored by FBI - Sputnik International
4 years ago by christnmusicreleases to /s/ElectionsUSA2020 from
Scientists Claim to Have Found Mysterious Tectonic Plate That Many Believed Was Not Real
4 years ago by DoktorOmni to /s/PoleShit from
US Air Force Confirms ARRW Hypersonic Missile Will Travel Over 5,000 Miles Per Hour
4 years ago by Sw0rdofDam0cles to /s/WarWatch from
Russian Scientists Find Way to Make Hydrogen Fuel Less Expensive
Vernarbte Lungen, chronische Erschöpfung, Müdigkeit: Langzeitfolgen von Covid-19
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/deutsch from
Pentagon Chief Explains Why US is Putting More Troops on Russia’s Borders
4 years ago by Stankmango to /s/WarWatch from
US Cops Arrest Dunkin’ Donuts Employee Who Allegedly Spat in Illinois Trooper’s Coffee
4 years ago by Sw0rdofDam0cles to /s/USnews from
For Second Time in Two Days, Russia Scrambles Jet to Intercept US Spy Plane in Black Sea - Sputnik International
4 years ago by Sw0rdofDam0cles to /s/WorldNews from
UK Army Veteran Slams Prince Harry as Complete Idiot Over Duke of Sussex’s Commonwealth Comments
4 years ago by Sw0rdofDam0cles to /s/England from
Space Probe Captures Startling Images of Dried-up River System on Mars
5 years ago by Kangbanger to /s/space from
JFK files reveal US planned to buy Soviet planes to carry out false flag attacks.
4 years ago by HibikiBlack to /s/conspiracy from
Bill Gates and His 'War Against Cash' Are a Threat to Our Liberty, Economist Warns
4 years ago by codedtestament to /s/WorldNews from
Russia's Northern Fleet Tracks NATO Warships Crossing Into Barents Sea - Defence Ministry
Belarus’s President Warns Global Elites Using COVID-19 Crisis to Try to Reshape World Order
4 years ago by hennaojichan to /s/conspiracy from
Swedish Human Rights Organisation Under Fire for Denying Racism Against WhitesPolitics
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/KotakuInAction from
North Korea Launches Two Short-Range Ballistic Missiles - Report
Google-Backed Think Tank Chief Quits After Wishing Trump 'Poetic Justice' Death of COVID-19
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/news from
'Vulgar' Swedish Ad Celebrating Womanspreading Under FireSJ in Advertising
Dutch Prosecutors Refuse to Comment on Leaked Documents That Cast Doubt on MH17 Probe
4 years ago by Robin to /s/news from