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A sub for discussing the theories of pole shift / crustal displacement / general global cataclysms, as well as scientific observations and recent events that may be related to them.
Scientists Claim to Have Found Mysterious Tectonic Plate That Many Believed Was Not Real
submitted 4 years ago by DoktorOmni from
Volcanic Upticks in Iceland and Russia have Scientists Concerned: "this is an anomaly"
submitted 4 years ago by DoktorOmni from
The Next End of the World | C.I.A. Classified
submitted 4 years ago by DoktorOmni from
Simulations show magnetic field can change 10 times faster than previously thought
submitted 4 years ago by DoktorOmni from
Magnetic North Pole Moving as much as 37 miles per year
submitted 4 years ago by DoktorOmni from
Orientations of Pyramids and Temples Correlates With Ice Ages / Previous Polar Locations
submitted 4 years ago by DoktorOmni from
"If a similar shift were to happen today, a flag planted in Dallas, Texas, would end up where Northern Manitoba, Canada, currently sits. On the other side of the world, the continent of Asia would soar southward."
submitted 4 years ago by DoktorOmni from
Earth Disaster: Dzhanibekov Effect or... ? [Part I]
Explosive volcanic eruptions triggered by cosmic rays: Volcano as a bubble chamber
submitted 4 years ago by DoktorOmni from
Mysterious particles spewing from Antarctica defy physics
submitted 4 years ago by DoktorOmni from
The Mysterious Anomaly Weakening Earth's Magnetic Field Seems to Be Splitting
submitted 4 years ago by DoktorOmni from