Anti white racism amung BIPOC is so normal it goes unnoticed.
submitted by Canbot from (
BLM leader: "God damn America and those white people on the jury"
submitted by Oyveygoyim from (
How Much Do I Need to Change My Face to Avoid Facial Recognition?
submitted by HiddenFox from (
[AI] Analysis of Advanced Bomb-Pumped Laser Systems
submitted by American_Muskrat from (self.whatever)
THE JAGUAR EXPERIMENT - Fascism for the good people
submitted by hfxB0oyA from (
ANTHONY FAUCI Talking about Releasing an Infection into a Population in 1984â
submitted by passionflounderPaper tiger from (
Iran said it won’t try to kill Trump... Now THAT'S Reassuring!
submitted by passionflounderPaper tiger from (
Jews removing Palestinians from their home in gaza
submitted by Oyveygoyim from (
Jews always tell you what happened but they never say why...
submitted by Oyveygoyim from (