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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Tactical nihilism?

My point is Earth itself is not special. And from a survivalist point of view, it's a terrible idea for us to stay on this rock forever.

If the sun explodes or an asteroid collides, we would go extinct, for possibly forever. It's actually ironic if there are people here who see themselves as nationalists, but don't believe in spreading our race across the galaxy. Local threats on Earth like nuclear war or climate change already exist, we need another exit plan when Earth suddenly becomes unlivable.

No shit. This may sound edgy, but power is all that matters. Everything else comes after.

And look at where this power actually goes? It's like two kids fighting over a playground. Are they actually doing it to make a point, or is it just the typical bullying and low crass behavior?

As I mentioned in another post, at least hyper billionaires like Elon Musk & Bezos have long term goals that don't just involve usurping money forever. You can be the richest man on Earth, but if an asteroid is about to crash or you develop cancer, then all your money means nothing in the end.

I'm already aware of my own mortality, and I feel a bit disappointment that our global leaders don't take Space seriously. The 1960s saw impressive feats like launching satellites or landing on the moon. You would think by now, we would have landed on Mars multiple times and even build the 1st Martian outpost. Once we die, THAT'S IT. So we should be racing against the biological clock and maxing out our space research. Otherwise, it's only going to be Humans thousands of years from now who will actually get to explore Space and even learn 1% of how we all got here.