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[–]Samuyil_Hyde 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

This just sounds like your standard Jew deconstructing "whiteness" bullshit posed as a question, with talking points taken straight from Noel Ignatiev no less.

White simply means indigenous European. Yeah sure there are some slight gray areas on the borders of Europe like Spain and Russia, but that neither proves nor disproves anything. They are still "white enough" for government work. Also, the Irish may have been seen as the red headed step childs of the British Isles, but they were still always seen as white.

Ashkenazi Jews are kind of a special case not so much because they are genetically different, but because they belong to a culture that has traditionally been hostile and subversive to indigenous Europeans, and this hostility has only increased in recent times. They also followed a middle eastern religion that held themselves up racially as the chosen people of a supreme deity. I'm not aware of any Europeans that essentially worshipped themselves. It also probably doesnt help that they practiced cousin marriage for a couple millenia, which probably only increased their clannishness and distinctiveness from other people living in Europe.

Blacks simply appear to be the most genetically and culturally different people on earth from Europeans, and they have been weaponized by Jews to attack whites, literally and figuratively, so it's understandable that European people still tend to view them as inherently different. Blacks often appear to do the same themselves. The recent acceptance of double standards regarding black behavior we've seen from white liberals is further proof that even they see blacks as inherently different. Whites have always heavily criticized other whites, the fact white liberals wont ever do that to blacks is proof that they are seen as different. Well that and white liberals are literally either afraid of blacks, or fetishize them.

[–]Fonched[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Good reference; although it is primarily about how it was seen in America, and how the locals classified that there.

The comic I posted claims that since Judaism can be considered to be more than a religion, the person trying to define whiteness might say the same about Catholicism and Islam for instance.

I am also uncertain of how much they would have been considered White in America, since they are considered less so than any other non-Anglo-Saxon group.