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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Under normal conditions, you would expect the arctic. But these people only lived in 1 story Igloos, hunted wild animals with wooden spears, and there's no evidence they did any farming or large scale irrigation. In fact, maybe that could have been their weakness. They don't eat vegetables, their diets are based on meat consumption only.

And then consider their absolute remoteness from other civilizations. Warfare is a part of life, and has lead to humans seeking innovation to survive. If the Inuit ever came in contact with the Jaguar Warriors or the long range Bolas, I doubt they would have been able to beat them with their pointy sticks.

Edit: It's also important to remember. The only other civilization that independently invented the wheel was the Aztecs. But they only put them on their toys, instead of making a cart.

[–]Nombre27 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I estimated the mid-points of the ranges given for their cranial capacity measures and found, in (cm3): East Asians (1425), Europeans (1375), Inuit-Eskimos (1440), South East Asians (1325), Native American Indians (1350), Pacific Islanders (1350), South Asians and North Africans (1325), sub-Saharan Africans (1275), Australian Aborigines (1225), and Kalahari Bushmen and Congo Pygmies (1200).

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Isn't it possible that the biggest parts of their brain may not actually be the areas that specialize in math or nation building?

For example, I have seen studies that say Eskimos are very good at remembering things. Their visual memory is on record, better than Whites.

ABSTRACT. The hypothesis that the ecological and cultural characteristics of Eskimo society lead to village Eskimo children having greater ability in visual memory than urban Caucasian children has been studied. A test of visual memory was given to 501 urban Caucasian and 125 village Eskimo children. Village Eskimo children demonstrated significantly higher levels of visual memory. Visual memory was also found to increase significantly with age. A follow-up questionnaire study indicated that about 65 per cent of teachers in Eskimo villages noted the unusually high ability of Eskimo students in recalling visual detail or mentioned their high performance in tasks depending partly upon this ability.

But their academic performance has been recorded, and they still have the highest dropout rates of any race.

American Indian and Alaska Native students have a dropout rate twice the national average; the highest dropout rate of any United States ethnic or racial group. About three out of every ten Native students drop out of school before graduating from high school both on reservations and in cities. Academically capable Native students often drop out of school because their needs are not being met while others are pushed out because they protest in a variety of ways how they are treated in school.

Or see this study

Of the original number of Alaskan natives entering the University of Alaska from rural and urban areas, 507 drop out at the end of their freshman year, and less than 27 are likely to receive a degree at the end of 4 .years. This high attrition rate is caused by poor elementary and secondary school preparation, and strong personal feelings of inadequacy that are intensified at a campus that is both integrated and oriented toward Western culture.

And obviously Japanese or Chinese immigrants aren't failing school, so I would doubt why would Inuits somehow be better than them?

In the CBC link I also posted, the average Inuit salary is considered less than $20,000 a year. Compare that to Canada's national, which is $54,630 a year.