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[–]NayenezganiNot alt-right 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

This sub is more radical feminist than BPF is blackpilled, and that place is mostly abandoned now. It is my regret that I did not realize that earlier.

I'm not familiar with that community. Moid is a word of uncertain origin, personally I prefer something like "rape ape" or "nYgger". I'm guessing the "femcel" or "TruFemcel" idea is that they're all the same (like how b!tch and c@nt are etymologically different but convey the same emotion). By "all the same" I am referring both to the slurs (in terms of meaning) and how "TruFemcels" might regard all of your gender.

I like the thought you put into your comments.

Well, thank you.

[–]Node 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

At first, I thought it might be something like Bi-Polar Females, until I saw the name mentioned somewhere. So you're saying they weren't black pilled at all.

Anyway, the responses to interactions between the male and female species of homo sapiens can be pretty interesting.

TruFemCels still have a sub here, but moved on to Looks like they've recently replaced their site code with a revised version of Ruqqus. But as was apparent, and explained by 'gigababe', most of them have severe mental illness issues. Still, it was somewhat amusing to be called a moid (and about 7 other terms) by one of them.

[–]NayenezganiNot alt-right 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Radical feminism is not as radical as you might think; it has basically accomplished nothing for women or against males. Totally harmless except for a few verbal barbs. I've been looking for girls and women who can build an undergound society for a while and have ultimately come to the conclusion that the people most likely to accomplish such a task will not be found among feminists. Because if males are that bad, then surely we should be trying harder to be independent? Or the lackadaisical attitude of feminists is warranted, which therefore means that their hatred is not. I have too much on my plate to bother with that level of anger against an enemy who does not motivate me to separate.

It seems like any feminist identifying as "blackpilled" is not actually cynical enough about males to take the necessary measures, but "blackpill feminist" is an oxymoron in itself. It doesn't stop radical feminists on Twitter from appropriating that identity though. My guess is that it's just going to devolve into shallow anti-handmaiden spite (like a mirror of MRAs against "simps"), with no deeper analysis of female behavior. A more profound blackpill is that women are almost as awful, but the blackpill means most things seem like a choice between bad and worse.

And speaking of oxymorons, I don't believe women can literally be incels if they are under 50 years old. But I quite enjoy the irony that their hatred of males makes them so much more like actual misogynistic incels, whose hatred is like desire that has expired or rotten away. Dorian Electra made a song about this mentality:

The visuals are definitely an integral part of the humor. I feel like there is a massive difference between formal music and vernacular music, but not in the way that some pseudo-intellectuals think. Both are important and valid art-forms in different ways. Formal music, to me, has always been sort of a mathematical exercise. In the Middle Ages this was implied in the quadrivium: geometry was number in space and music was number in time. Whereas vernacular music was very culturally situated; and a lot of its meaning was derived from the persona of the artists and the visual accoutrements.

[–]Node 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Get the fufk about of here you fucking monster idiotic mentaly abuse sadistic ugly creature why do tr4sh(men) feel the need to terrorise and gaslight women?

This recounts one of my first experiences with 'the femcel'. Title was the response after commenting on its post. "Flannelpill" was a funny one. Assumed it was a lesbian reference, but all search results are about how to keep flannel from pilling.

I agree they're more like volcels, but the end result is the same. In that video, the chipped fingernail paint added a lot to the overall vacuous sense of the complainant.

actual misogynistic incels, whose hatred is like desire that has expired or rotted away.

Nice turn of the phrase.

As for the accomplishments of feminism, I believe it's helped its membership to live more barron and fruitless lives, with the expected dearth of happiness. At the same time, it's undermined the function of our species.

I feel like there is a massive difference between formal music and vernacular music,

Contemporary vernacular music has become a tool to control and lead the masses. Whereas in the past it was mainly a legitimate expression of thoughts and feeling from the artist themselves.

Haven't formally studied the quadrivium, but went all in on grammar, logic, and rhetoric. And while I do keep an eye out for grammatik Juden, I find thought-provoking comments like yours quite enjoyable.

[–]NayenezganiNot alt-right 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It's funny to me because of how the lyrics imply some sort of similarity between two archetypes often construed as polar opposites in Western popular culture. The bitter incel, and the basic woman who "lives life on easy mode". F the world, because I love it? The incel is compelled to hate because he can't have what he wants, but the Midwestern Christian Becky just wants what's best for you and is only upset that you won't be godly. It feels like a reference to the passive-aggressive Protestant Christian admonishment that one must "hate the sin, not the sinner". Though the Church is only one of many institutions that can claim to be doing something for your benefit when they are in fact hurting you. (And a certain type of USian Christian has a victim complex, just like incels!)

But, it sometimes also reads like it is drawing a contrast between the superficial, hypocritical modern Christian and earlier stages of Christianity (by demonstrating the similarities, you see the differences clearer). Both Biblical -- God destroys time and time again as vengeance for misbehavior, and inflicts suffering as a trial -- and Gnostic, Catharist in particular. Rejection of the material world as evil, yet respectful of life in that they abstained from consumption of meat or dairy. It's almost like a ... Trinity, of opposite yet similar constructs. Which fits the overall tone of love-hate.

The music doesn't agree with me sonically, but Dorian Electra's latest album is reaching a new level of satire that I haven't seen in earlier works. And how many artists can have "(feat. Village People & Pussy Riot)" in their music video titles? She/they even made a song with Rebecca Black. I'm mostly interested in the drag king aspect though. It seems like drag culture has become popular, especially with women, for all the wrong reasons, and has lost its original ironic intent. Which used to make some feminists angry because at the time it was seen as a mockery of femininity. But, the magic of drag/camp is that it is simultaneously a criticism and a celebration of its subject. What Susan Sontag calls "a good taste of bad taste". "Pink Flamingos" come to mind.

Anyway -- "Can't get laid"? Clearly Midwest Becky can if she wants, but there is humor in how the lyrics construe a false affinity between ugly, hopeless incels and a woman who thinks she's too good for anyone but Christian Chad. Note the attire -- jeans, originally designed for miners, now entirely ornamental on a person who is also entirely ornamental, appropriating a serious religion as something entirely ornamental. Or maybe I am just schizo.

Edit: Grammar.

[–]Node 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Or maybe I am just schizo.

Maybe we all are. Western popular culture has, imo, become an indictment against the human race in general.