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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I agree with this comment 100%.

Generally speaking, I think they somehow conflate 'moral right' with 'factual right'. And therefore 'moral wrong' with 'factual wrong'. Certain things that probably come from memes, such as 'hate facts', exemplify this way of thinking. Whatever contradicts their idea of correctness is both 'evil' and 'wrong' at the same time. This is how they come to reject observations (ones that seem empirically factual to us to the point that denying them would just seem flat-out delusional), such as black dysfunction, J dominance, etc. regardless of how much evidence is presented to them—because 'racism' strikes them as 'morally wrong', all the evidence must also be 'factually wrong'. Thus, 'hate facts'. Of course, somehow we're external to their 'social engineering', which puts us in the position of being observers or outsiders watching those 'inside', who effectively seem brainwashed or indoctrinated. It is not clear to me why some people are affected more than others (some, like myself, never went through it; others 'woke up'; most seem deeply and irreparably affected by it).

I prefer to analogize baizuo Leftism to a cult, though if it develops a clear substitute for God, then it is probably a flat-out religion. It certainly has all the trappings of a cult. It now even has an apocalyptic/doomsday vision (a climate disaster will happen in the year 20XX, and like religious groups with the rapture, etc., this number will continue to be pushed forwards simply because climate change is at most a 'slow burn'—there will be no specific day that the world ends). Those photos of Whites submissively grovelling (and in large numbers, too) before blacks. Those screenshots of academics engaging in ritualistic, Bolshevik-style self-criticism. 'White privilege' being a racialized 'original sin' that applies only for Whites; victimhood and the 'burden of racism' being its flip-side for non-whites. The parallels seem to grow every so often.

Pelosi's comments about Floyd's 'sacrifice' are the latest example I can think of. We have already seen some strange things going on with Floyd and some of his predecessors like Trayvon, such that we joke about him becoming 'Saint Floyd'. And all over his death ostensibly being because of a White man—after all, which black has ever been canonized because he was killed by non-whites? To be killed by Whites is the single criteria for black canonization. His deification (see, for example,, which literally depicts Floyd as an angel complete with wings and a halo), his being beyond criticism (any mention of his crimes is simply 'racist'), and so forth. To then posit that it was essentially necessary for him to die in a way that could be blamed on Whites (as evidence of, and in order to highlight, our sins) just shows to me that the cult even has sacrifices, too.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think they somehow conflate 'moral right' with 'factual right'. And therefore 'moral wrong' with 'factual wrong'.

Yeah. I think that's what's happening and there's certainly historical precedent in European society for this type of fanaticism and almost blind moralism. The Jews closely studied our dispositions and designed subversive approaches that would work with our temperaments.

My gut instinct is that what drives all the collective delusion is the constant exposure to all the disunity and filth. Whites like order, cleanliness, clear rules, high trust, goals, positive growth, hard work, fair laws. The disharmony of our multiculty western world does a number on high trust Europeans. These ideological whites that constantly see poverty and disorder can only double down on the 'approved' explanation: systemic racism and centuries of evil white oppression. The alternative (that blacks are simply incompatible with western civilization and especially white people) is unthinkable to many whites. Our white nurturing and community building has been exploited to foster a parasite. Except the host doesn't know it has a parasite.

which literally depicts Floyd as an angel complete with wings and a halo), his being beyond criticism (any mention of his crimes is simply 'racist'), and so forth

If you get a chance make sure to check out that David Cole article I posted. He mentions this phenomena and tries to figure out why it's happening.