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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Who says there was a conspiracy to stop space research? I've never heard this before.

This may be extrapolation, but I definitely recall a conspiracy that Elites want a global culture based on consumerism, rather than allow any wiggle room for scientific projects. Although Space could still tie into this idea, making profits from this research is much more of a late term goal, whereas every nation involved right now are spending money on it as a risk.

Why would it be strictly a European goal?

Well at first it was. Arguably the first scientists involved in this field came from either the Soviet Union or Third Reich Germany and the field continued to be dominated by them until the modern 21st century where now all nations of the world decided to have an interest.

Not sure of what effect, I guess it depends on which elites you are talking about specifically.

Any of them. Especially the same ones who are interested in enslaving or genocide a population, but then say Kenya or China comes along and starts sending people to colonize another planet. What kind of reaction can we expect when humans are no longer bound to Earth-like rules?

No, why would it, and who is claiming that? The Japanese have made some pretty impressive contributions to space research. The Chinese seem more interested in military applications but they might do some interesting things in years to come. The Israelis care only about military applications as well, and maybe a little bit of public relations and advertising as they want to become a world tech power(which should scare the shit out of the rest of the world).

There's a huge competition aspect to consider. As someone who leans towards fairness within reason, I obviously have no issue with every race going into Space. But I'm surprised if you don't have problems with losing a monopoly-like status on what outer space presents. Even bringing up military applications, that would change the balance of world power immediately, if even one non-white nation where to build and station their own army base on the moon, or even deploy Space lasers that circle the globe, like what Ronald Reagan initially envisioned for the U.S.

Again, equality for Space seems like a more liberal approach to take, but then it's like the same thing with nuclear weapons. Do you really want other groups to wield disproportionate power relative to their current world standing?

Dont understand the question at all.

Do you think Jews would really be ok with Humans leaving this Earth and thus technically, not even be ruled by them? If we listen to Elon Musk and his claims that a Mars colony wont even adhere to Earth jurisdiction, doesn't this present some sort of Elite crisis where humans might start leaving this planet to live somewhere else in Space that's completely free of them?