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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Saw a Far-Left livestream where Keith's YouTube upload of "Why Materialism Is Absurd" gets brought up, because their 'leader' goes through the comments on their subreddit and some idiot posted it there hoping that their 'leader' would 'destroy' it. I suspect the original poster thought Keith was attacking historical or dialectical materialism rather than metaphysical materialism, and was simply too dull to realize that it wasn't some anti-Marxist video... So Keith's video gets brought up on this guy's screen.

At least four of his degenerate followers are somehow aware of who Keith Woods is. And in a typical, borderline illiterate fashion most befitting of their kind, we see them comment away:

isnt this dude a fascist

This dude is super racist

he's a fascist and deranged but there is certain kernels of truth that he will drop

He is Irish too which is worse than fascists

he has cool takes on modernity but he has the CRINGE IQ worshipping race realism

He's alright, but he has a bad (Breadtube) understanding of socialism and he's kind of boring

hes super boring

I think he is a HBD type

bro, I'd out argue and wring that skinny little neck, like mao said

He’s a twink

If you read his tweets you will see he is not your friend

'Leader' is 'Lebanese-American'. Somehow he then directs his aggression (of which he has plenty, almost certainly possessing some severe mental issues) at his own idiot, degenerate followers rather than at Keith. Somehow they're at war with the 'progressive' Breadtube types and the Chapos. Some brilliant purity spiraling going on in the social media ultra-Left, such that even though their side holds all the power, they themselves are completely marginalized as a small sect expending all their energy in sectarian infighting.

Something else worth mentioning about Keith is that a few people like Thomas Baden-Riess absolutely hate him (and some of their criticisms of him are quite sound). Personally I think he's contributing far more good than bad to the cause. If Far-Leftists know about him, well, he's getting the message out.