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[–]MATKINS 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

IMO, Richard Spencer is right about this. Fuck Brexit and fuck the "based XYZ country" nationalism that many people in the DR go on with.

The EU has many flaws on a philosophical and structural level but a European "superstate" that wields some power and influence in the world is better than a collection of mostly small and irrelevant nation-states that are under the boot of ZOG USA anyway. Northern European or not.

An 'EU military' isn't a bad idea either. Not saying European countries should abolish their own militaries or relinquish ultimate control over them, but pooling resources, funding, etc together under a unified command of some kind and working together on military technology is better than a rag-tag band of shitty defence forces that can do nothing besides UN peacekeeping missions. Only the UK and France have good militaries (and, more importantly, their own nuclear weapons) at present.

Don't see how "nationalists" scaremonger over this, but then say nothing about the US having army and air force bases everywhere. EU military > NATO.

I've come to slowly believe that most of the virulent anti-EU hatred on the right is being pushed by those with a vested interest in a weaker and divided Europe - or they're being backed by people who do. Take Brexit for example. That was not an ethnonationalist victory, no matter how much BritNats like Morgoth, Mark Collett and Laura Towler like to tell themselves and others that it was. Neocon Tories and the J-Right pushed hard for it...... they have a raging hatred for not just the EU but European civilisation and European identity as a whole. Nigel Farage himself even claimed Brits have more in common with commonwealth countries like India than Europe. This is the mindset of British "Eurosceptics." Not "nationalism."

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Problem is that the EU currently serves the interests of global finance/jewry. I don't think Europe will survive intact, many nations will become brown hellscapes before this is over, and hitching everyone together will simply drag countries down that would otherwise have survived what's coming due to their strict immigration and pro-natalist policies.

A divided Europe is the only way to ensure that the destinies of the European peoples' remain in the hands of the people concerned.

[–]MATKINS 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

After what happened to Rhodesia, South Africa, Yugoslavia, etc, I'm not convinced of this.

I'm as heart-warmed as any when I see Hungary making moves in the right direction. The realist in me knows that they will be easily crushed if they step out of line far enough. If not by bombs but by sanctions, the CIA etc astroturfing "pro-democracy" groups and agent provocateurs, etc. They are defenceless against these threats.

A united Europe is better able to pursue economic, geopolitical and more cultural independence on the world stage. The EU, whatever faults it has, has laid the foundations. All it really needs is based people in charge and some reforms. I have better faith in the EU being infiltrated than the GOP in America, lol. For one thing, it's relatively easy for based parties to get elected in the EU Parliament. Even the British National Party had seats in it a decade ago (not possible now of course). The BNP never came close to winning a seat in the British parliament.

I don't believe a divided Europe will achieve anything except bickering over bullshit issues, play on historical rivalries and butthurts, and ultimately every state will just be ZOG USA's bitch anyway. I'm from the UK originally, Brexit has been nothing but a parasite on nationalist energy and from a WN/ethnonationalist POV, it's going to leave Britain in a much worse place. Those Northern and Home Counties whites who voted leave to "take back control" on immigration are going to be nostalgic for the days of Polish builders who don't speak English on the train when half of Hong Kong, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, etc arrives.