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[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

How unbelievably talmudic. How exactly is learning about National Socialism and the third reich in order to further our understanding of the struggle and come up with ways to fight the system 'shilling' for 'Nazi ideology'? No one is even advocating branding as NS or anything of the sort, it's literally a book designed to help people learn more about a historical movement fighting our struggle you're just being dishonest as fuck.

[–]antireddit 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

You can learn about it all you want. It's not going to help you much with our current struggle because times have changed so dramatically. Their movement was largely specific to the concerns and attitudes of 1920's Germans, who are a lot different than 2020's Americans or Europeans, and again, the Nazis ultimately failed spectacularly. They managed to bring about what was literally THE worst case scenario. Getting your people geocided AND scapegoated was no easy feat, unprecedented really, but the Nazis managed it.

The Nazis appeal to a certain segment of might makes right chest thumpers who crave decisive confrontation, but who in practice would be the equivalent of a 4 foot tall midget strolling up to a 220 lb mma fighter and saying fight me bro! You guys want to write checks you cant cash. The present situation calls for a different mentality. Instead of this book I recommend reading Machiavelli. When I practiced Judo one of the first things I learned was when you face an opponent stronger than you, you dont try to outmuscle them. You keep them off balance and use their strength against them. If they push, you pull. If they pull, you push. You frustrate them, outsmart them and wear them down and strike when the situation is to your advantage.

You are also wrong in assuming their struggle was the same as our struggle. They wanted to dominate Europe and much of the world. We just want a place to be free from oppression and persecution and be allowed to reach our potential free from the endless subversion of a hostile group that seems to want to simultaneously leach off us and destroy us. Our goals are much more modest and achievable.

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You can learn about it all you want. It's not going to help you much with our current struggle because times have changed so dramatically. Their movement was largely specific to the concerns and attitudes of 1920's Germans, who are a hell of a lot different than 2020's Americans or Europeans

Completely wrong. The exact same people are in power, with the same ideologies and mechanisms just further evolved. Take person A and B, person A is like you who doesn't bother reading analysis, rhetoric etc from the 20th century nationalists who fought Finance and rather just reacts to the news on their own, discusses on forums but person B reads various 3p movements' literature and propaganda whilst listening to podcasts by guys who've done the same. Let 6 months pass of spending the same amount of time pursuing their approaches. I guarantee you person B will be miles ahead of you in understanding the system and being able to formulate better arguments against it.

Instead of this book I recommend reading Machiavelli.

You are also wrong in assuming their struggle was the same as our struggle. They wanted to dominate Europe and much of the world. We just want a place for to be free from oppression and persecution and be allowed to reach our potential free from the endless subversion of a hostile group that seems to want to simultaneously leach off us and destroy us. Our goals are much more modest and achievable.

If only you knew the irony of this. Machiavelli is famous for being a political realist, for stripping away the bullshit and focusing solely on how to acquire power. There is no 'just leave us along pwease jews', there is only power. The only way to secure our existence is by having a state with the necessary power to resist the power of Finance's empire.

You should read Schmitt, Yockey, and re-read Machiavelli once you've finished them.

the Nazis ultimately failed spectacularly. They managed to bring about what was literally THE worst case scenario. Getting your people genocided AND scapegoated was no easy feat, unprecedented really, but the Nazis managed it.

Even if this dumbass cartoon history was right it wouldn't change the fact that there's tonnes to learn from their critiques, analysis, rhetoric, strategy, tactics etc.

The Nazis appeal to a certain segment of might makes right chest thumpers who crave decisive confrontation, but who in practice would be the equivalent of a 4 foot tall midget strolling up to a 220 lb mma fighter and saying fight me bro! You guys want to write checks you cant cash. When I practiced Judo one of the first things I learned was when you face an opponent stronger than you, you dont try to outmuscle them. You keep them off balance and use their strength against them. If they push, you pull. If they pull, you push. You frustrate them, outsmart them and wear them down and strike when the situation is to your advantage.

This gave me second hand embarrassment to read. What point are you even trying to make? You're making some retarded strawman which doesn't even apply to natsocs it applies to weird racist libtards and reactionaries with the might makes right shit. Then this judo bullshit? What are you talking about? You think we're going to trick capitalism, liberalism and jews into giving up their power over us? This 'analogy' reeks of autistic fantasy.

[–]asterias 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

National Socialism and the third reich are not the same.

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Did you mean to reply to me?

[–]asterias 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yes, you said How exactly is learning about National Socialism and the third reich in order to further our understanding of the struggle and come up with ways to fight the system 'shilling' for 'Nazi ideology'?, and my belief is that the third reich failed when the concept of social justice gave way to the concept of 'we don't need social justice, we can just conquer other countries and there will be enough profit for everyone'.

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not real National Socialism!