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[–]Mr9to5 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don’t think that’s the best way to say it because it looks kooky to people with little context.

But I also hate exactly what you’re reacting to. It makes everything that I’ve tried to do IRL suck. I want to scream at these people sometimes, I’ve met a bunch of them. No, I don’t care more about the damn mask thing than immigration. You say you care about both, then grow a pair and stand up for both. And you better be concerned about both legal and illegal immigration or you’re a cuck and you know it. No, I don’t want “freedom” that kills Western countries. No, the Proud Boys aren’t anything, screw them. No, I don’t support Ben Shapiro because he made a funny about AOC. Enough about AOC, you should be putting pressure on your local Republican congressperson to not be crap. If we were serious, they’d be facing insurgent third party runs from us when they mess around for local seats.

I could go on... I think if we ever have power, we need to take a note from this system, trademark the word nationalist and sue everyone over it. I left libertarianism over much of the bullshit numbskulls are trying to bring into our thing. They see libertarianism is failing them and are trying to make this cuckservative 3.0.