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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

By that logic, if trump believed america was close to being attacked by Mexico then he should invade all of North America then.

Given how sucky Mexico's (and the rest of Latin America's) lack of border control that enables millions of illegal immigrants to flood the USA, this conspiracy theory would not be wrong.

Although I prefer to argue that these nations are incompetent, rather than plotting the demise of the U.S.

Once again, Britain, France and the Soviets were far from innocent actors prior to WW2 and they all acted within their colonial or ideological interests.

.Also, how is 9/11 a long term consequence of WW2?

Because Afghanistan (the country that was seen as the host of al-Qaeda) had previously been involved in wars with the Soviet Union. Osama Bin Laden also cited U.S support of Israel as a motivating factor for terror attacks (a country birthed after WW2 from former British territory).

Hmmm, noticing a pattern here?

Just like everyone else can be Capitalists as well.It's not a jewish only economic system.

Except non-Jewish capitalists don't have antisemitism to shield themselves from criticism.