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[–]LGBTQIAIDSAnally Injected Death Sentence 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Were you the one who commented that you were an avid reader of Schopenhauer as a younger man, before you deleted the comment in question?

Recently, I've been looking into Schopenhauer after moving from the man he considered himself the last true follower of, Kant. I am, however, finding Schopenhauer's compassion- or empathy-based ethics rather inadequate.

I would thus benefit greatly from knowing which specific parts or ideas of Schopenhauer's philosophy that you found most compelling, so that I may have specific topics with which I can begin my own research.

[–]Mr9to5 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, that was me. I’m writing off the cuff but he wrote quite a bit on misanthropy/the general failings of people in Essays and Aphorisms and Counsels and Maxims. He proposes a kind of neo-Stoic ethos as a way of coping with the way people are. That’s what initially pulled me in and those are fine reads.

World as Will and Representation can be read in a very fascist light - though Schopenhauer doesn’t go there, he passes by it many times. He writes how nature only cares about the species, not the individual. At one point, which I think certainly influenced Nietzsche, he considers that if human beings are driven by will (instinct) one could embrace life as a constant battle and “renounce” it that way, living heroically. He shys away and says it’s not the best ideal - but almost goes there. He views aesthetics and high culture as a way of escaping the meaninglessness of our daily life.

Hitler was said to carry a copy with him on the Front during World War 1. Wagner said his religion was Schopenhauer.