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[–]Schlomo_GaschambergRabbi Schlomo Auschwitzstein Gaschamberg 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The closest thing to 'good guys' there are those fringe groups like Tricolour Flame and Forza Nuova, the latter being the group mentioned in the article as one that Brothers of Italy called for banning. All of the other groups, including the Lega, are garbage. Imagine giving up northern separatism when southern Italy are the ones who empower the idiots like PD and 5SM. All for what? Their midwit Berber mongrel minds that also produced the Mafia and all of those other criminal groups? The crimes that they commit are far worse than that of vandalizing trade union offices.

Condemning 'all totalitarianism' just sounds like the lame Trumpism that Salvini embraced. Just because liberetardians also tend towards thinking that the mandates surrounding Covid are garbage doesn't mean that any party of the Right needs to accommodate their ideas on every other issue, which are overwhelmingly incorrect. All this pro-NATO and EU, pro-Jew, Israel, Ukraine and Zionist, the anti-Russia stuff, all of it is all braindead. Most of these things should be depoliticized if they can't be backflipped on: they are of no relevance to everyday life whatsoever.

America isn't going to go from completely opposing their participation in any future government to accepting it just because of your virtue signalling for Zelensky, for the intergovernmental organizations, for the American-led liberal international order, for Israel. Why act like you need their approval?

This is just like the Austrian FPO all over again. Allegations of corruption. Ties to the Far-Far-Far-off-the-charts-Right (given that the FPO are already 'Far-Right' in this ridiculous Overton Window). Then the next election happens, they go from being in the halls of power to a fringe group again. No to Meloni, no to the Italian Le Pen.