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[–]YJaewedwqewqClerical Fascist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's so many psyops going on at this point I don't really know who's jewing who

This is a feeling I get all the time. When you think about how certain psyops and things being promoted interact they sometimes seem conflicting, but I think that's purposeful, at least in part, so that normies might be misled to think they can't possibly be the actions of the same group (as if the concept of "taking small losses for big gains" isn't a very obvious and common tactic...), but I also would assume that this is a natural result of the Jewish system of hegemony being mostly cultural/religious rather than centralized, as different groups eager to mess with the goyim would do so in different, conflicting ways.

Other factors likely play in as well, such as the famous tendency of kikes to compete in out-jewing one another, even to the detriment of their own race. They are creatures of hubris as well as malice, and they even reveal their plans openly (just look at that thread recently where quotes from jews openly admitting their plans, or look at the plethora of declassified documents from the CIA or US government at large, not to mention other nations) and harm their own plans simply to one up one another, or thumb their oversized nose at those who know of their deceit, or simply to inflict just a little more suffering on us (and thereby gain a just a little more of the precious schadenfreude that motivates their entire collective existence).

Tangentially, this "out-jewing" culture extends to their two main forms of social cancer they have unleashed upon the world, capitalism and communism, as well; in the former, you rat out your friends and family to the Stasi before they do the same to you, in the latter, you scam your country and kin out of every dime you can lest they do they same to you.