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[–]asterias 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

If people have the means to move to Europe then they need to do so, the US is completely lost.

I'm not sure you are aware of what's going on in Europe. There are countries that have more coloured minorities than USA. Corrupted politicians rule undisturbed. European beaurocrats constantly try to impose more and more surveillance and taxes. It's really no better than USA.

[–]shilldetector 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There are still key differences. The "white" people in those countries are nearly all of the same ethnicity, the ethnicity indigenous to that country. This at least theoretically makes it far easier to unite them and presents a far greater moral case for protecting them and their interests. In the US, whites are completely atomized. The Jewish dominated establishment have managed to unite them to a degree by constantly attacking them based on the color of their skin, and making and enforcing policies that harm them, but they are still divided, demoralized, self hating, extremely brainwashed, and subject to continuous demonization and attacks.

The US also has a large population of blacks who to a large degree are descended from slaves, and this has been heavily weaponized by the Jewish elite to attack and intimidate whites, with these blacks the target of constant incitement by politicians, media, academia, and extremely well funded lobbying organizations.

The US government is now effectively Jewish controlled, and in fact has been for quite some time, but this control is increasing to the point they can pretty much do whatever they want, with no pushback. The US is the capital of the growing global Jewish empire, with Israel and the Jewish diaspora calling the shots, so whites in the US are trapped in the heart of the beast. Yes this empire reaches everywhere, including Europe, but it is strongest in the US, and the Jewish establishment seems intent on cracking down on any white dissent here. It is the country they are most worried about losing and feel the most entitled to rule, and the country they most use to enforce their will globally. We are reaching a point where you cannot make a living in the US without supporting this empire. My tax money goes to prop up Israel, attack Russians, attack Syrians, Iraqis, Palestinians, and subvert and replace Europeans. Whites are also increasingly subjected to required anti white pro globohomo ideological education/brainwashing in the workplace. They have to not only receive this "education", but publicly profess to agree with it in order to work or attend a University. It's even in public school now.

Finally, the US has an extreme political divide(by design) that makes it almost impossible to unite whites. Jews effectively use this partisan divide to play both sides. Whenever a threat to their power arises from one side, they use the other side to attack it. Worst of all, the side that currently is seen as being the most favorable to whites and the most populist, is a side that is also the most incompetent, ineffective, and ideologically self defeating. You cannot have an effective populist uprising with a political party that is inherently pro oligarchy and anti populism, and yet this side effectively controls whatever opposition we have, and its hard to see this changing absent a total collapse of the system. You dont really have this partisan divide in Europe.

There are countries that have more coloured minorities than USA.

What countries?