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[–]shilldetector 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Paul Springer and like minded coethnics are running twitter now. They have a controlling stake and forced out Dorsey. This Indian CEO is just a figurehead. I read an article from some wallstreet rag that talked about the new CEO and all of the ones mentioned being involved in picking him were the usual ethnic suspects, despite media claims he was handpicked by Dorsey.

I've known a decent number of Indians and none of them ever struck me as genuinely anti white. However many did strike me as incurable ladder climbing brown nosers who will conform to whatever views will get them ahead. They are the ultimate yes men, which makes them the ideal middle men and public goy/brown face for Jewish power.