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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

you dont have any substantiating evidence for why low-T is a thing.

Countdown by Dr. Swan goes into some of the data if you need more.

This podcast reviews it

I think most of the reason it doesn't seem substantiated is because the current medical establishment doesn't see low T as a problem. They adjust what a healthy level of Test is every 10 years. It makes sense. These people loathe everything related to hierarchy: fitness, patriarchy, masculinity, muscularity, etc. It's under attack in favor of a more estrogenic, docile, weak and petite human being.

Dutton makes a convincing case for why most of this is environmental YouTube , not genetic.

So you're saying low T is a thing? Well I agree. Whether it's genetic or environment it's still happening and we need to deal with it. Personally I don't know a lot of people that argue it's genetic. The argument (from dissidents) is that it's a purposeful environmental attack.