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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

Thanks for the detailed reply. I have to agree, Japan is overpopulated. So let us change "low birthrates" to "even lower birth rates in elite circles" (elite here means something like high IQ). I know, this problem exists in nearly all nations, but it still is a problem. So what I want to say is, the main problem are not the birth rates in general, but more so that especially those Japanese, that should reproduce, do have even less sex. A decline in the general population might be good, but not if this is happening disproportionately in elite circles.

You said it yourself. Low birthrates are not exclusive to Japan. It's indeed a worldwide phenomenon.

But in context, it's hard to argue why it's bad when there are no real world examples of a nation going extinct from "lack of sex". So far, we actually have to see Japan collapsing, which as of 2021, is still in good condition.

Are you seriously calling my criticism dumb, while claiming, that religion in a western sense is more harmful than Hentai? I mean, don't we both agree, that Hentai might have negative effects regarding your mental wellbeing or at the very least is a waste of time?

Religion corrupts it's followers into killing themselves (Jim Jones), killing others (9/11), makes them ignorant of science (Creationism), act like perverts around children and covers it up (Jehovahs witnesses), and all sorts of other batshit insane stuff because they take an ancient book written by desert Jews to be the unabashedly word of god.

If the worst crime my neighbor wants to do is watch cartoons in his basement, I'll definitely take that, as opposed to him showing up to my house with a bomb strapped to his chest saying god told him to kill me.

Edit: I also never heard in my life that every Japanese person watches porn. Maybe some of them do and there are cases of real life shut ins, but it's clearly not enough to disrupt everyday life, since Japanese schools are still active. And so is healthcare, the government, the army and so forth...

Sure, but I am not from Syria. Maybe I am more interested in other things like a healthy culture, nature, families, etc.?

And those refugees are moving to Japan specifically for those things. Although the idea that Japan can't raise healthy families is a weird claim. Is there a divorce epidemic? Are Japanese children being raised by single moms like we see with Blacks in America? If anything, I can name examples where Japanese bloodlines go a long way and still exists. Like the emperor for example...

I have not claimed this.

Well I have, and both Indians & Chinese don't even want to live in their own countries. Hence why they either move to Singapore or the West.

[–][deleted]  (3 children)


    [–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

    Nations always change due to a bunch of factors like migration, intermarriage, etc. If none of these existed, the Vatican would have died out long ago.

    Japan clearly has stricter borders than the West, so migration is not a threat. Intermarriage is the same thing. You can't do a lot of race mixing, without either leaving the country, or importing foreigners.

    All that leaves is the "lack of sex" scenario. But as I pointed out, it's all hysteria when we have no examples of a nation that did go extinct through this.

    I purposefully said "in a western sense", so that you would not come up with lunatics.

    Besides 9/11, those examples are western.

    Jim Jones was American born, and recruited most of his cult members in the U.S before moving to Guyana and killing themselves. Jehovahs Witnesses have been caught lying to the Australian government about their pedo members. The Scopes Monkey Trial was a U.S court case involving Christians trying to ban evolution in schools.

    And those are just the "mild" examples of religion negatively impacting the West. Dig back further in history and there are much more fucked up cases, like how Mormonism was created.

    Edit: By the way, I wanted to mention in my last post that the only terror attack on Japanese soil in recent history was religious based. In 1995, a cult had released poison gas in the Tokyo subway system and ended up killing 13 people, while injuring thousands. The cult was swiftly arrested, with the leader sentenced to death. I have not heard or seen any other national story of any Japanese porn addicts causing the same level of damage to his fellow citizens.

    Sure, not everyone watches porn, let alone Hentai. Furthermore, I agree with you. Most guys watching this are probably going to school or work regularly. Still, they waste tons of hours per year with this. The possible psychological damage is a further problem. Quite a few studies see negative effects of porn and I would be highly surprised, if it was different with Hentai.

    Then I don't think it's fair to turn porn into a Japanese issue, or something exclusive to their society. A quick google search shows that America is practically responsible for 60% of all online consumption, whereas Japan is a tiny blip or 0.27%.

    35% (according to Wikipedia) cleanly is an epidemic.

    Look at per capita numbers. It's 1.8 divorces per 1000 for Japan, and 3.2 divorces per 1000 for USA.

    They could always do better, but they're not the worst at it either.

    Are Japanese women black? Do they have a similar IQ to the average black American woman? The same cultural background? The same neighbors? I could go on, but you know what I mean.

    So you admit the family structure in Japan is healthy? If most children are being raised by both parents, what else could that imply about their society?

    This is nothing unique to Japan.

    They didn't invent the Monarch system, but it's still impressive that they maintain it. It means they can trace their history all the way to the present, while still practicing cultural norms related to preserving blood lines.

    Once again, you are making a claim, that I did not make.

    Well you sure implied it with this comment: "Maybe I am more interested in other things like a healthy culture, nature, families, etc.?"

    Otherwise, why bring it up in relation to quality of life in Japan?

    [–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    it's funny you guys are wondering why japanese men have a lack of sex and watch porn. Take the black pill to find out.