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[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

India is more than a third world hellhole. A buddy of mine comes from there, and often goes there to see family. I once ran by him an idea of importing some made-in-India goods straight into Canada and elsewhere. Anyway, he replied, "Well the first thing to look at, is whom to bribe and how much. If we can finance sufficient bribes and still turn a profit, then we can have a go at it. Let me figure this out."

This implies that corruption is SO VERY RAMPANT over there that it is considered to be the natural order of things. Here in this part of Canada working for the guverment is one step up from being perpetually unemployed and two steps up from street beggar. But elsewhere, it's being kinglet, duke, baron, basically "what's yours is mine" type of culture.

I swear to you, they think in ways we can't even imagine.