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[–]curious2 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Interesting. I could see your point if vaers death incidents mentioned those “normal” causes of death (car accidents, cancer, etc), but they don’t. So, why couldn’t one argue that these deaths are in addition to the deaths you mention? Curious what you think of this from Dr McCullough. Have you seen it?

“And so two important analyses came forward, one from McLaughlin in London and one by Rose, using the VAERS data and they basically concluded this: that 50% of the deaths occur between 48 hours of the injection and 80% of the deaths occur within a week.

86% of the deaths have no other explanation. They’re well enough to walk into an ambulatory and actually have the COVID-19 vaccine and within two days, they’ve died. So, it’s my judgement – and I’ve done a lot of work on data and safety monitoring boards and clinical review boards – it’s my judgement, at this point in time that the vaccine is the cause of death in the majority of cases.”