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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Covid itself could at most be only some kind of prototype. Nobody is going to make a bioweapon that intentionally predominantly kills the old, sickly and obese. They're exactly the people that are the least threatening. You'd want to kill the exact opposite—the young, the healthy and the fit. Covid itself was probably not intentionally released, leaving only the options of it being unintentionally released (e.g. the 'escaped from Wuhan laboratory' narrative) or simply not a bioweapon (e.g. the 'Chinese eating bats' narrative). Either way, the 'China virus', 'Kung Flu', 'Winnie the Flu', etc. labels seem apt. It is senseless for a foreign power to release something so imperfect in China; the narratives spewed by China (e.g. 'Western bioweapon') should be rejected out of hand.

There's obviously something gravely wrong with the way China portrayed Covid. Early last year we saw a constant stream of videos ostensibly coming out of Wuhan portraying a city with streets full of dead people, rooms full of body bags, people having seizures and randomly dropping dead on the job and Chinese language interviews claiming, for example, that all medical staff at entire hospitals were infected and/or already dead and that nobody was left to deal with the large number of patients showing up...

It's totally at odds with what the rest of the world has experienced. If there is some plot behind all of this, they're clearly part of it, releasing videos that in retrospect seem either as though they must be staged, or as though whatever was killing these people is not the same thing the rest of the world is dealing with. They painted some sort of horror-movie scenario. Remember when they were so desperate that they were literally barricading the people in Wuhan within their own apartments by physically obstructing the entrances from outside?

Shouldn't these things be happening in the rest of the world? Well, it very clearly isn't, not even in countries like America, Brazil or India where the official number of deaths is far higher than the figure given by China for itself. We shouldn't be comparable with the nightmare Wuhan scenario; we should be far worse. But where are the hospitals in which the staff are 100% sick or dead? The streets in which we should be seeing corpses rotting away?

So why would China almost certainly be blowing whatever it was that they had out of proportion? And are they the only ones lying about it, or is there a plot involving much more than just China?

I won't speculate on the Covax since Covid itself is something that can only point in a direction that would in most circumstances seem already far too conspiratorial for my tastes. But why is there such a discrepancy between the Wuhan scenario and the global scenario once Covid was imported, probably by Chinese construction workers, into Iran, soon finding its way to Italy and then rest of the EU, while these worthless idiots like the American Democrats downplayed Covid and claimed that it was just being used as an excuse for a racist closure of borders? That was, of course, before they developed their current view of Covid, which instead involves overplaying it and being obsessed with forcing the Covax on people. These morons can't get the balance right, getting it wrong on both accounts. Take it more seriously before it overwhelms entire nations. And stop trying to 'jab' everyone in an attempt to undo the consequences of your own incompetence; take it less seriously now that we've seen that, whatever happened in Wuhan, it clearly wasn't a microcosm of what we're seeing globally. If the aim of Covid is to justify everyone getting the Covax, everyone has played their roles remarkably well, both downplaying and overplaying Covid at the perfect times—downplaying to allow Covid to spread, and then shifting to overplaying to allow the Covax to spread. This whole thing is testament either to the stupidity of the many, the sheer genius of a select few, or both.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

You have not seen the expression "useless eaters" have you.