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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's actually at least two videos of this nonsense from the same woman:

The worse one is much less viewed. "I pledge allegiance to the queers":

Leftist reasoning on flags:

Flag symbolizing the nation = das fkn xclusion n oppreshun n sheit mang!

Flag symbolizing degeneracy = freedumb n equity!

The first time I had evidence of how utterly imbecilic they had became regarding flags was back when the video game Call of Duty: WWII (2017) had came out. I didn't play this game and the last one I played was released way back in 2011, but I remember how unpopular this was at the time. One of the complaints was that, for some utterly bizarre reason, players can set a rainbow flag, a bisexual flag, a trans flag and an asexual flag as your 'calling card'... but you can't set the flag of any nation, not even America where the game was developed, as your 'calling card'. Degeneracy flags, yes; national flags, no. From that point I caught onto how it made sense that, with national identities under attack to varying degrees practically everywhere, national flags themselves would also be under attack. Sexuality is exceedingly a permissible identity (excepting heterosexuality, which is 'oppressive') whereas nationality/ethnicity/race exceedingly are not (especially if these identities are also considered 'oppressive', e.g. black pride is safer than Asian pride which is safer than White pride). America having a Brazilianized demographic underneath a certain age does not render the American flag non-oppressive, either.

Fast forward four years and we have this worthless slag claiming that the national flag 'made me feel uncomfortable' whilst being fine with this idiot flag under which never stands anything but lumpen trash who thankfully are by and large the last chapters of their bloodlines.

That Twitter account has some pretty funny videos:

"I'm also male but I'm also agender, like, I'm 20% male and 80% agender":

"We also know that systemic racism is the reason people of colour tend to be more food insecure than White people":

"You seem to think I'm making some kind of request? I was just informing you of my correct name and pronouns so you know how to refer to me. Intentionally misgendering a student is actively creating a hostile learning environment and discriminating on the basis of gender identity." - says a 'they/them' named 'Shade':

Full-blown chimpout goin' on n da educashun: