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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 10 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Notice how opportune this is for globohomo. Instead of getting their remaining people out, the bombing can effectively serve as an excuse for attempting to delay ('we've been interrupted, we need more time!') as well as an excuse for taking more Afghans with them ('See! There really is a threat! So we must take more Afghans!). Two birds with one stone. The Islamic State, who I've barely heard anything about in two years, suddenly seem to be wheeled out yet again right on time to serve a role as a bogeyman to justify staying longer and taking more people.

Indeed, I can't even figure out what Islamic State's Wilayat Khorasan branch would do this for, as it doesn't seem to benefit them in any obvious way at all. Surely they understand that it will at the very least encourage the West to stay longer, and at most, it may lead Western states to overcome their general aversion to war and decide that they need to re-enter for some time. What's the word for things like this? 'False flag' is one. How about 'gay op'?

I guess the closest explanation I can come up with is that maybe they know that those trying to flee tend towards being the worst type of Afghans (trannies, queers, feminists) and they want to get as many of these people as they can before they escape to the West where they'll be beyond reach. Either way, Afghanistan (part of Wilayat Khorasan in IS' terminology) would be rid of them whether they were killed or not, and it seems like letting them fly away is less risky. They believe that Allah will cast them all eventually into Hell anyway, so it does not make much sense to take such a large risk just to send them there sooner.

There's essentially a nationalist Islamism against a colourblind globalist Jihadism clash here. Islamic State is extreme-Left on race (I read recently that they burned all books in Mosul University back in 2014-16 that contained mentions of race or ethnicity, although such works weren't their only targets), whereas the Taliban are essentially "Pashtun First".

I'll be paying attention to how the Taliban change the education system in Afghanistan. They definitely have a 'Gender Studies' program in Kabul University (see:, and I'm sure that it will be one of those fields abolished and everyone involved in propagating it in serious trouble. Good riddance. Islamic State removed almost all of higher education excepting a few hard science fields like chemistry (in Mosul University, they tried to turn the chemistry faculty into a chemical weapons production plant) at the universities they controlled in Iraq/Syria. The Humanities and Social Sciences were basically abolished with the obvious exception of Islamic Studies. Most of those fields are certainly no loss—'Gender Studies', 'Black Studies' and 'Indigenous Studies' are clearly unscientific, are not accepted as sciences even in today's Clown World, and should be axed everywhere. The rest of the Social Sciences and Humanities also need a serious clean-up. If you've ever studied Sociology you'll know the whole field has shifted from Far-Right to Far-Left over the course of its 170 or so years of existence.

[–]TheJamesRocket 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Theres no indication that the U.S. will stay beyond its stated deadline. Not yet, anyway.

[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I haven't heard of anything yet either, but this provides all Western countries currently there—not just Americans—with a golden opportunity to make a case for staying, particularly with the Western media putting a huge amount of attention on this bombing right now.

Now, I don't think they'll stay either, because I don't think the new Taliban rulers want them there. They want the West out, and then they need to eliminate both the non-Pashtun "National Resistance Front" rebels up north along the Tajik border and Jihadist opponents. The rebels appear to be supported by the Indian media which is exaggerating their accomplishments, just as the collapsing government was supported by India donating large amounts of equipment, all of which was swiftly abandoned and now belongs to the Taliban (or Iran, with plenty of troops fleeing across the Iranian border), but they look like they'll be crushed soon. It is said that the Chinese media is already praising the Taliban, thus taking the opposite side of the Indian media.

So all I can see happening is either:

  • A sudden invasion threat is made, which leads the Taliban rulers to extend the deadline because they know they would swiftly lose what they've spent two decades trying to regain if they refused, or;

  • A bungled evacuation with some people who were supposed to be evacuated literally left behind. I think this will be the likely outcome past August 31.

I've also heard that the US and the Taliban are sharing information to fight Islamic State. Could be just a wild theory doing the rounds.

The POS Biden is currently blowing hot air over the dead Americans. "We will not forgive. We will not forget." Yeah, whatever, Joe. Did he learn that one from Anonymous?